
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"A Little Something to Enjoy" by Alyssa G

     “So what do you eat?” says someone when I tell them I don't eat meat.
When I made the choose to become a vegetarian, I did not know all the wonders it
would bring. I decided to become vegetarian four years ago when I saw a video on facebook
about a slaughterhouse. I was traumatized. Slaughterhouses are places where animals are
slaughtered for food. As years progressed, I became more awoke about the food industry and all
the cruelty that happens and I became more aware and cautious about all of the products I
choose to eat.
     There has been one trillion animals killed this year and that is including marine life as
well according to
     There are tons of advantages of being a vegetarian and as well as disadvantages, but the
good outweighs the bad. Choosing this diet was not for the health reasons, but for the animals.
Slowly, but surely I am transitioning to a vegan. This lifestyle is not for everyone and I do not
wish to force it upon anyone, but it does not hurt to try it.
The process of becoming a vegetarian was not as hard as I thought. There are a lot of
supplements I eat that are substitutes for meat. To be honest, It feels as nothing has changed. I
thought I would miss eating meat and other animal products, but I do not. The meals I used to
eat four years ago has not really changed, but making sure I still get the protein I need.
     This recipe I created and made below is so delicious that everyone will enjoy. Even if you
are not a vegetarian and decide to make it, you will enjoy it.

The list of Ingredients you will need are
Barilla penne pasta, veggie
Bell peppers
Iceberg lettuce
Prego mushroom spaghetti sauce
Olive oil
Italian dressing
(all of these ingredients can be picked up at your local grocery market)

     To make the pasta, First boil the pasta for 15 minutes with a teaspoon of olive oil. Next, dice up
bell peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes into small pieces and saute them in olive oil in a skillet for
7 minutes. After, strain and rinse the pasta noodles and add prego mushrooms spaghetti sauce
to it, add the veggies to the sauce and add garlic salt, black pepper and mix it all together. After
squeeze just a little bit lime juice on top and mix.

     To make the salad, mix cilantro, fresh garlic, lime juice and a half cup of Italian dressing for 4
minutes in the blender until it’s a smooth consistency. Next, chop up spinach, romaine, and
iceberg lettuce up in thin slices. After, mix the lettuce and dressing together and add lime juice
on top and mix together. Adding the right amount of lime juice is up to you.
Adding the touch of lime gives a refreshing citrus taste, that will make your mouth water and
wanting more, trust.

    I hope you enjoy.


  1. I think your insight in this piece is great, I can't really see myself following a vegetarian diet but I'll be sure to check out the recipes you posted, at the same time I think it's good to try to lessen our impact on the environment in anyway we can. Great job!

  2. I love how you educate the audience about the food industry before you go into the recipe. The passion you have for animals stands out and shows how much of a compassionate person you are. I can relate to this because I also watched a documentary and it broke my heart. Although I'm not a vegetarian, I don't eat red meat. I am slowly transitioning to a vegan lifestyle and I think this recipe would definitely help me out!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I appreciate you so much for doing this! People think that being a vegetarian means that you eat gross food but this sounds delicious. Not only is it good for you, but for the Earth, which is a plus. To add a bit of sweetness and variety to this, you can also sauté kale and add it into the pasta, its nutritional value is amazing :)

  4. This sounds delicious and a recipe that I would like to try! The instructions that you provided are easy to understand and follow. It was interesting (and sad) that you included why you chose to become a vegetarian and soon a vegan, so I was immediately drawn in to your piece. Great job!

  5. I enjoyed the insight as to why you chose to be vegetarian and appreciate your understanding of people who are not. Adding the statistic puts into perspective how much we rely on meat, and the effect its having on wildlife. Providing ingredients and a recipe that's easy to follow along makes it simple and almost effortless to make this meal. Thanks for sharing a piece of yourself and giving us a delicious meal in return!

  6. Thank you for providing your audience with information on the food industry, your personal journey, and proving that we don't have to eat meat in order to have delicious food. Can't wait to give this recipe a try!

  7. I found your article very informative. You have such a good heart for changing your diet for a good cause. I appreciated how you explained vegeterianism without trying to force it upon the audience. As a lover of pasta, I can't wait to try your recipe.

  8. THANK YOU! Pasta is one of the greatest meals in my opinion and I am also looking for more recipes, as I feel the same way about salad. Simple salads are the way to go with a touch of cheese :)

  9. I like how you shared your reasons for becoming vegetarian and how informative this piece was for the readers. I also think it was great that you were not trying to force anyone to become vegetarian, but instead told the benefits of it. There were some minor grammatical errors, but overall a well written story.

  10. Wow! This pasta sounds delicious! My family never really tries anything new but this recipe seems like something we should definitely try. It's very informative and you laid out the steps very clearly and elegantly without any room for confusion.

