
Monday, February 22, 2016

" How to Get Over a TV Show That's Ending" by Evan T

     Let’s be honest, you’re probably in the middle of a show and enjoying it to the
point where you will not shut up about it to your friends. But at some point, that show is
going to meet its bitter end and you won’t know what to do when it does. Fear not, that’s
probably why you picked this entry to read.

Step 1: Acceptance
They say that the first step is the hardest. This will definitely be the hardest thing
to do when it comes to TV. Once you finish a show, you think,”Oh, there will probably be
another season. Right? Right?! RIGHT?!?!” Sorry to say but there won’t be. The only
thing you can do is slowly count the days until the end… of the show I mean. The only
thing you can do is count the days until the show meets it’s bitter end with your friends.
But then comes the next part.

Step 2: The Depression
Once you have accepted that the show you love has ended, you now enter “the
depression.” In this state it will be obvious that your spirit is broken from your great loss
of your favorite characters and such. And if your friends are oblivious to this, they’ll ask,
“Hey, why do you look so sad and depressed?,” and then you’ll break into the puppy
eyes and explain your TV loss. The best remedy for this is to hang with your friends who
are suffering the same kind of TV loss as you. Maybe get together, sit around eating
desserts, rewatch your favorite moments in the show and noticing the small details.
There’s no shame in that at all.

Step 3: Desires
This is the more interesting stage in the process. In this stage, you will start to
rewatch the show and have sudden cravings for specific things to happen. For instance,
I recently rewatched Sword Art Online and noticed a moment between two characters in
the first episode that seemed somewhat romantic. I then proceeded to “ship” them,
basically meaning that I put them in a relationship, hence the term ”ship.” Almost all the
time, you will go through this when rewatching a show: you notice the small details, you
point them out, you may even start shipping people you would’ve never “shipped,” and
then you start turning into a hot mess and start bragging that you now ship “so and so”
with “so and so.” The best cure for these desires… fanfiction. This may sound odd, but it
actually works like magic. If you have any sort of desire that you want to have happen,
the world of fanfiction will have it.

Step 4: Something New
This sounds fairly obvious to everyone. So once you’ve gone through all the
other steps, feel free to watch another show that you might like. At some point, you’ll
forget about the show and move on to the next one. But eventually, you’ll have to go
through the process again, and again, and again. So happy watching!


  1. Ethan! This piece was very enjoyable to read and it made me laugh, because I can definitely relate to this! Actually, a lot of people can relate to this! I love how this piece seems serious but yet comical at the same time. You really mesh the two perfectly. I also thought this piece was unique too, because it is different from all of the other entries in this blog. The examples and quoting other people really make this piece so relatable, because we do wonder and say that once we get into a show. It is funny how so many people can be united after watching a show that they all enjoy! Great job Ethan!
    -Brenda Do
    Period 3

  2. This piece spoke to me. If you watch the show you know that Gravity Falls has been over for a little while. I went through all the stages of this. 1.) I first accepted that Gravity Falls IS going to end, Alex (The Creator) said so himself. 2.) Then i rewatched every episode at least 3 times each... In one weekend... and muted my favorite episode and quoted the whole thing from memory 3.) then i started writing the season 3 script for myself 4.) Watching other shows... None will ever be as good! Thank you

    Per 4

  3. I can relate to this piece on a spiritual level, man o man I just finished watching the show Twin Peaks on Netflix but I only watched an episode a day and stalled because I was scared to reach the end! So I’m currently facing that post TV depression blues but, very well written piece I enjoyed it and laughed!
    -Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  4. I am just getting over binge watching The Office so i think it was fate when i came across your how-to guide. You made a topic that can be seen as silly into a situation where one is emotionally and physically invested and provided reasonable solutions to the problem all while using slight humor. You did a great job!
    -Alicia Alcaraz
    Cogswell period 5

  5. I have watched all 10 seasons of Friends about 2-3 times and I still have a hard time getting over it. This is a great "how to guide" because it is a really relatable. I could probably apply this to after I go to a concert lol. great job.
    -jazlynn garcia
    period 2

  6. Oh my goodness, this is so relatable and hilarious. It honestly reminds me of the "7 stages of grief" and I can't help but to feel that this is sort of a parody of it. Your descriptions were really funny and so relatable. I kept thinking about my own experiences and how it ties in with what you are writing. Ugh, it's just so dreadful to think that my favorite show is going to end! But, anyway, I really like this piece and you did a really good job.

