
Monday, January 26, 2015

"Mac n’ Cheese" by Olivia A

Darn, darn, darn…. Another bowl and more for me, well why not, yes PLEEEASE.
The more the calories, the more happiness it’ll bring me. That’s what I tell myself regularly.
(You’re probably thinking “GIRL, GO TO 1800-GET SLIM” but, hey its mac and cheese)
Sitting here again with what has become my best friend and thinking what I could’ve done differently.
Looking at the delicious bowl in front of me.
Hoping it’ll be a distraction from thinking about you and I.
Now, really you must think what the hell is the mac and cheese for and I tell you it is what I most adore.
But not because it’s so gratifying and satisfying.
 But, because it’s one of the only things that can stop me from thinking the same thing over and over. And over.
Really, this whole thing about are you still into me,
 Or am I just being, a bit…silly?
Yeah its stupid but at least I have my mac and cheese?
*grabs for the 5th bowl of the night*
Maybe I’m delusional or maybe it’s the cheese.
This whole thing of trying to get over you and attempting to not think about you every time I’m near you, oh my, it has been hard for me.
Will I ever admit it in your face?
No, I’d rather barf in front of the Queen, then let you see this side of me.
Will I ever have the courage to tell you that beneath all this pride and the “I don’t care” mask, shines a cloak of invisibility saying I care, I care, I care. But you don’t even seem to know that because I’m full of this whole “bye I’m better on my own” theory?
*tries to dance to Single Ladies in the background*
Yeah, how about no.
Will I ever say maybe I should’ve done more, and you could have been with me?
Now in this endless expression of mushy things, months have passed by quickly
And I dare say I am still here with my bowl.
So I say bring on the cheese, for I do not say what I want to say due to fear but, maybe you’re better without me.
Although I would subconsciously prefer it was you, whom I would be sharing this darn, darn, darn bowl of macaroni and cheese.
* looks at her next box of mac n’ cheese for the night *


  1. Is it sad that I cant actually relate to this Olivia. You made laugh out loud while reading this poem and not a fake laugh and actually genuine laugh. This by far is my favorite piece on the blog! I like how I can feel actual emotion through this poem, at first glance this really just looks like an ode to Mac N' Cheese but its so much more than that. I also enjoyed how you included actual description of what the speaker is doing such as trying to dance to the song Single Ladies. All you need in life is Mac N' Cheese and Beyonce, nuff said.
    Evelin Conde

  2. It's funny because I had a mac and cheese phase where that's all I ever wanted to eat but I was like 5 years old. Anyways! I really enjoyed reading this Olivia. At first I was a bit confused and didn't know where this was going because I had expectations from the title. However, after going through everything, I'm applauding you for expressing your personality and style in a way that was very humorous. I liked how you made it funny to read. It was interesting to see the result of eating so much mac n cheese came from the emotion of the speaker and her past. I think everybody has their own way of handling certain situations they want to get over. Food is the best comfort. Great job!

  3. Oh Olivia you're too funny. I literally laughed while reading this. I love how this is deeper than just a rant on how you love eating Mac n cheese while listening to Beyonce. I never thought mac n cheese could have a such deep meaning. But hey i can relate...Mac N Cheese is AMAZING

    Alexis Huizar
    Period 4

  4. I really enjoyed this piece!! It made me laugh all the way through and it really made my day! I love your use of words such as "NAH BRO" because I would say something like that and I can connect with this character and so can everyone else!! Overall this was a great, hilarious story I loved reading!! *Tries to dance Single Ladies with you*

    Sarah Skibby
    Period 6

  5. This is something I think many individuals can relate to.I know for sure I relate to Olivia in the sense of wanting to hide my true feelings with "tough girl" exterior. Many people try to camoflauge there inside because it can be seen as a sign of weakness and eating their feelings away which isn't always healthy but works for the soul at times. Thanks for this piece!

