
Saturday, March 11, 2017

"Misunderstood" by Alejandra A

     She smiles and laughs all the time, her presence makes people’s days. She smiles so much that her cheeks hurt, but the pain that she has in her heart is much more painful, she feels lonely even when there is people around her. She feels misunderstood, like no one really comprehends the way she feels or why she cries. Everyday she puts on a smile and thinks of it as a new beginning, she leaves her sadness in her nightmares and moves on. If only it was as easy as it sounds. Many times she feels as if the walls of her room are caving in on her and she begins to cry. Her life is so perfect on the outside, she has people who love her, a house,food, luxuries, and gets nearly everything she wants. Her life has been great since she was born but as she grew she became to feel lost and like no one was there to support her through her anxiety and depression. Why would someone with everything, have depression? Why would she feel lonely, when she has people who love her? Those questions are left unanswered because not even she knows why. All she knows is that it hurts and it sucks. Her anxiety takes over her, she begins to feel lack of control over her body and emotions. She feels her face start to tingle while the tears begin to go down her cheeks. She feels nauseous and overwhelmed with emotions.  She begins to catastrophize the future, she think she will not make it to college because she did not pass her math or english test. She cries because she feels like a failure, she cries because she thinks that her dreams of being someone in life are over. It has been a month or two where she no longer cries every night, but now she feels numb, completely numb. It is so hard for her to explain it, because she just feels empty. She is sitting in her favorite class but she no longer feels the excitement she used to, she feels as if she is not really there as if she was invisible to everyone. Now at night she wonders if feeling emotions is better than feeling nothing at all. She no longer knew how it felt to feel emotions her body feels empty inside. Her emotions were like California weather in the winter time, some days they were sunny and other days were like flash floods but at the end of the winter the spring comes by and the flowers begin to blossom, and just like that she gets a new beginning. She began to fight her emotions by always trying to be positive,even though some days are more challenging she is doing much better.


  1. Thank you for this piece and sharing how someone with depression or anxiety things and how their day to day life can be. I think it is very important to help those who don't suffer from it, to have some understanding. This issue are very real and very present in many peoples lives. Thank you for opening up and shedding light to such a serious topic.

  2. This was a wonderful piece! Using the ambiguous pronoun "she" was absolutely genius for this because it allows the reader to feel as if the experiences being described are their own, assuming that they use "she" to identify themselves. Also, using complicated syntax that ranged from complex to rather simple was a great way to showcase the turmoil within her mind.

  3. A true and brilliant piece! The tone of the story gave it depth and demonstrates the anger and anxiety of the girl in the story. Also, I admire how you resembled the emotions of the girl to our California weather and I also admire how you said that in the spring, the girl surpasses her emotions. Excellent!

  4. Beautifully told. I was satisfied to hear that "she" found her piece of mind and calmness with the spring time. Most of the time, we all just need a little change of scenery to give us a new perspective on life.

  5. This piece really depicts reality very well if you think about it. The idea that no one will ever truly understand another person unless you were in their shoes or unless you yourself were that person. This piece is well written and I honestly really enjoyed it. The comparison of the seasons really helped me as a reader get a better understanding of the situation. Thank you and great job!

  6. Thank you for sharing this piece and it was beautifully written. I love how you kept her identity a secret in a way and just kept referring to the girl as "her" or "she". I also love how you related the way she was feeling to California weather.When I was first reading it I would not expect to relate the two together. Good Job!

  7. I really enjoyed this piece. The emotions written in this story are very well executed and are also read easily by your audience. The serious subject makes it very eye opening to your audience as well. Great read!

  8. Thank you for sharing such a personal piece. The whole time reading this, I can feel the emotions that you used to write this. I enjoyed how you compared the happiness to the seasons and the feelings to the weather of California. It really makes a good piece when you compare two things like that. Great job!

  9. This piece is very entertaining and shows what a lot of people experience. The description of anxiety and the feelings makes it relatable to the audience. Even though someone has a good life and all, they can still have issues. This piece truly shows that.

  10. This piece was so well written and very detailed! I love how you wrote about anxiety and depression in a way that actually shows what it is like to deal with that. It also opens peoples eyes to the problems many people face and shows how most have a difficult time even if they have a good life. Great job!

  11. This piece was written very well and is very good! The tone of the piece really reveals the emotions of the girl. It gives the reader a very detailed perspective of someone with depression and really exposes the stigma of mental health. Good Job!

  12. very good job in the overall layout of the piece. Most appreciated, as the story and the complexity increased as it progressed. The attitude was very emotional as it conveyed the character or specifically the girl. Also great job on the perspective of how depression is a serious matter and nothing to trifle with. Good job.

  13. This piece is very good. I liked how you showed how you can be happy and positive in front of peers but inside just feel lonely, that was a good connection. good job.

  14. Wow, I thought this piece was so authentic. I think often times we are so misunderstood, and it feels so nice when we are finally understood the way we want to be. You poured a lot of emotion into this, and I thank you for doing that. Great job. - Madeline J

  15. You captured the feelings and thoughts of a person with depression and anxiety really well. The two contrasting sides of the girl help to depict how these individuals can hide their negative emotions and fears behind a mask, and comparing her emotions to California's weather shows the extent to which their emotions can vary in a way that is familiar and relatable to the audience. Despite these struggles, the ending of the piece leaves the audience with the positive, hopeful idea that it can and will get better.

