
Monday, April 10, 2017

"Alone" by Kyle M

     Why is that in the presence of death I smile but when in an environment filled with life I frown?
Why is it that when I'm alone I feel like I fit in more than I do surrounded by people? Ever since
I was little I have always enjoyed being in dangerous situations in which I can get hurt, I get this
thrill and it feels amazing, it feels as if I am invincible to all that can cause harm but when I am
in a calm environment I feel like I am vulnerable to everything as if I am a mere mouse
surrounded by bloodthirsty cats waiting to be pounced upon. When surrounded by my friends I
feel lonely, I know I don't fit in with this crowd, I don't have the same interests or intentions as
them but when alone, I feel like I am myself because no one is there to judge me. I consider
myself to be a unique shape and I never want to fit into the same hole called society that
everyone else wants to fall into, but it is very difficult. No matter what group I fall into I don’t
feel right, I feel lost and I just want to run away from all that is real but I can’t. When I sleep it’s
just a creation of recalled memories just put together in an obscure pattern, when I daydream I
only think of the hypothetical and I imagine the impossible. I get my hopes up about the future to
just be reminded in the next minute or so that, I will be lonely. So why is it? Why is it that I am
happy and surrounded by people that care for me and yet I feel like I am alone I haven’t really
had anyone to connect with but I have people to experience life with. This is what I thought until
I met someone that I can talk to, someone who gave me hope, and someone who actually gave
me their time and proved to me that they cared, not about their social status, not about the person
who is talking behind their back but about the people in their life that mattered. I live a very
blessed life and I am happy that I was born into this life, into this house, and into this
environment but I can finally say I am no longer alone.


  1. I can completely relate to that feeling of being alone even surrounded by people. It can be very difficult to create a strong, meaningful connection with someone, anyone really, especially when there are so many people out there not willing to reciprocate. It can be very tempting to stray off to be alone in the comfort of your own thoughts and it can be just as tempting to go searching for that genuine connection with someone none being the ideal situation. I'm happy to hear that you don't feel alone anymore, life isn't as fun if there aren't people around to share the same experiences with you, creating new and memorable stories. I really loved your piece and really connected to it on a personal level. This is so amazing! Great job!

  2. I think there's this strange beauty in being alone. The idea of "you are your own best friend" holds extremely true within your writing. I think it's awesome how you showed comfortability within yourself and how the one person in your life changed your life around to a more bright and uplifting mentality. Self growth is a wonderful thing, and I'm glad that you openly shared it with all of us!

  3. I sit here and wonder who this person could be that dragged you out of lonesomeness. I am so proud of you for writing this piece. As someone who is cautious about what others think about me and someone who finds it hard to open up, I admire your internal strength. This piece was so beautiful, not because of fancy diction or exotic literary devices, but because it is the truth. The raw, cold, strait out truth and in this world it is so hard to find someone that will give you that.

  4. A common problem for people today is actually the feeling of being alone even when you're surrounded by friends, and i completely agree with your message. And so being able to find that one person that pulls you out and makes you feel comfortable is a true blessing. I really enjoyed this piece for it showed a lot of you inner emotions and that makes it easy for the audience to read and get enveloped into the piece. GOOD JOB!!

  5. I thought your piece was really touching. I also feel the same way around my friends or with any crowd I happen to be in that I don't belong with them. The way you used your emotions really makes the reader feel what you are feeling. I enjoyed how in the end you found someone to talk to and actually listens to what you have to say and doesn't make you feel alone anymore. I think for us we all want or have that one person to make us not feel alone, but can't find that person. Great job with your piece. -Aryelle Estrada

  6. I really enjoyed reading your piece because I feel that others feel the same way that you did. I have also alone and that I don't fit in, as if home was the only place I can be myself, the only place that could make me feel comfortable. Even at home i feel that I am alone when the house is filled with family members. Thank you for sharing this piece and letting others have hope that one day someone will dig them out of this hole filled with loneliness.

  7. This piece caught my attention immediately! You did an amazing job with your diction, it got your point across perfectly. Also, the amount of feeling you put into it made it a very heartfelt read. I loved this! Good job Kyle!

