
Monday, April 10, 2017

"Always Thinking" by Guillermo C

            It’s a warm, March Friday, as my friends Nate, Ryan, Ezra and I are all walking towards the parking lot, talking about computers. However, seeing as I am not as interested in this conversation topic, I stay quiet and start zoning off. Occasionally I would hear “blah blah blah video card blah blah blah monitor”, then I hear Ezra ask me, “Hey when are you going to get your own custom PC?” Not really knowing what to say I just quickly respond with, “I don’t know, I don’t want to spend too much money so I don’t think I’ll get one soon.” They all give me dirty looks as if I had just offended them with something they absolutely did not want to hear, and then continue on with their conversation. As we get closer and closer to Ezra’s truck, they start breathing their sighs of relief as we get a week off for Spring Break. I nearly forgot it was going to be Spring Break, because I was trying to think of what we were doing at school on Monday. I get in Ezra’s truck, and soon enough Ezra gets in and we start making our way out of the parking lot. Immediately I start to zone off again and think of what I was having for dinner that night. We are nearly at my house when Ezra asks, “Hey, why are you always staring off into space, are you alright or just dead?” I say, “Well whenever I start to think, I just sort of zone off. I don’t know why, it’s just something I do.” He shrugs and starts to turn now that the light has turned green, and I go back to my blank state. When I get home, I go straight to my room, and instead of getting on my phone or computer, I lie on my bed and continue thinking. I have no memory of what I was thinking at this point, but I now wonder, why am I constantly thinking? I can randomly just start to zone off anywhere at any time, zoning off about anything that pops into my head. Sometimes, I would stare at anything or anyone, the wall, my friends or even just at my ceiling. I don’t think it’s something wrong with me, it’s just something I do and it’s become a habit. Suddenly, my dad calls me down for dinner. I start eating, and I notice the typical political news channel is on. Apparently something big has happened, and my parents start to get very emotional in their response. As I sit there and eat as quietly and quickly as possible, until my dad notices and asks, “You mean you’re not reacting to this? What are you even doing?” All I answer is, “I don’t know dad, I’m just...always thinking.”


  1. I can totally relate to this because I too zone off a lot and start to think. Sometimes life becomes too overwhelming and taking that time to yourself to reflect is a good thing, so I do not think it is a problem at all. You wrote a very good piece!

  2. This is totally relatable on some many levels. I tend to daydream a lot and I go off track thinking about some other stuff. There are moments where I do it just to get my mind off of trouble or I'm not of interest. It's just something I do just to get my mind off of things. Overall, relatable piece!

  3. Thinking is one of the most essential parts of a human being. Whether it be critical thinking or just random thinking about topics, it is very good to just sit and think. I can relate to this because I once sat on my bed and just thought about a plethora of topics. Great piece G-mo.

  4. I find it amazing how relatable this piece is. You did a really good job of expressing your point of view on thinking and how it pulls you away from the real life. And today thinking is all we kids tend to do rather than actually listening, so its a problem to all. GOOD JOB with the piece, it was quite enjoyable!!!!

  5. Hey, those video cards and monitors are crucial to computer performance and quite important. Also, you should get a PC ;)

  6. I can relate to your piece so much. I always find myself zoning off whenever my friends talk to me or whenever I'm alone. You did a good job at expressing why you think a lot and not knowing why you do. You show how when you think, you can get lost in it and not know how long you have been sitting there (in your case laying there) until someone comes and interrupts what you are doing. Good job with your piece! -Aryelle Estrada

  7. I feel like I can relate to your story because I also zone out especially when I am with my family. Whenever I zone I also just go into a deep thought about things that are going on in my life. Good job.

  8. This piece was very relatable to me because, I too think a lot and sometimes i get home and just sit in my room staring at my wall or ceiling blankly and I begin to think about life and sometimes just start to question a lot of things. I sometimes zone off so far away into my thoughts that I feel as if I was in a completely different place, I can see everyone around me but I cannot hear anything they are saying all i hear are the thoughts that are going through my mind. Thank you for sharing this piece!!

