
Monday, November 30, 2015


To be honest I was going to write my piece on beauty….Until I saw that someone had already did that. So, I started thinking of what else to write about, and it finally hit me. LOVE. There are a lot of different definitions of love. For example, there is godly, romantic, and fraternal. I decided to only talk about the romantic aspect. The dictionary definition of love (like we all don’t already know what it is)…….is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
 In today’s society, love is just about everywhere. There is literally no escape from it. Either we listen to love or we see love…....right? The real question is Tis Love, or Tis Lust? How can you tell if the couple that you’re looking at, is really in love? Or, do they just want each other physically. Can you decipher if the artist is spittin’ out bars on love or lust? Just take a moment and think. Does anybody ever really know what love looks like? Personally I believe that nobody truly knows what love looks like unless they have been through it themselves.
At school, literally everywhere I go I see couple after couple after couple. The bad thing about that is as I get older the couples get younger and younger. Do the couples even know if they truly love each other? Finding a couple that truly loves each other is difficult. It’s almost like an enormous game of Where’s Waldo?  Sometimes people just get together for the physical part. Which makes absolutely no sense to me because once you interact in that sort of activity, you can never get back what you have given. Is anybody ever truly ready for that? I remember this like it happened yesterday, and I truly believe that it is horrific. It was during my freshman year in 6th period, in Mrs. Roger’s biology class. I really don’t remember how we started talking about this, but next thing I knew this girl was telling our lab group that she had lost her virginity in 8th grade……SKERT…… I said “is this a joke, are you for real”? (In my head). All I wanna know is, was it for da love or for da pleasure?
I feel like when you act on physical attraction alone that nine times out of ten it won’t end so well. Unless of course it’s in a book. The revolting thing about love is that it can be because of a person not having anywhere else to go. Or, because they have become brainwashed. In the sense that they know and everyone else knows that they are being abused, and when confronted about it; they reply with the infamous, “I love them too much to leave” or “They didn’t mean too” or “It was my fault because I didn’t listen.” When I hear that I think, NOOOOOO. Clearly you have not read Twilight. When a couple is asked about love they need to respond with these few words from Stephanie Meyers, “Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew- knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest- was how love gave someone the power to break you.” That right there is just a snippet of what true love should be like, is that something that is possible to achieve? Sure it is, you just have to find it. Or, you can take the easy way out and ask Bella Cullen because I’m sure she would gladly enlighten you on what true love is. Or you can just ask your parents. (0_0) < (^3^) >


  1. I LOVE HOW YOU WROTE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!! This is so so so true! Because like really how do we know what love is with all these fake movies who give us fake expectations on love. I also love how you spoke your own mind, your words were sooooo beautifully put together and I am simply amazed by it! Keep writing and stay speaking your mind!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really loved this piece! And it's so true. It is so hard to find true love, especially at this age, and when I hear about sixth graders or even eighth graders dating and losing their virginity (O.O) it seems as somewhat of a joke. Movies and books nowadays have fed us with false expectation of love and we strive to find that love with someone else, even if it means overlooking major flaws. I loved what you wrote and how truthful you were while you said it. Good Job!
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  4. I absolutely believe what you wrote is 100% true! I see couples at school all the time and i wonder the exact same thing! I love this i could not stop reading. It was so truthful and i love the quote you put! Honesty our entertainment now a days have really made it seem that love is everywhere and that you will find "the one" but i feel that these kids are just going off and losing their virginity like its no big deal and its just the lust part of them speaking. I really love what you had to say!

  5. Wow, excellent job on bringing the truth about love to light! I highly despise the way teenagers and people in general interpret love in this generation. There is so much more than just intimacy when it comes to loving another person. Teenagers need to be taught this by their parents. Great job on your piece! More people need to think like this!
    - Deborah Fraire
    Period 1

  6. I like your view of what love really is and what is has become. The "love" we see today at school has become watered down and in most cases meaningless, but maybe there's some couples out there that do know what real love is.

  7. I really enjoyed reading this and how your brought your opinion forth in a personal way as though it was an actual conversation. I completely agree on your stand point about love and I also agree that the youth in this generation need to understand that loving a person is much more than just having intimate relations. Your examples really strengthened your view on things and truly provided the idea that there is a difference between love and lust. Great job Kayla!

  8. I really enjoyed reading this piece. I like how i felt like i was being talked to directly as a friend. I agree with everything said and think the tone you picked for this piece really did justice to what your objective was.

