
Monday, May 2, 2016

“Would Everything Be Different?” By Valarie L

Always having to move around is tiring, but it’s not so bad sometimes. I have always wondered what would happened if we never moved. What would I be like? Who would I hang out with? Would everything be different from how it is now?
In my past years, I have moved 6 times. However, there are many people who have moved more than I have. Even though moving has caused me to always have to make new friends and cope with the new environment, I have always told myself that there is a reason for why we move. I have met many people that influenced me and helped me build up my confidence as a person. If we had not moved around so much I wouldn’t have found such loving and caring friends. I wouldn’t have met all these wonderful teachers that helped me overcome my years in school. Every time I entered into a new school, I was this shy new girl that could barely talk to people. Moving makes you realize how many wonderful people there are in the world. The people I met were so nice and loving, they helped me be more comfortable and more outgoing.
If I hadn’t moved so much, I think I would be so different. I would be so much shyer and I probably wouldn’t talk to anyone. If I just stayed in one place, I wouldn’t have ever learned how to cope with a new and different environment. On the other hand, I would’ve been a lot closer to all my old friends. I would’ve been able to grow up with them and know them a lot more. After moving so much, I have discovered that all teachers teach differently, so if I didn’t move I wouldn’t have been able to experience so many different ways of teaching. Moving has allowed me to travel a lot because different areas had different amusement parks, scenery, etc. I used to live in such a cold area and now I live here, which is so much warmer than where I used to live. If I stayed in that area, I think I wouldn’t be used to the warmth at all. The weather was so different from where I used to live and where I live now, so I got a lot of allergies, which caused me to get sick very easily.
The thing I hated the most about moving is how I had to always make new friends and leave them in like 1 or 2 years. I didn’t mind making new friends, but the thought of always having to leave these new friends sucked. However, if I hadn’t moved, I wouldn’t have met the awesome friends I have now. So far, I have been in the area for 4 years, which is the longest I have stayed in one area. Overall, I’m glad to know that I won’t be moving anytime soon.


  1. Hi Valarie! I find it great that you were able to share your feelings and thoughts about moving many times. I personally have not moved house, but have transferred from schools earlier in my life (in elementary school to be exact) and I find that by meeting new people, you can see their stories, way of life and of course, the new scenery. I do agree with you that by not moving, then you would have not been exactly the same person who you are today. But, though it’s a tiring thing to do, it just happens and it can be for a good reason. Anyway, I am glad that you are able show how moving has changed you. I also liked how you gave the pros and cons of moving. So, keep up the good work!

    Kimberly Chua
    period 2

  2. I have only moved once- during the transition from middle school to high school- and it definitely was not a dramatic change in my life because all my old friends were just a 20 minute drive away. However, I can say that despite hating the move at first, I am also glad that I did because like you, it definitely worked to build up my character because I was also a very shy person. I am glad to hear that despite moving 6 times, you remain optimistic! That takes real strength! :)

  3. I have only moved once- during the transition from middle school to high school- and it definitely was not a dramatic change in my life because all my old friends were just a 20 minute drive away. However, I can say that despite hating the move at first, I am also glad that I did because like you, it definitely worked to build up my character because I was also a very shy person. I am glad to hear that despite moving 6 times, you remain optimistic! That takes real strength! :)

  4. Your story has a connection to me and to a lot of others as well. I had to move in between 5th and 6th grade and it sucked. I hated the private school that i went to. Luckly it was only for a year. And now im back

  5. Hey! I'm glad you were able to share this story with us and it was an amazing read. I've moved only once in my life and it was quiet difficult for me to get comfortable with the new environment and it amazes me how positive you are about moving. I'm glad you were able to move here because like you said, you were able to make even more friends and you've become an outgoing person through the process.

    Daveena San
    Period 4

  6. I love the Reminiscent tone that is established in the piece. You remain positive when you tall about all the good events that have taken place from your moving such as making new friends but still think about all the other possibilities that could have happened if you didn't move.I would have liked for your piece to have something inspirational or motivating such as "be happy with what you have"or "make the best out of all situations" then have your experiences backing up your statement. Other then that I loved the piece.

  7. You put a very positive spin on a something, that if you hadnt could have turned out a lot different! And i think that is awesome!! Great job on the writing as well it was nicely organized and your point was easy to understand.
    Karina Blocker

  8. the piece was very entertaining and i admire the fact that you wrote about an experience you've been through, which may relate to other people situations as well. your descriptions were justified and you did an overall great job at maintaining a positive tone. Great job!

    victoria hurtado
    period 5

  9. I've never seen anyone convey the positive and optimistic benefits of moving which is such an awesome portrayal to say "take that society and your stereotypical standards!" Because media, movies, and other influential sources make moving seem like the new living space of Satan, that they choose to blame their parents, fight with their new teachers, despise the other students, but then you, Valarie, have shown me that moving is a learning experience. I never thought of it as a new form of traveling because people usually look at the negative effects; the new friends, the stereotypical new girl, the intimidating teachers and the heartbreak of leaving friends, and although all of it is a possibility, you choose not to make it one and that's truly inspirational, and as I am about to venture off to college, I will look back on this story and say "Thanks Valarie for showing me the good side." Thank you for sharing and I see a college t-shirt in your future ;)).
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  10. Hi! Thank you for sharing this personal piece with us. I really enjoyed reading this story because of how relatable it is. The piece offered a brand new perspective on something that is typically viewed in a negative light. Likewise, I dreaded being the new kid, especially because of how painfully shy I was (heavy emphasis on the word painfully), but this is such a positive piece that I can't help but to look back and feel grateful for the experiences that it has given me too. The fact that you have such a positive outlook inspires me and makes me strive to view things in the same light you do. Good job!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  11. I get that. I moved around alot. after a while you learn to not make friends because you will just leave them anyway, and it sucks.
    great job!!!
    Adrian Modesty
    Pd 4

  12. I've moved houses quite a bit but not as many schools so I was lucky for that. When I moved to this area though I left behind all of my friends fron Glendora and it still makes me sad every now and then. I'm glad you've found the bright side! I agree that things could have been very different and even though I've been through some rough times I'm glad became this version of myself.
    -Kayla salas

  13. While I haven't necessarily moved anywhere, I remember making the transition from private school to public school, and that in itself was very daunting. I think it's very interesting on how moving around so much changed your view on how you see people, and that overall you were able to get something positive out of it all. Thank you for sharing your story, great job!

  14. This is a wonderful piece. I didn't realize that moving a lot can be difficult and so on. I really enjoyed reading this. After reading this piece, I ponder to myself whether the same thing will happen to me if I move.
    - Michelle Truong

  15. This is a very relate able piece because I myself have moved 4 times in my lifetime and have met so many different people in the process. Being the new kid is always difficult at first, but I have grown accustomed to it, because I am a pretty social person. Good work!
    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  16. Who would have thought that moving could be a big part of someones lives. After reading your piece you made me think of it in an entirely different perspective. I think it's cool to see how moving has made such an impact on your life. Congrats on finding the positive thing out of moving. this is a very well written piece, thanks for sharing it.
    Kayla Weathers

  17. I really enjoy this piece because I personally never moved around anywhere. I was born and raised here. I always wondered what it would be like to transition and move my whole life somewhere else. I liked how your story showed me personally and offered good insight of what that would be like. Thank you! BTW I'm so glad you moved here!


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