
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"New Years Resolutions" by Tyra R

     New Year’s Resolutions. I have tried to do it and did not succeed. What happens is, every year people around the world make these resolutions in order for them to change their lives. They look forward to the New Year’s because they believe that it is a chance to start over and change for the better.  But, how often to people actually change? Why do they do it if they know they will not stick to it?
     Whenever someone makes a New Year’s Resolution, chances are that they will not stick to it after the first month or so. For example, if you go to the gym during January you would see so many fresh faces there working out, their resolution probably was to lose weight or be healthier. Then go to the gym later on in the year, let’s say September, not many people will be there. This is because many people drifted away from their New Year’s Resolution to lose weight or be healthy. The act of someone drifting away from their New Year’s Resolutions is actually very common and happens for many different reasons, one being that the person had a goal which was way too big for them. They make these huge goals because they are so motivated at the time, but for most that motivation will not stay throughout the year.
     Even though people know that they will not stick to these resolutions, they still make them. One reason they do this is because their lives are so bad that they need these resolutions to get them out of the dumps. These resolutions can be a start for some people, this means that they might not achieve their goal but they did change. They started the process to achieve their goal and that is what they needed, they need a little push to start off the year if they ended the last year badly. Also, some might make resolutions even though they know they will not achieve it because they like the path it takes them on. Take the last reason into account, some might start the process to achieve their resolution but change routes. They might learn something else about themselves and make a new resolution. Everyone is different but if one makes New Year’s Resolutions it is for a reason and all you should do is support them and help them achieve their goal.
     Personally, New Year’s Resolutions do not work for me. I have tried it and I never succeed! It is like the beginning of the school year when you are so motivated and want to try hard and study but the desire slowly dies off. However, throughout the years I have learned that instead of making New Year’s Resolutions, I need to just make little goals throughout the year. For example, each month I tell myself that I am going to either focus on a certain thing or during that month set up a little goal and try to accomplish it. By doing this I do not have a huge goal that is intimidating me and most importantly I am growing as a person.


  1. I can relate to this so much because I as well make New Year's resolutions and find that I don't completely finish that goal throughout the year. It's really ironic how in our human nature we make impulsive decisions during the moment that leads to a New Year's resolution not thinking about the full aspect of it. You touched on that so well, and I am very happy for you AMAZING piece!!

  2. I liked the fact that you brought up a topic that everyone deals with at some point in their life. I can relate to this because I try to set goals but always cheat during the process anyways. I agree with your idea that everyone sets goals but whether they fall through with them or not, it is still important for that person to have support to back them up and hopefully help them reach that goal. This was a good article:)

  3. This was a lovely and positive criticism on New Year's Resolutions! The pessimistic point of view from society typically shuts down the idea, and even worse, mocks others for it. From someone who doesn't favor New Year's Resolutions, its a nice twist to know that you support others who set goals for the new year!

  4. I really enjoyed this piece. It clearly represented your opinions about goals and resolutions. I like that you included how you set goals too. Overall I liked that the message of this was that we use resolutions as a motivation for growth and change in our lives. Great job!

  5. This piece was great! I agreed with all your points that you made because they were so valid and relatable. I admire how you didn't sugarcoat anything and you told us the truth straightforward because I too have a tendency to form goals that I know for a fact I can't achieve. Your blog was well-written and very agreeable. I liked how you included your own personal experience and opinion! Awesome job!

  6. This piece completely reflects my own feelings on New Year's resolutions which made this really enjoyable to read. I love how you discussed the negative viewpoint on the idea but then finished with an alternative method. You were right when you stated that people lose motivation throughout the year because life is always changing and sometimes you develop new or more important goals. That is why your method of monthly goals is perfect! You did a great job on your piece Tyra!

  7. This piece is very relatable for me. Almost every year I make new years resolutions that I do not keep. I need to break the habit. You explained good detail throughout your writing, also you wrote it very well, with a nice flow. Good Job!

