
Monday, February 22, 2016

"Identity" by Brenda D

     I am an individual who has a name. A name gives each person an identification and proves their existence out of millions of people in the world. Every time I meet someone new, it begins with casual hellos and goodbyes. With the excitement of introducing myself and giving them a glimpse of my personality, I am left with “goodbye Brian’s little sister.” I know it is common for people to wonder about themselves, but I wondered “Who am I?” However, that question was answered. Instead of Brenda, I was labeled as “Brian’s little sister.” I was stripped of the thing that identified me as an individual, separate from anyone else.
      The initial growth to my brother’s popularity, was due to the fact that he served in Key Club, a community based club that focused on leadership, caring about others, character building, and inclusiveness. Key club was a unique service club on campus because it not only includes the community service aspect, the members in the club were able to shout cheers and openly exhibited their endless amounts of passion for the club. The passion of the club made persuaded for him to make a name for himself by serving as Key Club's President and Treasurer. I realized that if my brother made a name for himself through Key Club, then this was my opportunity to let people know me as Brenda Do. I decided to run for Key Club’s Secretary.
      As I went through the interview process, I had doubts about myself. I was someone who did not have qualities of being a leader. The election involved a speech, but public speaking always terrified me. However, I was willing to overcome my fear in order to have the opportunity to serve the club and to let others hear who I am. Unfortunately, during the speech, I froze and forgot everything I memorized. Instead of letting my fear consume me, I started speaking from my heart, saying that even if I had to sacrifice, I would do it for the benefit of the club. Even if those sacrifices met losing sleep and doing extra. To my surprise, after the long awaited process, it was announced that I would be the Key Club’s Secretary for 20152016 . I was in awe and disbelief that I was elected for the position, but I did not realize the amount of dedication and effort that had to be put into this position. From that experience, I realized that I had to be confident and not let my fears hinder me from reaching my goals.
      I was blinded by the greed of wanting to make myself known that I forgot the responsibilities of a secretary. At first, I felt overwhelmed with all of my new responsibilities. I had no experience as a secretary, let alone a leader. As time went by, I realized that Key Club was definitely not about the spirit and service. It was about harmonizing the four core values of Key Club into our everyday life and teaching these precious core values to people who tend to forget these things. I was reminded of these core values when I attended workshops that helped me trained to become a substantial leader. As I was trained, I learned that it was more than simply taking notes. It was the backbone of the club. In Key Club, the secretary serves as a mom; someone who guides and reaches out to the members and shows each individual that their existence is important. I made sure that I knew each and every one of their names so that nobody would feel forgotten or unknown like I had in the past.
     Through this opportunity, I am grateful for those who labeled me as “Brian’s little sister.” It prompted me to do something that would set me apart from my brother. Being in Key Club and having the once in a lifetime experience of serving others, is a moment that has changed my outlook on life. Before I was given the privilege, I was solely thinking about giving myself an identity, but I have learned much more there is to life. I am now able to care for and interact with others. I have blossomed and matured into somebody that is a good person: a leader who helps others build character by being inclusive and caring. As a result, I was given the nickname “Mama Do” by taking initiative to care for others and being there with open arms. I can now confidently change the answer to the question “Who am I?” I am someone making a difference in people's lives as Brenda Do, not as Brian's little sister.


  1. Brenda!!!! This was so well written and I'm glad that you were able to write about something that's personal and something that's been on mind for years. I love that you took that experience, being called "Phi's little sister", and used it to show others that you are MORE than just his little sister. I'm so proud of you and all of you accomplishments in key club!!!! You definitely deserve the officer position and all the compliments you get!

    Daveena San
    Per. 2

  2. Brenda Do, you beautiful person. Personally knowing you, I was aware of the label that given to you and the most important part of your piece that struck out to me was the fact that you used your experiences as being labeled an identity that you have not created, as an experience of being secretary. Using the events that happened to you in the past, you channeled them and used it to memorize all the members name, so they wouldn't have to experience the same identity dilemmas that was unfortunately given to you. The use of you experience gives your piece emotion and character as ironically this piece identifies you; meaning I can visualize the emotion and passion you had for writing this piece! I loved and please do more :)
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  3. It seems befitting that you've written a piece about identity, especially when we're reading a satirical play about identities! Frankly, I can't believe this ever was a problem because I've always known you as Brenda Do. In truth, maybe I've talked to you about being "Leeanne's little sister," but it's always been the bright spirit known as Brenda ever since I met you sophomore year. Let me just say there isn't much I would want to change about your piece. You've taken something that seems very personal to you and have turned it into an empowering statement about who you've become. I think it'd be awesome to maybe provide some other examples on the way you've grown, maybe even something that deals with something outside of Key Club or even a place you find yourself in the not-so-distant future with these ideals you've found. I loved the control in voice you've developed, but using that voice to expand more on what you think Brenda Do can do will definitely do it for me. Great piece and I'm blessed to have read something that means a lot to you. Thank you.


