
Monday, December 7, 2015

"Love at first sight" By Calaya A

No, I don’t believe in love at first sight. Many people think that they fall in love when they lay their eyes on someone. But the thing is you don’t even know anything about them. People can be very dangerous but they can seem very friendly on the outside. You wouldn’t know that until you actually get to know them. I have never heard of love at first sight. Many movies show love at first sight, for example: Romeo and Juliet it shows Romeo as he locks his eyes on such a beautiful woman that he wants to marry. Although after he sees Juliet he is absolutely in love with her. He decides to meet her and they marry the next day. Thy really do love each other but there is a big problem, their families hate each other. At the end of this story of Romeo and Juliet it comes to an end where the new married couple both die. “Love at first sight” ends in terrible solutions. You never really see love at first sight in real life. Now, we usually go on dates to get to know the person you “love”.  Anything can happen with love, it’s very hard to find it now a days. Nobody really knows what love is. People say that love is a deeper feeling you have for someone. Do you believe that? I believe that you can fall in love with someone over time, but you can’t look at someone and immediately fall in love with him or her. I also think that people who think they are in love might be misunderstanding it for liking someone. You might look at someone and think, “ wow! I love him/her.” But really you think they are cute or like them. You never know right away if you are in love. I never realized how much everyone thinks that love is so important. Yes of course you love you mom, dad, and your family but the main thing is that our age is too young. We are way to young to know what love is. At this age everyone is in “love”. They think love is something that if you don’t have it you are alone. By alone I mean you don’t have people that like you or in a relationship with other people. Love at first sight doesn’t exist because it takes time to get to know someone. Over time people develop feelings for someone while in the beginning you like them. Some people believe that if you are in a relationship for over a year you must be meant to be. Although you might think that the only thing that you have is a strong liking for each other. You never really are in love until maybe you are with them for three years or longer. That is when you know you love someone. Together you went through ups and downs but still stayed with each other. That is the only true love I believe in. Some cases might be that you love them and get married but that marriage might not work out. Lots of people get married when they are younger and they end in most cases getting a divorce. Usually most cases are when a married couple has kids, got married and get divorced. That’s when you don’t really love each other and how you but your children in a situation. Love is never a for sure thing you never really know if you in love with someone. What do you think? Do you believe in live at first sight?       


  1. I loved how you used evidence from Romeo and Juliet to support your argument. I also like how you opened the readers mind to all the possible things that could go wrong with "love at first sight".What do i think of love? I do agree that love is staying besides someone through all the ups and downs.My definition of love changes every day,depending how i feel. I feel like that is the only way you can love.

  2. I loved how you mentioned the fact about loving your own parents and how you stated several of your own personally ideas on this! I have to say I hardcore agree with you. Love at first sight doesn't exist!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 1

  3. To answer your question at the end of the piece, no I don't believe in love at first sight. Therefore, I agree with your viewpoint on this topic and how you cant really know you love someone until you get to know them. I liked how your supported your opinion with examples such as the Romeo and Juliet love story and the assumption that people are confusing attraction for love.
    darian henry
    period 2

  4. I think that you proved your argument well with the examples you used and how in depth you went with the detail so i think that if this were a debate you would definitely win since you have proof to support your came. Overall I think you did a great job.
    Katy O'Hara

  5. I deeply agree with your opinion. You described why you don't believe in love at first sight in a well formatted way. I agree with you because to feel love, you really have to know the person to feel love. You supported your opinion very well with examples. Great job!

    Garret Janikowski
    Period 4

  6. I completely agree with what you said in this story. I've judged a book by its cover. I cant lie. People don't stick to don't judge a book by its cover. For example, we even judge celebrities. Everyone has an opinion.

  7. I agree with you. I believe that loving someone is having a passion for someone else not just for their looks, but for who they are as a person. I feel that this love is beyond a simple "I love you" to a close friend of yours, but saying "I love you" to someone you have a fire for is different because you have actually found something in their personality that sits well with you and you love the qualities that they have. So love at first sight cannot exist because you don't even know the person, so it's impossible to love something about someone without knowing about their character. Good story Calaya! It was a very thought provoking piece!

    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  8. Good Job! I really enjoyed your story and I like how you supported it with Romeo and Juliet. I agree on your stand point that love at first sight doesn't exist. keep up the good work.

  9. I couldn't agree with you more, love at first sight doesn't exist. I really liked how you used evidence from Romeo and Juliet. Keep writing.

  10. First of all, I liked how you incorporated an example of a love story-Romeo and Juliet-and used it to your advantage to prove your point on how love never lasts. I also agree with you on thinking that love has a deeper meaning than merely falling for one's looks. I also believe love is having a strong attraction to not only someone's look but also their personality. I enjoyed this thought provoking piece. Thank you for this good read Calaya!

    Hannah Baik
    Period 2

  11. Combining literary figures like Romeo and Juliet to real life circumstances and cliches was such a unique way to discuss "love at first sight." Good job! This really intrigued me and kept me interested while reading. :)
    -Kelene Hirata

  12. I think you did an excellent job at emphasizing the extremity of love and how it cannot be a simple task but is actually a feeling developed over time. Your various examples of loves from Romeo and Juliet, to our parents brought in a sense of reality and really showed your readers how deceptive love can be. I think a voice of truth was definitely portrayed in this piece and overall I really enjoyed it!

  13. I like the idea in the poem and how it is not all fairly tale like and really shows
    the real world and how people an really be. Good job - David

  14. I really enjoyed this piece. The use of Romeo and Juliet was a very good way of supporting your argument. Love is in fact a mysterious thing. We meet people and decide we wish to spend eternity with them. Falling in love with some one is very risky, especially now. But life is all about risk. It'll , hopefully, be the happiest moment of your life. Or it may become the happiest memory of your life. If there is one thing I can tell you truthfully. It is don't take your future significant other for granted. If that person makes you happy..then don't loose them. Trust me. The ups and downs will be there but they wont always last forever. Just make sure you hold on to them and don't let go. Have faith in the journey, because when they're gone. It will hurt and you will regret it.
    Christian Ortega


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