  16. I'd like to start by thanking you for sharing your personal feelings with us, I understand how difficult it is to open up and it takes quite a bit of strength to do so. This is a very well written piece and feels so honest, more like you are pouring your heart out to your audience than explaining your feelings, a tactic necessary when discussing depression and anxiety with people who may not have experienced it before. You did an amazing job writing this!

  17. I absolutely love this piece and I can relate to it so much. The way you put it into words is something that I would never be able to do. I feel the heart put into this piece and the true emotion behind it. I have always hated so much the ignorance in people who say you have an iPhone 7, a new car and you're spoiled you have no right to be depressed. Hopefully people like that can read your piece and it will give them some sense. Thank you for writing this, great job!

  18. If this post is a personal representation of the things you've gone through, I would first like to personally thank you for finding it yourself to share this. Although I may not know exactly what it is you went through, I can say that I know what this feels like. The way you were able to emphasize emotion truly hit me close to home, and I would like to tell you that I believe everything will work out fine in the end. And if you find yourself seeing that things aren't fine, just know that it isn't the end. Thank you

  19. This piece is very interesting, the point of view really helps to support the story being told about the girl's life. The emotion is shown very well through her feelings and thoughts on the world around her. Thank you for sharing such a deep and meaningful story, great job!

  20. This piece is so relatable, it can be very hard to express what it feels like to struggle with depression and the fact that you expressed it so eloquently is very impressive. It can be very hard to fight against such an overwhelming emotional rollercoaster that comes with depression but this shows that even though everyday is a struggle it's worth it in the end to keep fighting and not give in to temptation. This was so amazing and so inspirational, I really enjoyed this and connected to this piece so much!

  21. This is an amazing piece, it is written so well and really helps readers understand the emotions the narrator is going through. This is such a relevant and important topic

  22. Your piece was very descriptive and is something that happens a lot nowadays. Sometimes, people just cant understand the pressure to suceed or the guilt of failure unless theyve been in that spot before.

  23. This piece is very deep as it shows us that we never know the struggles people may be going through as they try to keep it to themselves. As the reader, I felt sad for the speaker as you used a great sense of emotion. Thank you for sharing!

  24. To me, this story is heartbreaking, especially because i can relate to so much of it. you were able to capture so much emotion into one short passage that all your readers are able to understand what the girl is going through.

  25. This piece was very personal and had a lot of detail. I don't know if this is a fictional character or a real situation, but the emotion shown in this story was very real to me. The details in her feelings really made me feel her loneliness. I also really liked the way that she fought her depression on her own and managed to stand up again. I think we all have a moment in our life that we feel the same way and this story shows you can keep moving forward.

  26. This piece was real. Ive been fortunate enough to never really have experienced catastrophic depression like this, but this piece gave such a detailed insight, that I have a new outlook on depression and an increased empathy for those who suffer, great job on the small details, and the uplifting ending was perfect!

  27. I loved how you used the contrast between her appearance and her thoughts. It brings light into the idea that many people can easily uphold a facade and we never know what his or her true thoughts and view are. The detail and emotion behind every word and phrase is well done. Great job!

  28. I really liked your piece. What stood out to me the most was how you constantly went back and forth between her mental and physical state and showed how those two elements from the same body can be polar opposites. The troubles in this piece is very much real and although it is understood and noticed more, it still remains underestimated and sometimes overlooked. The detailing and syntax contributed so much to my enjoyment as a reader. great job!

  29. This piece was so strong and I really love how you explained many of the horrible effects and feelings of depression. You made it so much easier for those who do not know much about what depression could feel like, to understand a little more of how unfair this condition is. You are a great writer and I loved this piece. Great Job!!

  30. This piece really drew me in from the first sentence and kept me engaged the entire time! I really loved the use of third person as it let us readers feel like we are getting a direct glimpse into somebody's life from the outside. I feel like many people can relate to this piece as struggling through anxiety and depression is fairly common and effects many teenagers our age. Although the piece focused around the depression and struggles with self identity, I really enjoyed the beautiful message of the overall piece. The simile at the end where you compare emotions to California weather really ties in the entire message that there is always room to "bloom" and begin growth. Great job!

  31. This story really shed some light on the topic of anxiety that a lot of people know about but don't turely understand. Especially at this age where the symptoms of anxiety and depression can begin to show for some people,your peice gave a personal insight into what it's like to be suffering from these conditions and that there is hope and things will get better. Great overall message and I feel like after reading this I'm going to be a little more considerate about the feelings of the people around me because I don't know what they are really expirencing in their head.

  32. Thank you for sharing this really emotional piece with us. I think it's important to bring people's attention to the topic of anxiety and depression so that more people are informed and aware about it. I can relate to having these feelings and thinking I shouldn't because I have everything i need so thanks for sharing a story that some people can relate to. Great job!

  33. I can really to this piece of writing a lot. If something is bothering me I usually don’t tell anyone or just handle it myself. I don’t like annoying/burdening people with my problems and would much rather not have people knowing unless they offer to help if they notice it’s bothering me. Therefore, we can say that the one who can help you is yourself.

  34. Your story was a very powerful example of how determination and perseverance can truly change someone's life for the better. Anxiety and uncertainty is something that is in everyone's life and it is very important for everyone to be aware of it and compassionate to those who are struggling. Your subtle yet powerful tone makes all the difference to a reader and I commend you on your great writing.

  35. This was such a powerful and emotional piece that I'm glad you shared with us. Anxiety is touchy subject that I know many people suffer from. Sharing experiences is one of the best ways to help others recover.


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