
Monday, October 20, 2014

"When You Think About It" by Angel R

When you think about it, now a day, people are so fake. The question “How are you doing today?” has become such a casual saying. Sometimes I wonder if people actually care about my day or just want to fill in empty space in a conversation. Also, when listening to people talk to their parents, all I hear is the little brat talking back to their parent. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not some saint that fell from the sky, but I’m not a little brat either. I like to think I’m at the happy medium between saint and brat. But I know the difference between respect and being rude.

As mentioned before there is no perfect child; however I give credit to those who at least attempt or show some sort of effort into being that perfect child. I like to think baby steps are the way to go. So every year, since the beginning of sophomore year, I attempt to be the better person, although I usually never am. This year I try to be gentlemen as much as I can. Call me old fashioned but I still think guys should hold the door open for women and always walk on the left side of the sidewalk.

But anyways, if you haven’t figured it out by now, this piece is probably going to be one long rant about life and/or a description of what I believe in. Cause when you think about it, life is just one dreaded math equation that ends with “no solution.” Even the slightest step you take as to understanding life, sets you one step farther then you were before. However, in today’s society teens think they got life all figured out. They say they are going to graduate High School, move out of state, finish college, and live in Malibu with there family for the rest of their lives.  I don’t know about you but I tend to think about all the little things and make a big deal out of them. Maybe I over think about everything but not getting everything paid is my biggest fear. At this point you probably think I’m and anti-social little kid who is never going to grow up and your probably right. But I have eyes set on big things, which I never like to mention cause I’m afraid of humiliating myself if I don’t do what I had planned.

Well I think I’ve ranted ling enough to the point where I put you to sleep, so Ill just end it here. In conclusion, possibly what I’m trying to convey from this mess I call a writing piece, is don’t be fake.


  1. I really like how you expressed your emotions freely . I agree that sometimes I wonder about whether someone is being genuine or not , it is so hard to tell who is or not. When I hear my peers disrespect their parents it gets to me because I personally believe every parent deserves respect, for the things they do for their child.

  2. hahaha I really liked reading your rant( being real) it is relatable in the sense that we endure fake people everyday or we come across that spoil brat of a kid that make us reflect on who we are as children(me that is) I liked how you transition from talking about fake people to talking about life and having it all figured out. Something your rant made me realize is that we do think we have life all planned out but things don't always go according to plan and when that happens live in the moment and wing the rest!(well that works for me)
    Milani Thomas Per. 1

  3. This I think so far has to be my favorite inspirational post out of all the posts I've read. I really liked your rant because it actually made you think about what we usually do as teenagers nowadays. When I read the first couple lines, I remember thinking to myself, "oh shoot, I say or do that all the time!". It was really inspiring and mad me stop and I guess think about my life as of the moment.

    I like how you stated that you weren't perfect, but that you were trying and that to me was really awesome. As for your writing, I think you have a very fluid and laid-back sort of style to your writing, which I really enjoyed.

    Great Job!

  4. I totally agree... don't be fake. I enjoyed reading your rant, it was interesting, and a tad bit sassy. It's true, we teens do believe we have life all figured out. Boys are we in for a rude awakening after high school lol. Personally I do believe it is good to set goals for yourself, there is a lot to worry about but I feel we don’t have to worry about it just yet, we should wait until that time comes, or prepare ourselves for that time. A friendly critique have would just be to elaborate on your logic a little more, but other than that, your piece was awesome!

    Kaleha Spencer
    Period: 4

  5. Hey Angel! This blog submission made me sit back and think about how society is indeed fake. The same old greetings to initiate a conversation (this reminds me of a poem we had to do a preci on) but the truth is indeed that society is comprised of fake individuals. And it is so true that society has life "planned" out. It seems as if a lot of people have everything figured out, while I'm here like "hopefully I get into a good college..." This rant is relatable to me in many ways and I enjoyed the easy to read format of your blog submission. Great job! :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  6. Wow you are so right about this situation. You seem like the type of kid who is respectable, and no one is perfect but if they try to be as best as they can that's good enough. I mean if every one was perfect where would the fun be. But you make a great point on how people ate fake or they don't have respect and that needs to change. You did a great piece.
    Bethany Stitt
    period 2

  7. Angel, your right I think that many people can be fake and your rant was not boring but insightful. I was taken back to our group in chemistry and thought where was that gentlemen in the story. It was well written and a new type of writing for me, I do believe that people can be fake and sadly sometimes they don't even know. You are indeed a good guy and I hope you get to follow your dream. Overall good job really enjoyed it and I hope society learns that being fake is uncool.

