
Monday, May 4, 2015

"Skateboarding" by Oscar R

     The thing that always gets your mind off of things. It will always be there for you when your friends aren’t there for you. Skateboarding has many things to come. There is so many things to do so many things to try but at the end it is all about taking risks. There are always those times where you are too scared to try something but no one realizes that there is a big prize at the end and it is a great reward of satisfaction. If you fall just get back up and keep trying at everything that you want to accomplish. Skateboarding has got me off of everything from the worst to the best. Just let the breeze take you down the hill and have a great ride. There will always be those times where you will be going fast and you will get a lot of adrenaline, it’s the best feeling in the world. Skateboarding is more than just a piece of wood and wheels, it is a form of art in my perspective.  Many people might mistaken all the people who skate because they are known to be a bad influence. They are wrong because when u skateboard u make many friends and conversations with them. Skating is an art to me because it takes a lot of effort and meaning. For example if you are trying to do a specific trick you have to really concentrate and position your body and your feet on the board correctly or a numerous of things can go wrong but also a numerous of things can go good for u. Skateboarding is all about trying new things and taking a lot of risks. On the other side it can be a dangerous sport if u make it one. The way you can make it dangerous is by doing the extreme. For example jumping big sets of stairs. It takes a lot of effort because you have to really think about what you are going to do before you do it. It is also good for your health because you are doing exercise while you are pushing and jumping. There are many tricks and techniques that you can learn and master. Skateboarding is not just a hobby it’s a sport to me because it has a big impact in my life and most of my friends lives. If I didn’t have skateboarding I don’t know what I would be doing right now. Skateboarding has got me out of many bad things. Everyone should have a chance to at least try skateboarding so they can feel the adrenaline and the breeze that hits their face when they are going down a hill. Skateboarding has done a lot for me and I want it to do a lot of everyone that trys it and that does it for a hobby or a sport. Skateboarding is almost like life to me. I hope all of you that are reading this will have a chance to try it and enjoy it thanks.


  1. Ok that sounds like the craziest dream ever, i like how you mention as if god was punishing you makes it sound way moire serious than it was, but it added to the craziness.

    nick canez
    period 6

  2. I really enjoyed your story. It goes into depth how much skating is to you and also I'm glad that it makes you happy. Keep up the work and continue to do the things that put a smile on your face!
    - Vymian San p.2

  3. I really liked how u wrote this. It persuades you to not only try skateboarding but to take risk and it it doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to try it again. I also liked how you connected it to everyday life/struggles. Great job! -Tatiana Nunez Per 6

  4. Madison Pierce period 4
    I liked how you shared your own experience with skateboarding but as well used it to encourage others to pursue things they love because it can change a lot about you. With each sport or hobby you try there are always going to be risks but it can tell you that even though it takes a long time to master, it is worth the practice and blood sweat because one may come out stronger. Great job!

  5. I like this story because it tells you to keep trying and even if you don't succeed the first time you keep trying again and this lesson can go with anything in life so good job.
    -Kamau O

  6. Your story really expressed your passion towards skating which made it much more interesting. I like how you were really descriptive towards all the things you can do with your skateboard. Good job on your story Oscar!
    - Shayan Khan P6

  7. I like this story because it lets me visualize how skating has effected you as a person. I like the descriptive writing and the story overall. Great Job! -Altierre Paris Per.2

  8. This story is actually pretty good. I particularly don't like skateboarding but this piece gave me a whole new perspective on the activity. good idea on sharing your own experiences as well. nice job.
    -Ashlyn Barnes P6

  9. I really enjoyed this short story. I did because it had meant something to you that helps you when you have nobody else there for you. Great story.
    Kyle Baker
    p 6

  10. I loved you story. I skateboard sometimes I don't do it a lot, I mean i'm not that good, but i'm ok. Its so fun though. Nice work keep it up.
    Bethany Stitt

  11. This story was really great. I enjoyed how you wrote about what in your opinion is always there for you or helps you when you need it which is your skateboard. It made me change my perspective on skateboarding. I liked your story and would like to read more from you.

  12. Your descriptive detail about skating had great depth. This was a very interesting story to read. Keep up the good work!
    Jobelle Dauz

  13. Wow I really enjoyed your story ! It made my change my perspective on skateboarding. I also loved how you used alot of details it made your story very interesting. I liked how you shared your own experience. Keep up the good work ! - Destiny Rodriguez p.6

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Your passion about skating really contributed in this well-written piece. Keep up the good work and continue to skate!
    Chiquitita Annisa Period 2

  16. I use to skateboard a lot, but I eventually lost interest. Either way, I agree with what you said when you got to try hard to achieve something, and then you feel satisfied when you finally do it. It's a really good message.

  17. Oscar that was a really good story. You and Alex were the ones that got me Into it and I have the same feeling when your going down a hill feeling the adrenaline. Good story Oscar.

  18. I really liked this story, it tells you not to give up and keep trying. Good Job!

    Joseph Mendez

  19. Being a bit involved in punk music, skateboarding was a huge thing that connected to it. Although I don't really skate, I've always been interested in the views of skaters who see it more as a piece of wood, grip tape, and wheels. Keep doing what you do because skateboarding seemsto take you to a different place in your mind where your whole perspective of the world changes.

  20. Great story and good message. I liked how you talked about trying and trying again till you succeed and how you connected skateboarding to everyday life.
    Faisal Haque
    Period 5

  21. Ah skateboarding! What a great passion you have for it, most people just do it as a casual thing and to look cool, but I can see that you truly genuinely love it and adapt it to your daily life. It truly is a form of art and I respect that. Great read!
    Tedman Nguyen
    Period: 1

  22. I like how you kept attempting to try and never really failed. i see that you really care about skateboarding. I see your compassion towards it :) Good Job on your story
    Period 2

  23. This piece was very entertaining, explaining a hobby for those that don't understand it. You can really feel the passion for this sport because of the imagery and emotions scattered throughout this piece. A job well done writing this piece!

  24. I like how the story showed a passion for an understatement. It is really relatable which caught my interest. It's like how Tony Hawk is so passionate about skating people see it as a casual thing. So nice job and keep doing what you love best.
    Period 4

  25. I love the story because it talks about someone who loves skateboarding -NaisZjaii Ragsdale

  26. I love this story. I loved it because i enjoy skating too and it gets things off my mind. Skating makes me feel free. I can relate to your writing and I love how you said, " Skateboarding is more than just a piece of wood and wheels, it is a form of art in my perspective. " Great job (:
    -Brianna B.
    Period 4

  27. Very awesome! Its very motivating, I had that problem about having to fall and to get back up and try and try. I didn't like skating as much but like you said, its more than just wood a wheels put together, its a form of art, great job!
    - Ricky Martin
    - Period 4

  28. Great story. Its really encouraging to keep people from losing there interest in skateboarding if they fall down. It also shows how you love to skateboard and that it is a form of expressing yourself.Great job!
    - Andrew Alliman
    - Period 1


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