  6. Elisabeth Domond, Pd.5

    That was so funny! I was laughing the whole time. The minute I read the title Mac N Cheese, I knew that the story would be very lighthearted. I love how you use very casual and laid back language all through the piece.

    Great Job Olivia!

  7. Hallie Deeds
    I loved reading your piece. It was funny and relatable. Good job.

  8. I loved it! I think every girl has done the same thing with food. Eating helps everyone figure things out.

  9. Olivia! I really enjoyed your piece! All i can say is that food helps everyone when our emotions are unstable. I love how you used humor in order to get your message across to the audience. Once again, great job! Do not eat too much Mac & Cheese!

  10. Dean Garcia period 6
    I really enjoyed reading your piece. It had made my day making me laugh throughout the entire piece. I also loved the way it was written, it was just as if you pulled the mind of a teenager and put it on paper. All people can relate to this piece. You did an amazing job keep it up.

  11. Awh Oliviaa! I love this piecee! I liked how you used mac and cheese to convey hidden feelings. LOL. I really enjoyed it sooo much. I like how your tone was a rather playful one it really made my day! I feel like this piece is rather relatable to everyone in some way or another because is life! HAHA. Keep up the great work! (:

  12. Miranda Santos, Period 5February 5, 2015 at 7:50 PM

    I loved this piece. It’s so funny, especially at some lines, yet talks about a deeper subject. I like how you used the subject of mac and cheese and talked about something more serious at the same time. I enjoyed the overall light and humorous tone. Good job!

  13. I really enjoyed reading this! I was laughing a lot . great piece, good job!!

  14. Olivia! I loved this piece! its so funny and relatable. I mean who cant relate to Mac and Cheese and a love for beyonce? I like how you used humor to actually talk about something a bit more serious. great job.
    Sara Arredondo
    period 1

  15. Not going to lie I felt like eating Mac-n-cheese after I read this. I really liked how you used this tough girl as a cover and then allowed us to also see the soft side of your character. I liked how you used imagery to explain your love for mac-n-cheese. It was really well written and I enjoyed it a lot

  16. I really love the creativity of this piece and how relatable the main character is. It is a common habit for people to cover up their true emotions and avoid their feelings with food. I especially liked that you used my favorite food alongside a Beyonce reference. This was a very funny piece and you did a great job!

  17. Omg Olivia I loved your piece! When I was younger, I would eat Mac & Cheese all the time! Overall, your piece was very funny and relatable. Keep up the great work!
    -Philip Ahn

  18. Marian Hollinquest
    Period 4
    Wow! This is one of the few (or only) poems to be posted this year! And a funny one at that! This sonnet is very relatable, as we all love Mac and cheese.

  19. funny i was actually eating mac and cheese while reading this but i likes your piece good job.
    Angel Gonzalez

  20. Surprisingly enough, this was one of the most tragic pieces I've read so far. And part of the reason, I think, is that the narrator is constantly putting in justifications and humor to mask the true feelings. The humor of the story revolving around mac n cheese corresponds to the narrator's humor revolving around pain, rejection, insecurity, and anger. This elongated metaphor is what stuck out to me the most and for that reason, this is a brilliant piece

  21. I love how you connected the idea of rejection, sorrow, etc., with a bowl of Mac n' Cheese, very genuine yet funny. You distract the readers with your constant rant about food but then bring them back in with a deeper meaning. I have never read anything like it before!! Fantastic job!
    P.S. I love Mac n' Cheese too :)

  22. I loved this little ode you wrote because it is very relatable. We've all had those broken by love moments where we emotionally eat and the food distracts us from what is going on in reality. I also liked the flow of the piece because it just meshed well together.
    Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  23. Hello there, Olivia!
    I adored your piece. I loved the way you utilized Mac N Cheese to hide the pain, essentially. I heavily relate to this, except my vice is lasagna (lol). I also enjoyed the flow of your piece because it wasn't choppy, but delightfully scatterbrained and constantly coming back to the Mac N Cheese. Great job Olvia (:

