
Monday, May 4, 2015

“My Worst Dream” by Luis T

     It was like any other normal day. It was my normal routine, wake up go to school, come back and sleep. There was this one day that was not like any other day. It was on a Tuesday, I had woken up, or at least I thought I was awake, any way I was getting dressed for school when I noticed no one was home. It was just me and an abandon home, not even my dog was here. So I kind of panicked but then I said to myself, maybe they went on a walk without me. But that’s when I realized that it was only 4:30 in the morning and knowing that my family doesn’t wake up early got me very frightened. When it struck seven o’clock I decided to walk to school and on my way to school I decided to go to the gas station and the scariest thing was that the gas station was open but no one was in there. It made me wonder where everyone went. There was not one single soul in the city; it was like a ghost town. So I prayed and thought to myself was I the only one in the whole world to experience this, was god punishing me for my sins, and that’s when I woke up. It was a dream, my worst dream. I never knew I would be thrill to go to school and see my friends. That’s when I knew that being alone is one of my worst dreams.


  1. This story actually had me kind of scared. I know I'm going to sleep with one eye open.
    Great job!
    ~Mia Tolliver

  2. Throughout the story I started panicking, because I don't know what I would do, because that sounds terrifying. I never realized how terrifying it is to be alone for forever.
    Josie Starr
    period 2

  3. This piece I can really connect to because one of my fears is to be alone but sometimes it's ok to be alone but in this circumstance I would hate and be so afraid to be alone!!! The detail was great and I really enjoyed reading this piece and the experience you had to create this piece!!!

    Sarah Skibby
    Period. 6

  4. Woah! I love this piece.In our dreams sometimes we have the scariest dreams and in them we can see our biggest fears come true!I love this piece because sometimes waking up from our dreams can make us feel so much more content about life. Great Job!

  5. ahaha i love how you put god in it becuase there is truth to all that once he comes back only some will go out off all the people on erath this story was guts keep up the epic storys!

  6. This story made me think about what was going to happen next and made me want to keep reading. I think if you would have made it a little longer it would have made the story better. Great job!- Tatiana Nunez Per 6

  7. Madison Pierce period 4
    As I read your story, I couldn't help but relate it to an dystopian society. Being alone and everything else being abandoned. The events you placed in the story including the places you went and saw no one made me want to keep reading to find out what was next. It all led up to the dream very well. I can't imagine being in a world alone and it would make me realize that I my biggest fear would be being alone as well if this would happen to me. Great work.

  8. This was a really good story I enjoyed it very much and would like to read more from you! I liked how you described how the character felt about the whole situation. It also got me thinking on what I would do if that situation ever happened to me. I'm glad it was just a dream and not really happening to him. Good job!

  9. This story was really cute. i liked that you kind of show the protagonists feelings towards the situation he faced. And I know if I was in their shoes I would probably freak out too. But of course there is always room for improvement, maybe elaborate more on what his feelings where and giving more emphasis on how a lone he was would have made the story a bit better.But good job, you still did awesome.
    Mariah Rhodes
    Period 6

  10. Wow your story really made me feel like I was the main character. I loved how you said there was no soul in the city because that's so much better than saying no one was there. I would freak out too if no one was present in our city. Amazing job on this story Luis!
    - Shayan Khan P6

  11. I really like how you took one of your biggest fears and turned it into a story. good job.
    -Ashlyn Barnes P6

  12. I like this story for many reasons but the main reason is that it had me on the edge of my seat till the end with the plot twist. I like how the character (or you) realized that his greatest fear is being alone because of a nightmare. Great story! -Altierre Paris Per.2

  13. I really like this story because nobody likes to be alone. Also it had good suspense to it. It was kind of creepy. But good job.
    Kyle Baker
    p. 6

  14. I think this was a good story. It would've been freaky and scary to wake up in a town with no people in it. If that dream happened to me, I would definitely appreciate every person in my life.

  15. I think this was a good story. It would've been freaky and scary to wake up in a town with no people in it. If that dream happened to me, I would definitely appreciate every person in my life.

  16. This story was quite interesting as it is the human need to have human interaction, and as much as no one likes to admit it the very thought of being alone it terrifying. It is only you and your subconscious which for some is haunting and quite sadly the truth. Some feel that they are already alone despite there being people around them. Good job.
    Dean Garcia period 6

  17. This was a nice short story. You know what they say you never know what you have till its gone. very nice keep up the great work!
    Bethany Stitt

  18. Your short story included great writing values. It was a very interesting read. Good job and keep up th egood work!
    Jobelle Dauz

  19. This story was very interesting. I loved how you used details it made your story very interesting (: I loved how you described how the character felt about the situation. I would also freak out if I was the only person in the city. Good Job , your story was amazing !