  8. This was a very interesting and enjoyable read as it leads me to evaluate my life and my choices. I must say that I agree with you in that many times, I feel there is no longer a lot of genuine conversation happening between people. I think that most of this is due to social media. With our eyes and attention constantly trained onto our mobile devices, there isn’t much room for conversation. With only a single scroll through a timeline, I can find out mostly everything happening in my peers’ lives. Despite the popular argument that all social media does is actually bring us closer, this actually leaves no room for actual, one-on-one conversation. When everything about us is already out there and available for a quick read, what else is there to discuss with our peers face-to-face? Also, I find your motivation to always better yourself each year very admirable. I myself always try to do this same thing each year, but never seem to be able to completely complete my goals. But as you say, baby steps are the way to go. Overall, I loved this piece because of the clear and descriptive expression of your emotions and beliefs. It contains a lot of material that I can personally relate to (What do I do with life? Am I going to achieve my goals? What if I fail? What about our childhood dreams, are they going to come true? What if they don’t, will I still feel happy and fulfilled?, etc.). For this reason, I believe your rant was quite successful because hey, look, we’re having a conversation, an electronic one, but still an interesting conversation nonetheless.
    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  9. I love how personal you made the story, not worrying so much about holding to a certain form or structure. By doing this you made the work more personal to the reader; showing that these things are of actual concern and matter to you rather than simple clique things that people say simply to fit in with the general crowd. I agree with many of the statements and also see myself falling into some of the annoyances you listed. This was a wonderful self evaluation piece that spoke out about something that most ignore. Thank You!!
    Eva Badal
    Per. 1

  10. I love how I feel like im having a casual conversation with you, it wasn't stiff and formal but it also wasn't offensive. Your rant is blunt, honest and you're right, in today's time people say anything to fill in the silence and awkward pauses. I think it was a new take to simply call out society on being fake and even making it known that you're not perfect. It's also honorable that you are focused on improving yourself to be a better you instead of being a better angel that society would like to see. This is such a great piece!
    Sara Arredondo

  11. I love how much you expressed yourself in such a little piece. I totally agree with you about not being fake and can completely relate to you. You seem like a good person and knows his common sense, honestly, i don't think there are a lot of people like that anymore. Anyway, i really enjoyed your writing keep it up!!
    Andrew Hernandez
    per. 2

  12. I like how inspirational this piece is saying how if you are fake that it will not show the real you.
    Period 6

  13. Well I'm going to start by saying that I really liked your blog entry. I think it is actually relevant today, especially the part about where you said that you over think things about the future, because right now as seniors I think we're all feeling like that around this time of year. I like how I could see your humor come through in the writing, and I especially liked the part when you said that life was like a math equation ending in no solution. Overall, good job Angel!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  14. I like how you distinguish the difference between rude and disrespectful . I understand your point of view and where your coming from ! Good job

  15. I totally understand what you mean, but some people act fake so others will accept them in society, you know? And you are so fake for saying that you are anti-social. You are everything but that! You are easy to talk to and everyone likes to hang around you, like last year after the spanish talent show. You had everyone surrounding you after your performance and everyone likes you. I also understand that kids now a days are rude unlike us but i think it is just because others are being more Americanized, whereas were first or second generation. I also like love this piece because a lot of people can relate to this in the real world.

  16. Okay, wow. The utter bluntness of this entry is refreshing. Even though you don't tell too much about yourself, it's as if you have.. in some twisted sort of way. Great job on this piece! I loved it!

