
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Friendship" by Abigail R

     Friendship is something that must consist of an endless amount of effort by both people.
When I was in the 6th grade, I learned that not everyone who claims to be your friend, actually
is. At the beginning of 6th grade I was friends with a group of girls that I believed fit the
definition of true friends, but I was horribly mistaken. We were a typical group of friends. We
ate lunch together, we went to the mall together, and we shared all of our secrets with each other.
It all started one day during lunch when I decided to finally tell my friends about the boy I liked.
Let’s call him Billy, obviously that’s not his name but... I had known Billy since the early years
of elementary school and I always had a crush on him. I didn’t want to tell my “friends” I had
liked Billy for a while because I was afraid they were going to tell him. But, when Billy started
dating a girl I didn’t know, I had to get it off my chest. I planned to back off and let Billy and his
girlfriend do their own thing but my friends had other plans. “You have to do something about it
Abby!” That’s all I heard for the next week. I listened to their plans and how we were
supposedly going to break up Billy and his girlfriend but I really didn’t agree with sabotaging
their relationship. The next day at lunch, I was standing in the field and a big group of people
came up to me and they forced Billy to tell me he didn’t like me and didn’t even want to be
friends with me. I ignored it as much as I could but just as I thought it was done and over with, I
showed up to school to find my so called friends talking and giggling with none other than
Billy’s girlfriend! I was extremely confused.
     At the time I didn’t really know what to do but since they were unfortunately my only
friends I hung out with, I had no choice but to walk up to them. “Oh hi Abby. This is…” I knew
who she was. I smiled at her and she smiled back. She seemed nice and she didn’t seem to even
have any idea that I already knew who she was. Time passed and she hung out with us more and
more but I never really got to know her personally like the rest of my friends. I would have,
except for the fact that all my friends told me she didn’t like me. I was confused because I never
gave her a reason not to like me and my friends wouldn’t tell me why either. As we were
preparing to go to 6th grade camp, we were told to pick partners to bunk with and stay with at
camp. Unfortunately, I was left without a partner and they consistently changed the person who
was supposed to be my partner. Billy’s girlfriend and another girl were the only two left to
choose from. My group of friends obviously were trying to leave me by myself so they paired up
Billy’s girlfriend and the other girl together, leaving me out of the picture. I remember feeling so
left out and upset that I went home and as I was explaining the situation to my mom, I started to
cry. I did everything I could to make the best out of the situation. I came to school the next day
to find that Billy’s girlfriend had left our cabin and I now had a partner. I was happy but also
couldn’t help but wonder why she left our group. Camp was fun and the girls acted like nothing
even happened. Until we got home... Shortly after we returned, I was told “Hey Abby, today we
are going to hang out with different people and not with each other.” I thought that sounded
somewhat suspicious but I just went with the flow, as usual. It came time for lunch and I planned
to sit with some old friends instead of them which was fine, until I walked in the MPR to find
them all sitting together. As I was walking up to them, I felt someone grab me by the arm, and
say “Do you want to come sit with me?” To my surprise, it was Billy’s girlfriend.
     That was the start of our friendship and we have been best friends ever since. I ate lunch
with her every day from then on and never once did I look back. Come to find out, the girls were
also telling Billy’s girlfriend that I didn’t like her just like they had told me. Through the
situation, I learned a lot. I learned that people will always come and try to tear you down as they
go. They will use you and walk all over you to try and get to where they want to be. They will
fill your head with lies and do anything to make sure you believe them. I also learned that
communication is an extremely important aspect of friendship. If Billy’s girlfriend and I would
have just talked to each other to begin with, none of that useless drama would have even
happened. Now I know what to look for in my friends and I also know that trust isn’t something
that can be earned in a short period of time. Friendships take time to build but once you have
them, they should be cherished and cared for because some of them are once in a lifetime
chances. Not everyone has good intentions but everyone deserves a chance and that is something
that everyone should remember. So, now that you know my story, I think it’s only fair that I
reveal something to you. I said I wasn’t going to name names, but Billy’s girlfriend is none other
than my best friend of 6 years now, Ashlyn. You might know who she is but you should also
know that she was the first person to show me what true friendship really looks like. And to this
day I try to be the very best friend I can to everyone around me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't want to get too off topic here, but I remember some of the events that happened here. I think it's great that you were able to get things to work out and I firmly agree that real friendships are things we can't take for granted. On a personal level from my own personal experiences things haven't been too great, I've noticed that most people are fake and are only concerned about themselves, on some days they'll act like you don't exist and on the rest they pretend to be your friends when in reality they're only rooting for your failure. Due to that I just keep my group tight and I don't put my trust in other people, only in God. 👆