  24. Honestly I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and that to me, is a sign of good writing. I'm totally into the whole humorous style of writing that you have, especially when you mentioned the dancing to Single Ladies. But this is extremely relatable and I enjoyed it, and I remember we talked about this, and we've all been here! I remember you told me that you had written a blog entry about stupid, unrequited love and when I was reading the first couple lines I thought that you had lied to me, and that your one true love was macaroni and cheese. Overall, I loved it and it was great, good job!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  25. I like how I chose to read this piece because its title was "Mac and Cheese" and I love my food so much lol. I love this whole piece though. The beginning where you talked about continuously eating, which is something I tend to do especially when I am upset. Then the shift goes to show that their are hidden emotions behind why you are eating so much Mac and Cheese. I like how you didn't make it super sad or anything, but funny. You added some comedy to it by just talking about Mac and Cheese most of the time. Great job!

    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  26. Good story. The girl in the story is going through depression, very creative.
    Period 6

  27. Olivia, this is the best blog entry I have ever read! it made me laugh like crazy and want to read each line over and over, and over again to go into another fit of giggles. It is relatable and makes me want to get out of bed right now and go buy some mac and cheese! But I thought the small glimpses of your humor and references to things like throwing up in front of the queen were hilarious and down right awesome!

    Katelynn Gutierrez
    period 4

  28. Olivia,

    This is absolutely hilarious! I’ll have you know I love mac ‘n cheese. I really appreciate and relate to how your quirky actions bring about the silliness of your poem like dancing to Single Ladies or grabbing another tub of food to indulge yourself in. In fact, I relate to such shenanigans.

    Gian Velasquez (Period 1)

  29. I don't know how I feel about this. The way I read it sounds so happy yet what you're talking about sounds so sad. It's quite confusing really. But I like it... it's ironic really. It shows how the character (I say character because I don't want to make assumptions) wants to lighten up the way she truly feels which we all tend to do with the phrase "I'm fine." We all know that means we're not fine. You portray that feeling well.

  30. Oilvia, I have wanted mac n cheese for the past three weeks, and this blog entry did not help me at all. Anyway, on a more serious note, I interpreted this piece as quite sad. I saw the humor and food references as a way to cover the underlying tone. Either that, or my interpretation was completely off. Either way, this really was a great piece. God job. :)

  31. It is amazing to see how you used comedy in the beginning of he story to later on make your message more impact towards the end of the story. The comedy I talk about is when you say things such as "“GIRL, GO TO 1800-GET SLIM” but, hey its Mac and cheese)" Than right after, you begin to change the tone of the story, into a more serious tone, where the character begins to give her real reason for overeating the same Mac n cheese she so "lovely" adores. I like how your message reminds the readers how even though some people may say they all alright, they are actually hurting in the inside just like the character you portrayed here.

  32. It is amazing to see how you used comedy in the beginning of he story to later on make your message more impact towards the end of the story. The comedy I talk about is when you say things such as "“GIRL, GO TO 1800-GET SLIM” but, hey its Mac and cheese)" Than right after, you begin to change the tone of the story, into a more serious tone, where the character begins to give her real reason for overeating the same Mac n cheese she so "lovely" adores. I like how your message reminds the readers how even though some people may say they all alright, they are actually hurting in the inside just like the character you portrayed here.

  33. Wow, Olivia. This story is so relatable on so many different levels. I love how you referenced food, (cause I love to eat). It serious at the end of story and still features comedic aspects. I like how the consumption of mac and cheese alludes to love.

  34. I enjoyed how your story was structured in two different parts in a sense like the character being very loving to the mac n cheese and then how the mac n cheese might be the reason why the character isn't with "him". This tone was very comedic with a serious undertone and was very well written.

  35. I liked this story or poem seemed more like a poem to me anyways I enjoyed it and love mac n' cheese also.
    -4th period


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