
Tuesday, October 20, 2015


All the women in the world who were hoping to become the next Bill Gates or the CEO of Apple, the world has officially told you that you can not do that because you are a woman. TIME reports that “on average women around the world earn 24% less than men, the report says, and earn just half of the income of men earn over a lifetime” (TIME). This should be offensive. Feminism is not women being hateful and bashful to men, that’s misandry. A feminist is someone who promotes gender equality and since women get the short end of that stick, women seeking gender equality often seem like people who practice misandry (again prejudice). The end of this article will inform you on how to identify real-life gender stereotypes.
The materials that are needed are:
1.     A book
2.     Eyes
3.     A brain
4.     An open mind

Step 1: Read a book. Look for clues on how woman are portrayed in books. Don’t worry! They aren’t hard to miss they are usually the evil, wicked witches that are considered prostitutes for having sex. If it’s a real good book the women will most likely be the cause of everything that went wrong in the book; many authors do this to resemble real life because that’s how it is in real life.  Also, look for the men’s roles in the book; they are the strong, heroic, handsome ones with the flock of women around them.

Step 2: After you have read a book of literary merit, you may have notice the things I previously mentioned. After reading the literary piece, you should reflect on how this makes you feel. If you’re perturbed, if you’re perplexed, if you’re pissed, it’s justified. To be completely honest, it’s even completely okay if you agree with the way feminine people are portrayed in those storylines because that’s the way society is accustomed to thinking.

Step 3: Look around. We live in a world where it is wrong for men to be feminine because it’s “gay.” Being feminine is being weak and fragile, like a woman, so therefore if those qualities are present in a man he is immediately deemed as gay. We live in a world where if a woman is assertive and strong-willed (qualities a man should have) she is automatically labeled as a meanie.

There is no overt way to expunge our society of gender stereotypes because many people value tradition and customs, which is respectable. It is understandable why people are willing to accept these gender tropes but what is not understandable is that people in our society are allowing these tropes to limit what people can or can’t do. No one can really tell you that you can’t do something. Let’s be clear you will hear those words come on of their mouths; they’ll probably give you eye contact and hand gestures but just let those words go in one ear and out the other because they don’t truly matter.

I realize that what I’ve written is completely biased but they’re my opinions. Get your own!


  1. I'm so in lovee with this! Your opinion is totally great and valid. I've noticed more and more that girls are opening up their eyes to what’s really goin on in the world and also joining the feminist movement I think its sooo very important. Unfortunately, being a feminist gets a bad rep for being "man haters" etc haha little do they know it’s not about that whatsoever; it’s a movement for equality! The statistics do not lie, anyone with a computer can look them up that women do not receive the same pay as men do. I'm not saying this applies to every job but it’s a pretty prominent occurrence in America, especially in countries that are very male dominated and traditional. Nonetheless, your piece was terrific thanks for sharing, I loved it!
    -Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  2. Wow, this is so amazing. Its so wonderful how you used information from TIME adding some push to your argument. I know what you mean when you wrote this. This is exactly what the cult of true womanhood is. Men put these titles on woman to ensure dominance over a woman. Then they teach it to woman since the moment they were born.To wear pink and play with barbies and play dress up.To be perfect mannered and "lady like". And yes , "what I’ve written is completely biased but they’re my opinions. Get your own!"

  3. Great piece Oge, i really liked how straight up you were in addressing your opinions and also in addressing the real societal issues that still exist. I found your topic very interesting and informative and you did a good job in appealing to your audience, even if it was a tad bit bias( or a lot). Either way good job.
    -Alicia Alcaraz
    Cogswell period 5

  4. Samantha QuintanillaOctober 27, 2015 at 2:15 PM

    Most people consider feminists to be exactly how you described, misandrists or overly aggressive, but your article was very opinionated without been in your face and over the top. The point was simply made with no sugar coats or exaggeration, which i appreciated greatly. I completely support your cause and i also love your closing "get your own!." its a simple call to action that captures the reader but doesn't influence them to follow your beliefs. I really enjoyed this, thank you!

  5. This story showed how boys or men actually treat women they usaully tell us that we can't do something yet most girls actually get better grades than men did get. Girls can be powerful to they can do plenty of things. This story is amazing.


  6. The story you wrote is amazing is shows many people what women think and what other people agree on. We aren't supposed to sit in the back while the men think this stuff that is not true even if they don't know there doing it they might be. Thank you for writing this story it's a good writing.


  7. The story you wrote is amazing is shows many people what women think and what other people agree on. We aren't supposed to sit in the back while the men think this stuff that is not true even if they don't know there doing it they might be. Thank you for writing this story it's a good writing.


  8. The story you wrote is amazing is shows many people what women think and what other people agree on. We aren't supposed to sit in the back while the men think this stuff that is not true even if they don't know there doing it they might be. Thank you for writing this story it's a good writing.


  9. This was such a cute way to be assertive about what you believe in. I'm personally no type of feminist, but you made great points, and were completely laid back about it. Your tone was lighthearted yet you were talking about such an important,serious topic of this past century. Overall, your piece was great. I hope you get your 24% someday!

