
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"Old Farts" by Alicia A

Ever wonder why employees can be so mean? Well maybe it’s because customers suck. Whether it’s a fast food restaurant or at a retail store, most customers are just stinky old farts who follow you around with the type of persistency that makes you want to die of suffocation. I am currently working at a retail store, and I know it may appear as if I was one of those employees you would see on WorldStar or in a Vine who would go off on a customer or maybe even do some type of wrestling move on one of them. In reality I would like to think of myself as one of the kinder type of employees. Of course I don’t exactly cut down whole forests and rebuild an entire village for these people but I do, however, help them out to the best of my ability and make them happy so they don’t come back to rip me a new one.
This is my first job and to be completely honest I don’t even know how I got it, I mean I don’t have the best speaking skills and I am quite forgetful when given specific instructions, but for some reason I showed some type of potential and hey I guess I’m happy enough with that answer. With this being my first job ever, I don’t know, I guess I kind of expected for customers to be sweet and respectful not demons who rose from the fire pits of hell to make my job miserable.
This is mostly a rant so bear with me but it seems necessary to rant after dealing with all the different types of people that walk in and out of the store I work at, It seems reasonable to form some type of opinion about them right? I mean what justifies an old man calling the store just to tell us he’s naked? Ok so, what bugs me the most about these previously mentioned farts is that they are inconsiderable and rude. Why? I don’t even know. The store is literally a dump most hours of each day, why? Now I DO know the answer to that question and I bet you guys can guess it too…it’s the customers (*ding ding ding* the crowd goes wild *distinct cheers in the background* the announcer gives you a check for a million friggin’ dollars for the winning answer!!) Anyways, so people walk around picking up clothes and dropping them all over the floor, and you would think they would have half a brain and think to pick it up but noooo that seems completely impossible and not within their abilities as a functioning human being. Not only that but these people man, these people, they see a pile of clothes on a table leftover from some other seemingly incapable imbeciles and what do they do? They add on to it! And you see what we are left with is an avalanche of clothes, accessories, food, wrappers, etc. And what pushes my buttons the most is when I’m working in a particular section in the store and folding clothes with such crisp creases and folds, sizing everything from top to bottom, putting clothes where it belongs, and just making that area look as presentable as I possibly can –and may I add it takes my hours to do this –and someone walks on over and man handles all of the clothes once again in 2.5 seconds. And what do I do? In a perfect world I would throw my body over the table and my instincts would be to attack and make them rue the day they ever walked into my store. But in a more practical and sensible world, I would simply continue working and give them the occasional side eye.
So what’s the lesson after all of this you ask? Well I’m not even quite sure of it myself. I do however know that I am more conscious when I enter into a store. If I pick something up and later decide I don’t want it anymore, I go put it back to its original spot. If I unfold a shirt, for example, I fold it back and gently put it down into the same position it was in before. If I drop something on the floor, I make sure I pick it up. Never before would I really do these things, but after working at a retail store and dealing with customers face-to-face I realize what workers go through and don’t want to make their jobs even more miserable than what it already is. I’ve learned to have patience with workers and to be as nice as possible when asking for something. I don’t know, I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t be like one of those stinky old farts.


  1. First of all, your title made me laugh out loud, and second of all I love your piece. It's so comical yet realistic because your diction and syntax and your style convey so much humor and frustration, but you also shift tone at the end of the piece, as you found a moral lesson to treat people with respect, as well as their actions. Your side comments, the ding! ding!, added to your style that it almost portrays a comic relief in your rant. And although I am not currently employed, I can understand your disbelief and frustration for the rude and selfish actions others do like, just because I work here does not make me your slave. Anyway, great piece, funny content and understandable emotions!
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  2. I would love to say I fully understand what you are going through, but thankfully I work with children instead of their parents. What I do understand is the importance of being polite to any employee helping you. In my job I don't have a choice but to be nice because I'm teaching children how to swim so I'm focusing on keeping them safe. All I can say is I hope I never have to rant like you did, and I hope you can find a happy place at your job or have a good way of relieving the tension after work. And I admire you and your capability of staying calm. Good job!!!