  11. I agree, I am a foody myself and have watched thousands of cooking episodes from diners drives in and dives to chopped. My mom has been teaching me cook since I was eleven and I am skillful in the kitchen myself, but despite the fact that I will never go vegan or vegetarian, I have tried many vegetarian recipes that were better than real meat, such as falaffel and vegetarian tacos I once made, which i couldn't stop eating them they were so good, but thanks for the recipe and the insight.

  12. Alyssa, I love how you took the simple recipe entry form and made it more complex. You not only gave us specific ingredients on how to make something, but you included a sort of preamble. You told us why it is important to consider a vegetarian diet as well as your personal testimony of why you switched over. It was very smart of you to add that special bit as it allows your audience to get to know you on a more complex level rather than just seeing you as a person who googled a food recipe and posted it on the blog. We can tell you are truly passionate about vegetarianism and would like to see it spread even more. Thanks for the entry!

  13. It's nice to see how much you care about the wellbeing of animals enough to change your whole lifestyle! I've always shyed away from vegan recipies but this one seems to have a lot of different ingredients to create a flavorful meal. The instructions where quick and easy to follow , thanks for sharing it!

  14. I applaud your for making the switch! Turning vegetarian always crossed my mind and i always lacked the courage to follow through with it. Also this recipe seems like it would be so good considering that i love pasta!

  15. I really enjoyed the introduction part where you shared your story and explained how and why you made the switch to become a vegetarian. I know that I personally could not go vegetarian if I tried and going vegan is near impossible. I cant eat any dairy an hour before and an hour after i take a certain medication and I struggle with that every day and get irritated. I think its awesome that you are able and wanting. I also wonder what vegetarians eat other than salad so I appreciated you sharing the recipe!

  16. Your introduction is personal which does get the reader interested but I stayed focused when I noticed how easy the recipe was not only to follow but gather. Being vegetarian isn't always easy but I'm amazed at the dedication.

  17. I really like how you give a back story as to why you are a vegetarian. I admire your dedication of four years. I know I wouldn't last a week. Good job!

  18. It is amazing to see how your love for animals led you to make such a large lifestyle change without hesitation. As a person who eats a lot of animal products, I truly found your piece to be very informative as well as inspiring. Over the years I have heard a lot of vegetarians say that their lifestyle is amazing for their health as well as the environment but I have never heard specific details like these. Thank you for sharing your eating habits with us as well as informing us about the pros behind the diet change. Providing us with a delicious recipe is the perfect way to start some people off on their journey of eliminating animal products from their diets. Amazing job!

  19. I really admire your dedication and perseverance because I had become a vegetarian before and it was not an easy process but it does take self control. I really liked your background story and definitely will try this recipe out for myself!

  20. I really enjoy eating pasta, so I'm excited about trying this recipe out. Also its cool to see how you decided on becoming vegetarian not for health reasons, but to make a difference in the lives of these animals.

  21. I like how you told your audience why you chose to become a vegetarian before you began your recipe. The Pasta sounds extremely delicious and I can't wait to try and make some myself. The transition from your personal life to the recipe was really good and everything flowed smoothly, allowing me to know more about the vegetarian lifestyle.

  22. Usually when I'm stressed I really love to cook, bake, or sometimes even draw. And the thought of having to try a vegetarian recipe excites me even more! However, it saddens me to know that animals are still being unnaturally raised and that the abuse has been continuing on for many years. I really wish there was an alternative way.

  23. I really enjoyed how you shared your personal experience and reasoning behind why chose to become a vegetarian, and supplied us with a recipe so we can get a glimpse of what a healthy yet tasty food option would be like for you. Your descriptive choice of diction allows the reader to follow the instructions preciously. I applaud you for your strength to become a Vegetarian on behalf of the animals who killed in horrendous ways.

  24. I appreciate you sharing the reason why you became vegetarian. The addition of the statistics helps put how vast the food industry is into perspective. Also, I liked the fact that the recipe followed your story, for the skeptics who do not believe vegetarians can enjoy great food as well. Thank you for sharing this recipe, it sounds delicious. Great job!

  25. First off, I admire your commitment to this diet. Honestly being a vegetarian has never really appealed to me until I read this. You made this sound so delicious and I think I may consider trying it. This showed me a better outlook on what it's like to be a vegetarian. Thank you.

  26. I loved how you shared your back story as to why you chose the lifestyle you currently live as well as opening our eyes to certain things about the meat and animal industry many of us may not have known. I've personally eaten meat my whole life and to be completely honest I've never one really taken the time to truly think about it, but your piece and as my pier actually made me think twice about what it is im eating and how I can help our environment. I don't think I will ever fully become vegetarian but I will most certainly keep my eyes open to healthier and more environment friendly options.

  27. The fact that you mentioned the impact of going vegan shows how effective it has been upon your life and diet. You also mentioned the effect of going vegan has on the animals with great emphasis, and I find that to be quite respectable. I support your decision and your efforts and I hope to try this recipe out in the future. Thanks for sharing!

  28. I love pasta first of and second of all this was a great and simple piece. I like how you described your vegan lifestyle and stressed the importance of protecting animals lives and saving this earth while doing it.


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