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  7. Incredibly relatable to anyone with a passion for TV shows. I once watched 2 seasons of Dexter in 2 days and was sad to see that I had finished the series. Next time I experience the sadness of a series ending I will refer back to this guide. Good job helping other through their troubles.

  8. I thought this piece was very funny and helpful because I have problems of my own when getting over the fact that my show is over after in watching it for such a long time. Good job on helping people through this tough process.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  9. I thought this piece was very funny and helpful because I have problems of my own when getting over the fact that my show is over after in watching it for such a long time. Good job on helping people through this tough process.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  10. Very Funny and Very Relatable! Not shocking coming from you Ethan you always know how to make people laugh! This will help me cope with the ending of a lot of binge watching I get myself into.

  11. I love this so much its so useful for when I'm done binge watching Netflix or sitting in the dark waiting for the new season of my favorite tv show.

  12. Wow! This is a helpful piece of information. Luckily this has not happened to me but if it ever does, I'm in luck! I can only relate this to a book that I read but I got over it already! Great piece!

    Ricky Martin

  13. This entry is very funny. I can also say that I am guilty of being sad about a TV show's ending- especially since I have binged watched shows on Netflix. I also like how this entry has an underlying social criticism of "First World Problems", for you exaggerate people's attitudes for insignificant issues. Great job with using satire!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  14. This is pretty funny but true i love samurai champloo,and gravity falls but both of them came to a great big finale i eventually got over it but this story has a new formula to get over ending TV shows thanks
    -Eric Edwards

  15. I NEEDED THIS SO BAD!!! Thank you so much for this guide because I am lowkey an netflix watcher. I honestly have to use this for when I finish LOST!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  16. You did a really great job with this piece. I think most of us can relate to this feeling when we finish a tv show. You keep wanting there to be more but pretty soon you just got to move on and start on another show. Great job!

    Period 3
    JC Bagro

  17. Great piece! I can relate to this so much its not even funny! Sometimes when you get so attached to a show its hard to watch the season finale knowing its going to be the last episode lol. Great job on this.

    Victoria Ervin

  18. Wow it was really surprising how relate-able that was. It was also very helpful because that is how i feel with my favorite show that it coming to an end after this season.

    Madison Behee

  19. Good job. This is so true as I just ended young justice. These steps helped me get over it and onto anew show great job.
    Alejandro martinez

  20. This is really funny but also really true at the same time! So many people are actually really sad when a tv show ends and you made a great comedic piece on that.

  21. Reading this piece brought me back to the finale of How I Met Your Mother, and it hit just as hard the second time around. You summed up all the feelings I had during that rough time in my life, but thankfully I moved on to another show, Scrubs. Of course, I had the same outcome and now I am watching Friends. I wonder how this one will end. A very realistic piece.
    darian henry
    period two

  22. i need this for about half the shows i watch right now theyre almost about to end thanks
    Dylan May
    Per. 1

  23. i need this for about half the shows i watch right now theyre almost about to end thanks
    Dylan May
    Per. 1

  24. I have never been able to relate to a blog piece like this one. This piece is definitely special and holds the sad truth that I have gone through many times. I just started watching a new show and I already know this will be the exact process I will go through when its over. You used very realistic examples and humorous elements that keep this "How to" interesting to read. Different from previous "How To" pieces on the blog and maybe the most relatable and the one that will be used by many. Great Job.

  25. I really needed to know that I wasn't the only one feeling like this. When I finished Gossip Girl, I was lost. I pushed my addiction onto my sisters and got them hooked so I would have an excuse to watch the show a second, third, and the fourth time (I have no shame). This was very funny, I laughed the whole time because it's me.

  26. OMG This was me after watching Gossip Girl! This post perfectly summed up all my emotions after the last episode. Honestly I still try to make up different endings to it but I have to accept that the show is over after 4 years. Anyways this was super funny and I enjoyed it a lot. Great Job!
    -Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  27. This was very funny and it had me laughing at times while reading this. This was a good instructional article because it so relatable to many people. Right now, one of my favorite shows to watch is Teen Wolf. And, I am so saddened that tomorrow night is the last episode of the season. I hope it never ends. I will make sure to follow these steps when it does. I like your description of each step and how it was written. This was a very entertaining piece to read.

    Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  28. Amazing job! I'll remember to comeback to the blog and read this piece again when The Walking Dead ends or if they ever try to kill off my man Daryl Dixon. This is so relatable because I feel connected with shows on Netflix and I can never get over the death of characters or the end of a series. By the way I ship Rick and Michonne, don't worry I ship people too. Thanks for the great advice!

  29. Ugh I'm going to use these steps very soon! Its the last season or American idol and Pretty little liars. Its going to be hard but I will get through it.
    Mackenzie Tipple

  30. This exactly how I feel after finishing shows on Netflix, especially with no commercials I finish very fast. But the steps were very true you feel depressed and you re-watch the show 1, 2, 3, or more times and still end up in the same place. Very good job on this piece, I believe many of us can relate.

    Allyson Bol
    Period 2

  31. I can really relate. Whenever I watch my show whenever it ends, I tend to get sad. I question about the show and everything and I can't help it, but demand another season of that show because it is too good for it to end.
    -Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  32. This is really helpful because sometimes I find myself in a little show hole myself, it is also original wonderful job!
    Zya Woody

  33. I can relate to this on an unfunny level XD. This guide should've been posted when i was like 6 since I watched too many shows that I liked and they ended too soon for me. Great job overall and it is a good guide. (I feel like Braden commented on this since he just watched the finale for Gravity Falls and was too sad for life)

  34. OMG this is literally so helpful lol. I literally cried when my favorite show ever Sex and the City was over and I'm definitely trying these steps out. Great work!
    -Ashlee Franks
    per 4

  35. This piece is so relevant to my life right now.
    I just finished a series on Netflix and I'm going through the exact same thing. Thanks for incorporating such great light hearted humor to emphasize how absurd the "depression" really is. Definitely good tips overall though. I'll for sure be taking your advise!

  36. Loved this piece! I loved the humor you used to talk about a relatable topic most people go through but also added a sense of education and wisdom to your piece too. I enjoyed reading each step, because not only were they quite true, but you also managed to through in some advice and good ideas in as well (deserts and rewatching the show sounds like a great idea). Overall I think you did a great job at bringing in some reality into a humorous, simple matter and created an enjoyable piece.

  37. You made this piece very relateable everyone has that one show that is near and dear to their heart, and when that show had ended they just felt that something was missing cause something that you enjoyed and took up so much time is just done. I experienced it so often that I just call it post-series depression, you just have that void that you will try so desperately to fill with shows that you think can be similar but just dont really make the cut.
    -Marvin Virola

  38. This piece was very enjoyable.This one really hit close to home. I loved how you listed steps of how to try and get over your show ending. Good thing they will never get rid of the fresh prince off bell air. If they did not even your steps could help me get over that.
    Period 1

  39. This is one of the best blog I have seen !!!! Just finshed with one of my shows and it was the most pain I have been through but this helped me felt like a therapy for broken hearts but this was great !!

  40. This piece made me laugh, the reason why i read this is because I'm going through something like this, sadly today is the last day of the season of my show. I don't know what to do on Tuesdays now that it's going off. Although this show is not going permanently off it still truly hits me hard so me and my friends are going to follow the rules and watch a marathon of Teen Wolf while we're waiting for the next season.

  41. This piece made me laugh, the reason why i read this is because I'm going through something like this, sadly today is the last day of the season of my show. I don't know what to do on Tuesdays now that it's going off. Although this show is not going permanently off it still truly hits me hard so me and my friends are going to follow the rules and watch a marathon of Teen Wolf while we're waiting for the next season.

  42. I loved this piece!! it was such a humorous thing to talk about yet so true! I can agree with you, tv shows that are ending are so difficult to cope without but it's something we need to do!

  43. This is a great piece, very humorous and made me laugh!! It is satirical to thise who obviously never seem to understand why our favorite series, movie, etc., has to end the way it does. Great job and good advice!

    Period 3

  44. This hit so close to home, gosh. This is the most helpful post I've read today, and its so relevant to me considering I just finished the show "Love" on Netflix, and after google'ing the second season it doesn't look that promising... I'll have to check back on this when I start feeling the emotions again.

    -Dulce Congo


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