
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"How To Make Homemade Samoas" by Daveena S

Girl Scout Cookies are always in high demand but it is a seasonal cookie and it is
sometimes difficult to get your hands on them. Instead of having to wait months to enjoy your
favorite cookie, you can make this delicious dessert on your own. I have personally made this
cookie a few times, though it requires quite a few steps and it takes 2 hours, it is worth it in the
end. Below is a detailed stepbystep
process on how to make homemade Samoas.


Prep :
The first thing you should do is preheat the oven to 350 °F. Then, mix the butter and sugar
together until it is “fluffy” (see the picture below). Mixing the butter and sugar until it is creamy and
fluffy is crucial because it will help the batter rise in the over and create a light texture. In another
bowl, you will whisk the dry ingredients; 2 cups of allpurpose
flour , 4 teaspoon baking powder,
and 2 teaspoon of salt. Once the dry ingredients are evenly distributed, slowly add it into the
butter/sugar mixture. Add the vanilla extract and milk into the mixture while blending until the dough
comes together (you will be using 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract). Then,
separate the dough into two, wrap each in a plastic wrap and chill the dough in the refrigerator for an

Cookie Batter:
Once the dough has chilled for an hour, it can be taken out and rolled onto a flat surface. Before
you actually start rolling out the dough, make sure to lightly sprinkle flour onto the surface to
prevent the dough from sticking, this will make it easier and faster to roll out the dough. Then,
cut out as many cookies as you can by using a cookie cutter. You will then use a smaller cookie
cutter to cut another circle to create a donut shape. Place the cookies onto a baking sheet and
bake for about 10 minutes or until it turns golden. Set the cookies aside to chill.
While you are waiting for the cookies to chill, evenly distribute the coconut flakes onto a baking
sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 °F. Make sure to stir the coconut flakes occasionally to
ensure that they (coconut flakes) will toast evenly and so it won’t burn. Set the coconut flakes
aside when they have been evenly toasted.

Using the doubleboiler method (boil water in a pot and place a bowl over the pot), melt the
caramel with milk and salt. In order to do this, place the caramel into the bowl that is over the
pot, once the caramel starts to melt, slowly add in the milk and salt. The heat should be on
mediumlow,but if the water boils at a fast rate, lower the heat down. Remember to stir until the
caramel until it is completely melted or else the caramel will start to burn and become hard.
Remove the bowl from the heat and mix about of the caramel with the toasted 4 coconut flakes.
Use the remaining melted caramel on the cookie, evenly spread the caramel on each of the
cookie. Then, add the caramel/coconut mixture as an additional topping for the cookies by
patting the caramel/coconut evenly on each cookie. Once this step is done, let the cookies cool
for half an hour.

While the cookies are cooling down, uses the doubleboiler
method (see picture above) once
again, only this time you will melt the dark chocolate instead of the caramel. Again, remember to
keep stirring the chocolate of it’ll burn. Once the cookies have cooled, dip the bottom of the
cookies with the chocolate and set it aside for the next step. Next, you’ll drizzle the top of the
cookies with the dark chocolate. The final step is to let the chocolate chill. Now the homemade
Samoas are complete and you’ll be able to enjoy these tasty treats!


  1. Daveena, I think it was a great idea to write a recipe for Samoas! It is the season for girl scout cookies right now, so you have perfect timing! The instructions were very clear and it would definitely be easy to follow along! Although the instructions were simple, it had precise detail on what to do. The pictures add great visuals and it can help guide the people who are making it, and get an idea on how it should look like! Overall, great job Daveena!

    -Brenda Do P.3

  2. Daveena! I can't wait to try this samoa recipe, especially when girl scout cookie season is over. I find that your instructions are very simple to follow, and the inclusion of pictures surely peaks interest, not only making it easier to understand your written directions, but also causing readers to crave the treat. Furthermore, splitting the recipe into different sections, between the prep and the cookie batter, definitely helps in organization, so that you don't overwhelm your readers. I think this recipe is wonderful! ^^

    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  3. First of all I'd like to say that reading your step-by-step got me really excited and hungry. The step by step was well organized and very easy to follow. Thank you for making the instructions very simple especially since you added visuals. The visuals helped people like me who barely know how to bake. Even though I'm a big Tagalong fan and not a really big Samoa fan, I'm still going to attempt this recipe when girl scout season is over.
    -Miren Cancio Period 5

  4. I love this!!! I always have loved the cookies! and know I can make them! I am totally going to make these at home! And I love the pictures you used, it was a great visual!