  4. This is a beautifully written piece of your struggle to find yourself. High school is such a big part of life that leads you to question and doubt yourself. You found a way to make a name for yourself other than being your brothers sister and that's a journey that a lot of siblings have to make since they always get compared or views by their siblings actions. I never had that feeling you had since I'm the eldest, but I hope I can share this with my brother someday and let him understand that he's more than my little brother, but an individual.

    -Hanna Brookshier

  5. I'm glad you could speak your mind onto your paper. It's our senior year and I've always seen you as Brenda Do and no other. I know it peeves you to be called just "Phi's younger sister". and the fact that some people expect you be on the same ground as him. You develop and grow as who you are and titles and labels shouldn't hold you down. Good piece!

    PD 2 Paul Chong

  6. I appreciate this story because everyone knows it is difficult to find your true self. I especially enjoyed because it is very relatable to a considerable amount of people, myself included. I also appreciated the determination be your own individual. Keep writing!

  7. I really like how personal this story is to you and i can relate to this story and living in the shadows of my cousins. I am also glad that you where able to use other peoples labeling to benefit yourself.

  8. Brenda this is such an amazing piece. I mean I'm sure that everyone, including me, can relate to this piece by being branded after a certain individual. But I think that having these nicknames shape us into who we are today, just like when an individual says that I can not obtain my dreams. I think when someone does not have faith in you, you want try hard and change it, because in the end it does pay off. Good job!!

  9. Brenda,
    I couldn't help but notice your clarity of thought in developing yourself as the main character of this piece. Personally, I've never viewed you as any else other than the one and only Brenda, so it's very comforting to hear that we're not alone in our struggle to be noticed by others. Excellent work!
    Eloy Guzman
    Per. 2

  10. Brenda, I found this piece to be incredibly insightful through the manner in which you strongly portrayed an ability most lack-- the ability to take something negative and turn it into an opportunity to better yourself in both your eyes and the eyes of others. I find that many who fail today often take it as a reason to give up or to conform into the failure they may believe they are, but your piece sincerely shows that it is possible to emerge from any negativity in your life as a better person. To be honest, going through a recent failure myself in which I felt the terrible need to give up, this reflection has inspired me to use it as a chance to learn and develop my character as you had. Every thought you write is delivered concisely and brings your message to the readers loud and clear, showing just how strong of a writer you are. Overall, it was a wonderful read!
    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  11. First of all, I love you Brenda ^^. Being a friend of yours, I sometimes notice these subtle changes and your attempts at trying to find your identity. Its interesting to read a little piece of your thoughts and give a first person perspective from you. Very well done.

  12. First of all, I love you Brenda ^^. Being a friend of yours, I sometimes notice these subtle changes and your attempts at trying to find your identity. Its interesting to read a little piece of your thoughts and give a first person perspective from you. Very well done.

  13. Sometimes where overshadowed by siblings or judged upon because we can be junxtaopposed by their nature with ours. "Why aren't you as friendly as your brother?", "Why can't you be as nice as him?", "Why are you so arrogant? Can't you be more humble like your brother?" I can try, but I will never be able to. We can only be ourselves and make it clear to those around us who were are and why we are like that. I might not be the best person, but atleast I know who I am. I am glad, you are fully aware of who you are and that people can recognize what a good person you are Brenda Do. :}

  14. Brenda this was an excellent piece on finding one's identity and who you are as person. I agree that is important for a person to really try to find themselves and really examine what sets them apart from the rest of the population. Through your struggles and the obstacles you've faced it has shown that you have come out victorious in finding who you are as an individual. Nice Job.
    Hunter Fierro
    Period 5

  15. This was a really touching piece because I feel that a lot of people struggle with some type of identity issues in some point in their life's. Especially in high school, people have labels on each other and are overlooked by siblings, friends etc. Everyone is made individually unique and different and it is important to be true to yourself and not compare ourselves to others. I thought this was an important piece for young adults to read because we all need to remind ourselves that we are individuals and recognize the differences in others and embrace who everyone is. Great job!

  16. Brenda! This piece is unbelievable! I love the way you chose your words to make the reader sympathize with you at such an emotional level. Your introduction was a great expositin to your resolution at the end. Good job! I ñove that you now have found your identity and you took a diwnfall and made it you most valued achievement. You are a great representation for those who try everyday to make a name for themselves!

    Period 3

  17. Brenda! This piece is unbelievable! I love the way you chose your words to make the reader sympathize with you at such an emotional level. Your introduction was a great expositin to your resolution at the end. Good job! I ñove that you now have found your identity and you took a diwnfall and made it you most valued achievement. You are a great representation for those who try everyday to make a name for themselves!

    Period 3


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