  3. I've never connected with a piece more than yours I literally was saying in my head ,"Same" throughout every sentence because honestly dealing with customers that give you crap is so annoying. I mean even if they claim they're always right are they really? Nope. I feel your pain 100% but just think of the paycheck at the end of the rainbow haha. Thank you for making me laugh throughout this piece it was great Alicia. Your humor was very evident and with that, a breathe of fresh air.

  4. People can be very...messy, to say the least. haha but yeah i get it! I like best about your article is the opposite point of view it is not the annoying customer but the patient employee haha. The humors great and makes it very enjoyable to read! Very nice piece!!

    Karina Blocker
    period 4

  5. I was already intrigued with your title "Old Farts" and I am satisfied that I was able to read this piece with fun and laughter. This piece was absolutely so straightforward and serious, but yet it was very fun to read this piece. I love the comical aspect of your piece! However besides all of that, I'm glad that you were able to learn from your experience and thank you for sharing something personal that we can all learn from! Overall I really loved this piece! Great job!

    -Brenda Do

  6. First of all, nice metaphor!! Second of all, this made me actually laugh. This may simply be a rant, but it was humorous and personal, and that makes this a very entertaining read. I love how you incorporate your own voice in this, making it as if I were actually listening to you rant to me in real life (I would still find it humorous), and manage to actually pass along a valuable lesson to your peers.

  7. First of all, nice metaphor!! Second of all, this made me actually laugh. This may simply be a rant, but it was humorous and personal, and that makes this a very entertaining read. I love how you incorporate your own voice in this, making it as if I were actually listening to you rant to me in real life (I would still find it humorous), and manage to actually pass along a valuable lesson to your peers.

  8. This is a great piece it had me laughing all the way! I enjoyed how openly you shared all your thoughts and emotions and were able to at the same time, take a moral lesson from it. Also, that part where you said you would throw your body over the table and and that your instincts would be to attack, reminded me of that one scene from Mean Girls. Anyways, thats for a humorous piece and good luck with those "old farts".

  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thank you Alicia for discouraging me from ever working in retail (just kidding I'm desperate). This was really well-written. The funny thing is is that I can imagine you saying actually ranting to me about this in fifth period. I hate to say you did something well but good job (Jk)!

    Oge Okafor
    Period 5

  10. I love the blunt way in which you provide your idea about customer involvement in store service. The use of absurd and dramatic language grabs the attention of the reader. The title has the language to pull in interest. I can also attest to the fact that this article only speaks truth. After listening to my close friends experience in the ticket sale industry, many of these examples match up with her personal experience and the feeling of not wanting to do the best work for rude customers is so true.

    Jordyn France
    AP English
    Per 3

  11. I hate to admit it but I might be an old fart. Not completely, but when it comes to unfolding the close all I can say is I’m sorry. After reading I do not think I can shop the same. No longer will I pick up a shirt only to crumple it and throw back on the table. You really opened my eyes to the perspective of the employee when I’ve only been looking as the customer.
    Darian henry
    Period 2

  12. Oh my gosh this story was hilarious. I absolutely love the fact that you're just being real throughout the entire thing. I can say I totally understand how you feel! I am so cautious whenever I go to retail stores now! But nevertheless, I really enjoyed your little excerpt.
    Period 5

  13. Hands down has to be one of the best blog entries on here! I love the attitude through out it all. You were disgusted by the customers, but you gave respect to them and leave your work with more sensibility towards others work. Good thing I'm not one of those type of customers you described, but it definitely gave me a different perspective on the situation.

  14. I'll be honest and say that it was the title that brought me here now writing a comment for your entry and I honestly thought that this entry would be about old people. Instead I find myself reading about your story and your experience, which kept me intrigued. I love how you grabbed the readers attention with this with first, your title, and second, your entry. It's different, even if it is a rant, because you're writing with anger and frustration. It sets the tone and which way the piece would go , but you were able to make it a little comical in the process. Great work overall.

  15. I have to admit I laughed so hard at this! I totally understand where you're coming from. I work at McDonald's and they do not attract the most ideal customers (rude, smelly, rude part 2, and loud) I thought working in retail would be better but based on this story I guess not! I love how you relate them to farts haha. I really enjoyed this piece! Thanks for the laugh!

