
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

“KOOL-AID MAN” by Nate S

            One afternoon, while I was shopping with my mother at the nearby Wal-Mart, I noticed a life size cardboard cutout of the Kool-Aid man.  Being the rebellious and wicked child I am, I decided to steal the cut out of the Kool-Aid man and put it in my room.  Because how hilarious of a story would it be that I stole a cutout of the Kool-Aid man from Wal-Mart in the middle of the day without anyone noticing?  Anyways, I took this thing home and set it up in my room.  It was the coolest thing I had in my room, and I was so excited to brag about it, and be like “OH YEAH!”  A few nights past and I grew tired of my stupid jokes and telling the story to different friends, so the Kool-Aid man just became another addition to all the random crap chilling out in my room.  Coincidentally, the same night I thought to myself about how lame I was for being so entertained by this stupid cardboard cutout of the Kool-Aid man, I had the craziest dream.  I dreamed that the Kool-Aid man came to life!  In this dream of mine, I was told by the Kool-Aid man to jump into the middle of his pitcher shaped body into the sea of sugary cherry goodness.  So what would you do if the Kool-Aid man told you to jump into him? YOU DO IT!  As I cannon balled into his chilling bodily fluids I was sent spiraling into what seemed to be the Narnia of Kool-Aid men and women.  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and even though I knew it was a dream, it felt so real.  The various flavors of Kool-Aids were greeting me left and right with the jolliest “OH YEAH’s” along with a wink and a friendly gunpoint hand gesture.  Boy was I the happiest teenage boy ever at this time along in my dream; I was living the life amongst the gnarliest creatures to walk my dream’s wildest imagination.  My adventures with my main dude, the cherry Kool-Aid guy I jumped into (the same one I stole from Wal-Mart), progressed and we shared lots of great times together.  But as the day went on, I got really thirsty.  This thirst soon became an uncontrollable urge to drink my newly made friends.  All of a sudden, I found myself drinking everyone I ran into, including my new best friend.  As this wonderful dream slowly took a turn for the worst, I awoke myself in my slumber.  I woke to myself and my bed being drenched, and not in pee in case you were wondering, but cherry Kool-Aid.  I sat up in bed, freaking out as to why I’m drenched in Kool-Aid to find my best friend, the cherry Kool-Aid man, towering above me staring down ferociously into my soul with a serrated blade in his glass hand.  Stuck in a moment of relapse, I was frozen to death as he continued to yell out….”OH…YEAH!!!”


  1. Nate..... I am simultaneously amused and confused right now. I'm amused because, well, this was a hilarious entry, but I am confused because how DID you steal the cut out without anyone noticing? As I was reading the story that was one big question I had-- "how did Nate manage that without being caught?" Anyway, this was a really funny piece and you described everything really well so I could imagine your (very strange) dream in my head as well, and that honestly made it so much funnier. Great job.

  2. Great story its a little confusing but overall great job!!!

    -Noah Martinez

  3. That story was really funny how the kool aid man came to life. the details that were used really made me have a picture in my head of what was happening. you could have explained more about how difficult or easy it was too steal the cutout. Overall great job. -Tatiana Nunez Period 6

  4. This is one of the few stories that has left me at a complete loss for words. There were several times where I found myself dying with laughter, and by the end I was left staring at the screen, thoroughly entertained albeit a bit puzzled. You are able to weave in detailed descriptions of experiences as well as funny quips like "the Narnia of Kool-Aid men." Overall very well done!

  5. Gosh Nate, I am so dead right now! That had to be the funniest thing I have read here. I actually like the laid back writing style you used for your story. I'm really surprised that nobody noticed you stealing the cardboard cutout though.

    Elisabeth Domond
    Period 5

  6. Nate!! This made me incredibly happy and amused. What a hilarious piece! I can't help but wonder where your inspiration came from, as well as how you went about snagging a LIFE SIZE Kool-Aid man. I loved the plot twist at the end, and how horrific that really could've been. The imagery was great, and you kept the story moving, which is honestly a feat that most have managed to achieve. Not to mention the fact that you have a lovable writer's voice that kept me entertained the whole, sticky ride. (: Congrats!

    Chloë Miller

  7. What the heck Nate? This is one of the strangest entries I've read, but in a good way because it was hilarious. It was also surprisingly descriptive, especially the dream. The ending confused me just slightly because I was left wondering if maybe you were still dreaming after you "woke up" or if that actually happened. Whatever the case it was not only amusing but also really well written.