  9. I feel like everyone can understand and relate to your piece because we all have those moments where we just get lost in our thoughts. Usually it's hard to explain why we do that, but your story made the explaining so simple. I really liked how the story was in your point of view, it gave the story a more personal feel to it. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your piece, good job! - Frances Bordios

  10. I can 100% relate to this piece as I never really fully react to certain things because my mind is always wondering about. People usually think I have no feelings toward sad situations but thats never really my issue, I'm just thinking. I really enjoyed reading this piece as I can relate to it, thank you for sharing!

  11. Being a deep thinker is something I can relate to when reading this story and the way you expressed this trait truly reflects the way some people today see it. It was good how you showed the misconception of how people think you're just not paying attention or zoning out because it shows the point of view outside the thinker's mind. The message I got from this was that people who zone out don't necessarily have a blank mind, but quite the opposite and may be contemplating on just about everything instead.

  12. This was very relatable for many of us. I often zone out during lectures thinking about food or how the Lakers will lose their draft pick. Wandering in a different world helps us connect with our inner self. Overall, great job Guillermo Del Toro. - Jerico Dizon

  13. I relate to this piece very much. I also find myself constantly spacing out and thinking about everything or nothing at a time. I agree that there is nothing wrong with thoughtful people; I believe that they have more going on- whether it be in life or just in their imagination- which is why we find ourselves zoning out so frequently. I enjoyed reading your piece and I particularly liked how you connected it to your life and how it was so personal to you.

  14. This is a very interesting piece. I enjoyed how you started to think about how you always think. It was also very interesting to read how your friends even know about your thinking habit. Very relatable and a good read!! - Nick Mojica

  15. Great job Guillermo! I relate so much to this piece andI know several others will to. I loved how you correlated the dialogue into this piece as well as what you are thinking. You put the two together so nicely and made it easy to understand to the readers. I really enjoyed reading about your friendships as well as your family relationships. Anyways, keep thinking!

  16. I really like this story. The topic was absolutely relatable, I think we all space out sometimes (Lord knows I do), and the way you wrote it was great. I also liked how you used a specific example to depict your ongoing habit.

  17. This is a very relatable piece. Your description of events as they go on and how you react is something I resonate with. I too am always thinking and I often don't feel the need to speak. I really liked this piece.

  18. I can relate to this on many different levels, as a young child, I have always been one to zone off, I never had an explanation for this, but this definitely brought back memories of it happening. Similar to your experience, even if people ask for my opinion, a lot of the time I seem to zone off and never really put my two-sense in the conversation.

  19. I can relate to this piece because of how close to home it hits me. More often than not, I'll end up getting yelled at or scolded by anyone who notices I'm not listening or paying attention to what's currently happening. However, I do see it fit to point out that thinking so often is quite important because it shows you're actively wondering, even if you are thinking so hard that you completely zone out. Great job on such a funny and sincere piece

  20. So I know that everyone is saying the same concept, but like your topic of choice is very relatable but I too daze off all the time throughout the day even if something important happens. So i find find these very funny too not gonna lie because this is a perfect representation of not just me, but other people as well. Good job on your piece

  21. Thanks for sharing this message with us. Everyone has their own way of doing things and your story shows us that we shouldn't be judged for our actions. Just because we don't fit in with our friends, doesn't mean that makes us any less important. Through your story, you showed your message, and how you approach situations. No one should judge you for that.

  22. This is such a well written piece. I really enjoyed the use of the rhetorical questions and how you masterfully switch from reality into your blank state of thought. I feel like everyone has been in this situation to some degree and I too often find myself day dreaming and thinking about things throughout my day.

  23. I can relate! There are times where I also have just spaced out or just laid in bed thinking.

  24. I find myself doing the exact same thing! Especially when i'm trying to read, I'll finish a page but realize that I was thinking about something else and can't even remember what I read. The story was very charming and defiantly relatable, good job!