  3. This piece portrays friendship in a realistic perspective. Real friendships are difficult to come by nowadays since our generation is filled with people who are rotten to their core. This was a well written piece which demonstrates the realism behind friendships. - Jerico Dizon

  4. Aw this story is so cute! The whole time I was reading, I knew it was Ashlyn. I also agree with you, friendships are very important to keep and care for cause without them people would be pretty much nothing. You used detail throughout your story very well, I felt as if I was a part of it. Good Job!

  5. This story accurately describes the typical middle school experiences we all had. I like that you mentioned how much you have grown and learned about real friendship. I think that as we grow older, we learn to be more secure about ourselves and find friends who want to support us rather than tear us down. I think you did a great job at portraying this. You had so much detail and really good organization and flow of the story. Great work!

  6. I loved this story Abby! This experience was a memorable and sad one, however, just like you wrote, it has taught you so many lessons about friendship and trust. I'm so happy that you learned what it is to have an actual friend and grew from it rather than becoming like one of those girls. The story had good usage of anticipation that made me want to continue to read in order to find out what exactly was going to happen. Good job!

  7. I'm glad everything worked out for you in the end. It's nice to see that this story shows that although friendships can be a lie, that amazing friendships can also bloom from painful experiences. You show that although most people would want to avoid painful experiences, some actually allow us to meet the people we're closest with now. I love your portrayal of friendship.

  8. Great Job Abby! I can totally relate to this piece and the meaning of true friendships. Even though I may not see my best friend all the time, I still feel like I can talk to her about anything and everything and your piece reminded me of that friendship that I had. Thank you for sharing your story.

  9. Your story is so relateable. Throughout my life I've been through friendships that were toxic until I met my bestfriend in the sixth grade like you did. What people can take from your experience is that you can't stay in friendships that put you down as a person. Believe me its hard leaving a group of people because you don't want to be alone but it pays off in the end. Your story has taught me that something beautiful can spring from an ugly experience. Thank you for sharing this!

  10. I feel that this story is very relatable. It talks about true friendship and those are very rare, today people are just fake, they can be whoever they need to be to appeal to your liking.

  11. I could relate to this story a lot, especially since i made a blog post about the same topic! I completely agree with everything stated here. I like how you gave the example of you in 6th grade to show you have also been through this as well. Amazing piece!

  12. I loved this piece and how relatable it can be to most people, especially when you are still growing up in middle school. I enjoyed how the story had a happy ending and the lesson it taught you.

  13. This story was so adorable! I kind of experienced this in middle school but I have grow from it which made me a better person. I'm glad this story had a good outcome and that it didn't turn out bad. I know how it might be hard to talk about these experiences but its good to know that you had confidence to share this. Great job on this Abby!

  14. I think this was a great story that you shared because friendship is very important. I'm glad that everything worked out for you since you were able to make a best friend out of this unfortunate situation. Your story is a good learning experience to share because most people can relate to this one way or another. Good job on the description and thank you for sharing.

  15. I think friendships are so essential in life, this story so cute. Its bittersweet to be honest. It makes me want to call up my friends, but I enjoyed reading at least you've learned something from the experience.

