
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Being Present" by Raisa M

     While I was doing my calculus homework, I checked the time and it was 4:15 A.M. At
this point I was extremely frustrated. Only halfway done with my homework and only 5 hours of
sleep, my inefficiency to get my work done has reached an all-time high. Plus, I had to get to
school by seven which meant I would have to get ready in half an hour..only I realized that there
I had to go a yoga class with my dad at 5:15. So with a mind full of regret, I forced myself out of
bed, grabbed my new yoga mat that I purchased the day before (at least the color was purple),
and I went to yoga. Once my dad and I got into the gym and into the yoga classroom, I looked
around the room and the first thought that came into my mind was how the room looked like the
practice rooms from Dancing with the Stars since it had a mirror facing the entrance of the door.
     Additionally, there was only one other person in the class and she was elderly. So after getting
my bearings I layed down my yoga mat. After a short while, the yoga instructor came in and
introduced herself and she turned on calm instrumental music. Her first instruction was to start
Ou-jai breathing, which is basically the continuous rhythm of deep breathing in through the nose
and out the exact same route. One pose that the class had to do was to touch their toes. I
couldn’t touch my toes and there was an elderly woman next to me that was able to touch her
toes. It’s embarrassing for me being a 16 year old girl to not touch my toes while a woman in
her sixties was able to touch her own toes.Throughout the yoga lesson, we had to do some
very challenging poses such as upward dog, downward dog, and warrior pose. While
performing these poses I found out that I kind of have a small humpback when I stand up
straight. At that moment I started to think about all the years I have carried a heavy backpack or
have hunched over in a chair. At that point in time, I realized how destitute my health was and
how much I was disrespecting myself. Then, near the end of the lesson, the yoga instructor told
us to choose a pose that was most comfortable to us. So still being a little sleep deprived, I
layed down on my back. The yoga instructor said that staying still was the hardest pose for most
people because of all the racing thoughts in a person’s mind when people stay idol.
     Unfortunately, she was right because I started to think about being on time for my zero period,
the large amount of homework hadn’t finished, and the fact that as the year goes on I am
becoming more irresponsible. As a result, I became very tense and frustrated. However, after a
few seconds, I started to realize that physically I am not in my thoughts. Instead, I am in a
Fitness 19 in a room lying a on yoga mat with my eyes closed. Eventually, I started to calm
down and instead of worrying about the future I started to live in the present for the first time in 4
months. After the lesson, I found that my mood had improved and I was more enthusiastic for
the day ahead. I found that by living in the present and clearing my mind I was able to become
more efficient in completing my work and putting forth my best work possible. Additionally, I was
excited to go next week’s yoga class.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is all too true, now that I remember I can't really be present when I'm thinking about past thoughts or thoughts about the future, thanks for the advice I definitely need to clear my mind. On a funny side note, I think it's funny when I first started going to the gym and I saw a middle aged woman who could lift more than me. At first I was embarrassed but I've learned that practice makes perfect and although I'm not strong as I'd like to be right now, I've made some improvements with the help of God. Great job! 👌

  3. I think the story struck a chord with me because I am one who is always in my head about everything. All of us students become so dedicated to school and getting good grades, we drown out other things in our lives that potentially could help us from stressing out so much. Your experience was very well detailed and organized, and the story had a very clear theme. I really enjoyed it, great job!

  4. The dedication you show in this piece is absolutely insane! By midnight I am already setting my alarm to wake up before school to finish homework, knowing I won't wake up until I usually do for school anyway. It's amazing that you were able to find such insight at a time where nearly everyone else is sound asleep. There was a nice balance of humor and raw thought to make this story relatable and inspiring to many. Great job!

  5. Wow Raisa, it honestly fascinated me knowing how you go through your day. I can personally relate to being sleep deprived and having zero period and regretting everything in life. Though you made me look at things from a different perspective and you're completely right about how we as teenagers tend to overlook the present. You've inspired me to think about the present rather than worrying about the past or the future that lies ahead.

  6. It's true, especially for Seniors, how thinking too far ahead can be our downfall, and lead to extra stress. I'm glad you shared this with us Raisa. I will try to think in the present as well, instead of going crazy trying to think of what is to come.