  8. This was a piece that reflects the thoughts of many people. Motivation is difficult to sustain especially when faced upon difficult goals to achieve. Your piece conveys the realism behind people's reliance on New Year's Resolution. - Jerico Dizon

  9. I never believed in the saying "new year, new me" because New Years always just felt like another day with a different time stamp on it. I did, however, attempted New Year's Resolution for my own benefit, and every year, such as in your piece, I found myself drifting from my goals. The last paragraph was an appropriate analogy to compare resolutions to, especially since towards the end of this school year, many of us have given up or are beginning to. Your cynical tone to such a popular belief is one that should be expressed more often, since most of us know anyway that these resolutions won't last. The message you sent out in your piece was portrayed very well. Good job, Tyra!

  10. Thank you for your insight on the subject of New Year's Resolutions, Tyra. It's true that many people bite off more than they can chew when it comes to setting a large goal without even considering to start off lightly and then work your way into something that you'd like to change in your life.

  11. When ever I think of New Years I think of people saying they are gonna try to be different with a different attitude. The tone of this showed me a belief that New Years resolutions have a different meaning that what usual people think. Good job.

  12. I've stopped making New Years resolution reasons being that it's hard to maintain and normally doesn't work. Your blog post really explains the reason why New years Resolution do not work for me, and you were straight-forward about it.

  13. I really liked this piece. Personally I never follow through with my New Year's resolutions so I completely agree with everything you wrote. I love how you didn't try to smooth over the truth and I think more people need to hear this. Good job.

  14. I really enjoyed the optimistic twist you put on why people never achieve their New Year's resolutions. It was a new perspective and I completely agree with you, thank you for providing your insight and sharing this piece!

  15. I have to agree with this for the most part, people most of the time lack the willpower to get things done, instead we should look at everyday as a new day to do the right thing in life. I really like your perspective on new year's resolutions and I think we should all strive to make even the smallest goals become possible. Great job!

  16. I agree with what you said about New Years Resolutions, especially about students saying that they will focus on their work. I have been in the same situation myself. Good job.

  17. I can relate to your story so much, because its true, new years resolutions don't work, the key thing is setting realistic goals, like you said and accomplishing those more and more. The key attributes to growing in areas you are weak in are four categories: physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes spiritually depending on the person. But if you set little goals in these categories you can strive as the best human being you can possibly or impossibly be. I love your story great job.

  18. Very insightful. I enjoyed your commentary on New Year's Resolutions very much because this is something i have also wondered about but what I haven't done is think of a way to beat them, like you did at the end. Very interesting and well done.

  19. I totally agree, We make new years resolution knowing good and well we are not going to keep them, but we do it anyways to make ourselves feel better. I was never really into making resolutions because I knew that I wasn't going to keep it. Vert interesting topic you choose to write about. Great job!

  20. I enjoyed how you brought up an issue that many of us face whenever the New Year rolls around. We all make New Years resolutions and it seems every single year we lose sight of those goals, her we continue to make resolutions every year for ourselves. I like the topic you write about!

  21. I knew New Years Resolutions were never really followed through but this just gave me more of a realistic perspective on them. Little monthly goals definitely sound like a more possible resolution than one on New Years, small goals are important too.

  22. This piece was honestly very relatable to some if not all people.I personally just stopped making one after continuously failing. Overall your piece was good to read about because a lot of people struggle with this. It was very insightful. Thank you Tyra.

  23. This is very relatable. Every year i always make impossible resolutions and it really isnt motivating for people with no patience like me. I agree with the idea that making smaller goals are more effective because I have done that with my school work.

  24. The struggle you described shows something to the readers that is easily reflected upon. What you faced is a common struggle entering a new year hoping for the best. You did a good job conveying your purpose of persistence and patience.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This topic is something that someone can relate to. I liked how you explored the reason why resolutions don't come true for many people. I like how you gave common examples of resolutions like planning on studying more. I can tell you put much thought into this. Good job.

  26. This is a very truthful and knowledgeable peice. It is very easy for anyone to relate to this. I make a whole list of new years resolutions and end up not completing any of them by the end of the year. It makes sense that we start losing our motivation and become lazy with our goals. Thank you for sharing how you make your goals stick. I will be sure to try it that way this year.