  25. This was super enjoyable to read! I'm sure I am not the only one who can say that I can relate to this (zoning out and just thinking) so much. Its easy to just get lost in your thoughts and not even realize what is going on around you. The point of view made the piece more personal and therefore more relatable. The rhetorical questions were thought-provoking and forced the readers to really think hard about thinking. It was nice to read all the details, especially of how far your thinking/zoning out goes.

  26. This is so relatable. I also have a habit of just zoning off when people are talking. I also almost never remember what I'm thinking. I enjoyed your piece because it was simple and relatable. Good job!

  27. I like how you go in and out of reality here. Judging by everyone else's comments, everyone can relate to zoning in and out. I enjoy the simplicity and depth of this story.

  28. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece. The characters of Nate and Ezra were portrayed very accurately and I laughed at every input they gave. Overall, I have also done the same thing as you many times so there is nothing wrong with that.

  29. Guillermo, that first part was so funny and relatable for some reason since everyone wants to talk about things I'm never interested in and building a PC seems too hard anyway lol. I thought it was cool you were recollecting this memory from a single day and narrating with dialogue also. Also, as an introvert, I feel like I have this situation going on as well where I just blank out and overthink everything. Great job on your piece!

  30. It’s okay Guillermo, you don’t need a great PC to be good at CSGO. I often find myself staring off and getting lost in my thoughts as well, even with other people around me trying to converse. I could honestly lay in my bed just thinking about random things for hours, being completely unproductive. I loved that you used such a simple moment in your daily routine to exemplify your pondering habit.

  31. Apart from being extremely relatable, what I enjoyed about this piece was the overall fact that you emphasized that you think a lot, which is something that we all do at every instant whether we realize it or not. I thought it was quite interesting how you added your own mind wandering as to why it does precisely that. Great job!

  32. It was a great choice to introduce the topic of the piece through an anecdote! It made it all much easier to comprehend as opposed to if you were simply to start with " I like to think". I, like many others who commented it seems, can relate to this. Unfortunately when I zone off, I happen to accidentally stare at people and fail to realize until I snap out of it, so things could be worse hahaha. Great piece!

  33. This was definitely something interesting and different. I like the shift from your own personal thoughts to reality. You gave almost a hazy train-of-thought tone to the whole story and opened a new perspective as to day dreaming.

  34. This was a great piece. I loved how relatable it was, which is evident through so many of the comments above. Also, I believe that the ambiguity of what you were zoning off about was a spectacular choice as it allows readers to form their own conclusions and inferences about what you may have been thinking about. It is the sign of a skillful writer if you can write a piece that makes the readers come up with part of the story. Great Job!

  35. This story was very descriptive and easy to read. I also appreciate how much emphasis and detail you added into your writing; this made everything about your story much easier to visualize especially under each scenario where you would "zone out." Overall, this was a great piece that appears to be relatable towards myself and the other readers. Thanks for sharing!

  36. I enjoyed the way this was written, super easy to read and relate to. my mind is always racing as well and too often I catch myself zoning out while brainstorming some new idea in my head. your use of diction and imagery really helped make this piece come to life.

  37. I can relate to your experience because I am also the type of person to do more thinking than speaking. Sometimes, I find peace in silence because usually I would like to make stories in my head and/ or I question all the "what if" questions, seeing how that future could be affected.

  38. I love the piece is written highlighting a strong suit that you have and and the story had to do with you in general and i applaud for the way you think.

  39. Quite relatable to a lot of people as a great many people just tend to zone out myself included and in that state of zoning out thinking really is a crucial aspect to being human. Also quite philosophical

  40. I understand where you come from when you really can't blend into the topics your friends make at time. Many of us can relate since we don't also enjoy the same thing our other friends do.

  41. This piece was very goo and reflective. I think a lot of people can personally relate to this at one point in their lives or another. I know i can because my thoughts are always going but mine normally fall out of my mouth.

  42. This story is quite well-written. Instead of going off on a long discussion about computers and video games, as it seems it will, the story goes in a different, but not unwelcome, direction. Its also very relatable. Well done indeed.

  43. This piece was easy to read and well written. I enjoyed how relatable the piece was because we have all experienced or will experience a situation similar to this. Great Job.


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