  7. I'm surprised how easy it was for me to relate to your piece. So many people look to the future so they can plan ahead and organize their schedule, but you show that by staying in the present you can absolve yourself of stress as you focus on what's going on right now, getting rid of the anxiety associated with the future. I love your piece Raisa.

  8. I was drawn to this piece merely by the title because I am constantly living in the present, and am comforted by the fact that I'm not the only one. The slight sense of humor throughout lessened the seriousness of this piece, lightening the one. I also find myself constantly hunched over and because of this, at one point I had a roller backpack. Suffice to say I got rid of it due to the backlash I was receiving from my peers. I enjoyed the ending and how you were able to learn to live in the present and hope to do the same. Good job overall!

  9. This story was very relatable to every aspect of my life. I liked how you were able to get the idea of "living in the present" across through this story. I can see that even though you did not want to go to yoga class, you were able to get something valuable out of it that ultimately changed your life for the better. Thank you for sharing this, I will definitely try to use this lesson to my benefit as well. Very inspirational!

  10. Raisa, this piece was well written and was so detailed. The whole story was so refreshing and relieving. I enjoyed how you self evaluated yourself and how you realized the most important part was respecting yourself. Great job!

  11. This story was really great and very detailed! I loved the overall message of the piece and it is very relatable especially for seniors. It was very interesting to hear about your life and how you were able to live in the present because that is very hard for many people to do nowadays. I hope you are able to focus on the present a lot more now and have less stress! Great job!

  12. This story is probably extremely relatable to a lot of people, as some people have to focus on school or work so much that they ignore their own health and needs. It's great how you can share your solution to this problem by living in the present and focusing on yourself as well. I think this piece can help a lot of people our age destress in their lives. Good job!

  13. I like how you gave us insight to the way you think and how you start your day. I don't this story pretty relate l and it's cool how you go to Yoga with your dad in the mornings! overall I think you did a good job and hope you have fun at your nex yoga session.

  14. I love the details put into this story it helped me to really visualize your thoughts. It also held a great message about how important it is to relax and live in the moment sometimes in order to stay healthy and relieve stress. Because of this piece I want to try and focus on the little things and stop my mind from constantly racing 24/7. Great job (:

  15. I love your story Raisa! I started taking part in yoga and meditation last year so this piece really connects to my life. I had the same discovery you did when participating in yoga! I really enjoy how you structured your piece, the descriptive words you used and the overall message. Great job!

  16. Raisa Good job! I can relate so mush. The fact that this last year of high school is very important to us and that one mistake can mess us up really weighs down on one's mind. I hope that people can realize this and take a step back and relax in the present for a minute.

  17. Last year, I had a similar experience with the thought of my future and my grades and I wasn't getting enough sleep. However, knowing that there are others who share similar experiences, I feel a bit reassured because thanks to your story, I think that I should live in the present as well, so that I could lead onto a happier life.

  18. I like how you stayed up and put your priorities ahead of yourself because honestly I would have gave up and been asleep. I can relate on always worrying about the future. This helped me reevaluate myself with how I worry to much of what lies ahead of me. Good Job!

  19. The idea of not worrying about the future all the time and living in the present is a really good thing, as many of us could get too wrapped up in the idea and start worrying. We may stack problems on top of each other instead of takings things day by day to tackle the future for easily. Overall this was a well written story and a good job with the writing.

  20. I love the detail in this story, Raisa. I understand your viewpoint on dedication and i give you props because sometimes i don't stick with tasks and worry easily. I honestly hope to try yoga, and this piece might have given me the courage and push to take a class. Thank you for reassuring us about living in the now because we tend to forget that.

  21. This piece was very helpful and encouraging. I love the effective detail in your anecdote leading up to the lesson and theme of the whole story. I can completely relate to your overwhelmingly busy life, and your message to take it slow and enjoy every moment of it was honestly moving. My only critique would be to elaborate more on the ending message so that the buildup of the story doesn't overpower the ultimate point. But overall awesome job!

  22. I really liked that the story actually happened and that this experience helped you to focus on the present and relax. The details of the story and your inclusion of your thoughts made the story seem more realistic. Sharing this experience can really help others to stop worrying so much and to enjoy the moment.


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