
Monday, February 22, 2016

"Hey! Look. A Distraction" by Alonso T

      I remember back at the beginning of the year when the blog entry was first assigned, I had the grand idea of write a well planned out and intricate fiction story that was going to have a lot of imagery and an amazing plot twist at the end that would make everyone cry. Fast forward to the day before the entry is due, I am now sitting here at my desk not knowing what to write about, drinking a Dr. Pepper soda and having this assignment due in a little over 8 hours. That my friends is a 5 month long stretch of procrastination.
     As a young student, I, along with many of my peers, procrastinate… A LOT. The idea itself of procrastination has no logic behind it. Never have I ever had a logical reason for putting anything off to a later time. 100% of the time when I procrastinate I just sit there and stare into space or shop for light sabers or ask why is Lily Collins so hot. The matter of fact is that there is no reason to procrastinate but people still do. We as procrastinators understand that we either do the work now and take the time to put actual thought into what we are doing, or do what I am doing right now and mash our thoughts together into something that looks like effort at last minute. More often than not, option 2 is the winner.
     As a procrastinator I’ve heard plenty of ways to get over procrastination and have even seen scientific research about how to “cure” procrastination as if it were some kind of disease. Yes maybe procrastination can be seen that way, but, being the avid procrastinator that I am, I often bookmark the article for later. I now have 12 articles of studies conducted on procrastination and I have never read any of them all the way through. However most criticism probably comes from an actual person such as a parent or maybe even a teacher. They often say thing such as, “You need to get your priorities straight.” or “Why are you so lazy?” or “Don’t you have work to be doing?” Sometimes it has nothing to do with not having priorities straight or being lazy or not knowing of work. Procrastination can result from over confidence as well as under confidence. When someone is over confident they could think they can finish 3 hours of work in 1 or that no matter what amount of pressure they are in they will produce good work. I find it that, however, most procrastination stems from the lack of confidence, and, when in this situation, one often believes that they are not capable of producing good work. The incapable feeling traps one inside their own head and can literally stop them from being able to think logically and work effectively.
     Regardless of all of what i just argued, there is no excuse for procrastinating. As difficult as it may seem, the work has to get done regardless and we just need to suck it up and do the the work. It makes no sense as to why we would torture ourselves and stay up till the middle of the night finishing homework because we wanted to watch The Walking Dead or any other television program that may be dragging people away from work. Procrastination is not a key to success. I am Alonso Torres, and I am an professional procrastinator.


  1. samantha QuintanillaFebruary 24, 2016 at 3:38 PM

    In the spirit of Oscar Wilde, this whole piece was very ironic. I thought it was clever when you said "being the avid procrastinator i am, i often bookmark the articles for later" I gave an honest laugh when i read and at a couple of other parts too. This was a lot of fun to read probably because you weren't just poking fun at yourself but us too since we can all relate. I really like your honesty in this as well, personally i would never submit a paper that openly admits to Mrs. Cogswell the lack of preparation i did her work with; but again, it worked well in your writing at it was captivating.

  2. Oh yes this is so me i understand that i can afford to procrastinate but i just get distracted soooo easily. I enjoyed this piece so much i could really relate but it was very well worded/written. Great Job
    Ashley Garcia

  3. who can't relate to this. everyone procrastinates. your piece looks very well put together though. very good job.

  4. I absolutely loved this piece! I am also very happy that I am not the only one that has had these same thoughts before. Overall, this was a pleasure to read as it was well written, captivating, and easy to relate to. From beginning to end, this work was a success.

  5. I definitely connected with this piece on another level haha! I definitely agree with you when you say that there's really no reason to procrastinate; however, I can't seem to break the habit. I have no idea why I do it, but I do. However, personally, I procrastinate, not because I'm frightened by my limits, but because I have many other things that I prefer to do. Maybe one day we can all defeat this procrastination! Good job, Alonso!
    Sabrina Hung Period 2

  6. Your title is why I chose to read your piece. And I'm glad I chose to. I'm an extreme procrastinator myself so I can relate with this on so many level. Glad you chose to write about this because I'm sure everyone procrastinates. good job.
    -jazlynn garcia
    period 2

  7. Let's all be honest here: we're all procrastinating somehow right at this very moment. Right now I am sitting at my desk playing Pokemon Platinum while trying to finish this assignment, which is my way of procrastinating from writing my research paper. So much to do now... Anyway, great piece.