  10. This piece has a comical side to it yet has very viable information which gives the reader a level playing field to form their own opinion on the subject matter of feminism. The way you address the reader in a very direct manner makes me feel as if i am listening to someone who is knowledgeable on the subject. Your use of detailed steps shows the importance this particular social issue, and your passion for everyone being informed shows through your writings. Great job, keep up the great work.

    Jordyn France
    Per 3

  11. Thank you for adding the true definition of feminism! Feminism is not just "girls being on their menstrual cycle, disgracing men", as you said feminism is gender equality! As a woman I find it demeaning that when I'm mad, males in my life suggest that I must be on my period. I find it disgusting that women are supposed to have a constant smile on their face to make others happy. God forbid I'm not smiling, that therefore means I'm on my period. The fight for gender equality is only beginning, women in todays novels can't even choose between their two lovers (aka Twilight), or are told to be submissive (cough, cough Fifty Shades). Although these pieces of "literature" are deemed to be enjoyable, women are still depicted as creatures that should only be the "idealized woman". Have you ever read a novel in which a man must decided between an Edward or Jacob? After this somewhat funny rant of a comment, I find your use of sarcasm and irony to be quite successful. I also enjoyed how you did a "how to", because society needs to learn HOW TO pay our women and men equally. Great job!

    Miranda Hidalgo
    period. 5

  12. It's quite interesting to have been able to read two powerful pieces (This piece as well as "Why Are We Divided?") that differentiate in their voices and how the author further developed their perspectives on their respective issues. Style is one of the things I've found to be a lacking factor to some posts I've read on feminism (And others), but your definitive use of sarcasm is one I commend -- a bit risque for commentary that is supposed to persuade, but the choice was clear and cut, ultimately great on your part. It's one of the things that I think draws the reader to continue reading, to further comprehend your message. Aside from that, I just wanted to also say that I would've loved to have seen the various layers of feminism accentuated in this piece. I think the argument people will pose is that this piece is mainly about gender stereotypes and what-not, maybe even an opinion you can pose yourself. But, my point is that it would've been awesome to extend beyond the gender stereotypes that we see in this world: disabled, cultural, sexual, religious discrimination...On top of the fact that women and children AND men, in some areas, are affected. Other than that, it's nice to know our world still harbors educated people.

    Well done.

  13. This just raises so many questions .Why is society like this ? Where did these stereotypes come from ? Why are women portrayed this way ? Why hasn't anyone stopped it ? I agree with you 110% , when are often put in this little box that society has created for us . We must be small ,gentle, sweet ,ignorant women , who have no power . We often spend hours and thousand of dollars on makeup ,clothes and working on our outer appearance , just to look like this impossible image of what a women that society created. So I fully support and Agree with everything you say.

  14. wow wow wow! Oge you did an amazing job articulating your opinion in such a powerful way. Unlike a lot of people passionate about this subject, you were able to show how you feel without imposing your opinion on others. It was very straightforward and reminded me just how much women are discriminated against. Amazing job, i really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work!
    -Joelle Boulos, period 3

  15. This piece is very surprising!..the good type of surprising of course. In this tiny passage you were able to express very strong feelings and emotions towards women. By reading this, a switch in my mind was triggered. I never really took the time to evaluate how women were portrayed in books. I mean I know they were seen lower than a male, but I never really had my opinion on it. Also, going back to what you said about how men get offended about being called "feminine". It is also offensive to women when a guy's reaction to this word is disgust! I completely agree with you when you say that WE control out own action and that NO ONE can tell us what to do.
    What a very powerful message!

    Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  16. Thank you for writing such a meaningful piece. I feel like often times women get thrown aside and men don't want to take us seriously. Step 1 of your piece is my favorite part because it is very much true. Often times, we arent the heroes. We might be the brains and masterminds, but we still stand in the back. Its interesting because I think that women go through a lot and we deserve to have our strength be noticed and be represented in literature. Everyone I look up to in my life is a female. We are strong, opinionated, intellectual, and we get things done and that deserves equal representation.

  17. I fully support what you stand it. Your piece has real substance that demonstrates our belief in feminism. I love how you included the statistic that women receive 24% less compared to men. The glass ceiling is definitely a problem considering the fact that woman can do jobs the same, if not better, than most men. Keep fighting for your beliefs!

    Joseph Jacinto
    Period 5

  18. I can sense a sort a of satirical tone towards society as a whole due to their ill-conceived definition of what feminism truly is. Feminism is needed in today's society as equality between both men and women are far from being truly equally, although we have made great strides since then. However, like you state many assume feminists as those who aim to be greater than men, and as you inform that's completely wrong when compared to it's definition. I find this piece so very informative to have individuals open their eyes to the injustice towards women from in literature or media as step 1 illustrates and to the world around us in step 3. I completely agree that feminism is an integral part of helping society change so we finally achieve gender equality.

    -Amber Tacderan
    Period 2

  19. I agree completely with this piece and am glad you clarified the definition a feminist because often times the word "feminist" comes with a negative connotation. The way of thinking in times before was a bit absurd and it is about time that women get as much recognition as men but believed in as well. Gender should not be a determining factor that depicts how you should be, think, or act (kind of like the "idealized woman"). I really enjoyed how enlightening piece this piece was as well as how your thoughts were organized, I don't know but I found that interesting.

