
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Food Above All" by Sydney G

     When I was younger, I hated makeup. It was a waste of time. I would sit on the (closed)
toilet waiting for my mom to be ready. She took what felt like centuries getting ready; choosing
shadows and different shades of lipstick. A little while after, I noticed my sister started doing her
makeup too. She is the kind of person who says she will be ready by 7 and arrives 3 hours later. I
would watch her get ready too. It was dreadful but interesting. I would ask her what all the tubes
were. "Why was everything so similar? Concealer and foundation look exactly the same!!" She
tried explaining it to me for the 34th time.
     As I got older, I understood it more and more. I started watching tutorials on YouTube.
Sitting on my bed for hours watching vlogs or hauls became a daily routine. I critiqued my
sister's makeup saying things like, "your eyeliner is too thick" or "you have to blend this side a
bit more". I would tell my mom what shadows to use, which brand is better, if this waterproof
mascara really worked. I admired the eye shadow palettes. I would walk into Sephora "just cuz".
I fell in love with the art of it all. How much I got interested was just so confusing, it all
happened so fast.
     While I was watching YouTube and complementing people's makeup, my younger sister
started using mascara. She asked me to help her. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she
asked the one who is not as experienced. Then she elaborated on how she did not want her
eyelashes looking like spider legs. She wanted those perfect C’s.
     These years passed and I kept asking myself the same question, “When am I going to
start wearing makeup?” The sharp black eyeliner always looked fun to create. The highlight on
some people glowed like no other. Picking a new lip shade everyday, I thought, had to be
interesting. All of these pigments and formulas I am missing out on. Time came and I started
grabbing my older sister's makeup. I tried mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadows and other products.
After hours of applying and reapplying, I could not find an interest strong enough. I remember
thinking, “Some women do this everyday!” It is crazy to think I would wake up 30 minutes
earlier every morning to waste some expensive makeup that will only last some hours. The many
colors and different formulas no longer amused me.
     I am comfortable with my face without makeup for now. Eventually, I will learn how to
apply eyeliner as sharp as a knife and highlighter as bright as your future. I will learn the
difference between concealer and foundation. For now, chapstick is the only product I will be
using on my face. I will be spending my money on strawberries and ice cream because food is
what makes me happy. My biggest passion is food at the moment. Before you know it I will
become a judge in food tasting!


  1. I completely agree on your standpoint on makeup and despised it so much growing up especially since it got in the way of going out with family when waiting for all my cousins to "bake their face". As soon as I got curious to see what was so amazing about it, (I as you did) discovered it an art of expression that when it didn't interfere with a few more minutes of sleep I thoroughly enjoyed creating. Food is indeed top priority and such a cute little conclusion to this story of following your own interests or passions.

  2. Wow I too hope and pray my eyeliner is as sharp as a knife as well someday. I really enjoyed reading your story it was short and cute. <3 And I really liked that you expressed your opinion about makeup and not give into the "trend". And its really only used to enhance your beauty not give you any you didn't think you had. not necessary at all.

  3. I enjoyed your reading, it was certainly personable and relatable. Make up is certainly n teresting to watch others do as there is quite an art to it that I have yet to master myself. I am neither entirely interested in practicing it yet and for that reason I agree that a minimal face is often better and more comfortable.

  4. How cute and funny. I definitely agree with you Sydney. I remember having very low interests in makeup and part of the reason was that I wanted to be able to focus on my natural beauty even though i was aware of makeup enhancing one's look. Now I love makeup but on a different cause; it is some type of unique art. BUt then i can also definitely agree that I love food too and would choose that over anything lol. Great piece.

  5. This is the cutest piece ever!!! I definitely have to agree that food is better than some superficial chemical that is supposed to make women look beautiful. I think that these things shouldnt be forced and I like that your honest with yourself to not care about what other people think but instead why Sydney thinks.

  6. Your first paragraph really caught my attention because I've had similar thoughts towards makeup and how it affected the people in my family being ready on time. It's unreal how we went through the same phases--questioning makeup, watching tutorials, and then finally actually applying it on ourselves. Makeup is an art, one that I have yet to master, but some people think its worth the hours they spend doing it everyday and that's completely fine. For now, I am comfortable with a little lipstick and also hope my eyeliner is as sharp as a knife one day! Great job on being able to relate to the audience!

  7. This was so entertaining to read. I always felt the same way about makeup, till I started high school and realized wearing making is the typical thing to do its like art. I was instantly drawn to this piece when I saw your title, I also love food and put it before everything, but obviously not before family and friends, lol.

  8. I completely agree that I prefer food over makeup! I too have always been curious about it from watching my older sister, but still have never tried it, mostly because of how time consuming it can be.

  9. I can totally relate to your story because as I was growing up I too became curious and started watching videos. Makeup is overrated but I always felt a need to apply some on every morning. However it is pleasing to hear that you found yourself along the way because in my opinion that is the most important lesson! And yes food isn't that bad either!

  10. This is piece is so carefree and interesting to read. The way you expressed your disinterest in makeup and how you transitioned into becoming amused by is something a lot of people can relate to. I loved that even though you find makeup fascinating and admire it, you found that deep down that it just was not something that you wanted to do and that is admirable! I also loved the way you ended the piece humorously by saying food is above everything and I agree with that!

  11. I admire the confidence you held as you wrote this piece. Many people seem to take an interest in makeup now and days, but I enjoyed hearing a different point of view. Great way to share a thought you have through a story. (:

  12. I feel the same way about makeup. I think our society has placed a beauty standard on women, and makeup, in particular, is one of them. I am so glad that you feel comfortable with your bare face, because that is so important. Nice job!

