
Monday, May 2, 2016

"Regrets" by Andre M

     From now until the moment I die, I will have regrets. I will look back on my life at my
dying moment and know that my life could have possibly been better. No matter how hard I try,
those past decisions cannot be changed. Nothing will change my decisions of the past. Nothing
I do now will change how I've lived my life. Nothing can change how I’ve become a stranger to
my once friends or how my timid behavior has limited me from experiences. As somber as all
that sounded, regret can also be a positive and beautiful thing. The regrets I have push me to
be a more outgoing person which I regard as an accomplishment considering what a sheltered
odd kid I was.
     Regret is to be disappointed about a past decision. I sadly have many regrets throughout
my 17 years of life. They range from regretting not picking up a nickel from the street to not
telling her my feelings because of fear. All these regrets are now part of me. They have made
me what I am today. I have my bad choices to thank for making me the person I have become.
We all face constant growth in character as humans everyday. I like to think we all are
becoming better people with every day we conquer. In spite of this idea, the growth as humans
that is caused by regret can only occur with its acceptance. As stubborn as some of us are, we
have to be able to welcome the sadness and embarrassment that comes with regret. No matter
how proud of a person you are, you cannot be allowed to make the same mistakes in life.
Regret is often accompanied by shame. This shame we feel is not a bad thing but
instead necessary to the process of individual growth as humans. We feel shame for not making
the right decision, for being wrong. But you cannot expect perfection from an imperfect people.
We eventually realize that any regret is an opportunity to become better and more perfect.
A real example of the power of regret can be seen by the average high school student
and their desire for acceptance. High School is where everyone wants to be praised as cool and
seeks the acceptance of their peers. Some kids change their whole identities to fit into what they
believe is cool. As time passes they realize there is no need to change who you are to be
accepted. The regret they feel leads them to not let their mistake to be repeated again.
All this leads to the goal of living a life without regrets. To live the perfect life. To do
everything we want and enjoy the the life were given. This is the goal of many but achieved by
none. No one will ever be able to live a life without regret because we are imperfect people that
are inclined to make wrong choices that we will eventually regret. But nothing can stop us from


  1. Andre, I really enjoyed reading your piece. It was informative and I agree with it 100%. Like you, I do have many regrets in my life but I did learn that those regrets that I have helped shaped me into the person that I am today and I'm proud of it. Overall, great piece!

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  2. Andre! Thank you for sharing the regrets you had throughout your life! I really liked how you showed on the different types of regrets you can have. It may range to be something very trivial to something much bigger. Although we may regret it, the past is the past. As long as we learn from it then we can move on from that regret. Overall, great job Andre!

    -Brenda Do
    Period 3

  3. I like how you talked about that regrets can also have a positive influence of peoples lives. I also like the progression of regrets that you describe from your childhood to being in high school. The comparison of other teens regrets vs yours add a nice touch to the piece overall. Good job!

  4. I like how your regrets. We all make mistakes but as long as we learn from them we can have a little bit of closer from them.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is a great entry. it really speaks to our generation because we do lots of things that we regret and other can bring it up again. good job on the reflection!
    -Per. 5

  7. Funny part is I actually did my "What I Believe" essay on regret, but instead it's about not having them for the same reasons. I fully agree that regret is something everyone experiences, but I strive to regret nothing because I would rather not waste the time and emotion feeling and working through that regret but instead moving on and remembering and adjusting and applying what I know from that situation. Very very good job though. I was captivated when I saw the title.

  8. Danielle GonzalesMay 9, 2016 at 8:02 PM

    I find it really inspiring how you can take something not so great and view it in a completely new light. That shows a growth in character as well and having regrets is what makes us human so it really is part of life and bound to happen. I enjoyed this reflection on the topic of regret and the natural response of acceptance you have for it. Great job Andre

  9. Wow this was incredible, I don't think I've ever thought about regret this way. It never occurred to me that after all the regret that has come with the mistakes we've made, those bad choices have made us who we are today. I think this was an excellent piece especially since high school is almost over and we are to start a new chapter in our lives. Great job! All the detail and just the specific words you chose made this piece flow really well.
    Jessica Perez

  10. Andre!! You are so quiet in class, but you always write amazing pieces that are so personal and captivating to the reader. If you participated in the discussions you'd amaze those around you! Great job on this piece with your use of dialect!

