
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

“My Escape” by Joseph V

What is an escape? The dictionary definition states that it is “an act of breaking free from confinement or control.” Now is an escape a physical or mental place? I believe for everyone you ask that question to it would be a different answer. Maybe for some it’s to create art, or to read a book, or write in a diary. For me growing up I was always stressed out to do good in everything I do whether it was my grades or in sports. I always felt the pressure as when I was younger I was never the biggest, or strongest, or smartest person, but I had to work hard to get where I am today. That hard work came at the price of stress. Many sleepless nights I’d spend just thinking about how I can’t fail, about how I can’t afford to get lazy in my life. Through all this the one thing that’s been my escape was baseball. The one place where I can tune everything out and no one or thing outside that field mattered. All that mattered was what happened then and there in that moment. The diamond was my zone where everything in my life didn’t matter to me for those 6 to 7 innings; to be able to do what I love and not worry about the stress or the pressure of every other aspect of my life. When I’m on that field I am just focused on what’s around me. The feeling of the loose dirt as I move on the field with the crunch from each time a cleat enters the ground. The feeling the air going past you as you run down a ball or to make a diving play and slide across the soft green grass. When coming up to bat and feeling zoned in on the ball, not being able to hear anybody in the crowd or anything around is the greatest sensation. Hearing the buzz of the ball being thrown and the swing that follows next. All you hear is a ping and as you take off running you regain your senses and can hear the crowd cheering again. Whether having a good or bad game the sport is forgiving. No one will remember what happened within time. There is no true stress, just you and the ball. There’s always another at bat. There will always be another play to be made. There is always another game. This is my escape. When each game ends, I know it’s back to reality, back to school and back to worries. I wait each week looking to the end when I can get back to playing. I wish I can stay on that field forever but nothing ever lasts forever. The sport will never end but a day will come where my time on the field stops. It’s different for everyone. Some people know and some deny the fact but it will end. So, I enjoy my short time in the game, and I take advantage of every chance I get with it. The chance to be in my comfort zone. My escape from all the pressures of life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's good to always have some sort of escape in life, this world isn't forever and we shouldn't be worried all the time for small things. On a side note, I've tried everything but for me prayer is the only way out for things, life is just a test from God so we have to be patient. Great job on talking about something no one really bothers to mention.

  3. Your use of imagery clearly conveys the emotions you experience. This was a well written piece which conveys the pressure we all face as we advance through this mystery called "life". - Jerico Dizon

  4. I also believe that everyone should have a hobby to relieve their stress and also use it as an escape from reality. Hobbies help people remain sane when you are stressed from school or any events in your life.

  5. This piece was inspiring in the sense that it inspires me to find more things to do to "escape" stress of everyday life and be at peace. I think a lot of people can relate to this piece and learn a lot from it.

  6. I'm so glad that you find it comforting to use sports as an escape from any worries that that you carry. It truly is one of the best ways to find who you are as a person.

  7. I liked how you described one of your passions in a detailed and relatable way. The use of imagery and the details you used while discussing what it's like on the field help depict the emotions that you experience while playing baseball, and the optimistic ending leaves readers with a sense of hope and a desire to identify their own means of escape.

  8. This story was very detailed and enjoyable! I liked how you described playing baseball, connecting the sport to an escape for you. It is good to have an escape from the stresses of life and I am glad you found yours. This story's message was also very relatable showing how everyone should have an escape so they do not get too caught up in their life. Great job!

  9. I found this to be very descriptive and used imagery several times! It was also inspiring for so many people in different ways not just baseball. Everyone has their own ways to relieve stress even me and it helps a lot. Good job on this!

  10. The way you described baseball as your own sense of escaping highlighted how such things such as a sport can relieve stress and all pressures in your life. Your use of imagery allows the reader to help visualize your experience and the emotions you felt while playing baseball. Overall, this was a great example of what it means to have an "escape" from life.

  11. I like this piece a lot because you kinda give us a little insight of what is your escape and honestly we all have one whether it is a sport or a location. I also like how yes you use a lot of descriptive words so express and create imagery. Its funning how we all deal with stress and difficult circumstances but we all have our own way of dealing with them and our own secrete escape or stress relief. Thank you for sharing this great piece of writing.

  12. Great job! Your detailed imagery of what it felt like to be on the field made it seem as if I were actually there. It's awesome that you have a place like that to escape to after a stressful day and I think everyone should have a place like that. You expressed your feelings very eloquently and captivated the reader in the scene you depicted.

  13. This Description of baseball in this piece was very good. It made the sport seem even more of meaningful thing for you to do and it was very compelling to read. well done.

  14. I really enjoyed this piece because of the way you describe what an escape is and how people have different ways from finding their escape. Great job on your piece! It was very well written.

  15. This piece had a strong message because it's true everyone does have their own escape and I feel that an escape is very important to keep your sanity. I loved the description of your escape, baseball, it really showed the amount of passion you have for it. Good job!

  16. This was a very descriptive and well written passage. i could really see why you loved baseball and how much you love the sport. its also interesting to come to terms with the idea that its going to end one day so you have to enjoy it while you can, and i think that is really wise of you

  17. this piece was really cool because i could personally relate to it because one of my escapes is baseball as well. you got the description of the feeling on the diamond spot on! amazing piece!

  18. I can really relate to you on this. For me, soccer is my escape because I know I can freely express myself in my playing style. What really intrigues me about this piece is how you can connect with others that also share the opinion that playing sports is an escape. I really enjoy how you were able to express yourself with your choice of words here, and I believe that your story has a very comforting tone. Thank you for this piece!

  19. This piece is not only relatable considering sports are more than a passion to me, but it very well describes the way you find your escape, I feel that the majority of the people that read this will be able to relate with the concept of having an "escape" from reality.

  20. I really enjoy this piece because everyone needs an escape in their life. Not everything in life is going to be perfect and sure you'll have ups and downs, but finding something that you can turn to in time of discomfort is really great. Everybody needs that little something.

  21. As someone loves and played baseball, I can relate to this post alot. You used alot of imagery and detail to put the reader in the batters box. This post can relate to anyone as everyone has something that they escape from, and i'm sure this post has people thinking of that escape and appreciating it just a bit more. Good job!

  22. I really liked how you gave the piece diversity. You were able to connect with a lot of people just by relating different situations back to them. I happened to also relate to this piece because I always found solace being with my family when I was stressed out or not feeling well. Overall, Good Job!

  23. this story had so much detail. you added the crunching dirt, the soft grass. It paints a clear picture. This story made it clear how much passion you have for the game. It's easy to relate to, too.

  24. Its good for every person to have a way to escape life, i think it helps keep people stay sane, at least for me. Very descriptive and well written with a strong message throughout. I really enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Wow this piece was so relatable,a and I really enjoyed how you defined it in the beginning. Everyone needs an escape, especially at our age, so I am really glad you wrote about this. Great job.

  26. I deeply respect your passion for the sport of baseball. You went into much detail about the sport that I found the story to be quite descriptive and easy to visualize. I also admire how you expressed the significance of baseball in your life as well. Good job!

  27. I see a lot of people stressed about little things in life. They just let it sit inside them until something bad happens. It seems like you know better, that you know that everything has a time and a place. I sort of see this piece as an instructional guide on how to live life right, without worry.

  28. Wow, the entire story felt completely real and showed a deeper side to what some of us really go through in our lives in and outside of school. I enjoyed this story as well as I loved how detailed you were about your passion for baseball and how it related to yourself and your priorities as a person. It really inspires me to work hard so I can find my escape.


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