    Karina Blocker
    Period 4

  5. What a perfect time to share this recipe!! The instructions were really clear and very easy to follow, even for an amateur baker like me. The pictures you added helped me understand the recipe better (especially the labeled picture of the doubleboiler method) and definitely made me want Samoas. I also like how you made it so detailed and managed to not over-complicate it at the same time. Good job!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  6. This was such a great idea to share a recipe like this. Your descriptions were easy to follow along and to understand. Also, the addition of the pictures will help a lot of people who are doing this for the first time. GREAT JOB

  7. Samoas are my favorite! I love how you had the amazing idea of writing your blog post about making girl scout cookies because now we can make as many as want for free instead of having to go out and buy them. This step-by-step process was well-written and very straightforward. Job well done BFFL :)

  8. Thanks for sharing this. This cookie is a favorite of mine and your instructions seem to be simple enough to even allow me to make some. Thank You.

  9. Rather then me going out and spending five dollars I am going to try and make these for my family! I love how you planned out the step-by-step process it was simply amazing ,also with the pictures! Great job!!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  10. I have never tried samoas before but these look really tasty! It is also very convenient for this point in time since Girl Scouts cookies are common and I think it's a great idea that you can make these any time you're craving a cookie. The instructions were descriptive yet simple to understand. Great job!
    Arianna Serna
    Period 3

  11. Okay this definitely made my mouth water. I like how detailed you work is and how easy it is to follow. I feel like you made a wise decision to write this piece because now we can easily make samoas at anytime of the year!
    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  12. So obviously your title got me to read this! I gotta say that you truly made me hungry with your step by step process and I didn't even know I could make these at home! Great work.
    -Alexa Ayala
    Period 2

  13. This is such a great recipe idea, just as girl scout season has come around so when it finishes others can find a way to satiate their samoas craving! The instructions were rather easy to follow along with their corresponding pictures. They provide extra precaution for first-time bakers to know exactly what to do. Amazing job! ^^

    -Amber Tacderan, Period 2

  14. Somoas are my absolute favorite cookie. You blessing us with a recipe to mimick this wonderful treat is awesome! Thank you I will most likely try this out.

  15. Somoas are my favorite girl scout cookies. I saved this article to try this recipe out, good job and thank you for the recipe!!!!

  16. Literally before I even read the actual guide through I was thinking just how perfect this is at this time because there's sooo many kids at school who have been trying to sell all these waay over-priced girl scout cookies. So this is perfect since it wont require as much money and you can make an unlimited amount. I love how detailed and direct your directions were and I will definitely give it a try on my own. Great Job!!

    Alicia Alcaraz
    Cogswell Period 5

  17. Come and get your girl scout cookies!!! I really liked this piece. You did a wonderful job explaining how to make the samoas (which seems to be everybody's favorite). I knew you could use the double broiler method to melt chocolate but, I've never seen it used to melt caramel-Good thinking.

  18. Daveena! I really enjoyed your how to on how to make Samoas. I'll admit I'm not much of a baker but I really want to try to make these and sell them to create an underground economy of Samoas. Then I can rule the entire cookie industry. All jokes aside it was a really detailed piece!

    Joseph Jacinto
    Period 5

  19. This is my favorite recipe so far! I would really love to make these because I enjoy baking and I never made samoas before. Your instructions are really easy to follow and detailed!

  20. Samoas are actually my favorite kind of Girl Scout Cookies, so this recipe is perfect for me. I can never seem to find or buy these. You seem very well experienced in making these because of how detailed the steps are. Also, I never knew what the double broiler method was. I commend you for adding that picture. The end result looks very delicious and good. Can't wait to try this soon and great job!

    - Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  21. Somoas are my favorite type of cookie so thank you so much for sharing this! The pictures you provided resulted in me wanting to make these even more and also allowed for an easy guide. Thank you for providing this easy guide to make such awsome cookies! - Salman A.

  22. I love copy-cat girl scout cookies (and these look great!)! I have a recipe for tag-a-longs, though I haven't tried it yet, so I may just add this recipe with it when I totally don't feel like busting out $5 for a box of cookies :) I appreciate that you showed step-by-step pictures as it offers great clarification for what the step entails.

  23. Personally those are my favorite girl scout cookies, and i like how you went step by step instead of skipping major steps like most. Very informative and cool. will try
    Alejandro Martinez
    period 1

  24. Personally those are my favorite girl scout cookies, and i like how you went step by step instead of skipping major steps like most. Very informative and cool. will try
    Alejandro Martinez
    period 1

  25. What a great recipe to share with all of us! Im pretty positive that everyone loves these girl scout cookies so now people can make their own (: great job!

  26. Those are one of my favorite girl scout cookies. There kind of going up in price, so this would be good to make.
    Logan Donoho
    Per 1

  27. These are my favorite girl scout cookies ever and now I can make them with this recipe! Thanks so much! Also, way to explain the steps clearly, good job!

  28. These are my absolute faaaaavorite girl scout cookies! I am soo happy you shared this recipe because i am so excited to make these now. Your directions were very clear and you even included pictures, which helps me because i am a visual learner. Great job i cant wait to try these!
    -Legend Holman p.3

  29. Great job!! These looked so good. I like how you made them step by step and the instructions were super easy to follow and read. I love samoas and I will definitely be trying this.

  30. This is really cool piece. I never heard of it homeade girl scout cookies this is really cool


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