  11. Andre, this was a really wonderful piece! It not only gave me insight on the power of regrets but also your personal character. This past year, I spent a lot of time trying to convince myself that feeling regret was absolutely worthless but, ultimately, it isn't because regrets are important to our own development as human beings. I enjoyed reading this piece! Good job!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  12. I think this is really a great subject that you wrote about Andre. I think that everyone can relate to this because we all will experience this at some time in our life. I know that I already have many regrets in my life, but I also understand that they are a part of me and a lesson as well. If I didn't have those, I may not have learned the things that I have learned. I think you really hit this out of the ball park because this is really a great subject and I loved it so much. I'm glad to read it as one of the last blogs of the year.

  13. I really enjoy your story because I have a regret inn my life and after I thought long and hard I learned from it so I related to your story and I really liked it.
    Zya Woody
    Per 4

  14. I enjoyed this personal reflection because I believe everyone has encountered regret, some more than others. I also like that you were able to take something usually with a bad connotation and find something good to take out of it! It no longer matters the things you regret because now you understand the role it played in your life. This piece reminded me of the quote: "One day I woke up and realized that I can't touch yesterday. So why the heck was I letting it touch me?". Anyways keep up the positive attitude!

  15. I enjoyed this personal reflection because I believe everyone has encountered regret, some more than others. I also like that you were able to take something usually with a bad connotation and find something good to take out of it! It no longer matters the things you regret because now you understand the role it played in your life. This piece reminded me of the quote: "One day I woke up and realized that I can't touch yesterday. So why the heck was I letting it touch me?". Anyways keep up the positive attitude!

    Michelle Sanchez
    P.5 Mrs. C

  16. The choices we make are what make us people whether we regret them or not. We are bound to regret something, it's inevitable. I could feel that emotion through your piece. Well-written.
    -Alicia Alcaraz
    Period 5 cogswell

  17. I liked reading this because I too have some regrets and not being able to go back and change things for the better hurts. But some of these things are meant to happen and in turn make us better people. Good job. :D - Deven Kiphen Pd 2

  18. I really liked this piece mainly because most of my life is a big regret. Most of the time I don't learn much from regret more so i learn from regrets but i do like how you put it that we can also use our regret as a form of encouragement. Excellent job!

  19. I like how people can easily relate to this story. Everyone has bad experiences which lead up to regrets.

  20. Andre, I totally agree with you. I am 2 years younger than you but I've also made many regrets in my life too. There's nothing we can do about those regrets we have except for reflect and learn on them. Good job writing this story.

  21. Really nice piece. I really like how at the end you come to peace with yourself knowing that regrets are a part of life but also an opportunity to become better.

  22. I really enjoyed reading your piece. I honestly love your view on regrets now you've opened my eyes to another perspective. I also loved how it was a personal reflection and thank you for sharing. You did a good job. :)

  23. This totally hit close to home. Regrets are definitely something that as humans, we always have to live with. And most importantly we need to overcome and move past all these regrets. I really admired how your regrets ranged from big to small. Very well done and very reflective.

  24. This was a very inspiring reflection. Regret is one of the greatest issues we face as individuals and it's true, just as it can be negative, it can also be positive. I really admire the personal reflection in this because it takes a lot of courage to face our own imperfections and flaws, let alone put it out there. Great job!

    Period 3

  25. I can completely relate to this piece. I have had regrets in my life , but eventually i learned to accept them and ultimately move on with my day. I must say when i first started reading this i highly thought it was going to be sad from beginning to end, but your change in tone reassured me that you as a write can see the positive things in life rather than just the negative.
    -Diana Godinez
    Period 5

  26. This is great because this can relate to everyone and I always have many regrets in life that I can never change so this peom is really good.
    -David Rodriguez

  27. Andre, this piece really touched my heart. I have similar views on life. I myself have also gotten myself to this point in my life because of some of the things I regret. The way you show your readers that regrets aren't always bad is really inspiring. Your piece was also so easy to read and flowed nicely, and didn't have random ideas being brought up. Everything was very well organized and came together well. Good job!

  28. I think this piece can really touch everyone and everyone can relate to the emotions you described, this was also inspiring. Great job!

  29. I love your interpretation of regret. I never really thought of it that way. Life will be full of regrets for all people, we have to learn by messing up. This piece can really touch everyone and everyone can relate to the emotions you described. Thank you for writing this piece.


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