  9. To start with, I enjoyed how you wrote about something that was relevant to our society today. You wrote about a completely relatable subject that so many people are confused with because they don't really know that love is themselves. You used some interesting words choices and references that really help relate your piece altogether. I also love how you make this personal and informal because it really makes you feel like your own friend is talking to you about this. Great stuff! It was enjoyable to read!

    Jordan Cano, Period 3

  10. I really enjoyed how you wrote what is true, I mean it would be cool if we could put this in the school's broadcast and show everyone the true meaning. I really loved the ending, yet sometimes parents want to hide their child away from the truth, but overall I loved your piece.

    Alena Awan, Per.2

  11. I really enjoyed how you wrote what is true, I mean it would be cool if we could put this in the school's broadcast and show everyone the true meaning. I really loved the ending, yet sometimes parents want to hide their child away from the truth, but overall I loved your piece.

    Alena Awan, Per.2

  12. Awesome job Kayla! This piece is extremely well written and gives you a great perspective of love! What you wrote about is extremely relatable to as well.

    Karina Blocker
    Period 4

  13. I don't mean to sound cliche, but like everyone else, I truly enjoyed this entry. This entry is so relatable and plays a key role in our every day lives as teenagers. I agree with your claim that teenagers (even preteens) are starting to mature at very young ages. In all honesty, I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement as I read this entry. I was even saying "Preach!!" in my head. Great work!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  14. That was inspiring. I've thought about the same things before whether people really like you or are just sexually attracted. I find it satisfying that I'm not the only one thinking about how such interaction occur around us everyday. I loved how you got some laughs in it with the "Where's Waldo" reference and things you've heard it makes it enjoyable to read instead of just listening to an opinion.

  15. Kayla, I really enjoyed reading this piece and I thought it gives lots of detail

    Justin Hirata
    period 4

  16. Dang Kayla, you did that! I feel like the topic you picked was very relevant in our day and age because so called "love " is everywhere. What I really like about this piece is how you broke it down. The examples and sources you used really took you short story to the next level.As I was reading ,I was really enjoying it , but when I got to the part that referenced Edward and Bella's love for each other I was like YASSSSSS lol. Although I don't think that caliber of love can be easily obtained, I do think it's a good example of what we should be striving for! Thanks for speaking the truth for the one time and I think there's a lot of people that needed to hear that.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  17. Okay Kayla, I see you! Good job writing on a topic that everyone has familiarity with whether they are experiencing it and just don't know it yet or whether they see it all the time. As teenagers, we are so quick to think that we are in love or that we have found the person we want to be with forever and sometimes it's true but, most of the time it's just part of us growing up and becoming the person we are meant to be.

  18. I really liked your point of view about love because a lot of people would agree with you and as teenagers we could all relate because we don't really know the real definition of love and think we know we love someone when we don't. Good job!

  19. Kayla your piece was really really good I like how detailed it is and how you pulled the quote outta the book and told us that it should be love we do things for not lust,Awsome story!
    Zya Woody
    Period 4

  20. I liked how you incorporated sarcasm and everyday-type language with real thoughts that go on in people's heads pretty often. It was a interesting piece and well written, although maybe next time try to provide more professional, academic type vocabulary. :)
    -Kelene Hirata

  21. I loved your incredible insight on romantic love and the reality that much of it is false. Your integration of your own speech was well done as well.

  22. Kayla, this is a very perceptive piece, accurately underlining the ways in which society has changed in terms of love. Many can agree that true, deep love can be harder to sense nowadays, and you emphasize this very appropriately with the inclusion of the experiences of "love" within your own life, surrounded by peers who seem to display naivete towards the concept. Although others may have a different take on your embedded colloquialisms, it truly puts into perspective how culture has changed. This is a great piece ^^

    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  23. TIS LUST! Kayla, to shed some light on what "love" is mistaken for in a relationship. Which really is not really love at all, its LUST. We are way to young to know what love truly is and what love truly means. It kinda made me remember one of my favorite quotes..."Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself."-Robin Williams(Good Will Hunting) I know it may be a bit irrelevant, but it is the first thing I thought of after reading this piece. Overall, I think you did an amazing job, I loved reading it.

  24. I absolutely agree with you! Nowadays, "love" is thrown around like any other word in the dictionary. Ive always asked myself the question if i was in love or in lust. I think at our age its a difficult thing to truly understand what love it, however i don't think its impossible. I loved how you expressed your opinion on this topic and connected it to a quote of one of my favorite authors. Your piece was written in a very casual manner which made it fun and easy to read. I enjoyed it very much!