  17. I really enjoyed reading your piece. It's very relateable and I think about this all the time. Do people actually care whenever they ask how I am or how my day was? I feel like people are obliged to ask me, but i honestly rather have people stay quiet than ask me when they don't really care. So I understand on your point of being fake. I really enjoyed your piece. Good job.
    Grace Panjaitan
    Period 4

  18. Reading this piece really opens one's eyes to how much society has changed. I really like how you spoke your mind and wrote in your own personal way. I would like to thank you for being real and talking about all the little issues that no one realizes. The casual way you got your point across and was so upfront in your writing was amazing. Writing about a relevant topic to today's society really caught my eye and helped me relate to this piece more than any other I've read. Great job!
    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  19. Honestly, I could not agree with you more! We live in a society today filled with people who are “fake” and it’s actually really sad. It’s worse when you go through a day and you cannot even recognize who is fake and who is real anymore. But honestly, what more can you do other than be careful in the end right? I liked the way you gave an insight of your personal opinion because it really gave the readers another perspective of you. Also, I totally understand your perspective on how people around us talk to their parents with this unrespectful attitude when they provide them with so much. I, myself, am definitely NOT a perfect child & I probably never will be but in the end, at least I try to better myself. Anyway good job! & I hope you accomplish the goals you hope to achieve in life! I enjoyed reading your piece and relating to all of it. (:

  20. This writing piece really made me think. I love how you didn't make it like the other stories you made it unique and you got your point across nicely. Good job.
    ~ Hallie Deeds
    period 2

  21. I can't do anything else but agree with your long rant. You stated the values that are beginning to get lost from our new generation. I also agree with you that every guy should continue to be a gentleman and open the door for the ladies and continue to follow these values. I really enjoyed how you stated your opinion with no fear of being judged or argued against. Overall, great job and I know that you will strive for your goals and one day reach them.

  22. Marian Hollinquest
    Period 1
    I really enjoy your rant because it is true. Rules about common courtesy today has lead people to have insincere inner attitudes towards one another. Little sayings that fill up conversation have been said so many times that no one really means them anymore, it being repeated so many times has made it loose its original value. I loved the Overall message of your theme.

  23. This piece really connects to me! I totally agree with everything you said! Great story overall!

  24. Honestly, i agree with everything you have to say.People nowadays are so fake and rude, it's rare to find someone with a sense of common courtesy. It's great to know that there are still people like you, who believe in respecting others.
    Period 2

  25. Everything you said is true nowadays. People are fake and its hard to find someone honest. Good story overall.

  26. Angel,
    I may not have known you very well over the years but I'll be real with you and say that you are one of the nicest people I know. With that, I also agree that everyone is pretty much a hypocrite. We all make mistakes, and sometimes we repeat those mistakes on purpose and call other people out on it. I really enjoyed the small allegory-like experience you've witnessed when other kids behave like they're entitled to everything. But you weren't afraid to say that you have been guilty of border lining similar decisions. I think its time we all start becoming real.
    -Gian Velasquez

  27. Overall this was a good piece. Its so true how people are these days. After reading this, it makes myself to be a better person and be respectful to others.

  28. Well Angel, I can say I don't know you, but I definitely have a connection with you on this. It's great that you put out your thoughts so freely on something that is becoming a thing we can all relate to nowadays. In reality, society is fake. -Joey Roest

  29. I like how your straight up forward with your piece of writing. Your piece of writing made me think of how fake people just get through the day by just saying yes to whatever you say, good job.
    - Period 6
    - Luis Toro

  30. I like how detailed it was, very descriptive. The way you also expressed your emotions gave me an idea of the mood and tombs of the story.

  31. you are right pretty much in this world there is alot of rude people not that many people are honest or trust worthy very detailed i liked it.

  32. Your piece of writing was very easy to follow and read which allowed me to understand the whole thing. I enjoyed the fact that through your choice of words, " little brat ", " I've ranted long enough", you utilized, it made the whole peace of writing feel as if i was hearing your thoughts as if you were having a conversation with me. The analogy you used on life was great on how life is like a math problem with no solution. I never thought of it that way. Your writing was interesting all the way.

