
Monday, April 13, 2015

“'Significant Other' Advice" by Madi C

One day, you will fall under complete infatuation with someone. They will tell you everything you want to hear. You will succumb to the beauty in their words.
“You’re beautiful.”
“I cannot live without you.”
They will say.
You will be young, naïve, untouched, unloved, and because of this, in that very moment you will believe what they say. Why would you have any reason not to? Just because they touch your skin once does not imply they mean what they say. They will hide behind the façade of their beautiful words they once spoke to you, just long enough for you to believe that they will be there forever.  When in reality, all they desire is to fool you long enough to smell the scent of your sheets.
They will leave.
They will absolutely leave.  You will be blind-sighted because you believed the lies they so beautifully strung together.  They will leave and you will be perfectly fine in this world without them. You’re going to think this is the worst thing that has ever happened to you and that the world is over. You’re going to think that you’re never going to be capable of loving again; or worse, no one will love you again. But you couldn’t be more wrong. The world goes on; your tears will stop falling.  You will no longer look tired or feel empty.
Faster than you think, that person you thought you couldn’t live without will be someone you can’t stand to see, hear, or think about.
There are seven billion people in this world. Cut that into pieces to narrow down the gender(s) you’re interested in, age, language, type… and so on.
That still leaves you with, let’s say, a billion people in this world to choose from.
There are a billion other people in this world who have the potential to love you so much that their bones ache.  A billion sets of lips to kiss, a billion pairs of hands to hold, a billion pairs of eyes to fall in love with, a billion sets of arms to be wrapped up in.
There are seven billion sets of lungs in this world, one of those seven billion being yours. That one person who took your breath away will not even compare to the one you will find that will remind you to breathe.
That being said, don’t let that one person who broke your heart that one time take from who you are now, and who will you will be in the future.

Do not allow that one person to continue to manipulate you even when they are no longer in your life.

Do not allow that one person to continue to manipulate you into thinking that everyone will be like them.

It sure as hell won’t be easy, but you’re a fighter. Happiness is locked deep inside of us all. The key to that happiness is locked inside of your fist, tucked beneath your scraped, bloodied knuckles. Remind yourself: your fight is almost over.  You will let that happiness out.

Do not allow that one person to continue to manipulate you into thinking you’d rather not feel. Sometimes, it hurts to feel. I know this firsthand, but I also know that it is so much worse to be numb. Let your heart throb against your ribs.
Happiness is locked deep inside of us all.
Especially in you.
Don’t let one, in seven billion, lead you to believe otherwise.


  1. This story was amazing!! What you said was so true how hurt you can be after the one you love fools you into believing them and then losing them and dealing with the pain and heartache of not being able to be with them all the time. I can't tell you how good this was because there's no words for it. You should continue writing because your truly good at it.

  2. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Girl preach!! I loved this! i thought you were going to stay on a bitter tangent but you gave absolute great advice! I loved How you started off with a sad beginning and ended it with an inspirational aura. You are a very superb writer! I felt as if I wanted to keep on reading your thoughts forever. I loved your diction and the way you know which particular words to go to a particular sentence. You truly are a great writer! You should keep on giving advice because girl, you seem to know enough to keep people happy! :) Great Job and Keep Writing! Please! :)

  3. This piece was very inspirational. It is very inspirational because a lot of people face this in society and i know a few people who have been through this also. Coming from a person that has experienced this firsthand gives people like me a better feel of how it feels to be hurt by someone you love. I loved the imagery you used to describe the billions of people there are in this world to kiss, to hold, etc. This piece also shows me how strong you are as an independent woman who can move on in life and not stay in the past, trying to find your happiness in life:)

  4. Wow, your piece is amazing. I am definitely inspired and enlightened, which doesn't happen often. I love the depth you wrote with and I could feel the passion in your piece. I completely agree with your message, specifically the whole, "one, in seven billion" thing. I have felt heart break and it is everything you described and I have told myself similar words of encouragement as yours, although it is nice to hear it from someone else. I admire your advice and the immense encouragement it brought to me personally. Awesome job!
    Merosa Uiagalelei
    Period 5

  5. Aw, Madi. This was a beautifully constructed piece. The simple language allows anyone to adhere to the advice you provide at the end of the piece. It's sad how people give up after one person breaks their heart, and we see this a lot in our society and in our age group. I enjoyed the fact how you kept on bringing the comparison of how this one person who breaks someone's heart is really nothing compared to the amount of people available in the world. The constant comparisons of how many pairs of lungs, eyes, hands, allows the reader to get a sense of how there are so many people in the world and there is that one person who's touch can change your life. When you did the thing where you cut down the 7 billion people based on preferences and gender, I liked how the reader sees the reality of who they can pick and still be left with 1 billion choices. The imagery of this piece really captures how special a person is. Great job. :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  6. Astounding. Inspirational. Raw. I do not know why you aren't a public speaker because this is just amazing. The way you spoke t your reader and tied in the population of a billion people out there where one is waiting to be with you one day and how everyone has a chance to be happy. I also applaud how you tied in the clichés of "You're beautiful" and "I can't live without you" to get your initial message across. Well done and I enjoyed reading your piece!

    -Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  7. Love comes and goes and this piece is definitely an eye opener. We're young, what do we know about love, right? Yet, we know as much as any other other person in the world. My friend is currently under a horrible break-up and I cannot wait to share your advice with her. Your word choice and format is ON POINT. Keep up the great work and the great advice!

  8. Your piece was incredibly insightful and raw. Your choice of straight forward words gave your piece credibility because if conveys to the audience that you have personally experienced the pain that comes with betrayal and heartbreak. I love your writing Madison, good job!

