
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"How to Make Apple Pecan Monkey Bread" by Michelle S.

This is a great recipe that will satisfy your sweet tooth and is relatively simple. My aunt actually taught me this one a few years back and it could be done for as a quick sweet breakfast or desert. Usually my family and I make it for the holidays especially in the fall. The term monkey bread has been interchangeably called “puzzle bread, sticky bread, African coffee cake, golden crown, pinch-me cake, bubble bread”, etc. The name does not derive from a single thing but rather there are different theories.

Materials and Appliances:

·      A bundt pan
·      Two bowls
·      An oven
·      Mixing utensils
·      A zip loc bag (big)
·      A knife
·      Cutting board
·      Measuring cup (optional)


·      2-3 tubes of Pillsbury Grand Biscuits
·      1 cup of sugar
·      3 tablespoons of brown sugar (organic)
·      2 small green apples or 1 big apple
·      ½ cup of pecans (whole)
·      1/3 cup of butter
·      3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees
 Step 1: Mix the two sugars and the cinnamon in a big bowl and take half of that mix and put in a small separate bowl/container and set it aside.
 Step 2:  Peel and dice the apples and use the mix that was previously set aside to now coat the sliced apples. Then set that aside.
Step 3:  Melt the butter.
Step 4:  Open the two tubes of the Pillsbury Grand Biscuits (8 biscuits in each tube) and use a knife to cut each one into fourths. (You will end up with around 64 pieces).
Tip: a pizza cutter cuts them smoothly.
Step 5: Now the other part of the mixture that was left in the big bowl is going to be used to coat the pieces. To make things easier what I like to do is use a zip loc back and dump the mix inside along with around eight pieces and shake the bag. Repeat until all are coated.
Step 6: Grease your Bundt pan. Then you need to take all the pecans and place them on the bottom of the pan (so that they are on the top once it is flipped over). The pecans could be chopped into smaller pieces but I am using them in whole pieces).
Step 7:  Add the first layer of the coated pieces on top of the pecans and press down so that the pecans are attached and not loose.
Step 8:  Drizzle melted butter using a spoon on top the pieces.
Step 9:  Then spoon over with the apples that were put aside and add that into the pan as well.
Step 10: Repeat steps 7-9 (it will be around 3 layers high)
Step 11: Take the pan and place it into the oven for approximately 35-40 minutes or until you see crispy and light golden brown.
Step 12: Take it out (Caution: Pan is very hot), let it cool down for about 5 minutes, flip it over, and enjoy!!!! (It can be sliced and served or pulled-out with your hands!)

v Don’t limit yourself to one way in doing a recipe but discover all variations. This is how my family and I prepare monkey bread but you could add different kinds of nuts or substitute what I used for foods like banana, cream cheese, chocolate chips, caramel sauce, etc. the possibilities are endless!  Hopefully you will give it a try and enjoy a delicious treat!







  1. I've been wanting to make this since I learned about the internet! This is such an organized recipe that I am going to print this and add it to my cookbook (once I start making one :)). The format of your recipe was so eye appealing that it was quick and simple to go from one task to another, and your directions were smooth, understandable and above all easy! I am pretty sure mine is not going to look as beautiful as yours, but your pictures are clear and are easy to comprehend and visualize for those that are better visually. Great recipe and I hope I can make it as delicious as your picture seems!
    -Samar Elshekh p.3

  2. This sounds so delicious, I cant wait to try it out. The whole recipe including the directions were so simple and neat && yet very informative. Great Job!
    Ashley Garcia

  3. this looks and sounds so good! I really want to try this recipe it doesn't sound hard with the easy directions! Great piece of work! Writing and food wise!

    Karina Blocker
    period 4

  4. This looks absolutely delicious! Besides commenting how much I would want to eat and try the recipe, which I will definitely try, I wanted to comment on how this recipe was written. The instructions were so clear and precise that even a 3 year old could follow along with! The instructions also flowed smoothly throughout the recipe! I also really loved how you added pictures that showed each step precisely, making it even more easier to follow along with! Overall this was a well written recipe!

    -Brenda Do

  5. Wow! This looks great I've been wanting to make this but every other recipe I have tried wasn't good. Either is was too salty or too sugary. However this will hit the spot. Also I like how you go into detail with the recipe you even warned us not to touch the pan after we take it out.

  6. I've never tried monkey bread nor have i even tried to make some, but I may just end up trying some one day with your recipe :) I like how you incorporated pictures that correspond with some of the steps and that finished monkey bread looks soooo good! I'd imagine it's be a great treat especially in the fall with the cinnamon, apples, and pecans.