  20. This story is very interesting! I'm sure everyone's worst nightmare is being alone. The story is really short but it's still great!
    Chiquitita Annisa Period 2

  21. This story was good being alone is a nightmare.
    -Noah Matinez

  22. Luis this story was really good and also interesting. It was also scary because waking in the morning and no one in your family was home would be freighting. Good job Luis.

  23. Looks like you have entered the Twilight Zone! Anyways, I hate having these kind of dreams, they freak me out.

  24. Your piece was very interesting. I can see how being alone is scary, I believe it's scary to everyone. When you're alone, all you have is your mind and sometimes it can corrupt your well being and in the end you just want to explode. Well that's my opinion, haha. And yea, we all get those nightmares where it frightens us the most. But that's all they are, nightmares. Overall a great piece, Good Job!
    Grace Panjaitan p4

  25. Having a dream that you are the only in the world is very scary. This is true in everyday life because no one wants to be alone. I thought the story could of been a little longer but it was short and to the point. Overall great story.
    jesse jauegui

  26. Wow i've had dreams where I keep waking up in what i think is the next day, I think you portrayed a fear a lot of people have of being alone. amazing work~!
    Margaret Moyer
    per 3

  27. Being alone is scary and dreams can add to the confusion. The entire time i was thinking the worst for this lonely guy, i'm glad it had happy ending.
    Kenzie McEwan
    Period 2

  28. I agree that being completely alone is one of my worst fears and should also be everyone's. Many times we think of how nice it would be just to be alone and keep to ourselves. However if everyone in the world was to disappear we would naturally react in fear. Being alone isn't what we want and we should all be careful of what we wish for. This piece was interesting to read because it caused me to think from a different viewpoint which changed my outlook on the whole idea of being alone in life. Keep up the great work :)
    Haylie Duncan period 4

  29. Yes, fear can be a good thing as it can help us appreciate what we have in life. The idea of complete loneliness both frightens me and inspires me to remember and be grateful for being with others regardless of how different we may be. Thank you, for reminding me the importance of being grateful.
    Period 2
    Gian Velasquez

  30. You did an amazing job on your story. I don't know what I would've done if I was in that position. Being alone is actually one of my worst fears. This story actually helped realized to appreciate my friends and family.
    Jocelyn Rangel

  31. Great job on your story Luis. Personally, being alone by myself is one of my worst fears in this world. We as human beings are a compassionate species and always have a need for someone to talk to. To be completely alone, however, and to have no one to talk to or to be with is, at this moment in my life, one of the worst things to deal with. The boredom, the loud silence, the knowledge that it's just you in this world and no one else is what frightens me the most. Your dream would have most likely been my worst dream as well.

    Justin Presto
    Per .2

  32. I really enjoyed this piece! I found this relatable because being alone is also one of my worst fears. Overall, great job keep up the great work!
    -Philip Ahn

  33. This is a really good piece because it speaks to everybody! No one likes the feeling of being alone or "hearing" things when your alone because its a scary thing to feel. Good Job!

  34. cool story how everybody is gone and your the only living soul there. I think that's the worst thing that could happen because loneliness is the worst feeling you can ever have.
    -Isaac Garcia
    per 6

  35. What a haunting piece. I think there is a fine line between being alone and being lonely. This dream is similar to almost everyone because I believe at one point every thinks about the fear of being alone. Overall great job!

  36. I really enjoy pieces that tackle themes about loneliness and solitude and yours did so uniquely in a dream . I assume this was an actual experience you had but it reminds me of a dream that I had once in which I got to know what it feels like to be alone. I appreciate your honesty in the piece: coming to terms with how much being alone truly scared you.
    Adan CHavez Per 4

  37. I enjoyed the sequence of events in your story. The order of events flows beautifully and coupled with your great use of imagery kept me drawn into the piece throughout. Great Job
    Period 4

  38. This is a very interesting topic. It was very enjoyable; the presentation of tje rising action really did a good job in creating this empy tone trough out the story. It was a quite insightful story too; its not everyday you understand the value of friends, family, and people in general. It's nice that someone wrote something so simple yet so valuable.

  39. I enjoyed this because i think being alone forever is one of everybody's fear. We all enjoy alone time when we need it, but no human interaction for the rest of your life! That would be terrible! I really enjoyed this. Great Job!
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  40. Being alone.. Man, i don't know what i'd do if i were alone.. The fear of being alone or just the thought of being alone makes me already cringe.. I really enjoyed your piece although it made me scared most of the way through..

    Jaena Lauren Fabia
    Period 4

  41. Being lonely is such a scary feeling, as i have thoughy and had dreams about this several times. Great read, Luis!
    Anthony Chao
    Period 6

  42. Good job luis there can be much fear when you have no one by your side
    Oscar Rodriguez
    Period 6

  43. Even though its short, this is a good story - NaisZjaii Ragsdale

  44. Great story, I would also hope that it will only be a dream if i was the only person in the world!
    - Ricky Martin
    - Period 4


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