
Monday, April 13, 2015

"Divergent Love" by Deja H

Divergent Love
For I will love you forever and always
Into the deeps of love we shall soar
In vein I searched for love in every hallway
All walls of insecurities came crashing, finally happiness ive never felt before
Every sentimental moment we encountered
You amplify every soft spoken aspiration with a kiss
Every embracing hug, I put my feelings on the counter
Inseparable we are for I will never flag a dismiss
As I reminisce on our inaugural cuddling           
Every battle we fight we became a dynamic dual
The way we fell in love was beautifully puzzling
Engaging open hearted sharpened my confidence like an edge tool
Together we give each other endorsement for I am thankful
But be careful my love without god our love will grow feverishly hasteful


  1. This is a good piece and I feel like you said this in class so good job.
    -Kamau O

  2. This poem was very detailed and was strong with passion. Good job!
    ~Mia Tolliver
    period 2

  3. This poem was strong, i liked how you used the ABAB rhyme scheme to express your love for God. The diction you used to describe your love by using words such as reminiscent and sentimental. It gives an imagery of how love should be and how you feel towards it. In all, great poem!

  4. This is an incredible piece of work. First off, I like how you chose to do a poem, as many of these blog entries are not. This definitely grabbed my attention from the get-go. Second, I am not all that religious, but despite this, I really liked how you ended your poem by essentially saying that you and your loved one not only need each other, but faith in god as well. I also loved how that tied into the title at the last minute. Lastly, I noticed the structure of your poem was very well organized and well thought out. Amazing entry!
    -nate shepard p.1

  5. The expression of love you used was just breath taking. Your poem was very well written with heart felt emotion, I hope you continue to work on improving your writing.
    -Jobelle Dauz
    Period 2

  6. Great sonnet! I don't know how you fit every syllable and followed the rhyme scheme, that is true talent!
    Josie Starr
    Period 2

  7. in this quote, "You amplify every soft spoken aspiration with a kiss

    Every embracing hug, I put my feelings on the counter", so you are trying to say that whenever something is very sad you can fix everything with a kiss and somewhat put your feelings in a list? I understood it a little bit but I think its just me since I don't realy get love sonnets. good job
    -Isaac Garcia
    6 per

  8. Great job! I really like how you wrote this piece! Your work put a smile on my face! I was very impressed at how you managed to put all the words you did and you still met the rhyme scheme. You're a true poet!

  9. Awww I love this! First of all i would like to commemorate you for writing a poem because personally, poems are hard for me to write so good job on that. I loved the words you used and the details you input into it. It put a smile on my face and reminded me of that special someone in my life :)

  10. i can tell you put alot of that passion stuff into this piece its really good. You should continue writing poems and keep improving good job!
    Andrew Hernandez
    Period 2

  11. Wow this was great! This seems like it came straight from the heart and I am impressed by the beauty that you were able to put down onto paper. Keep writing and who knows what will come. Great Job!
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  12. Truly a great piece, it felt as though it really came from the heart. The structure made it easy to follow, great job.
    Sara Arredondo

  13. Very nice poem with a lot of passion. good job!

    Joseph Mendez

  14. The ending was great the way that I could feel the emotion of the story was breath taking. Great job over all !!

  15. Great poem! i like the emotion and passion you put into it.

  16. Awesome poem, im very fond of poem makers, this is a great piece of art! Especially since it gives off that passionate feeling.
    - Ricky Martin
    - Period 4


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