
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"Fourth Time’s A Charm" by Kimberly C

      Everyone’s failed at something at least once. For me, I had failed at a particular thingthree times. It was a rainy and gloomy day (which is probably not the best time to take an important test); I had just driven to the DMV, in West Covina with my dad. After checking in for my test, I anxiously waited inside the car (where the instructor was going to meet me). This was going to be my third time taking the behindthewheel test and I was scared that I was going to fail once again (because I would have to retake my permit (written test) again. As I waited, I practiced my arm signals and asked my dad questions about the test, in order to reassure myself that I would be okay. The instructor walked up towards my window and greeted me.I greeted her back, and then she proceeded to switch places with my dad, who gave me a thumbsup. So, I did all of the preliminary things to do before driving , such as my arm signals and pointing to various things inside the car. Then, I started my test. As I was driving, I was thinking positive thoughts, such as “I’m going to pass” or “Third time’s a charm.” I backed up alongside a curb, drove in a parking lot, in a business area, and in a neighborhood. I felt great. This was actually the first time that I had finished the components of the test since I was cut off short for my prior tests. When we reached the DMV, I was smiling and was so happy that I was about to get my license. However, to my dismay, the instructor said, “I’m sorry to say this, but you failed.” Immediately, my smile turned into a frown. “Why?” I asked. She then proceeded to say that I had failed because I was going under speed limit. I protested and said, “But, it was raining. ” She just looked at me (for maybe a good five seconds), took my permit and wrote “3XF” in big red letters all over my permit. Then, she left the car and went to another prospective kid that wanted their license. My dad practically skipped to the car in happiness because he thought I passed (most likely due to the fact that my test took longer than five minutes). Once he got in the car, he noticed that I wasn’t smiling and that I didn’t say anything. That was when he knew that I had failed again and made me sit in the passenger’s seat, since I wasn’t allowed to drive because I was very emotional (I wasn’t crying; I just felt a whole mix of emotions hit me). After that day, I reflected and told my parents that I want to do my permit again. So, I redid my permit the week after I failed the behindthewheel test. I realized that it would be much more practical to not rush my next test. Just because a lot of people I knew had their licenses, doesn’t mean that I should force myself to conform. I didn’t need to do something that I wasn’t ready to do. So, I decided to make sure that I really knew everything there is to know about the test. I knew that I barely practiced for the prior tests and decided to practice more often with my parents and even asked my neighbor, who was a retired bus driver, to help me with my driving. Once, I asked my friend to show me a route around the Fontana DMV. From all of this training, I knew that I was ready. I scheduled my fourth test in September, four months after my last test. There was no way that I was going to fail now. After all, I had put in many, many hours to prepare for the test. This time, it was a sunny day and I felt good about myself. I drove up to the Fontana DMV and checked in again. I’m pretty sure the lady at the check in counter knows me by name, since I had taken all of my permits and first two driving tests there. The instructor approached me and introduced himself. My mom, who had came with me because my dad thought he was bad luck to all of my driving tests, left the car and the instructor sat in the passenger’s seat. Slightly nervous, I took a deep breath and then started driving. After about ten minutes, the instructor gave me directions back to the DMV. I started panicking because the test was too short and I thought I had failed. As I drove back to the DMV, I was listing all of the possible things that could’ve gone wrong in the test. When we got back to the parking lot, the instructor said that I passed and with no mistakes either. I looked at him in shock because I thought I failed. I guess miracles do happen. The fourth time’s a charm.


  1. Kim, I know how personal this is to you and I'm glad that you're able to share this with us. I still remember the day you gave a shoutout to those who encouraged/supported you through the whole journey! I know it was a meaningful day for you as well! I really do hope that you're not the only one who's gone through the same experience! Even I didn't pass my first time and there are many other people who didn't pass their first time as well! Anyways, I really liked how you added a twist to your title, because usually it's "third time's a charm". I really enjoyed seeing your growth as an individual and how stronger you have become mentally! I really enjoyed this piece because it is very relatable and I can "feel" the emotions you felt during that time! Great job Kim!