  16. This was beautiful Alicia! I laughed after every sentence, especially the title. I can't stop giggling. But yes preach! This piece was so straightforward that I could almost feel your struggle. Whenever I go to a retail stores, I see people dropping stuff, like they got maids right behind them! I feel so bad for the employees. It's tragic. Anyways, awesome piece and good luck with your job!
    -Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  17. I agree that there are many rude people out there. I see all the time when I go to stores there are many customers being rude to the workers. Even if they're having a bad day they shouldn't take it out on other people. Great job with this piece!

    JC Bagro
    period 3

  18. This is an incredibly funny story which is also very eye-opening. By describing your experiences in your store in such detail and including how you respond to those situations strengthens your idea and forces the reader into possibly changing their habits. People tend to be nicer and more considerate to others when they experience what they go through.

  19. Some people just don't have any respect. Good job at making this piece very down to earth and relatable. This was very realistic and detailed 10/10

  20. I so understand what your talking about by getting strange calls, rude customers, and unnecessary messes all over the place. I love how you were able to talk about how you try to act as positively as possible too. I also like how you explain your growth over time with these 'old farts'.

  21. Not gonna lie, the title intrigued me so much, I just had to take a look at what was going on. I'm glad I did, because reading this piece made it seem like an all out rant, and honestly made me want to read more into it. I really enjoyed the personal dialect, and concluding the piece with a lesson learned was very eye-opening. Overall, this was a well written piece. Great job!

  22. This is cool because its usually the customer complaining, but you are instead and it was actually funny.
    Logan Donoho

  23. Haha, oh man...Where do you work? I'd like to come drop some clothes on the floor and "accidentally forget" to pick them up (kidding). No, but seriously, I am curious about where you work because your outfits are on point, girl!
    This piece was so funny to read. I really enjoyed the satirical aspects of it and the social criticisms you have of "old farts." I see rants about old farts on the Internet all the time because it's said that our generation actually has more social etiquette than our elder counterparts.
    Nonetheless, I enjoyed the honesty with which you wrote this piece. Your sarcasm, wit, and sprinkles of slang here and there reminded me of my own piece, actually. Well done! I thoroughly enjoyed this!

  24. This makes be happy I don't have a job and have zero money in my bank account! In all seriousness, I love how you incorporated the title of your piece throughout the entirety of it and referred to the customers as "stinky old farts". I also admire your patience when dealing with customers and then are ranting as you wrote this blog post! I enjoyed your use of comedy and hope old fart customers don't continue to bug you!

  25. This piece was really relatable and made me laugh at times. I like how you added humor to the pain of employers. Good job!
    Per. 5

  26. I love how funny this piece was. Your commentary, sass, and humor made it so great. I really like how straightforward and blunt you are about the customers (I'm so sorry you have to deal with them) because it made the piece so entertaining and lively for me to read. This rant is so nicely put together, I can feel your frustration in every sentence. Thank you for sharing this because I now know that I should never work in retail!!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  27. What a nice insightful rant. You really made me think about how much of a bad person I've been at times and I don't like knowing I was once that person. Once I begin working at whatever establishment will hire me I hope I get customers with this understanding.

  28. This was very real and straight to the point. The rant was also amusing. I felt like you were actually talking to me. Great job with relating your life to ours. Overall the rant was very believable and understanding.

  29. I honestley love this entry it is very funny and relatable. The attitude you put into this piece made the story have personality which I reaaly liked about your writing style. It was a great piece and I really enjoyed reading it.:)

  30. This is a great piece on how some people do not have the decency to be a little neater outside there homes. When i walk into a store and see clothes misplaced or unfolded the OCD kicks in and makes me fix it all so I sort of know what you are going through. Good luck at your job.
    Evanne Turner
    Period 1

  31. Whenever I speak to people who just got their first job we always end up on the thought "man I didnt know those guys had it this hard" Especially those in the fast food industry cause people dont understand how frustrating it is to deal with customers that think they are entitled to better treatment. So you did a great job of describing this frustration with people who dont understand that this job while not the most demanding has its own problems and that treating these workers with respect can go a long way!
    -Marvin Virola

  32. Haha I remember when my sister worked at Target and ever since then she always yells at me when I don't put things where they go, she will even organize things at random stores! I can completely understand how frustrating this is and I feel guilty for everytime I have done something like that.
    Mackenzie Tipple

  33. Any job for young adults is a dreadful evening/night of laborious pay at minimum wage and bickering converaations from "old fart". The reflective piece demonstrates a growth in maturity and consideration. I'm glad that you are able to express yourself and reflect clearly on these experiences; at the same time, tie in comical components!