  8. I really enjoyed reading this piece and how you expressed your feelings on society today. I feel as if a lot of us can relate to this as everyone feels lonely at some point in their life. I'm happy for you as you've found someone who has helped "drag" you out of your happiness. Thanks for this well-written article!

  9. I really enjoyed reading this piece and how you expressed your feelings on society today. I feel as if a lot of us can relate to this as everyone feels lonely at some point in their life. I'm happy for you as you've found someone who has helped "drag" you out of your happiness. Thanks for this well-written article!

  10. Beautiful piece on what it means to be alone! In my opinion, being alone is being completely isolated from anyone and anything, and that includes any form of social media. I also believe that it is hard to overcome this, but I love how you refer to the person who has helped you. We are not meant to be alone. Amazing work!

  11. I very much enjoyed this piece and find it very relate able to many in the high school environment. No matter who are friends are or how many, things begin to alter over the years here and we as people start to notice the slight differences in interests and opinions that slowly wear on a relationship and may cause feelings of isolation. I would say this piece spoke to and for many others, and your syntax and diction was very effective in this piece; well done.

  12. This was a very well written and well thought out piece. I thought the imagery that you used to convey your loneliness was very well used and the commentary on it was just as good. Very good job!

  13. This an absolutely perfect piece. It was written beautifully and I'm very happy you've found your counterpart to make you feel warm and comfy. I admire your emotional confessions.

  14. What a beautiful and touching story you have written. What is so wonderful about it is that it is relatable to so much people that feel the same way in these circumstances. Your overall composition of the story made it very interesting. There is some grammar issues here and there as well as some repetitiveness. Yet, it is well written and overall a piece to be remembered. Good job!

  15. This is an amazing entry and I feel a lot of people can relate. As for me I felt the same way and it took one person to change my life around and allow me to realize that I am blessed to be here living and breathing and healthy. Sometimes society/life gets the best of us and can take us by surprise but as long as you have the right people in your life cheering you on and guiding you, you can overcome the struggles that appear along the way!

  16. This piece does a good job following a simple, yet complex, quest that many of us embark on - diminishing loneliness by finding a person that we can relate to. I like how you distinguish between being lonely and being alone; despite being surrounded by people, you can still feel alone if you do not relate to them. The introduction is intriguing and quickly catches the audience's attention by openly going against social norms regarding death and socializing. As a result, it efficiently introduces the overall topic of being alone.

  17. This piece was raw and vulnerable and I really enjoyed reading it. I feel like a lot of us go through questioning our existence or who we are. It's challenging but quite a journey. The way you ended the piece was heartfelt and I'm glad you have found someone to connect with.

  18. I was intrigued by the questions posed in the beginning, and it made me reflect on my own life and see where it compares. When you're alone, you can be completely yourself and its true that when you're around others, you compromise your vulnerability. But I think this compromise is worth it in the respect that you're letting people in and taking those risks to make connections. I'm happy you've had a change of mindset due to a person that you met. Great piece!

  19. I like the way you formatted this story. Not only is it entertaining, but it shows how almost all of us feel in everyday life. We all want to fit in and be part of this huge clique, yet we don't realize that we are isolating the people that actually care. Never throw someone away just as an excuse to fit in. I grew up feeling isolated and I can easily relate to your story.

  20. Not gonna lie, your writing started as pretty dark to me and very depressing to start with and I just started feeling very sorry for you, but like towards the end there was a little tone shift in which you became hopeful for what you have received in your life. I'm glad you got the true happiness that you deserve and also that you do not feel alone anymore. Lovely job especially with the diction you used throughout your little story.

  21. The eerie title of this peice caught my attention and the writing did not disappoint. My attention was captured the entire way through. I enjoyed your vulnerable honesty. There is a hauntingly beautiful thing about being isolated. Many others (including myself) find this easy to relate to. You aren't the only one. Thank you for sharing!