    -Brenda Do P.3

  2. Kim! Since I know you personally I was already moved and emotional reading the title,and I loved that you used this as your piece! The major component of your story was the emotion; how your state of mind was each moment in your story, from excitement to anxiety to fear, nervousness, disappointment, shock and joy all one emotional ride. I love the dialogue as it reminds me of my time taking my driver's test! Great emotion, diction and overall great piece.
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  3. I thought this piece was very interesting to learn about you because I had no idea about your license circumstance. It was also very brave of you to share this because I know most people would hate to admit that they failed their driving test, even myself. I commend you for your growth though! :) You didn't give up after fail #1, instead, you kept going, worked harder, and practiced more. That's very inspirational! Congrats on your license and thanks for writing a great story!

  4. Kim, this personal reflection reminded me of when we used to sit in French class and you told me about every time you failed a test. I remember when you told me that you were going to the DMV for the fourth time and that you were ready, I knew you were going to do well. The next time I saw you as always I asked how you did and you had a smile on your face. I was so proud of you. Writing about your situation and your emotions during the test made me feel like I was in the car with you during it. This reminded me of how I felt when I took my driver's test. :)
    -Miren Cancio Period 5

  5. I am so proud of you kim!!!!! I totally remember sitting in class and helping you prepare for your test. I will always remember the feeling that I had when I found out that you had passed your test! I felt like such a proud mom! lol anyways, this piece brought back so many memories and made me remember what a determined person you are! The imagery you used when writing made me fell as though I was sitting right next to you! thanks for sharing this and for NEVER GIVING UP! Love you very much!

  6. Well done, Kim. I'm glad you took the time to create such a profound and interestingly eye-catching piece that makes me think of the irony you imbue. I've noticed through Instagram that you've tried to sell some SAT books, as well as many other AP test prep books, and it made me think of the great effort you put into studying for things that somehow determine our intelligence with an algorithm no one is willing to look into. Needless to say, you are a very smart and intelligent young woman and it made me laugh a little when you tried to rush a process that involves constant practice, especially the part about asking your friend to take you around the DMV Fontana test route. I think this piece could've been further stylized to help juxtapose those two concepts: preparing for tests that determine your intelligence versus preparing for a test that reveals humanity in the people who take it. Elaboration in that -- due to the heavy irony -- could even put this piece in a satirical skit. But, again, well done and thank you for this reflection.

  7. I remember being irritated with you about your third attempt and the test administrator. I was so angry, because even while practicing with my own family, they always said drive slower in the rain, so worry about the other drivers or speed limit, just drive carefully. Then when you came to class after your fourth time and told us you had passed, I was so excited for you because, although I can't fully understand your frustrations about not passing, I can understand the frustrations of failure and apathetic adults who make it seem like you're unimportant because you're just a teenager. Anyway, while reading your recount of how it felt going through the testing brought me back to that day in class and all those emotions back with the memory. Needless to say, I am so happy for you, and of course very proud that you pulled through and did what you had to in order to ensure a passing score.

  8. Awww Kim, I remember you telling me this story and I'm so proud of you for passing. I knew you could do it! I'm glad that you wrote this because it shows your character, it shows that you're hardworking and no matter how many times you fail, you're willing to try until you succeed and I admire you for that. Great piece love, I really enjoyed this piece, especially the title.

    Daveena San
    Per. 2

  9. Reading all these comments up above make me feel like I'm missing out because I don't know you as personally as the rest of these people do! Your writing was connected to how you felt and while I was reading this I felt like I was in this situation. Your descriptions were on par and I loved how the title was the fourth time and not the third. Great Job!

  10. Kim!! First off, congratulations for getting your license! It's really inspiring how you didn't give up and instead fixed your energy on getting better and practicing more. It's really awe-inspiring! Good job! Now, onto the piece, I like how descriptive you were about your emotions and your thoughts. It was really easy for me to imagine your feelings, through the picture that you painted for the readers. The details that you gave (specifically the details about the little things like the weather) also allowed me to easily picture the scene. Thank you for sharing this!! Well done!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  11. Prior to reading this post, I was looking through the list of other blog posts and noticed your title. Without even reading the first sentence, I assumed that it was about your driver's test because you've told me this story before, and lo and behold, I guessed right.
    You did an amazing job at condensing months of frustration and anxiety in preparation for your behind-the-wheel tests into a single blog post, which showcases your ability to clearly convey your emotions to your audience. While doing so, you also include humorous parts, such as your dad deciding to sit out because he thought he was bad luck. Overall, this post does an amazing job at retelling a story of true struggle, and it takes lots of humility to admit that you failed your driver's test three times (it's okay, I've failed twice).
    Job well done! :)

  12. I'll tell you now that i'm always nervous whenever it comes to a test. Even if I study for three weeks and prepare myself, I still have a gut feeling that I'm going to fail. So when I have to do my driving test I will definitely be nervous. But after reading this entry, I feel a bit better knowing that everyone is eventually going to fail at something. Nice job.