  25. I truly adore the title, it's so quirkingly cute but proposes such an important question. Although we are all young and have varying perceptions of what love is, we must clearly differentiate this important topic right from the back. You clearly emphasize issues that we constantly see in our lives as young, naive couples are together from physical attraction to true love bases on emotion. It informs and opens our eyes to when we fall in love, if we are able to differentiate our attraction with this question.

    Amber Tacderan
    Period 2

  26. I enjoyed reading this as we all see this nowadays. Many people are mistaken and don't often see the difference between the two. But when you take a step back if becomes very clear and the perception of love isn't always what we think it is. Good job. :D Pd. 2

  27. Very well written and 100% agree! I love how truthful you chose to be when writing this piece, especially the part about being brainwashed or not having anywhere else to go. I find it too often to be that people are only with others for the sake of not being alone and it is truly depressing to see how this kind of behavior has trickled down to younger generations. The way you connected these thoughts of yours to the literature of Stephanie Meyers was a great transition and pulled everything together. Overall, I really enjoyed this piece and encourage you to continue to speak your mind and then write it down on paper. Great job!

  28. I admire the truthfulness in this piece and absolutely agree with you. I think it really has to do with the fact that people are so young so they have a clouded judgment of what "love" really is. Also, nice point in bringing up the music that most teens listen to as that probably has a major influence on their thought process. Interesting observation and great piece!

    Michelle Sanchez P.5

  29. I love your writing style Kayla, it's very unique to your personality, and I feel like it's you directly talking to the readers, which I thought was very stylistic. I loved the perspective you've offered, and I know the line between love and lust can be very fine for some people. Great job!
    Taylor Sandoval
    Cogswell p.5

  30. Hi! I can totally agree with you on how people are assumed to be in love with each other just because they’re a couple. And yes, I do believe that you don’t know what love is until you’ve actually experienced it. I do feel like the couples these days in high school are only getting with one another just for the physical and lustful aspect of it, but not for each other’s true personalities. So, is it really love or is it lust? I think those couples will just have to examine it themselves. Anyway, I really enjoyed this essay about love. And I do hope you can continue to keep writing because I enjoyed the humorous comments that you added to this essay and how it makes the topic much more easier to understand, but adding snippets of that one book, Twilight. Keep up the good work!
    Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  31. I think you picked a great topic because it is true, everyone thinks they know what love is but maybe 'love' for the wrong reasons. Very good take on love because talking about that kind of love outside of friends is usually a sensitive topic because of what it entails but you wrote it really well.

  32. Your piece made me laugh. Throughout reading it I was constantly thinking, "how true! how true!" I really enjoyed how the entire piece was 100% you and you spoke your mind freely! The casualness of your tone made it easy to read and it felt like I was just talking casually to a friend about the abstract (which I often do). Also, I think it was refreshing that you were completely honest in the beginning about what your were about to write :)
    -Zoe Wong

  33. This piece was very interesting aha. you had me laughing at times lol. great work!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Wow that was pretty dang amazing. Nothing but the truth was told in your piece of writing. What even is love? I feel as if love is like a myth, how does one really know if it truly exists? You had a lot of interesting points in your piece and I loved every single bit of it. I eve laughed aloud a little when I read about your experience in biology class...skert...
    p.s. good job !
    Alicia Alcaraz

  36. I also Agree with you 100% , as teenagers its hard to really know what love is because we are so young and so many people get lust and love confused . I feel young people should wait till they are a little older and wiser on who they date and why . I know when I was younger I just wanted a relationship to have one , I never took into account what it really means to be in a relationship. I really enjoyed this piece and thing you spoke the truth .

  37. THIS WAS TRULY AMAZING AND SO VERY VERY VERY VERY RELATEABLE!!!! I feel like you just spoke about the fantasy a lot of people choose to believe and live in. I also loved the comparison to Where's Waldo and Twilight. I think you used those very well in this. It's like it's not even a story, it's so far from that I don't even really know how to describe it, but I really really loved it and I am so glad you wrote for me to be able to read and love it as much as I do.

  38. I love the writing style you used, it really gave a more detailed understanding of things. This can relate to many others. It has a lot of meaning, or truth behind this piece and this story got me very interested. Good job i loved it


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