
Monday, February 22, 2016

"How to get over not having a valentine" by Mackenzie T

     February 14, is a day that many of us dread every year but here are some
ways to avoid having a terrible day. By following these simple tips you can make
the day like any other. I am no expert on love but I do know it’s hard to see couples
all over each other.
     One thing you can do is hangout with friends and enjoy being single with
them. Plan a fun night thats allows you guys to have just as much fun as if you
were with your crush. Movies, snacks, makeovers are all fun things to do even on
normal nights so this way you can pamper yourself and have bonding time. Don’t
worry guys you can do this too, i’m not sure exactly what guys do but do what
guys do whenever they hangout.
     You can also do things by yourself if you need to. Do things that you love
and that make you happy. Watch you favorite movie and eat your favorite things,
whatever you want!
     Valentine's day shouldn’t be just for those in a relationship but it should be
based on those who love each other. Use this day to show anyone and everyone
how much you love them. Always remember that you shouldn't need anyone to
prove how worthy of love you are because you are. If you do have a valentine that
is awesome and you're one lucky person! Whatever you this day be safe and have


  1. Wow! Ok Mackenzie I'm gonna have to show my lady friend this story because she hates the thought of Valentines. She gets mad at me whenever I mention it in front of her.
    Elton Adigwu Pd1

  2. I like how you addressed Valentine's Day for this month's blog feed. I also like how you focused on those that are not celebrating with their significant other on Valentine's Day and that it is a day of love and you should spend it with anyone you love. Nice work! :)
    Arianna Serna
    Period 3

  3. This piece was very well written and I’m glad you addressed this problem that many people face! I hate the fact that valentines is a "couples only" kind of holiday but I think it isn’t exclusive to that. You can totally hang with your pals or family and just like you said, appreciate them and show how much you care about them! I hate the expectation that in order to be complete and happy, you should be in a relationship which is totally not the case. But, I enjoyed this piece very much great job!
    -Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  4. I really like this piece because it is very well written and helps people understand why they don't need a valentine, and what they can do in case they don't have one.
    Lailah Harris
    period 1

  5. ayeee I'm the first period 4 commenter, this story was nice because it was short and straight to the point, good job mack
    Marco Garcia~Ordaz

  6. I love how you got your point across so easily. This is definitely needed for all the single people out there! Great job.

  7. This piece was well written and I like how simple it is, it shows how you don't have to be in a relationship to have a good time on Valentine's Day. When people hear "Valentine's Day", they think they HAVE to have a valentine and your piece shows that you can be happy single. Keep up the good work!
    Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  8. I can totally relate to this. I'm the type of guy that usually wouldn't go on a date with someone, much less have a girlfriend. So then on the dreaded day, I have to be reminded that all of these lovey-dovey couples are all around me showing there affection for each other like, "*smooching sounds*," and then I feel offended. But now, I just remember that almost all my other friends are single-pringles like me. Nice work.

  9. I really liked this piece because on Valentines Day there was a lot of hype about those that didn't have a significant other to spend the day with and it was all everyone was talking about. It was all over the social media sites and basically everyone was in their feelings. I like how you brought up another aspect of Valentines Day and how it doesn't have to be about hanging out with your crush or someone that you like in that way. You did a good job and I enjoyed reading your piece.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  10. The message of this piece should relate to everyone who had to live a single Valentines Day. I agree with your message of no needing anyone to prove how worthy of love we are. Everyone should love themselves all the time.

  11. Considering that I know a good amount of people who are in relationships always made me a little bit depressed around Valentines day that they had a significant other. However, I do agree with you that it's not just a day for lovers, but a day to love and appreciate those who love you.And I must admit that going to the movies with friends to watch Deadpool would be more fun than spending it with just ONE other person. Thanks for the tips.
    -Hanna Brookshier

  12. As someone who was in a relationship this Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day two years ago, I still really dislike Valentine's Day. It's annoying seeing all the junk being carried around. It's annoying stressing over what useless thing to buy. Restaurants are crowded. No one really knows the history behind it to begin with. I try to appreciate the people in my life and show that through actions all year. Valentine's Day wasn't a big deal to me this year, but I saw my younger sister be sad about it and it broke my heart to know she is feels like she is missing out. It made me smile when you said, "If you do have a valentine that is awesome and you're one lucky person," because I always tell my sister that the longer she goes without temporary relationships, the more valuable she is making her long lasting relationships.

    jeannette martinez
    period 2

  13. This article has a good lesson in it and is well written! I think you make a good point about valentines not having to just be with someone you like but you can share it with your firends to!

    Karina Blocker
    Period 4

  14. I don't know what that is like considering i had the best valentine this year. Anyways i like this article because not only does it help the loners on valentines day. it can also help people because you gave good examples on what they can do anytime to be happy.

  15. This was such a cute read! I loved the little bits of comedy you put in there, even if you didn't intend to. This little article was a great read for some great ideas for those of us who are not in relationships. Those were all great ideas you provided and mentioned, as well as the way you wrote about them. Everything was concise and to the point which was very nice for a short informative read.

  16. This is great advice! I totally agree with you saying that just do whatever you want and not being down about not having a valentine. Also thanks for sharing the importance of having friends. Because with friends they can make you feel better no matter what. Thanks for the awesome advice!

  17. this is a great story to keep in mind for later years thanks

  18. Why I love this piece is because it promotes a good message. It shows that you don't need anyone to make you feel loved or happy but yourself and your friends. Good job on writing on something that is relevant to high school students today.
    Oge Okafor Period 5

  19. Loving this story because honestly it points out how you can have fun on a day for majority of couples. Melodie B. Period 1

  20. I love the meaning behind this piece. It has a very powerful message that everybody should know. Many people get depressed over not having a date or being loved. But, you can still have fun and not be sad at all. I love how you provided numerous things you can do on Valentine's Day. Also, I love how you summarized this writing with the last paragraph. It was very positive and truthful.

    Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  21. I love this piece. It was very detailed and lovely. Great job.

  22. While your piece is cute and creative, I think there is some minor grammar mistakes and it could have been a little more detailed. This is a good piece and I like how you speak from your heart and suggested to singles how to spend Valentine's Day. Keep up the work!

  23. This gives hope to all who didn't have valentines and shows that the world doesn't revolve about what others think about you. Good job
    Michael Dingle
    Period 5

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Wow I liked the helpful tips you gave. I know for sure when Valentine Day comes, these tips will come in handy.
    -Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  26. I am loving this story. The reason why I enjoyed this is because it reminds me of me on Valentine's Day. I spend time with those who I love whether friends, family, or myself. I honestly enjoy spending time with those who I love instead of a "valentine." Just like the tips you gave of having a good time with friends, that is exactly what I did on my Valentine's Day. Nicely written.

    -Period 4

  27. I love this so much because its so relatable. I usually don't dread over a valentine that much because I have my family and friends that love me so everything ends up good (: Good job!
    period 4

  28. I always enjoy reading a piece and having some laughter out of it. But I must say you proved a point, many people dread Valentines day because they don't have a significant other, personally I never dreaded it but it was a little sad. Although we do have to look at the bright side of everything instead of mopping around and being negative, happiness and positive vibes in life.
    -Diana Godinez

  29. I really think this can relate to a lot of people even when its humorous it still proves a point that people dread valentines day, and all the expectations that come along with it.I really liked how this piece can be encouraging to people that don't have a significant other and to still be happy with family and friends.

  30. This is so cute! Its uplifting and shows that people will be there for you! It spreads light on how not having a significant other is okay and you can still celebrate a day of love with other people you love. Good job!


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