  8. You have made me remember that I also eventually have to do a blog piece that will more likely than not be done the night before. This piece was well executed and made me laugh at the reality behind it as a student who also procrastinates when I should be working. Good job.

  9. This piece was so true and to be honest reminded me that I soon have to write for the blog. It explains the truth on procrastination that all students go through and it really was hilarious and very relatable.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  10. The line that says, "Yes maybe procrastination can be seen that way, but, being the avid procrastinator that I am, I often bookmark the article for later," got me to do one those little of guard ugly laughs. There have been hundreds of days of stress and a few less days ending in tears from being overwhelmed. And every time my mom sees me get emotional, I hear the phrase," Quit crying Jeannette and get it done." And then I still don't get it done. The reassuring sentence that says, "Sometimes it has nothing to do with not having priorities straight or being lazy or not knowing of work," makes me feel a lot better and I'll always remember that maybe its under confidence because Im not lazy and I have my priorities.

    Jeannette Martinez
    Period 2

  11. This is so ironically true and its something most of us relate to. The stress of procrastination is worse but it seems like the everything else is a distraction in that moment your supposed to be doing whatever it is you have to do. Great Job Alonso!

    Alexa Ayala

  12. Great piece! I am sometimes lazy but sometimes I do procrastinate on homework. BUt when i do i either want ot sleep or watch tv or play on my phone.


  13. ha that was pretty funny but it is true i to at times can procrastinate but like your story said i just have to suck it up
    - Eric Edwards

  14. This piece speaks loads to me, yo. Everything you say is entirely true and I could relate this this completely. While I never read or even looked at article about procrastination, I have often tried to break my habits when I find myself doing something that's not entirely worth my time but with little to no success. Thanks for the great piece Alonso!
    -Antonio Barron P:3

  15. I think everyone can relate to this piece. The way that you form everyone's thought of procrastinating into your own procrastinating story is well written. Overall a humorous and clever piece.

  16. I can definitely relate to this, I think most of us can. Procrastination is something that most people do especially now that it is second semester of senior year it has hit most of us pretty bad. Great job with this piece!

    Period 3
    JC Bagro

  17. Lets be honest; I have so much work to do but instead I have senioritius and I'm watching Netflix. This was a great piece good job! hopefully some work gets done.

  18. While many of us do realize that we procrastinate, the point you brought up about confidence is really interesting. In both instances described I have seen myself either over confident or having a lack of confidence. While one isn't greater than the other, I thought it was a very interesting point and something I'll have to think about the next time I procrastinate (right now, for instance). This was a very insightful piece, and great job on the piece my fellow procrastinator!

  19. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to this piece. Like I have a ton of homework to do and I'm just sitting her procrastinating on doing any of it but overall great work on this piece.
    -Jazmine Hernandez
    -Period 4

  20. As a fellow procrastinator, I resonate with this. It's so easy to get distracted by things that interest you. Good job. :D -Deven Kiphen Pd.2

  21. What a well written entry on the ideas of procrastination. I like how you brought up the idea of a lack of confidence being a reason for pushing back work, because that is usually why I do it myself. Also the ending was very insightful, because you show that you are not for procrastination and it’s something we all should learn to stop doing. Great job!
    darian henry
    period two

  22. Loved this piece Alonso! An accurate description of what myself and other fellow classmates are probably doing at this very moment. I especially liked the ironic ending because just as you were stating every reason not to procrastinate, you introduced yourself as a "professional procrastinator." Overall, this was a comedic,and very truthful piece. I really enjoyed this!

