
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"Plausible Death" by Corey C

     It was a very warm Wednesday afternoon in late November, like a lot of days in Fontana, it was
nice and the breeze was light. I was only 10 at the time and very close to turning 11, as my
birthday was on the 14th of December. I remember back at that time I used to go out a lot with
the kids in my neighborhood. It was really fun going out and seeing them every day because we
had a lot of things to entertain us, simple things, riding bikes, the stupid pokemon cards we used
to collect and even just walking around outside and talking. This day I had gone over to my
friend Ezra’s house, and everything seemed to be fine until it started to get later into the
afternoon. Me, Ezra and his little sister decided to go outside and just go to sit down and talk to
each other. Their dad had let their dog out to come out and play with us. We didn’t really play
with the dog until a bit later after he was let out. The dog was a Rottweiler and was very friendly
although I did have a tiny fear of him, I had disregarded it while I was with them. The dog came
out to lay on the grass very close to where I was. Without thinking I quickly got up pushing
towards the dog which was a huge mistake on my part. The dog quickly attacked and I had
clenched my neck and curled up my shoulder and the dog had bit the right side of my lip and
arm. Blood was all over the ground as I was bleeding profusely. The little sister was screaming
as their dad hurried her over to go get my dad as he tried to bandage what he could and take care
of me for a bit. My dad grabbed me and took me back to our house to get in the car and we
rushed over to urgent care. While on the drive there, he of course, asked me questions about what
had happened to me. My shirt was torn down and blood was everywhere on me. We went into
the UC and explained what had happened. Quickly they led me to a room because of my critical
condition. I was there for about an hour and a half. During that time, I was injected with 3 shots,
2 in my arm and one in my face, it hurt a lot and it felt like a bee stinging me. They told me that
the hole in my arm was 1 inch away from the bone and that the tissue from there was torn out
completely but it would grow back eventually. After being stitched up which consisted of 5 in
my shoulder and 7 in my face I was finally able to leave and go back home. I still felt really bad
and I was shaky. I was still able to have a little bit of the taste of blood from when I was first
attacked. I was told that the dog had to be quarantined and had to stay in the backyard for 2
weeks while tested to see if it had rabies. Fortunately, the dog didn’t have rabies and the county
decided not to put him to death based off of this incident. I learned from this experience that
even the most friendly animals can turn on you if they perceive a threat. I learned that day that I
could have died if he were to have bitten me in the neck. Which still to this day makes me sit and
wonder, what would have happened if I had never curled up in fear?...


  1. That is such a tragic accident and I could empathize with you through the use of your diction, dialogue and style of your story. You began with a normal, beautiful day in Fontana; a friendly and innocent visit to your friend's house, and then all of a sudden you're in urgent care with stitches, blood and a horrible day. Although you foreshadowed your fear with the dog, it was still an unexpected event that the dog would cause so much damage that you had to have stitches! Great piece and I hope you're all patched up and still willing to love and accept dogs in your life, because they really are cute.
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  2. Man corey you know how to make a sad stroy. But there is one thing that u forgot to say is that sometimes when a dog that looks and acts cute its probably had a ruff passed and doesnt want that any more so that is why the dogs act like that sometimes its because there scared. For insists i have two pupies they are both resuced dogs. And my one dog Twiggy was afarid and my cousins ex tried to grab but learn she was new to the house so she bit him to where skin can off. But basically the way the dog acts you atleast have to wound what happened to them in the past before they got the dog.

    Per. 4

  3. Oh my god I am so sorry that happened to you. You see, this is the exact why you shouldn't provoke dogs. Good thing that dog didn't have rabies, that wouldn't have been good. Anyway, thanks for sharing the story.
    Michael Retana P.1

  4. I love how you started off your piece as a "normal day" but then as it time passed there was an ominous tone foreshadowing your accident. I thought that your piece was extremely detailed as you described the blood gushing out of you and the dog attacking you. Overall, great story and message.

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  5. I really enjoyed your story. I love your way of describing what had occurred. I agree with some dogs may start off cute but can also have an alternate side. I can connect to this because when I was twelve, my favorite cousins dog attacked me and bit my neck. That day I was petting the dog just fine then the dog just snapped. Nice job and great descriptions.

  6. wow that is something to ponder. your detail was great and your use of reflection after the climax was effective.

  7. dang but its true same thing happened to me but only on the lip I got four stitches now I have a big ugly scar now

  8. wow that story was amazing I seriously did not want that to end!!! amazing job and keep writing
    ~julianna Alvarado period 1

  9. Its weird how dogs do this but even the littlest or dogs that look friendly can attack any time, Or it can be the other way around. Pitbulls could be the nicest dogs, but they look mean. It sucks to not know if there going to attack you but thats just how it is.
    Logan Donoho

  10. i can believe a dog can do that but dogs are such loving pets that they mean no harm to us but if they feel like they are feared they will attack its so scary how much blood and stitches you had to get i bet you were in pain i'm so scared of shots but very good story.
    p.4 alexis medina

  11. I really like how this story gradually grew intense. A normal day really can turn bad in a matter of minutes or seconds. Sometimes a man's best friend can turn on you.

  12. wow what a great story i love how u ask a question as the last sentence

  13. Wow Corey I'm very sorry you got attacked and im glad you are ok. I'm honestly surprised on how animals act based on action, I mean when I think of animals I think cute and harmless. But obviously thats not always the case. Overall im so very glad you are ok and thank you for sharing your story, I'll try to be a bit more precautious.

  14. Dogs in general scare me, and I just do not like them. They can attack at any time or not attack at all which makes them so scary lol. I have never actually have had a dog attack me but I have been chased by one, and my life flashed before my eyes! Good story though!!
    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  15. awesome story it shows you can't always judge everything by how it looks. however also shows you can't judge everything based on your unfortunate experience. great story

  16. great job Corey. This proves the lesson you cant judge a book by its cover

  17. braden bailey per 4


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