  16. This story was really nice it makes you think about the people you met in the past and see what type of friend they were. The story can still apply to all of us to especially when we are seniors that have now less than a year to make some bonds that will last for a lifetime. The piece help shows us what type of people you should connect with and the people we should just get away from.

  17. This story is so cute Abby! Love it! I'm glad everything worked out for you and something good came out of it. You are definitely right, not everyone can be trusted and friendships are super important. I'm sure many can learn from your experience as well.

  18. Friendship is an extremely important role in ones life and I love how you clearly expressed just how it affected you from 6th grade to the present day. The use of detail and analysis of how your friends played a role into you making a better decision for yourself was very well written. Great Job!

  19. I really enjoyed reading your story because personally, it is great to see people actually cherish friendships and hold their friends close to their hearts. Although you faced a hard time in middle school with your friends, as most of us did, it is so refreshing to see how your difficult situation led you to find your best friend who is still by your side years later.

  20. This story reminds me of a lot of the everyday experiences that we all had ass middle school students. Its very well written and shows an important life lesson you learned. Friendship meant a lot to you along with trust.

  21. I enjoyed reading this piece. I feel like I really related to you and I have a similar viewpoint as you do on friendship. I can understand how important friendship is to you and how you appreciate and them. Im sure many can relate to you and even learn from your story about true friendship. Great story!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. The portrayal of this middle school friendship was spot on! This story took a twist of being heartbreaking to blossoming into a very heartfelt friendship with Ashlyn in the making. I really enjoyed your story and I'm glad that you were able to not only maintain a beautiful friendship, but that you were able to describe the process so vividly as well!

  24. This was pretty nice though I can't say same cuz I've known my friends for a long while back since middle school and we've been friends to this day I guess both parties in my friendships put all their effort into it as you said

  25. I loved this because to me it shows that friendship does take time to build & that you can be friends with someone forever and be friends with someone for a short time and they show you what a real friendship is then what your friends who you've known forever show you. This is so good, good job Abby

  26. I enjoyed you piece and I can greatly relate to it! Everybody is not our friend even if we hang around with them and laugh with them. Just because they say great things about you does not mean they will not stab you in it. Our "Friends" pretend well. I am glad that your situation expose your "friends" and eventually found a real one that does not leave you in the dark.

  27. This story was relatable it really got me thinking about my friendships. I realized that after reading this that friendships are important in our life's. They help fill that empty space and your story showed me that. Great job Abby this one was really good.

  28. I loved this piece. I think friendships are very important especially at this time of our lives. I felt like this was very relatable not only to me but to many others. Good job!

  29. A good description of true friendship. It is very useful in this day and age in which many people may only like you for your money, for your influence, or for your social status. A good message about what true friendship is.

  30. As we grow up in school, our friends have came and went but we definitely find out who our true friends are especially in such situations. It makes me so appreciative of my friends now that have stuck with me and my weird personality. I find this story with a crazy twist to how you found your best friend and I love it !!

  31. Abby you did such an amazing job! This story truly showcases the ups and downs of typical nieve middle school friendships. Even drawing from own personal experiences there were times when I put my trust and all into someone who was nowhere to be found when I needed them most. I love that you explained a true life lesson by using your own experiences and able to engage the readers. Great job! -Sophia Josemoan

  32. Aww I loved how you told this story with a message behind it making sue your pick and choose who your real friends are. I also enjoyed the detail that was put in your story i felt as if i could actually picture what was going on.

  33. This was great lesson Abby! I think sometimes I tend to be too giving and too trusting. I give everyone chances and the benefit of the doubt and I think it is so hard to stand up to them and keep them from walking all over you. Or keep them from using you to their advantage. Overall this was a great piece, and I totally can relate to what you went through.

  34. I loved how descriptive and detailed your story was and how it conveyed the overall meaning of true friendship. What made it so great is how everything came together at the end and how it was actually opposite of what we may have expected the outcome to be.

  35. Abigail, this piece was simply amazing. i felt and learned a lot of lessons in this piece. There is an amazing lesson to be learned and it was very descriptive and nice. great job!


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