  7. I've never tried monkey bread nor have i even tried to make some, but I may just end up trying some one day with your recipe :) I like how you incorporated pictures that correspond with some of the steps and that finished monkey bread looks soooo good! I'd imagine it's be a great treat especially in the fall with the cinnamon, apples, and pecans.

  8. This looks extremely appetizing!! The instructions were clear and easy to follow through, the pictures were also helpful because they correspond to the steps provided. I can't to try this out, thanks for the wonderful recipe!!

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  9. This looks so amazing! I don't even think I could eat it, I probably would just sit in awe of what an awesome masterpiece I created. You also had actual photos which I could tell were genuinely you. Thanks for sharing !
    Period 3

  10. Hi Michelle!
    I really enjoyed your recipe on how to make this dessert! I never actually knew what monkey bread was until I read your description at the beginning of the recipe. As I was reading this, I actually got kind of hungry. I also enjoyed the extra tips that were attached to this recipe and I really like the pictures of the food (sorry, I just like looking at food pictures when I’m hungry). But anyway, thanks for making this informative tutorial on how to make this monkey bread! Keep up the good work!
    -Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I've tried monkey bread before and it was delicious these instructions were very simple and easy to understand the details help me understand what everything needed.
    Lailah Harris
    Period 1

  13. I actually decided to try this recipe out! Now from past experiences I have come to find that although given specific detailed recipe step information, sometimes I tend not to fully understand what the step is asking. Yet with this particular one your pictures provided helped clear up some uncertain steps that I might have messed up. The bread turned out perfectly moist. Thank you for sharing in such an organized manner as well.

    Jordyn France
    AP English
    Per 3

  14. I actually decided to try this recipe out! Now from past experiences I have come to find that although given specific detailed recipe step information, sometimes I tend not to fully understand what the step is asking. Yet with this particular one your pictures provided helped clear up some uncertain steps that I might have messed up. The bread turned out perfectly moist. Thank you for sharing in such an organized manner as well.

    Jordyn France
    AP English
    Per 3

  15. I like that it has very simple directions with minimal ingredients that I probably already have in the fridge and pantry. The pictures seem to really capture the process from start to finish beautifully. Great idea on bolding the tips as they really stand out against the easy to follow recipe. Also, the little fun facts on monkey bread and its name were a great addition. Hope I will have the time to make this one day!
    Darian henry
    Period 2

  16. Honestly this turned out pretty good especially since its coming from you The pictures you added in after each step look so good and the final result looks sooooo delicious! I'm lazy so I don't really cook but I think i'll give this try since you made it look easy and fast to make. I'll send you my own creation when I get around to making it ;)
    -Alicia Alcaraz
    Period 5 Cogswell

  17. my my my this looks absolutely delicious! Greatly organized and having photos helps give a very visual idea. This looks really good to eat and monkey bread reminds me of one of my favorite movies "Beauty Shop" and actually seeing it in pictures and having the recipes makes me want to try it out even more!Great job!

    Allyson Bol
    Period 2

  18. Wow that looks sensational! This looks great and I would try this but I suck at baking... I would probably end up baking a piece of rock, instead. Maybe you can give me some of this because this looks great! Fantastic presentation by the way!

  19. This looks great! This is definitely something I would love to try. Your instructions made it seem very easy to do. The pictures were a great help as well.

    -Noelle M
    Period 2

  20. I've seen monkey bread before here and there and have always wanted to try it, but I never had a chance to! Your recipe looks delicious and I'm tempted to try it! Your directions are very easy to follow and clear, and I can see that it would be easy to replicate. Also, the pictures are a nice touch and shows your recipe is reliable! Thanks for the recipe! Maybe one day Ill try it out!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  21. Oh My Goodness! I absolutely love anything baked with apples; apple pie, apple strudel, and now this! This sound soooo good and they way you explained it make it seen extremely easy. Great job Michelle! Can't wait to try it!
    -Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  22. Michelle,
    This how-to tutorial is very clear and coherent, and the step-by-step processes that you describe allows me to visually picture each instruction. The bread also looks delicious, and I can't wait to try this out in the future! Well done.

  23. Thanks for this great tutorial! I have wanted to try to make monkey bread for quite sometime now, and this gives me all the more reason to! Your instructions were incredibly clear and descriptive. I really enjoyed that you included your own tips and the way you did things because sometimes people don't have other ways to do it or they do. You really leave it open as an example if someone wants to try something new which is great. I also really liked how you included pictures because I know sometimes I get confused with how the directions work, so visuals are usually really great to look at too. Thanks for this tutorial!