  13. Growing up, I can relate because I never took an interest in makeup all the way through middle school. Suddenly high school hit and I grew a passion for makeup that I never thought I'd have. Every person develops different passions and at various times so I can fully understand how you could still never get into it. I admire how you stay true to yourself and your own passions rather than forcing yourself to grow a passion towards makeup. I can wholeheartedly agree that food makes me happy too. Great story Squid!

  14. Wow! As a guy, I actually found this story pretty interesting. Because I don't use any makeup or have sisters to learn about any of it, it was cool to hear from a learning girls perspective of how complicated yet intriguing it all is. Definitely a fun read, especially thought it was funny how you reverted back to all our true love, food!

  15. To be honest I didn't expect your piece to be about makeup which got me more interested actually because I was wondering when the food part would be included, but in result I really enjoyed the end on how food is above all and a lot of people may agree with that statement. I enjoyed the chronological order of your adventures of makeup from the beginning of it to the end wondering if you should use it or not. Overall your piece is very well written in my opinion. You did a great job!

  16. Well, I was not expecting your thoughts on make-up because of your title, but i have to say that I agree wholeheartedly. I myself did not start wearing makeup until my freshmen year of high school, but even now I still only wear it about 3 weeks out of the whole year. I'm glad you don't feel pressured to wear makeup, because a fresh face is always beautiful.

  17. This was a very interesting entry. I personally can relate to this so I enjoyed this a lot. Also, I agree with your love for food. I like the fact that you were surrounded with so many people who had an interest in this but you continued to be yourself. Great job overall.

  18. Even though I'm no girl, I completely agree with the fact that food is more important than many superficial things. I personally would choose food over anything because of the satisfaction that food brings. Good job Sydney!

  19. This was so cute! I loved how there were different shifts, in the beginning you were against makeup, then an interest and curiosity sparked, then once you actually true it you were like UM NO! The detail and the little side notes made this piece fun and enjoyable to read! Good job!

  20. I totally understand where you are coming from, Sydney. Like you, I watch makeup videos on YouTube almost endlessly and I know a good amount of knowledge about makeup, which brands are the best, and how to apply it. But in reality, I wear makeup every blue moon but I am actually in love with the concept of it. Your writing style comes off as very humorous and many of the statements you said were funny and relatable at the same time. Thank you for sharing you experience with makeup, or rather lack there-of.

  21. This piece was interesting in how you explained and gave us back story on your experience with make up. I agree with the resolution at the end, food is the most important for me too, I enjoy it greatly.

  22. I feel like I can relate to your piece a lot because I rarely rarely wear makeup, but I enjoy watching tutorials on youtube and hauls as well. Im in love with how it looks on others, but for some reason I am just not that interested with it on me. The structure of your story and how you the timeline of events occurred was nicely set up. It was a lovely piece!

  23. This is a good piece! I liked how you used shifts throughout the piece, it made it interesting to read! I can definitely relate to the interest in makeup and wanting to learn more about it. I loved the humor throughout the story! Good job!

  24. I love your confidence and humor. I can also relate to your interest in makeup, even though I prefer doing my makeup too. I love your storytelling and this story especially.

  25. I can totally agree, I think makeup is overrated and it just conceals who you really are, it's great to know that you have confidence about what your passions are and that you basically forged your own identity by finding what interests you.

  26. This is so relatable, I also grew up with the same mindset regarding make up. I love the idea of make up it just takes up way too much time to fit into an everyday routine. I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches tutorials without ever actually putting them to use! The story was very enjoyable and I could easily relate, great job!

  27. Your great detail in your emotions easily allowed for the reader to understand your beginning point of view on makeup, and possibly relate to it. You do a great job in describing how the process of your change in ideas about makeup went. I liked the fact that your ideas stayed the same event after trying makeup, because it shows you at least gave it a shot. That comedic relief with the highlighter pun was also hilarious, good job!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This was a very intriguing story. Considering that I know absolutely nothing about makeup besides the fact that it is extremely complicated, it was refreshing to hear that some girls think the same thing. I really love the way you changed the tones of this piece and how you were able to instantly take a comedic approach to sticking to loving food instead of something as complex as makeup. Thank you for sharing such a funny and well written story!

  30. Really great piece! I also went through a phase where I became highly interested in makeup and fashion. I liked how you could see your opinion change on the subject and ultimately talked about food. I share a passion for food as well!

  31. Wow! Can I just say that every girl, woman, lady, etc. should read this. I can totally relate, I feel like watching others apply makeup and where it looks so much easier than it actually is. I love the art of makeup but it just isn't for me. Don't get me wrong I occasionally will put some on, but i can not imagine doing it every single day. I also love the way you ended the story, the entire time I was thinking to myself how does this title fit in?, however I loved it and I love strawberries. Great piece!!

  32. This story was very interesting. Even though I can't relate with your make-up situation, I found it really empowering as to appreciating your own natural looks. Nice story sid!

  33. I really love the message you put out to everyone about makeup, because it is something that society pressures individuals to do and makes people believe they need it. However, your opinion on makeup is inspiring and important for everyone to know that it's not needed and it's truly what's on the inside that matters.

  34. I, too, agree on your stance on makeup. With makeup, all I understand is that it makes you more beautiful and a bit more confident. However, I feel that it creates a false personality on the individual because it shows how they are trying to fit into society's standard of beauty, but I understand that they want to be representable to the world. I also agree that I think makeup is a waste of money because it would have to be removed by the end of the day, but the only time I think makeup is appropriate to wear are during special events such as weddings or business interviews just so that you can look your best on those certain days instead of everyday.

  35. As a dumb teenage boy in a house with two younger brothers and only one five-year-old sister, I know very little about female matters such as makeup, so it was interesting to hear someone's perspective on a subject I'm not familiar with. And although I don't find it relatable myself, your writing style makes me confident that others will.


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