  20. Oge,
    Your take on feminism, towards the way in which it has embedded itself in small ways within society, and especially the manner in which how it affects men as well, truly reveals the components of feminism which much of our society fails to comprehend. The common misconception that feminists hate men, which you address, enhances your argument by showing all those previously ignorant what feminism really means. As for myself, a petite Asian girl who loves STEM, the patriarchy in our society can be extremely intimidating at times, and this piece helps me as well as others with the same mindset to know that we're not alone. Thank you for this very on point, meaningful account to such an important conflict in our society today.
    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  21. I love that you weren't afraid to express your opinion on a sensitive subject like this. Keep it up we need more people in this world to be brave and talk about what occurs in our society.

  22. Great story overall. It's true that i may be a bit biased ,but I believe that women should get the same amount of money as men do. I'm not saying that men are inferior to women ,but we as humans are equal. Nice job on your evidence too.

  23. Your view on this very popular idea of conflict is so important. Not enough people think of it this way. Thank you for bringing this to light and express how you feel!
    Megan McCann
    per. 5

  24. I really enjoyed your use of sarcasm, it really made me laugh and want to continue reading. It is pretty cool to know that there are still people out there who actually sit down and read books. The funny thing about that is I thought I was the only one who noticed how society likes to portray women in books. It does get really annoying how things that you read about are now happening in today's society. It really breaks my heart when I see a society that is so conformed that it becomes dull. Especially when authors try and make the women weak, gentle, humble, loving, and unable to do things on their own. They are wrong because females can get mad too. I mean have you seen bad girls club?! Your piece is really good because each sentence kept me on the edge of my seat. Thank You.

    Kayla Weathers

  25. I really enjoyed this piece and I found it very informative and interesting. I also stand by your opinion and the feminist movement. Women should be treated equally and not be belittled by men or even each other for being who we are. I loved your use of sarcasm which made this piece much more personal and playful but still serious and honest. Great job Oge!
    Period 5

  26. I enjoyed this piece in the fact that it's very informative. For someone who may not know the true meaning of feminism, this provides a valid opinion to the feminist movement and would help people understand as to what exactly it is. Many may think that it's being hateful towards men but that's just simply not the case and I'm glad that this is here to provide that information to those who aren't as informed.

  27. Oge, This piece was really great. It's insanely true how women are portrayed in society through literature, opinions, etc. and typically gender-associated traits are judged when portrayed by the other gender. I thought that your opinions were valid and strong and I completely agree with them. It was really great!
    -Aubrianne Milton
    Period 5

  28. I feel that your point was proven very well! The concept of feminism has been construed over the years, and you presented that in your piece and I totally agree with you. Good job!

  29. I fully agree on this subject and think you did a very precise job in understanding your gained knowledge on feminism. Your ability to give the reader sources and tools to educate themselves no longer leaves a chance for ignorance. You have developed a well formed thought process. Great job.

    Jordyn France
    Per 3

  30. Your passion for gender equality and all other feminist ideals is undoubtedly recognized by me! I admire the medley of emotions displayed in the piece. I could really feel the anger, sadness, and determination in the words as I progressed through the piece. You are definitely right! I admit that I do see this a lot in our everyday lives. Movies and books don't really tend to center around a female main character, women are constantly bashed on everyday media, and the list goes on of the social injustice that most women face today. Thankfully, my parents never raised me to look down on anyone and so I have always supported feminism. I am glad that there are people like you who will fight for what they believe in! This is a truly great quality you hold and I thank you again for such a motivational and inspirational piece! Great job Oge!

  31. I think your piece was really good! It really opened my eyes to the kind of person you are and let me know some of the things that you feel strongly about and that you care about. I'm a young woman as well, and I must say it was nice to hear you perspective on things because the way you feel about this controversial topic may differ from how I feel but at the end of the day we both want the same outcome. I really enjoyed your piece and I feel it was very informative and may have opened a lot of people’s eyes in a way, if they weren't already aware of the issue. Keep speaking strongly on the things you believe in! Great job!

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  32. I like the idea of you putting your own opinions in the story. You also provided steps thank you. Good job i really enjoyed it.

  33. This piece brings up so many questions. I really loved how you got your point across. why is the world like this and why hasn't it changed. I really did enjoy this and I couldn't agree more.

    Evanne Turner
    Period 1

  34. I found this piece to be interesting. Well done.
    -Christian Ortega

  35. I am totally in love with this piece. I could see how strongly you feel about this topic and you absolutely entitled to your own opinion! Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Women have been portrayed as there weaker sex since the dawn of time and this basic human instinct has not changed. Woman in many cultures are still expected to stay home and take care of the house and family. Even in our society, one that is considered progressive and "modern," woman are still payed less than men and are looked down upon if they work as "higher" occupations, like lawyers and doctors. I loved how you not only backed up your opinion with your perception of society but with facts (the statistic). Hats off. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece.
    -Annika Joshi, period 5


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