  24. i love monkey bread me and my sister always use to make it. Apples and pecans would put a major twist. Definitely going to try this!!!!

    Period 4

  25. reading this got me hungry tbh and I love monkey bread I will enjoy making this if I get hungry
    - Eric. E

  26. It looks really good but I wish I knew how to cook haha. Even though I can't cook I'll try it out sometime. Reading this made me really really hungry. -melodie baptiste period 1

  27. This was a super easy recipe to follow! It was very easy to understand and adding pictures was also a nice touch. I'm excited to try it for myself! Hopefully when I make it I don't mess up. Again, wonderful piece!!

    JJ Jacinto
    Period 5

  28. Ive never tried making monkey bread before but I will surely attempt it with the help of this recipe. Everything was very easy to follow an the instructions were perfectly clear. Including the pictures make this even more tempting because it looks delicious at the end.Thanks Michelle :)

  29. I love baking so I am totally adding this to my to-do list to make someday during the summer. Also, loved how it's super easy to follow all your steps! Thanks a bunch! :)
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  30. Before reading this piece I knew I would love it because it combines my two loves: carbs and sugar. Your writing conventions are so great; it was really easy to follow these instructions, and every step was outstandingly clear. I'm not sure why I laughed when you wrote, "Caution: Pan is very hot." but I appreciated the reminder and I thought it was very cute. I've never made monkey bread, but I see pictures of different variations of it all over the social medias, so I hope your recipe is the first monkey bread that I get to try for myself! Thanks for sharing this recipe with us!

  31. I'm always looking for new baked goods to try and create and believe me, this one is on my list! I tend to not like bread like desserts but looking at the pictures made my mouth water. Thank you for sharing the steps so clearly and giving pictures. Some recipes never come with pictures so they aren't able to clarify what exactly to do, but you included pictures so thats great.

  32. Wow. I've always wanted to make monkey bread... But even more so, eat it. Regardless though, your recipe was so easy to follow and every instruction was clear enough that I actually feel motivated to make this!
    Thanks so much for attaching the pictures... Or actually maybe I shouldn't say thank you... LOL it looks so delicious that now I'm SUPER hungry!

  33. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I have never tried monkey bread, but it sure does look delicious. Apples and pecans seem like a good combination together. I love how organized this was written where you separated it into sections. It made it so much easier to follow. The directions were very clear and straightforward. Thank you for adding many pictures because I am a person who likes to see visuals. Also, I liked when you added the tips and cautions because it will help me when I make this some time in the future. I'm bad at baking, but I will give it a shot. Awesome recipe!

    - Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  34. samantha quintanillaApril 14, 2016 at 7:53 PM

    ^^^^^^agreed^^^^^ the final product looked so pretty with the pecans! i have always loved the idea of eating sticky bread with your hands and it really is the perfect fall old just like how you said your family makes it. I loved how easy the instructions were because it didn't seem overwhelming and the ingredients weren't extensive either which is perfect. thank you so much for this delicious recipe!

  35. All I can say is Yuumm!I enjoyed how personal this recipe is to you and your family, it makes the reader feel apart of the family. I liked how precise and detailed you were in you directions and measurements of ingredients. Hopefully when I make this it will come out just as yummy as the pictures.
    Emily Gonzalez
    Per. 2

  36. I've never actually tried monkey bread but this definitely makes me want to! I like how simple the recipe is. I've never been good at baking but it's still really easy for me to comprehend. The pictures are also really helpful in guiding me. The monkey bread looks really really delicious! Thank you for sharing this! I would love to try this recipe someday.

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  37. Michelle,
    This recipe sounds delicious! I particularly love your introduction, which draws eager learners in while informing them on the greatness that is apple pecan monkey bread. I found your directions to be quite concise and clear, and the detailed pictures not only aids readers in following such directions, but also heightens their anticipation for such a tasty treat.
    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  38. This recipe really looks good. Reading throughout the steps really made me hungry and I like how in depth you went with the recipe. Good job
    Per. 5

  39. This looks very yummy in my tummy! Thank you for giving us clear and simple directions in how to make apple pecon monkey bread. I will sure use this recipe in the future I hope to see more of your wonderful recipe.

  40. Wow, this recipe looks wonderful. I always loved monkey bread and pecans so why not put them together with apples. Great job on making the recipe concise and easy to follow steps. Also, wonderful job on adding pictures to make sure you would have the monkey bread look just like that.
    -Period 4

  41. I really don't like pecans but the pictures you included with you instructions really made me want to try it. I might really try to make this one-day because I love baking, so thanks for the new recipe to try. You did a good job of providing detailed instructions with good pictures to assist you while cooking and therefore its kind of hard to mess up the recipe. Unless of course you just don't know how to cook.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  42. Wow this recipe makes my mouth water! Good job with listing all the steps and explaining everything in depth. It did not make me confused at all, unlike other recipes this was by far the easiest to follow along. Good job on adding pictures as well which showed you personally making it, making the reader feel that this is not a sham and I will not miss any steps. I will try this recipe out! Thank you!!