  8. I really enjoyed your piece. It was witty, comedic, and overall entertaining. I loved how relatable it was, I think everyone has a similar experience as yours, a time where we did something that we thought was cool at the time but later was not actually as cool as we thought it was. The piece was well detailed and filled with imagination. Awesome work!
    - Merosa Uiagalelei
    Per. 5

  9. Nice blog Nate! Your blog is funny and shows comedy in many ways. The use of personification was funny because it's like, how do you dream about Kool Aid coming to life? Great job with your blog and the use of literary devices such as repetition, personification, and irony :).

  10. This was a really good story. It had good personification and imagery. I didn't know if I was supposed to laugh or scream, but the real lesson is never to steal, especially from Walmart.

  11. This was a really good story. It had good personification and imagery. I didn't know if I was supposed to laugh or scream, but the real lesson is never to steal, especially from Walmart.

  12. This piece was just amazing. The whole time I was just cracking up. I was so confused yet so entertained, I don't even know how that's possible. This piece just made me laugh. I can still hear the Kool-Aid man saying "OH YEAH." Also excuse me if you see this comment twice.
    - Angel Ramirez
    P. 4

  13. This story is great I like the part where the talk about Wal-Mart
    -Adrian Jones

  14. I enjoyed how you took a completely different direction than most of the stories that are submitted here. I wish you had included more detail about your interactions and adventures you had with the Kool Aid man but overall it was really amusing.

  15. Nate! I loved your piece it was hilarious from beginning to end. I loved the amount of detail you used. Overall great piece!
    -Leah Hernandez
    period 4

  16. I am amazed by the imagery of your story. It is was a bit confusing at some parts but mostly entertaining. The way you explained the dream and what occurred was well written and I loved how you said the Narnia of Kool aid men. I thought it really matched with your story and the ending was such a twist. Definitely a cliff hanger and the impact of your last words was remarkable. Good job.
    -Katheryn Valle

  17. Nate, this story was hilarious I was laughing the whole story ad I loved how you stole the kool-aid cardboard cutout. I also loved how you used imagery in the story and GREAT STORY.

  18. Nate, I found this piece rather humorous. I must say, I have never met anyone who has the nerve to steal a giant Kool-Aid man from Walmart. You did a good job showing the gradual change of excitement from when you had first stolen the man to a few weeks later. Some of the story is a little confusing, but it was still very entertaining. Good job!

    Eva Badal
    Per. 1

  19. This was pretty funny to me. This is without a doubt something I would expect you to write! I like the way you finally did what I was thinking you should do, and drank them! The final twist was hilarious, especially with the picture. Great Job!
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  20. this story was amusing to me. you had a lot of great imagery with how there were different flavors of kool aid. this short story had me entertained....great job
    Alissa del Castillo

  21. This story was immensely fun to read making you question whether to be laugh or extremely confused. The inspiration for this piece must have been odd as you came across it but i am glad you decided to write about it. Good job!
    Dean Garcia Period 6

  22. This was funny and creative. I was laughing reading this. I love how you wrote this, keep up the awesome work.
    Bethany Stitt
    period 6
    April 2 2015 at 6:46

  23. This story made my day! I love how the story transitions from a super happy mood to a dark and somewhat demonic mood. It really gave the story a twist at the end, which made it somewhat demonic. Very good story, now I want Kool-Aid...
    -Daniel Alaniz
    period 4

  24. Haha Nate you're story had me dead. Like when I read the part where you took the Kool Aid man I just kept laughing. Overall, you're piece was very entertaining. Keep up the great work bro!
    -Philip Ahn

  25. This story was awesome. A Fic about a person's dreams always leaves the reader a bit slack-jawed in awe about the odd order of events. I too also love Kool-Aid, but have never gotten the chance to dream about it.

    Keep up the good work
    Marian Hollinquest
    Period 4

  26. Nate, this story was both funny and confusing at the same time. It was funny in the sense that you would steal from Wal-Mart and your dream was also funny especially when you would jump into the body of a drink but hey that's your dream not mine. I found it confusing in the sense if that you were still dreaming or you actually woke up with the KOOL-AID man looking at you. I personally think it was the KOOL-AID man's revenge for taking him from his home in Wal-Mart. But anyways really good job i enjoyed the story and learning from your child hood, really good job.

  27. This was a very good piece it was funny throughout the whole story. It had a lot of details. Great job!
    - Jacob Menjivar
    Period 6

  28. This story was really awesome. At certain points I didn't know whether to be laughing or confused, but I was actually surprised by the ending of it. Your story gets an OH YEEAAAHHH!!