  22. I believe that a lot of people can relate to this. The Idea of trying to fit in and conforming to an idea can be very problematic. Sure, you can have a lot of friends but just because their your "friends" doesn't mean that they are really there for you and sometimes when people don't realize this, it can become very toxic. However, when you find the right person who really cares about your well being, it can change everything and can prove to be really beneficial. This was a great piece Kyle, Good Job. :)

  23. what i liked most about this piece is that i can relate to it. im sure at one point in our lives we've all experienced feeling alone while in a crowd of people. I liked how you put yourself out there, exposing yourself to us all and coming out with the truth. It takes alot of courage and i congratulate you on that. It reflects in your writing that you've overcome many obstacles and have learned to be happy. Great job.

  24. This piece was very intriguing and uplifting. Sometimes, its easy for us to feel alone internally while not alone externally due to stress, depression, or some other mental force. But it takes just one person to turn that upside down. The magnitude of emotion and the emotive devices that you utilized in your piece were phenomenal and really brought it home for me. THANKS for the piece!

  25. I enjoyed this piece in that it makes one reflect our own meaning of happiness and if we are truly happy. The description of your loneliness conveys really well how you felt that you didn't fit in. I believe more people can relate to this kind of loneliness than they realize, we all feel that way at some point and for some time. I myself sometimes feel that way, but just like you have found a true friend, I have also met a lot of people who genuinely care. This piece conveys feelings and hope very effectively with the description and imagery used.

  26. I enjoyed this piece, its raw and captures the unusual beauty of being alone. Personally, I can relate with the whole natural mechanism of isolating oneself in moments. The rhetorical questions you used in the beginning really captivated me as a reader and it gave an even greater magnitude to your message. Good job, Kyle

  27. I really felt the emotion of this piece. I admire your bravery as you shared something as personal as this; the way you provided the questions with such rhetoric also shows your outlook in life in the past. I am pleased at the fact that you were able to find that special someone who helped you avoid loneliness. Thanks for sharing!

  28. This piece was real. It struck me deep because I tend to feel the same way sometimes. society today wants us to be something which for some of us is impossible, but just know that society would never progress without the avant garde's like you and me.

  29. Thank you for this excerpt, Kyle. There are so many people who often feel the same way that you did, but I'm so glad that you found that special someone to pull you out of your lowest depths and give you what you've been looking for in this world.

  30. This is an honest story, and it couldn't be better for it. You are not the only person who has felt like this, i'm sure, nor will you be the last, but they will find someone to talk to just like you did. I am glad you no longer feel alone.

  31. This was really good Kyle. I think that I also to can feel lost in a crowd and feel a lot more comfortable by myself. I thank you for writing this because I think we all need to find that special something because there are many people who feel alone, especially in high school. I'm glad that you found someone special so you don't feel alone anymore.

  32. kyle this was a really good peice because im sure me as well as countless others can understand the feeling of being lost in in the crowd and nobody cares and the fact that you are comfortable in that environment is heavily relatable. great job!

  33. I really appreciate this piece Kyle because it sort of delves into something I can relate to. When you face the abyss and look into the face of adversity, sometimes you need to be reminded that you're alive, and I think you captured that by talking about feeling more at home in danger than in comfort. I'm glad to see that you found yourself a way out of this place with a helping hand, and I wish you the best for the years to come.

  34. Kyle I really enjoyed the rawness of this piece and the truth that it speaks. I feel that many of us can relate to this piece in one way or another, but you put these thoughts into words perfectly. Personally, I loved the internal questions that you used towards the end of your piece that questioned why you feel so alone when you have so many people around you. I felt that those questions showed a strong sense of internal passion and helplessness and really tied the whole piece together. Great job!

  35. This piece is beautifully written because you illustrated a situation that is relevant to so many of us in the smoothest way. You emphasized on feeling alone, yet ironically so many people feel the same way, at the same time, in the same circumstance. And how you ended it with taking a risk at being vulnerable ended it perfectly. Nice job!

  36. I really really really enjoyed this piece! Like wow, I really want to use this as a monologue. I get your way of thinking and the way you worded your sentences, like bro words can't really justify the amount of love i have for this story and how your thoughts really can control the way you view the outside life. How you could be surrounded with friends but feel lonely at the same time. Loved it man such a beautiful and true to feelings written piece.


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