  34. Any job for young adults is a dreadful evening/night of laborious pay at minimum wage and bickering converaations from "old fart". The reflective piece demonstrates a growth in maturity and consideration. I'm glad that you are able to express yourself and reflect clearly on these experiences; at the same time, tie in comical components!

  35. Some people really can be senseless while shopping. Sadly, I was one of those people, as most of us were I'm sure. But when you work somewhere it really puts you in perspective and makes you think,"Man, I didn't know just those couple of shirts I messed up had such a huge affect." It really does. Good job on incorporating humor and reality in your story.

  36. This really encapsulates the realities that come with a first job so kudos to you for very accurately capturing the emotions that come with part time employment. The piece as a whole is extremely relatable able to all of us who read it and it also does a great job at entertaining everyone as well. Good job on creating a work that is both insightful and humorous, while still sharing an aspect of your life with us.

  37. hey i can relate to this a lot because i have a job and go through this stuff very often. funny and i like this because it shows how the workers feel about customers instead of customers just assume the employee is rude.

  38. this was such a funny piece its so true although i don't have a job yet so i cant really relate to what your going through the things i see when i go to places like KFC, McDonalds, etc is so bad. people making messes all over the place if i worked there i would be so mad you did a great job at showing the point of view from a workers standpoint.

  39. this was such a funny piece its so true although i don't have a job yet so i cant really relate to what your going through the things i see when i go to places like KFC, McDonalds, etc is so bad. people making messes all over the place if i worked there i would be so mad you did a great job at showing the point of view from a workers standpoint.

  40. This story is really funny because it happens all the time, but I can't really relate to your story because I don't job yet, but I could feel what you're going through. You must be really annoyed by that. I really like the entries, is really funny and also the details you put in the story.
    Ray kemas

  41. This story makes you realize how much effort stores take to keep it clean and professional. I've worked with my dad and had to clean up isle and it takes along time to clean one isle. Great job!

    Ricky Martin

  42. Bruhh, this story is so accurate its sad. I work at Michaels, and the customers aren't always the friendliest either! But good job, you put literally every thought I have at work into a blog piece. And the sarcasm you used was a nice element to include too!
    Kelene H

  43. Your speaking only complete truth! I also have a job, but with fast food and when I go out to eat I tend to have more patience now than I ever had before, although i wish some workers had the same patience as me. Your piece just proves everyone has a different reaction towards a situation depending on their side. Your piece was great, and I hope some people now grew more patience!
    - Diana Godinez
    Period 5

  44. As soon as I read the title I wanted to know what you were talking about. it was very funny but I think you the sooner you tell yourself people aren't going to do always what you want you can be happier

  45. I love how you describe your customers in the "old fart" kind of way its really funny. You probably were very frustrated by these experiences but you turned them around and made it into something comical.
    - Victoria Ervin

  46. As soon as I read the title I wanted to know what you were talking about. It was really detailed and funny and it really caught my attentions. The way you had the title gave it more of that comedic element to the story so it really was a good story good job really!
    Period 5 Jorge Rodriguez

  47. This story was very funny and it was very well written and i really like it so great job with putting all the right words into it.

  48. I read the title and i was so intrigued to find out what you actually meant! It was not at all what i was expecting. In my mind i thought you actually meant like old farts. I didn't expect old farts to mean like older people! It was so funny and i love how you described your customers this way! It was very detailed and kind of funny! You did a very good job on description and how you felt toward everything. You set the tine very well! Great job!

  49. I really enjoyed this piece. I thought it was hilarious. I actually thought you were going to talk about people farting. Good job!


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