
Monday, January 26, 2015

“Good Morning” By Kaleha S

6:00am (Obnoxiously) Beep beep beep beep SMACK!
6:10am Beep beep beep SMACK!
6:20am Beep SMACK!
6:30am Beep SMACK!
            There is nothing more extremely exasperating than the sound of an alarm when you don’t want to wake up. The noise is literally torturous to the ear. Well, at least to my ear it is. It is simply that sound of a continuous annoying “beep” that makes my morning dreadful.
            Every day, Monday –Friday I fight my alarm clock with a violent SMACK to shut it up! I don’t turn it off of course because if I do, I won’t wake up. My alarm clock and I have a love hate relationship. I love it only because it wakes me up for school, and I hate it because it wakes me up for school! I lie in my warm bed, wrapped in my covers, with my hands and feet curled up all cozy.
            As soon as my alarm goes off, that wonderful feeling is taken away from me. I must reach my hands from underneath the pleasantly warm covers and feel the death like cold that waits in the air. I quickly SMACK my alarm to make it quiet for another ten minutes, I do this two more times, until the clock reads 6:30am.
            At 6:30am I unwillingly open my eyes, and lie under my covers, while staring at the celling. I think to myself, “Why didn’t I go to sleep earlier the night before?” Finally, I wisp the covers off of me, and feel the awful cold air wrap itself around my body, causing me to go into a slight shock and shiver.  I place my once warm feet onto the carpet and walk towards the light to turn it on. OH HOW I DREAD that walk to the light! I flick on the light and squint my eyes out of sensitivity to its beaming rays.
            My dad knocks on the door, before he can say anything I yell, “I’m up!” with a slight attitude in my voice. Still cold and half asleep, I rush to turn on the heater. After that I walk to my bathroom, the cold tiles on my feet is very unpleasant and causes me to groan with an attitude.
            I wait to hear the annoying but pleasantly toned “Good Morning”, from my eight year old little brother. I roll my eyes and mumble it back “good morning”. 
            I begin to do my normal morning routine, brush my teeth, watch my face, do my hair, and then put on my clothes. It isn’t until after I’m done getting ready that I start to slightly ease out of my bad morning attitude. I head into the kitchen and make myself some breakfast, sometimes a bowl of cereal, sometimes a bowl of oatmeal, or sometimes nothing, depending on how crunched I am for time.
            Finally, when I arrive at school and see my friends and they greet me with “Good morning”, and “You look nice today”. I then realize that it is a “Good Morning”, and that I’ll most likely have a good day.
Until the next morning when I repeat the distressing process of waking up again!!!!   


  1. Haha i like this topic beause it is basically me every morning. Ilike everything you did with this short story. -Nais Zjaii Ragsdale

  2. Enjoyed reading this piece and liked how some of us could relate to it nice! - vymian san

  3. Hello Kaleha--

    Overall, a very cute piece. The only thing that had me grasping at straws is that the format of your piece lacks internal structure. It's not hard to follow, but there's not really a beginning, middle, or end. However, you have a very strong and solid writer's voice that shows up in your writing and makes it very personable. This piece in particular had me chuckling at it's relatable quality, and your obvious hand with comedy. I can appreciate the comical nature of this piece as well as the palatable format. Congratulations on a very adorable piece.

  4. I love this piece. Very relatable while maintaining a satirical tone. Great detail describing your morning gives the reader a vivid idea towards the tone and relationship you are conveying towards your mornings.
    -Milani Thomas

  5. This was an interesting reflection because it made an arduous process that most are familiar with into vivid yet personal memory. I was stunned by your excellent vocabulary and use of strongly connotative words. By listing the events in chronological order: the piece develops clearly for the reader. I do however think you could have developed your explanation of the "love hate relationship" between yourself and your alarm clock. I think it could have added more humor to an already funny piece. I enjoyed reading it and I hope you continue to write.
    Adan Chavez
    Per 4

  6. Oh can't we all relate to this one.....I hate waking up in the morning with a burning passion. I really enjoyed your piece because I completely relate to it and I loved the detail you put in about your little brother greeting you and your arrival at school. Cute piece!

    Alexis Huizar
    Period 4

  7. I could not agree more with this piece because I have the same exact love hate relationship with my alarm clock.I love it because it wakes me up but I hate the nose and of course I would much prefer to go to school at 10 a.m. However, once you get up , get ready and feel your best, the day feels ten times better

  8. I can totally connect with you on that awful feeling! I hate having to get up at the buttcrack of dawn for school. I loved the imagery you gave the throughout the story. Great job!
    -Daniel Alaniz
    Period 4

  9. I like this story because almost everybody can relate to it so good job.
    -Kamau O
    -Period 2

  10. This is so true. I could relate to almost everything you said haha. Like how you described things so vividly.

  11. I loved this piece! Its so relatable especially with us seniors. Overall i think it was a well thought out and great piece. Keep up the good work and i hope to read more of your work girl!
    Leah Hernandez

  12. Elisabeth Domond, Pd.5

    OMG Kaleha you had me dying of laughter! I thought this piece was so funny because I'm pretty sure anybody can relate to that annoying alarm clock story. I love how you said you have a love/hate relationship with your alarm clock because that's exactly how I feel with mine. I love the overall mood of this entry!

    Great Job!

  13. Bruh!! This speaks to my soul. You perfectly describe describe the struggle of having to wake up every morning. I love how you made it a story in which everyone can relate to. Good job!