  43. This sounds amazing I was raised around monkey bread so this took it too a whole other level and it is easy I can not wait to try it.
    Zya Woody
    Period 4

  44. This piece made me want to stat baking immediately. i cant wait to try this amazing recipe.
    Period 1
    Evanne Turner

  45. This looks amazing! I personally make monkey bread just plain without the pecans or apples. Now I definitely have to try this out. The way you wrote the step by step instructions made lots of sense because it was short and simple. Which makes me want to try this out even more because i know how easy it is going to be. Thank you for the great dessert idea!
    -Calaya A
    Period 1

  46. This looks like my mother's cake and if that one is good i bet this one is too. I should try your recipe one day.

  47. Oh boy, I thought my mouth was watering while I was reading the instructions and then i got to the pictures. This looks great and I will definitely have to try it some time. The directions are very clear and easy to follow. Good job!
    -Kayla Salas

  48. This recipe looks delicious! I absolutely love monkey bread, my family have been getting it from Schadt's Bakery up north for years now and can't get enough. Your instructions here gave me motivation to try and make some myself very well done!
    Taylor Sandoval

  49. Absolutely amazing bread! I liked how you described each step with so many details that way anyone can try to make this. Great job.

  50. hey i have seen this before and always wanted to learn how to make this you save my life i was looking everywhere for this and now that i know exactly im so happy!!

  51. I really enjoyed this , the recipe looks delicious . I really like how you were so specific in all your steps and it was very easy for those who may not bake to understand and follow . I also feel the pictures was a good touch !! It adds to the steps and allows for better understanding .

  52. great job explaining every little thing in great detail. the instructions were so well written you could make this with out even looking. everything you needed to make this seemed easy to find it wasn't like i had to go across the world to find loved it hope you do more recipes in the future.

  53. great job explaining every little thing in great detail. the instructions were so well written you could make this with out even looking. everything you needed to make this seemed easy to find it wasn't like i had to go across the world to find loved it hope you do more recipes in the future.

  54. Oh my goodness this looked delicious! You were really specific in all of your steps that even someone like me who can't bake, might attempt this. Keep baking!

  55. Oh my goodness this looked delicious! You were really specific in all of your steps that even someone like me who can't bake, might attempt this. Keep baking!

  56. That really looks so good and I really like how you explained the steps very clearly and this reminds me of my grandma because she always baked something like this.
    Ray Kemas
    period 4

  57. This is sooooo good. My grandparents made this for me everytime we would come over as a little kid and it tasted so good. I've always wanted to know how to make apple pecan monkey bread. Great Job explaining aswell!

    Ricky Martin

  58. honestly sound delicious and very fun. thank you for sharing a recipe that was through and easy to follow.

  59. Wow Hood job with this recipe. Love how fun and easy it sounds to make this. Im going to use this recipe for a family gathering because apple pecan sounds good. Great format and simple explanation. Sounds really good to eat.
    Period 5 Jorge Rodriguez

  60. Wow Hood job with this recipe. Love how fun and easy it sounds to make this. Im going to use this recipe for a family gathering because apple pecan sounds good. Great format and simple explanation. Sounds really good to eat.
    Period 5 Jorge Rodriguez

  61. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I really love apples and I think I would enjoy this recipe. Good job (:
    Period 4

  62. honestly that looks so good but I like more Mexican food like tacos but that looks good
    per 4
    marco Garcia ordaz

  63. The bread sounds good i have had one before but ill have to make one for my family so thank you well done.
    katlyn hall

  64. This was really interesting. Now I can make these at home. Thanks!

  65. this sounds really good! I would love to try this at home great job!

  66. You made it seem so simple and so easy to make! It sound so great and delicious!! I am most definitely make this at home for my family! It looks amazing!

  67. Great job! I really like how you organized it in such a way that is easy to follow along. I tried this recipe and it was delicious. keep up the good work.

  68. Great job! This was really helpful and looked so delicious. I can't wait to try this new recipe and add it to my collection.

  69. The name of this is so cute!!! It looks really easy to follow and I think I would make this maybe someday when my cooking skills are not what they are today (horrible). Im wondering why its called monkey bread? It just looks delicious, so thank you for the recipe and instructions.


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)