  23. Alonso,
    Procrastination is something we've come to view as part of our lives as AP students. We do it professionally, and as a result have not gotten much sleep. However, we accept it as it is, and this is why your piece is so relatable. No one can deny not doing it ever. Everyone has. Everyone will. I've never agreed so much with a work before. Congratulations, Alonso, you have my approval.
    Eloy Guzman
    Per. 2

  24. This whole piece had me chuckling the whole time. I can't tell you how directly this applied to my life. I like to consider myself a professional procrastinator as well, not that that's anything to be proud of. I like that you admitted to the nonsense of procrastination in your conclusion. Regardless of our position on the matter, the due date will eventually manifest whether we want it to or not.

  25. I love this piece so much Alonso!! I think thats mainly due to my struggles with procrastinating on a daily basis and the reasoning you explained in your pice as well as the common settings for procrastination. I feel that this piece truly captures a [roblem that we as teens in high school experience all the time so everyone can relate to it. Great job Alonso!
    Leslie Rocha
    Period 2

  26. amazing story! loved the detail of your story very good story i applaud you. ps i procrastinate a lot too heh heh...great story though!!!
    ~Julianna Alvarado
    period 1

  27. This was one of my favorite pieces I have read so far! Vey humorous and relatable because I am also a procastinator like a lot of people.

  28. the story was great it showed one of the main problems procrastinating which everyone would be able to relate too
    Alexis Medina

  29. "Shop for light sabers or ask why is Lily Collins so hot." Well this surely offers a peek into your level of procrastination through being easily distracted. I can very easily relate to this piece and your procrastination, especially with it being senior year, as I find myself grudgingly attempting to do even one homework assignment. You were able to humorously portray my feelings to procrastinate and even with adequate excuses that even may lead me to reassure myself that I can put it off until tomorrow. However, I've never considered that this may be a result of an over or an under confidence which prompts you to put it off until tomorrow. Great work, Alonso ^^

    -Amber Tacderan, Period 2

  30. Janus Baetiong, P.3March 7, 2016 at 9:29 PM

    I loved this blog piece because all of us high school students can relate to everything that you just mentioned. Not only do you appeal to the audience by listing common interests, you also articulate this complex problem that we all struggle with and simplify it.

  31. As a fellow procrastinator myself, (just look at the time stamp for this comment), I found this piece intriguing and incredibly relatable. I agree that I often tend to put off difficult activities because I feel like i can't do a good job no matter what. And as in this case I also agree we tend to put things off because we know we can accomplish them quickly but it's definitely still not the most effective way to go about things. Keep up the good work (maybe a little sooner next time.....probably not though)
    -Kayla Salas

  32. Definitely a relatable piece! Your title immediately caught my attention however when I began to read your blog I was confused as to what it had to do with your title. After re-reading it a couple of times I have finally come to realize exactly what you mean by procrastinators being quickly distracted and I think that is so clever! I literally laughed out loud at that one even though I probably shouldn't have, but regardless, very clever. I enjoyed reading this piece and thought it was very relatable to many high school students. I enjoyed your insight on how there is absolutely no reason as to why we procrastinate and thought it was very interesting to hear it from a procrastinator himself. I agree with you 100% on why there is no reason to put ourselves through miserable nights of homework when we can simply just do them with time, however here I am also writing my comments last minute. I think this definitely will encourage other students, as it did to me, to take a good look at what they're doing and realize that work just needs to be done! Overall, a great piece. Well done.

  33. I love myself for choosing to read this and love you even more for writing this because you along with most of our peers understand this curse we choose for ourselves. I like how you are able to understand that there is no excuse for it and i myself, am still struggling with it.

  34. The thought process you follow matches a lot of how I myself think. Its interesting how you can relate to a person even on the most basic of levels and observe the similar behavioral patterns you yourself experience in your everyday life. Also, the manner in which you provide relatable analogies and support to your position really ties this compelling piece together. Excellent piece.
    Hunter Fierro
    Period 5

  35. I completely and honestly can relate to this piece. I love the fact that it's easy to relate to and this piece really opened my eyes on how bad procrastination is. This is truly a great piece.:)

  36. This was a really great story that I am sure pretty much everyone can relate to. It has great detail and I like how you turned it into a precautionary tale. It lets us know that procrastinating is not always the best thing to do.

  37. I have to say that this story describes me. I too procrastinate. It drives my mom crazy. I could really relate to this story and it was well written.


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