  14. Bruh!! This speaks to my soul. You perfectly describe describe the struggle of having to wake up every morning. I love how you made it a story in which everyone can relate to. Good job!

  15. Kaleha! This personal reflection can be related to many people who have to wake up early in the morning. I really appreciate how after all the trouble you go through to wake up, a positive attitude rises once at school. Once again great piece!

  16. Oh my gosh this was so funny to read! I loved how it's so relatable to all of us every single morning! I also loved how you included certain details like the cold air that touches your body when you take off the blankets and when you describe how the tile is so cold. It's actually making me dread waking up tomorrow morning (as opposed to any other day). I really loved how you described everyones struggles every morning whether it's waking up for school, work, etc. It was funny also because we can all relate to it! Great job!

  17. It's like you are in my head! I couldn't have put it better myself, "My alarm clock and I have a love hate relationship." You did a great job on this piece because you really thought of everything that one goes through when having to wake up in the morning. I think my favorite part was when you said "the death like cold". Great job!
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  18. While I was reading this I thought I was waking up, so relatable!
    Anthony Absher
    Period 6

  19. Kaleha I liked your personal experience of waking up early for school and that it was so relatable to every student. I hate waking up to my annoying alarm clock and I do wake in a bad mood. I liked how you used experience to connect to your reader also how you used imagery to bring through your routine in the morning really good job.

  20. Miranda Santos, Period 5February 5, 2015 at 8:06 PM

    I can relate so much to this piece as I get that feeling every morning too. I liked the imagery and description you used to describe the process of having to get up and get ready for school every morning. It was very relatable. Great entry!

  21. I love this story because it is very relatable. I love your use of auditory imagery with the alarm clock because i could hear it so vividly in my head and the kinesthetic imagery when you talk about the feeling of the cold morning air. It was also kind of funny on how you talked about what you do for breakfast depending on time ,because i go through that same process.
    Jacob Valdez
    Period 4

  22. Kaleha, I loved how relatable your story was and how vividly you described the dreadful process of waking up. Honestly, I feel the same way every morning and do the same thing. I loved how every aspect of your story was told from a first person point of view and in that way was easily relatable. Also, the imagery you used was great with the whole explanation of being warm in bed to having to get up to turn the light on to going to the bathroom and to finally getting to school. Your story was great!
    -Sophia Bobadilla P.1

  23. Very nice Kaleha, I also do the alarm thing every morning. This was full of extensive hyperboles but I couldn't help but feel the met the readers feelings even under first person.Connectablility and directness keeps the reader in your world. Great Job!

  24. This blog entry really spoke to me, mostly because for the past two days I have missed one or more periods, because I am an expert on oversleeping. I am not a morning person at all, and that is why I could relate when you talked about the slight attitude, because I'm super grouchy in the morning. This is a process that most of us go through every morning, and you presented it in a relatable and funny way. Good job!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  25. I can definitely relate to this. Every morning is a fight with the alarm clock! Very nice topic that we can all relate to.
    - Anthony Chao, Period 6

  26. this piece was really well written and loved so much and had really good detail and overall it was a good piece.

  27. Im in love with this. Mostly because I can relate to it 100% but also I love how descriptive it is and how it portrays every aspect of struggle in the morning:)
    Haylie D
    Period 4

  28. This story is soooo relatable because I need to set at least 5 alarms to wake up fifteen minutes after I was supposed to be up. Your description of this morning routine seemed horrible until the very end which really made me enjoy your blog entry. Every detail you included gave me a very vivid image of each action being carried out in anguish, but the positive outlook on such events really made the story!

    Katelynn Gutierrez
    period 4

  29. I definitely enjoy this piece because its a relief from all the other serious pieces. I like your piece because its so plain and simple but it definitely relates to all students. The simple language helps remind the audience that the alarm clock is an everyday event. Also your use of punctuation helps express your emotions. I especially feel the annoyance when I'm staying up all night.

  30. I enjoyed this piece a lot due to the fact that i can relate to those morning where I do not want to get up for school. By discussing a typical morning that is felt by a majority of students and workers, you were able to make the story more interesting since a lot of people, in my opinion, could relate to this story with the dislike of waking up to go do something in the morning, in this case school. Than what made this story even better was that it was very descriptive through your use of onomatopoeia " Beep SMACK" and your vivid imagery " I flick on the light and squint my eyes out of sensitivity to its beaming rays."

  31. Good job at appealing to your audience. I think that almost every single high school student on the planet can relate to the dread inspired by the sound of an alarm. I really like your use of onomatopoeia, and the fact that through this I can clearly hear your voice mimicking the alarm clock. I like the cyclical elements that you incorporated into your pieces, things like the regret that comes from not going to bed earlier and the development of emotions that high schoolers experience every morning. Good job!

  32. I like how you said, "How I dread the walk to the light!" Its ironic because usually going towards the light is a good sign of going to heaven. I totally relate to this, every morning. I loved this relatable piece.

  33. The entire time I read your piece, I could just hear you voice as the narrator speaking in such a sarcastic and humorous tone that it made the piece enjoyable. And the use of onomatopoeia with SMACK also brought comedic elements to your work and made me giggle the whole time reading it. Great Job on your piece Kaleha!

    Mahlon Howard
    Period 4

  34. Oh my gosh this is so me! It's so hard for me to wake up in the morning. The SMACK was hilarious! The thing I love about this piece is that it's so relatable! It was great! Very funny good job!


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