  9. Madison Pierce
    Period 4
    Madison! I loved the way you wrote this piece, from the way you broke your sentence and paragraph structure up to your words that could tell they had so much meaning and first hand experience in them. As I read it I felt as though you were talking straight to me and being so honest yet so loving and wanting the best for me. I liked this piece a lot due to the honesty and reliability it contained!

  10. Daaannnggg! Preach Madi:) That was great! I really like how you wrote this piece. It's so ironic because I was just talking to someone about this at school today and I ended up reading your blog post! I like how you ended the post with an uplifting statement. I like how it wasn't all down and sad, you actually put in some uplifting material.

    Great Job!

    Elisabeth Domond
    Period 5

  11. Beautiful Madi! I know that everything that you wrote came from experience and from your heart. Your intentions are pure and honest and I love how real your words are. Everyone will go through some type of heart ache or just a simple reflection of one's worth. I think your piece was uplifting and encouraging to the readers. I applaud and appreciate you for writing about something we all need to know and comprehend in one way or another. You're beautiful along with this piece. Amazing job!

  12. Madi, this piece was truly amazing. Love come and goes, and we all need to see that. I believe that at one point we'll all find that someone. But through that journey, we all will get hurt. But we all will get through it. I think your piece was amazing and very uplifting to those who are going through a heartbreak. Your piece truly uplifted me, so Thank you. Great job.
    Grace Panjaitan p4

  13. Wow this was a very well written piece. This can show those who are heart broken that there are actually plenty of fish in the sea. The language used throughout this piece was very powerful giving you the feeling that there IS hope to find another when one has left your life. The language that even shows that the number of people out there are plentiful gave a great impression, a very good job on this piece.

  14. I liked your piece a lot! It was very real and I enjoyed that. I like how you used colloquial language because that's what added to the effect of what you said so everyone could relate. Thanks for writing this and sharing this on here. I think a lot of people get lost in relationships and forget to be happy themselves during and in the end. Great piece!

  15. Great story, it was very uplifting and had my attention the entire time. great job!
    Anthony Absher
    Period 6

  16. *Jaw drops
    *Picks it off the ground
    Great job on your piece. The intensity behind it is superb; you rose above all this and in the end became a better person for it and are now sharing it with everyone else to show that they are not alone. As Kathryn Stockett once said "You is kind. You is smart. You is important," and this piece shows that you have all those attributes. A1 job fam!!

  17. Christian Black
    Period 1

    I really really like this piece. Sure heartbreak is a popular subject that people like to write about but one line in this piece that really stood out to me was the part when the speaker says "there will be someone that takes your breath away but another one to remind you to keep breathing". That line right there really portrayed the until piece. Nice job.

  18. Wow. I've seen a lot of these things about love and heartbreak but this one is one of the most coherent. There's no part to it that unnecessarily repeats itself and it feels sincere. Even though we're 17/18 a lot of us can relate to that feeling and you did a good job of expressing that it does not mean it's over. And it's true, you do get over it. Seriously, it was a well thought out piece that had a lot of though put into it.

  19. This story honestly really touched me like it is true! People shouldn't let one person ruin there happiness! Us teenagers are so easily convinced too. Like when you said someone will say you're beautiful we will believe them. We think that that's the person for us the one that we thought was the only one for us when they break our hearts and we think our life is over. But you're right they're are so many people in this world don't let one ruin your happiness because they're are so many others that can satisfy you just the same or maybe even more. Great job I really like the way you structured this story! :)

  20. Reading this makes me so happy..I hope everyone reads this because it explains things we, as teenagers, commonly fail to understand. Your use of syntax made your entire story so easy to read and get its beautiful message proud of you & how far you've come :)
    Haylie Duncan Period 4

  21. This piece was almost like a motivational speech, like a "get back out there" type of thing, and I really enjoyed it. When we're young, we have this tunnel vision for that one person that we think is the only one in the world, and so yes, our judgement becames a bit impaired. My favorite part would have to be when you used the anaphora for the one billion lips to kiss and so on. Again, I really enjoyed your piece and good job!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  22. Madi! By the time I finished reading your blog piece, I realized that everything you said had upmost relevance. I think this piece was really well written because of the way you introduced the situation in the beginning. You started the piece off with the false promises and sweet nothings couples often relay to one another, however tactfully pointed out that sometimes there is more than what meets the eye. Great job.

  23. I felt the suspension it was riviting and amazing. I loved the overall story, great job !

  24. I really enjoyed this piece. I think it has a very important message that everyone should remember when dealing with heartbreak. I like the way the piece was structured and how it went from negative to positive so easily. This is really well written. Great job!

  25. Hey Madi, the title of your story drew me in to read it, and I'm glad that I did. I expected your story to be a story about a great significant other, and in fact it was the opposite way around. You taught a lesson within your story and I liked that aspect of it. Your story was very positive.

  26. This was really great, I could feel your emotion while reading it. I enjoyed how this piece was like advice. I'm sure people can relate to it, and learn from it as well. Great job!
    Kaleha Spencer

  27. Wow. I'm speechless. Love happens to be a popular topic however, I've not seen it portrayed in this way. The message in this story can apply to anyone of any age. I really loved this story. Please continue writing!
    Anthony Chao
    Period 6

  28. Your piece was so relate able and I know a many of people have gone through something like that. The structure of your writing was a big part of why it was so good. The way the love story progressed and changed and the emotions you conveyed throughout really had me speechless. Awesome job!

  29. This was beyond amazing! I can relate to this so much because i see this everyday with the people around us. I especially enjoyed the tone you set in this piece because you embodied the self worth of one and how one's beauty can be seen more as just a number. I truly enjoyed your piece Madi. Thank you for making me feel special.

    Jaena Lauren Fabia
    Period 4


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