  13. First off, your title caught my attention because it would usually be, "third time is the charm." Prior to reading this, I knew it was about your driver's tests because you told me beforehand but, I want to say again that I'm proud of you for passing! It was brave for you to write about this personal journey but I think that to those reading this, that they would get the message to not give up because in the end, everything does work out. Thanks for sharing your story, Kim!

  14. very well written, i love how you used setting details to really give me a feel for what was going on. I'm glad you passed your test.

    Braden Bailey
    - per. 4

  15. You are my confidence Kim. Getting my license is something that I dread. It is a common that everyone has to go through some point in their life. And even if it takes me four times to get it, I'm glad to know that I wouldn't be the only one who went through the same thing. I like this piece overall because it's a day in the life of... stories but with some emotional touch to it. Great job Kim.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Kim, This is so great! I remember you going through all of this and how stressed you were, and this story was a great way to share everything you went through to get your license. This narrative has vivid imagery and good commentary, and I really like how you show that through perseverance you can accomplish your goals. Very nice piece!
    -Aubrianne Milton
    Period 5

  18. OH MY GOSH I CAN RELATE TO THIS SO MUCH!!!! I failed my permit test three times so I know how you feel. Congrats on finally getting your license, I liked your story. I like that you wrote a personal experience and not a made up story because it gives me better insight in who you are. I remember you talking about it in heath's class and then you finally passed! Congrats Kim, and good job.
    Emily French
    period 5

  19. This is great. It was very vivid and after a while you explained it so well with imagery i felt in it. very good job and congrats.
    Alejandro Martinez
    Period 1

  20. This description had me like whoa!! thats an awesome story!!! keep writing!
    English period 1 ~Julianna Alvarado

  21. I loved this! I personally have not take my behind the wheel test but I do ponder the idea of how that whole process will go down and I can picture it going just like what you depicted in your writing. Congratulations on finally passing and good job at expressing your emotions towards the situation in your work.

  22. Hahaha! I love you so much Kim! I remember all of those times you would come disappointed and also the day you finally got your license! The way you told us the story then is even more vividly expressed in your writing and I could clearly feel your heartache and joy. Keep it up and I'll be sure to stay off the road...just kidding.
    -Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  23. You are a really safe driver (not that I know from experience... Because that would be ILLEGAL). I still remember when you told me you had failed yout first test. I practically didn't care, because driving was still not very interesting to me not a priority... But obviously as a friend I was worried that because you were so good at everything you did, your nervousness would get the best of you, which it did. I had a feeling from the first test, that it would take you a while until you felt confident enough to stare that lady in the face and give her the look of a real weiner. Good job kimichan! Next time rub your Mr. Chuaps bald head for luck. Give me rides after I turn 18!! ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Well written and depicted.

  24. You are a really safe driver (not that I know from experience... Because that would be ILLEGAL). I still remember when you told me you had failed yout first test. I practically didn't care, because driving was still not very interesting to me not a priority... But obviously as a friend I was worried that because you were so good at everything you did, your nervousness would get the best of you, which it did. I had a feeling from the first test, that it would take you a while until you felt confident enough to stare that lady in the face and give her the look of a real weiner. Good job kimichan! Next time rub your Mr. Chuaps bald head for luck. Give me rides after I turn 18!! ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Well written and depicted.

  25. I personally thing this piece was interesting. Definitely very vivid. The description was great and was overall a great piece, enjoyed reading it. :)

  26. Absolutely loved this Kim! I liked how you included your thoughts of the exact moments that you experienced. In my expe riences, I found your story relatable to my life because I didn't pass the time I took my drivers test. The feelings and thoughts of w anting to pass but then hearing those dreadful words, "I'm sorry but you failed” are absolutely gut wrenching. It's okay I know the feeling, but in the end we both passed, eventually.

    Emily Gonzalez
    Period 2

  27. I thought you did a excellent job in this piece especially making the reader feel how you were feeling during your tests. You can feel the anxiety and nerves that you were feeling in that car, and even the disbelief that you felt when you had actually passed your test.
    -Marvin Virola


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