
Monday, October 24, 2016

"The Great Awakening" by Savannah D

     There is nothing like feeling a great peace and joy. A renewal of life in itself is the
ultimatum of my emotions after becoming a Christian. When I was around the age of 4, I lived
right across from The Water of Life Christian Church and was actually able to see the church
from my bedroom window. I remember always looking out my window to see the cars parked in
front of the church and felt this safe and warm feeling. It was almost as if I felt protected,
however, I was not a Christian at that time. I was just being an observant and fascinated little
girl, but little did I know that I was soon going to be attending that church someday.
It wasn’t until I was in the 6th grade that I began going to Water of Life Church. My
older brothers began going at first, not even my parents were going to church yet. I remember
them always coming with this glow on their faces and had this radiant happiness. My dad noticed
this and had the desire to feel that same emotion which led him to begin attending Water of Life
every Sunday morning. Within a couple of weeks, my dad began to push my younger brother and
I to go to church with him. We began going frequently in December of 2010 and it was the best
decision us as a family could ever make.
     My mother was the last person of the Dunagan family to start attending Water of Life.
She would always stay at home and then just watch all of her kids and husband come home with
a glow all on our faces. She always says in her testimony that she wanted to experience and have
the joy that my father, my brothers, and I felt. My mother’s first day at Water of Life was Easter
of 2011 and from that day on God changed her life for the better. The sensation of attending
church is always a jubilant and overjoyed feeling. There is nothing like the feeling that is
presented when attending church. I have never felt so free and loved since I have been going to
church. I do not only feel the love of all the church members, but the love of God most
     My family and I have been extending our invitation to come to church to friends and our
extended family so that they will be able to have that joyful feeling and experience something so
incredibly life changing. My younger brother and I have also been involved with serving in our
church’s children’s ministry, “Empowered Kids” in which we teach children ages from 6-9 about
the word of God. We have been serving with “Empowered Kids” for a little over two years now
and enjoy it profusely. My dad also serves with the hospitality ministry in which he greets the
people coming to church at the door. It has been truly a blessing to become a Christian and to see
a complete change in my family’s internal joy. Becoming a Christian was the “Great
Awakening” in me and my family’s life.


  1. As a fellow daughter of Christ, I can relate to what you mean when you say you feel overwhelming peace and joy from going to church. Reading about someone who has not been forced to go to church since birth is something really interesting to me, because in my family attending church has always just been what we do. So seeing how each of your family members slowly reached out to God on your own is extremely impressive and demonstrates your desire for a personal relationship with God. Amazing work!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a great narrative! I enjoyed the descriptive words that you used in order to enhance the feelings that you had throughout each stage of your life that you mentioned. I also like your writing style and how you had smooth, clear transitions between each aspect of the story. As a Christian, I can relate to that feeling that you get from attending church, and I am glad that you were able to find that revelation in your life. Good job!:)

  4. this writing has a great message and personal feel to it, I'm sure that it took a lot of courage to post it. i also love the title and how it connects to the history of the church, and the awakening you felt inside of you

  5. Going to church can make you a better person and even have that "glow" that you were talking about. I can't relate to this but I do hear people talking about it and have a great interest in it. It's good that you want to spread this feeling with your family and you should keep doing that. Good job!

  6. I really enjoyed reading this piece. It was interesting in aot of ways. I can really tell you know how to transition from one topic to another. In the beginning you pulled me in. Overall i will say that it was a good story.

  7. The way you described your excitement and joy of going to church can make anyone feel welcome to experience what you felt while attending. Throughout the piece, I felt a positive feeling reading how you not only encouraged your parents to attend, but as well as your friends and extended family. Any churchgoer can find this piece relatable in the sense of joy you felt.

  8. I enjoyed reading this a lot! I feel as if your own testimony could be enough to get someone to get up and join the church as well and again personally speaking, I enjoyed reading this becuase I too am a member of the church and used to attend school there and shared similar emotions to yours while going. Good job on your narrative and hope to see you there sometime again!

  9. First off, I want to say that you are truly brave for opening up about your faith. Throughout the your narrative, I can see how God has been working through you and your family. As a church member I can understand about what you meant about the peacefulness in God's presence. I believe your testimony can one day inspire someone to reach out to God . Good job Savannah!

  10. This was beautiful. It's so touching that you opened up to us all about your religion and how it changed you, especially for the better! This is so inspiring and sends a great message. Your writing felt warm and felt like a personal invitation from you to go to your church. I love reading stories about how God has changed people's lives but yours especially was truthful and left the reader with a smile on their face. By far my favorite thing I have read today. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Good job I liked how you gave a backstory to how you have turned to your faith in God. I think going to church is amazing for anyone as you leave with a "glow" and peace in the rest of your week. Well done that there were no errors or grammatical issues as this story makes sense from start to finish with little confusion. Thank you for sharing this story with your view on church as it is a very relatable topic for most people.

  12. This story gave me chills down my spine, the story was amazing!! I come from a very religious family and all these stories of people converting to religion and opening their hearts and mind to God just amazes me. Great job!!!!

  13. I love this story so much because it is truly inspiring and shows your love for Jesus and calling for you to go to church. I relate to this story on so many levels as well because when I was younger and my parents took me to church I just went because I had to and never truly understood the meaning of why I went. As I got older and looked more and more into the faith I realized my love for God and how much my faith really meant to me. Your diction and imagery all come together to make a beautiful story! Well done. Sophia Josemoan


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