  27. This is such a nice piece. You showed the importance of supporting one another through there own endeavors. By motivating other people to achieve there goals that they implemented for themselves can help them achieve it and convince them that they can achieve anything through hard work and dedication. Also, I too relate as to bring unsuccessful in finishing my New Years resolution. Anyways, great job Tyra!

  28. I like how you talked about New Years resolutions not being accomplished. The reason I liked is because your explanation didn't really show a bias and it was fairly true that long term goals intimidate us which causes us to give up. Not only in resolutions we. All it quits after a couple of weeks but also in goals we set for school or work.

  29. Nice Job Tyra as many others have said this is a good piece because its something that is relatable. I like how you started it off with a great hook stating how you just like many others make new year resolutions and end up failing. Thank you for sharing your goals in life and what your plans are, I liked reading this and being able to learn something new about you.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Tyra, I really loved how comical and relatable this criticism of New Years resolutions was. The first small paragraph where you explain how people around the world make these resolutions that they never succeed at immediately grabbed my attention because of how much I can relate to it. I always get way ahead of myself with New Years resolutions and I often make so many that I can't even remember them by January 2nd. I also really liked the ending paragraph where you discuss how you now set smaller goals for yourself throughout the year in order to keep you motivated enough to follow through with them. I think this is great advice and would help people follow through with a significantly larger portion of their goals.

  32. I found this piece to be very inspiring due to the fact that you emphasized your own personal endeavors and gave a suggestion on how to pursue an individual's goals towards the future. The way you mentioned how people are unable to keep their resolutions for the new year was really insightful because I know it can be relatable to other people. Nicely Done!

  33. This piece was very relatable and it was a unique read because I've never heard someone analyze the reasons as to why someone may not fall through with the resolutions they once sought to achieve. You had very good points and the examples you used to support them were right on point and funny, especially the school one. Great job Tyra:)

  34. I relate so much to this piece. I also do not make New Year's resolutions because I feel like one shouldn't wait until the new year to change their lifestyle. Also, I'm glad you decided to write on this because a lot of people struggle with keeping theirs and feel embarrassed when they are not able to keep them.

  35. Good story and good solution to the problem you criticized the whole new year's resolution facade though we all know it but you didn't stop there you presented a solution to the problem instead of just stopping after the criticizing the problem like most people do so good job

  36. This piece is very easy to relate to. I feel like most everyone has set a New Years resolution they had no intention of accomplishing. I specifically liked how you brought in school as an accomplishment in the last paragraph.

  37. Tyra, I related to this extremely as I'm sure many others would! You portrayed the idea of New Year's Resolutions with an honest and blunt point of view, and even adding your personal connection to it in the last paragraph. And your tip at the ending definitely helped me in how I approach my goals this year. Nice job!

  38. Your analysis on New Years Resolutions was fantastic. I like how you went into detail as to why people don't typically keep their New Years Resolutions. I can relate to losing the desire and motivation as I have never been able to keep my New Years Resolutions. You did a great job in explaining why people make these resolutions, but I also like how you added your own personal experience with New Years resolutions. Hopefully, you are achieving your little goals for the month and that it is all going well. Great read! Wow Tyra, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  39. I can relate to this story, it talks about New Years Resolutions and how people don't follow through. Every year I wan to change something about me but I always tend to fall big into my bad habits.

  40. The way you described everyone's new year resolutions felt very true in how many people lose motivation and end up either changing resolutions or giving up. I thought it was a good thing how you set little goals each month instead of overwhelming yourself with a huge goal. The way you compared New Year Resolutions to the new school year made it very easy to understand what point you were trying to get across.

  41. I really enjoyed how you described New Years resolutions and its effects. You analyzed the results of people not following up to their promises. I think it was a very insightful piece considering that it was written in January and was extremely relevant.

  42. Honestly I make news resolutions every year and never follow through with them so I can relate to this story very well. I like how you were blunt with how you felt about resolutions and gave an alternative option by setting goals every month. Great story!


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