  29. I Saw this story ad i started reading it thinking wow this was a cool little story then it started getting weird, but it was an amazing story anyway

    -Nick Canez
    Period 6

  30. This was such a great story. Half the time I wasn’t sure if I should be laughing or worried about you having semi-cannibalistic dreams, overall I really enjoyed this piece
    -Sara Arredondo
    period 1

  31. This story is very different from everyone else's stories but overall it was a good and funny story.
    Angel Gonzalez

  32. Nate! This story is definitely different from a lot, and that's great! It was funny and entertaining. I liked that you described exactly how this dream of yours was, such as using words such as spiraling and cannon ball. I feel like you used a low level comedy with a taste of high comedy, regarding the diction used, such as words like "crap", but overall, good job on being unique with your story!

  33. My favorite part was when you just flat out said you stole the cardboard cutout of a life size Kool-Aid man. It was a pretty funny story and overall was great work.
    -Melvin Sanchez
    Period 6

  34. I don't think you can miss a story titled "Kool-Aid Man." Great story, I like how the Kol Aid cut out somehow turned to life and killed you for what you did to him in his dreams!

  35. Nate, this story is quite amusing. It's not often when you come across a story like this on this blog thread. I found your story to be comical and how it was something out of the ordinary. Anything that deals with dreams has vivid imagery and imagination, and your story embodies those aspects. I like how you threw in reality checks such as how you got bored of the Kool Aid man and it became "another part of the crap that lies around in your room." I found that funny. I also like the slight plot twist at the end because it left me confused whether you were still dreaming or if the Kool Aid man was actually there to kill you. I was thinking that the situation could be some sort of an enigma where we don't know what is truly happening, thus allowing the reader to remain puzzled. Overall, you did a good job by presenting this bizarre, yet entertaining piece. :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  36. Nate this story was creepy , yet amusing at the same time.It had me vey entertained and kind of laughing at the way the kool aid man was described. Good job!

  37. I really enjoyed this story. I loved the way you went into so much detail. I also found it kind of funny when you were woken up by the cherry kool aid with a black knife.
    jesse jauregui

  38. Nate, I loved your story although it was pretty weird. The comedy throughout the piece made it so fun and interesting to read. I really enjoyed the imagery you used when portraying your dream. The way you explained how you "cannon balled into his (the Kool-Aid Man's) bodily if it were the Narnia of Kool-Aid Men" gave me such a clear view of how your dream played out. Lastly, I found the ending very interesting and confusing. Were you still dreaming when you saw the Kool-Aid man holding a knife over your bed? Anyway, great job!
    -Sophia Bobadilla P.1

  39. I really enjoyed reading your story i mean it was pretty weird but very creative. I love how you went into detail about things and then how you drank your new friends was a great touch to the story along with the wonderful twist at the end. Good job.
    -Hallie Deeds Period 2

  40. Christian Black

    Haha that was a hilarious story Nate. I wasn't expecting the end at all. The. Use of different shocks in this piece is what makes it so unique, also really good use of situational irony. Well done Nate!

  41. Nate, this is probably my favorite entry on the entire blog. I was laughing not only at the peculiarity of the story but also your hilarious diction such as "Narnia of Kool-Aid". I'm impressed at how funny and creative your imagination is by coming up with such a strange situation. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your piece but I am also confused as to how you managed to steal a cardboard cutout of a giant Kool-Aid Man. That takes real talent.

  42. I appreciate the tongue-in-cheek humor of your story. The lighthearted joking and disheveled order of events really took me for a loop and the reiteration of your dream in all its absurdity created a great comedic narrative. Great job!
    Period 4

  43. Oh Nate, only you would write a blog story about Kool-Aid lol... anyways great job with this piece! It was very entertaining and funny to read. There was clear imagery throughout the story and the details used so that the audience could clearly imagine what was taking place. I found it ironic how in your dream you were basically killing all the Kool-Aid people and when you woke up the Kool-Aid man was ready to get his revenge, even though that was pretty creepy. lol I like how you just had fun with this piece and show your creativity and weirdness. Great job!
    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  44. Haha nice Nate! I like the use of vivid details, I was able to visualize the entire story in my head. Surprisingly this is not the strangest thing Nate has in his room haha.

  45. Im weak from laughter. Wow Nate! You are quite the story teller. I enjoyed your piece because it was able to make me laugh, because I know you personally I was able to tell this was the kind of dream you would be having and it just added to the humor.
    Great job.
    Leasia Spicer
    period 4

  46. I liked the story, it was humorous and fun to read. It gave great detail on how the Kool aid man came to life. keep up the good work.

