
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"The Scroll" by Christian K.

Once there was a child. In The 160’s This child had endured many conflicts with the law.
As the government of other nations wanted to exterminate all children with “light” flowing
through them. This special child had no idea what he were to accomplish and succeed. But he
knew that the army of other nations wanted him gone for something. They wanted all of his guild
to be gone for this special so called “light”. The child was very incular. He wanted nothing to do
with anyone and when the elders told him he was very special to the guild, along with others, he
would deny it. Even though on the inside he knew he was going to be important, he didn't want it
to be him. But it was. He was going to have to face that he was important and when he would
look at the mountains that guarded them, he saw the red color in the sky that indicated that evil
was near.This special child's name, was ash.
Deep in a luscious green meadow a guild was going throughout their day. Trying not to
worry about any danger. The guild of Greystone was admiring all that was around them, but
also grieving over what they thought is their final day in their city.There was a faint roar. Arrows
were unleashed with fire on the tips. Fear spread across the guild. As the army approached,
the city geared for the fight for their lives. Blazing arrows flew threw the air, torching every house
and burning it along with all of the furniture and decor. Ash was only 12, and his parents were
one of the wealthiest of the city. So his parents grabbed him and rushed him to a safe spot.
Under a cave there was a hole that could be sealed with wood and on top was grass and dirt to
hide it. He entered and saw a friend of his. He had very few. Her name was chandra. Ash had
very few friends, but the one he spent the most time with was her. Their parents were good
friends but they weren't happy to see each other as there was too much panic. their parents
closed the hatch. Ash was stricken with fear, he never liked being without his parents, especially
his mother.As they calmed all they could hear was violence. Chandra herself was filled with
rage, and loved violence and the thrill to hunt, but even she was overwhelmed with fear.But she
calmed herself, as she was very controlling of her feelings. Ash was too anxious and knew he
had to calm down, like chandra. However they both noticed that the village grew very quiet.
There was no movement. The only remnant of life was the stench of fire.After 12 hours, They
agreed to resurface. But both of them wished they never had of done so. They got out and both
went searching for their families. Both realised they couldn't find them. They agreed they were
to part ways to search for their families. For they were arguing and couldn't decide which way to
go. Chandra said “I will see you, for it is indeed a small world, especially the one we live in.”
As six years have passed, ash was not used to being bound by the rules. He wanted to
fight, but not under the control of an army to resist the nation, the one that had exterminated his
village. Ash soon realised he were to go through many tough obstacles to achieve something.
He wanted to go incognito, off the radar to search for a secret that could find him his path, to
destiny. His trainer wanted to control his destiny as he saw the light within him, but ash was not
able to be controlled as he flead. Going to the top of a mountain, it was a task few dared to take.
This was called “The Throat of the World”.Facing trolls and elemental spirits made of ice he had
to conquer the foes that stood between him and his destination. And once this was complete he
saw a very thin but deep chasm. he leaped across it and saw what would mark the finale of his
adventure.Only two days passed as he flea. One to contemplate what he was doing, and the
other he used to set out on this remarkable journey. Entering the one story mansion, he saw
what had appeared to be a scroll. This scroll is something that he believed to resurrect anyone
within the same heritage. As he approached he heard rustling. Thinking it was just the wind, he
remembered a soldier that knew he was fleeing telling him someone else was after it. And then,
in the corner of his eye he saw a shadow. He glared a lantern at the shadow and saw a slim
figure that was unrecognisable as a human. As he saw no skin, only fabric. This person talked,
but the way the shadow talked was with a distorted voice, as the person had a spell to disrupt
their voice. “I knew you would come to this retched place”! the shadow said. Ash was confused,
“How do you know me? And you have no business of what to do with that, for the writers are
long passed away”! The shadow rebuttals “I Do for i will be causing the end to this planet's
disease,the humans. Ash still confused “What?! This scroll is meant to resurrect a family, not to
cause the planet's demise”! The shadow moves forward, appearing as a human figure. “The
outcome of this scroll depends on the type of light is flowing through the caster. As it is different
for both of us”. Ash yells at the person. “I can't let you take this away from me, for it is what i
have been searching for and you will have to go through me to get it”! As they both draw swords
and fight ash slices the persons robe, blood is now visible so ash knows he is fighting his kind.
With the training of his master he was able to put up the fight that would able to throw his foe to
the ground. Stabbing the person in the chest, he saw that there was tears that appeared from
the cut fabric. It was a tear that he had seen before, the tear that was from when he had left his
village. He unwrapped the robe that covered the person's face, hoping it wasn't who he thought
it was to be. But it was. It was chandra. Desperately trying to inflict pain to those that caused her
a great deal of sorrow and pain. And her last words were. “Don't let others change your path, for
it is your own unique path. And know one else can control it, just how no one will be able to
control you”. But Ash wasn't going to be able to help it for this person would change his path

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