
Monday, May 2, 2016

"You: An Abstract Idea" by Samantha Q.

  “You”, the word, is singular and often connatated, if not synonymous with, individuality. I
believe that to not only be incorrect but in alignment with human nature’s vain tendencies as
well; instead, “you” are not an individual but a finite component of the infinite system that you
are a product of, that system being the Universe. It only seems fitting that this piece should be
philosophical with an existential tone because it correlates to our lessons in AP Lit but that is not
this piece’s purpose. We cannot view ourselves as separate from each other when, in the grand
scheme of things, we are all made of the same elements; oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen,
and calcium. The same elements that were created in the cosmos that formed nebulas which
then formed stars and planets which made up galaxies and eventually they all made us and
“you”. I’ve just always loved the idea that all we are is stardust and each of us is a star child
(RIP to the homie David Bowie). Humanity has always been interconnected by this unknown tie
that moves through us all, a domino effect that starts a one person and travels through
everyone as Newton believed “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.
Therefore “you” should not be seen as singular because of the subsequent effect you have on
others. One of the oldest questions that has given rise to storytelling and research is “who are
we? Why? Where are we from?”. As civilizations have evolved so has our reasoning, we first
believed the sun was a torch being held by a giant and that the astrological signs were
characters in the stories we’d tell the children to make sense of things. Now we know of the true
mechanisms of space and have a better perspective on who we are as humans and although
our research is advanced our motivation is as constant as the north star, “who are we? Why?
Where are we from?”. We, YOU, all of us are just collisions of the same energy of the universe.
We are the conscious forms of the universe, we are miniscule pieces of the ever expanding
space that therefore forces us to be even smaller every time it is further stretched to its end. We
are the cosmos realizing itself is alive because we are becoming aware of IT and for that reason
we can no longer fall to our self centered disposition but instead acknowledge that we are so
small (not to be confused with insignificant or without purpose) that we are analogous to the
atoms in an element’s molecule. “You” should no longer be seen as the individual because it is
the “we” that is voyaging to make sense of our own self discovery since we are all products of
space. The lack of individuality may have a pessimistic tone to many of you but to me that is not
the focus, the idea of being made of something so “out of this world’ (pun intended) is honestly a
beautiful sentiment. Also, if you think about it, whenever we look up into space through our
telescopes there is a sense of anxiety when staring into the great unknown but a sense of
peace as well and i believe that that’s because, in our minds, we’re going home.


  1. Wooowww. This was really well written. I really like to ponder the abstract every now and then like, in bed or on the shower, and this topic has crossed my mind more than once, but I could've never summarized all my thoughts so well as you did on this abstract concept. I agree with you on the whole concept of how were not really just "you" or individuals and that whole "do what you want because its your life" is not necessarily true because what you do definitely affects other people's lives some way as well.

  2. Wooowww. This was really well written. I really like to ponder the abstract every now and then like, in bed or on the shower, and this topic has crossed my mind more than once, but I could've never summarized all my thoughts so well as you did on this abstract concept. I agree with you on the whole concept of how were not really just "you" or individuals and that whole "do what you want because its your life" is not necessarily true because what you do definitely affects other people's lives some way as well.

  3. This is a very intresting and thought provoking peice. It really made you think about yourself as an individual in this world. Great work
    -Per 5

  4. I love a good essay on humanity, more so, the individual, but I've never really read anything philosophical because it's never been something I've dabbled in as much as people would like to think. But, Sam, I'm quite amazed. I've never thought of life, humans, the cosmos, even, being all the same, composed of the same things, tying all of us together, essentially. Frankly, you've taught me something new and opened my eyes to a new facet of life, a new life that I think I could carry on into other conversations -- which, if you didn't know, is an overly pretentious way of saying kudos to you.

  5. Excellent, fantastic, I love it! It was a pleasure to read a well written philosophical piece that incorporated an incredible variety of diction as well as a fluent grasp of the universe, galaxy upon galaxy that completes the components of who we are. And we as a society, each action taken affects one another like the ripple within a pond, first starting off small, then growing until it reaches the outer fabrics of the universe. Astronomically sound, and a stupendous job in writing this piece, Samantha!

  6. I love this piece, its not often you see people push back against the "Everyone is an Individual" parade these days. But I know its not in complete opposition to it, you're stating that everyone is the same, no one should consider themselves as a key or important figure, that is some how, evidently superior to the rest. This could put a very self-absorbed or arrogant person in their place, words truly can kill.

  7. This was a very well written piece. I like how you went out to an abstract topic that challenges others to percieve things differently! Keep up the good work!

    Michelle Sanchez P.5
    Mrs. C

  8. Samantha,
    Your blog piece grasps an undeniable truth buried underneath humanity's ego, ultimately conveying a message to your audience that encompasses the entirety of our nebulous identities. You also form an empathetic connection with the readers by incorporating a two-ended tone: starry-eyed and down-to-earth, both at the same time. You also demonstrate superb writing mechanics that aid in the delivery of your philosophical ideas.
    Job well done!

  9. OMG are entries go so well together!!
    Your mind is so beautiful and I never am disappointed with your ability to create and develop such profound ideas. Considering that you were able to express and articulate such a complex and layered theory and make is understandable is even more commendable! Your writing and mind never fails to impress me!

    Lauren Maldonado

  10. OMG are entries go so well together!!
    Your mind is so beautiful and I never am disappointed with your ability to create and develop such profound ideas. Considering that you were able to express and articulate such a complex and layered theory and make is understandable is even more commendable! Your writing and mind never fails to impress me!

    Lauren Maldonado

  11. I like how reading this allows me to kind of see how you see things and I can make a connection to it because its often how I like to look at things as well. Its very well written and i really like you perspective on I guess everything. Good stuff!!!

  12. SAM!!! I absolutely love you imagery and diction. Every part of it flows and it gives me a peaceful mind reading it.

  13. At first, I was wondering how you'd illustrate this idea of us or "you" and our sense of individuality. Many times I've heard others argue this point that we are so very small in this universe but it almost always accompanied a pessimistic perspective that we are insignificant. Therefore, I adore your positive view that we should accept how minuscule we are and our importance to be as you put it "conscious forms in the universe". Wonderfully written. Good job Sam ^^

    -Amber Tacderan, Period 2

  14. This piece was very thought provoking, and I honestly had to rethink my own idea of individuality. Initially, I believed that this piece would highlight the importance of an individual, but in reality we aren't as important as we think we are. The sense that we are small is something we should accept, and that our actions still have a huge impact on the world. I love the cosmic imagery and the delivery of your own personal views, great job!

  15. Amazing piece Sam! I really enjoyed reading it. At first, when I read the title I thought it was going to go in a completely different direction than I thought. I thought it would be about how different every person is in their own way, buuutttttt it was quite the opposite. Anywayysss I loved the imagery in the piece you did an amazing Job.

  16. This was amazing Sam I truly loved it and how you brought up this "abstract idea". Well done!

    Alexa Ayala
    Period 2


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