  47. your story was really funny also i liked how u made that story about how the kool aid guy came to life but over all good job and keep writing

    period 6
    oscar rodriguez

  48. This story makes me afraid of Kool Aid. And also very suspicious of my life size cut out of Draco Malfoy. But besides that I love your sense of humor and the fact that you can write using your imagination, and in a way to portray a wild dream. That's something that is very unique (in a good way). But all I can say is I give your story two thumbs up and a "OH YEAH"!!
    Katelynn Gutierrez period 4

  49. Your story was really funny and very detailed in your description of everything. I could practically visualize the whole story in my head. Loved the twist you put in the end with your new "best friend" coming alive and coming at you with the knife.

    Justin Presto
    Per. 2

  50. This story kinda made me jump at the end because of the twist with the Kool Aid man towering above you. I like how the mood instantaneously changes too. Great Job!!! -Altierre Paris Per.2

  51. Haha Nate. This story amused me a lot. It combines the fun of taking interesting things and dreaming interesting things. I really admire the fact this story was about the kool aid man of all things, because everybody loves kool aid. It was really entertaining.
    Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  52. I thought this was funny cause I was reading expecting one thing then got confused but the beginning was really cool and I love kool aid so Thats a plus as well. the twist was unexpected.

  53. Nate,
    This was hilarious! And also terrifying. I congratulate you on a job well done. I really liked how descriptive you became when you were dreaming about how you jumped into the Kool Aid and started drinking your friends. I didn’t expect you to get murdered at the end either to my surprise when the dripping red stuff was actually your blood.
    -Gian Velasquez

  54. This story was ridiculous from beginning to end (in a good way). The way it started out sounded like it was going to be an anecdote so I didn't realize that it really wasn't until the last line cause I mean up to that point I was like "yeah I have weird crap and weird dreams too". I really enjoyed the quirkiness of your diction such as when you say "As I cannon balled into his chilling bodily fluids" or "The various flavors of Kool-Aids were greeting me left and right with the jolliest “OH YEAH’s” along with a wink and a friendly gunpoint hand gesture". I think this story could be the new "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life".

  55. Bruh. I liked how you used vivid imagery to get across the story. I lowkey was not expecting the end of the story to be like that too. Where did you even get that picture? lol Good job bruh bruh!!

  56. Bruh. I liked how you used vivid imagery to get across the story. I lowkey was not expecting the end of the story to be like that too. Where did you even get that picture? lol Good job bruh bruh!!

  57. I really enjoyed your story because it was very funny yet chilling! I also liked how you used great imagery. Overall, great job on your story!

  58. Quite frankly, I am jealous that you have your own life size cut out of the Kool-Aid man, I found this story to be quite haunting as I can relate to the Kool-Aid man's "OH YEAH." I loved the language and vocabulary that you use and the fact that the kool-aid man started to drink your friends! Overall funny stuff man, good job!

  59. Your obsession with Kool-Aid is like my obsession with Hot Cheetos. Your storytelling is attention-grabbing and relatable (perhaps my favorite line is "sea of sugary cherry goodness") and this might be a reflection of how bad of a person I am but I laughed for a good few seconds when you mentioned the sequence of your dream where you drank your Kool-Aid friends. Bravo.

  60. I found your piece on the Kool-Aid man very interesting and hilarious. It was really refreshing to see you used an iconic commercial cartoon as a pinnacle for your piece. Well done!
    -Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  61. This story is so weird yet so funny. I could not stop laughing while reading this. Especially, the part about drinking all the different flavors. I really enjoyed the humor utilized in this story. Great Job!
    Kaleha Spencer

  62. I really enjoyed how this was written in a very absurd and random way leaving me without knowing where this story would go next. I liked how you gave an almost let’s go down the rabbit hole turn when going into the Kool-Aid world. This was very entertaining good job!

  63. This was a very interesting story! I enjoyed the ecstatic emotion that you portrayed in your story and the shift in your story: form a happy and content tone, to a terrifying and dark tone. Well done!

  64. I truly enjoyed this piece Nate! The comedic suspense you provide in our story made me laugh until the very end! My favorite part was just when the Kool Aid you stole turned into a nightmare! I loved it!

  65. This story made me laugh all the way! I truly enjoyed this piece, the suspense you gave in with him just being stolen from a Walmart! I especially enjoyed the shift and it just made my day!

    Jaena Fabia
    Period 4

  66. I really enjoyed your story ! It was a diffrent type of story but it was pretty cool !

    imalla ramirez
    period 6

  67. loved this story ! it was diffrent and i lloved the range of emotions i felt !
    imalla ramirez
    perio 6

  68. I really enjoyed reading your story! I love the humor that you put into it and thought it was hilarious. Great Job!
    Alyssa Anastasi


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