  33. Angel this long rant that you have is great it was really easy to follow of what your were talking about i like the example you used of how guys should still hold the door open for ladies its like being a gentleman and you talked about graduation high school and going out of state for college loved that good job '

    Omid Raziani
    Period 4

  34. Angel, I found your rant to be very entertaining and I agreed with many of the points you brought up. I myself tend to over think things, but I find that it is better to be too cautious than too careless like the teens you described who think they have life all figured out. I also share your fear of not being successful in the future and not being able to have a sustainable income. After reading your piece I have found that I am not alone in my worries and thoughts about the future and society.

  35. Such an exquisite piece. You might think you're ranting about countless nonsense however you're actually revealing a sad truth. This is what the generation has turned to. I love how you compare yourself to the old fashioned manners and such and contrast our times with theirs. Everyone can relate to the bratty kid talking back to their parent. Trust me I've been there. Especially with the beginning and how, "how are you?" Has become such a bland, meaningless question that no one pays attention to anymore. I loved exploring your inner thoughts which I highly agree on. Great work.
    - Katheryn Valle period 4.

  36. I really liked your piece. I completely agree with you on many of your points you brought up.Many people now a days seem very fake and I really like how you brought up being a gentlemen because it does not seem like many guys are like that anymore. When you talked about teenagers thinking that they have everything all figured out I was glad to know that I was not the only one who thought that. Great Job!
    -Alyssa Anastasi P.5

  37. i really liked this story, because people are really fake and in this story it doesn't seem that guys are like that any more.All i can say is great job!
    Sukhmeen Grewal
    Period 2

  38. its all about respect and good morals. always be yourself I too dislike seeing others disrespect there parents I truly believe that one should treat others like the way you want to be treated. I like your title because we really don't always think about it! but we should.
    per 6

  39. I like how this was a more personal piece and you just reflecting on life. I agree with your views on the new generation and the structure you used really helped progress your ideas. The part about life being like a math problem ending with no solution was deep...that hit me. Well good job I really enjoyed everything about this.
    Diana Padilla
    pperiod 1

  40. WELL... I just wanted you to know that this piece DID NOT put me to sleep! I am actually quite a tad disappointed that you ended on such short notice... WHY? Because your piece was amazingly beautiful and I wanted to read more, but it's okay because you're Angel! :) Your piece was very relevant to me at least because I am actually one of those people who try to be the perfect child/student/friend/hugger and reading this makes me feel better knowing that i am not alone in this gigantic world. I loved how you opened your piece with acknowledging how "how are you" has lost its value and is used like second nature. I have always questioned myself if people really cared when they asked me how was my day and such. The way you structured this was personal and to the point, two key factors that I think are one of the two important hooks to a statement! I hope this is not the only time you submit a blog post because I am anticipated to read more of your work.
    -Jaena Lauren Fabia
    PERIOD 4

  41. Reading this story, I was truly amazed at how today's society has very blunt requisites for the young adults of today's society. This story has truly motivated me to be myself but also pursue a life as an active, productive member of a troubled, dramatic world. Great writing, hope to read more soon!
    -Andrew Trinidad
    Period 1

  42. I really enjoyed this story it really was diffrent and pretty intersting. I like how you conveyd a message in it. Youre story really is true because all their is in this world today is fake people! It is a very good piece even though its not really a short story good job!

  43. Your self-examination coupled with your criticism of greater society display an excellent aptitude for observation and critical analysis. However, in this piece, your thought are a bit choppy with little tying the whole piece together other than the assertion that it is your opinion. I would suggest that you have a centralized theme that you go back to throughout the piece. This will help the reader understand your purpose and you writing will become clearer as a whole. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
    -Adan Chavez

  44. Angel I really enjoyed how you expressed yourself in this writing. This examination of both yourself and society as a whole is extremely moving to me, and I agree with you so much on this. Good Job man, keep it real.
    -Rich Gaspers P.5


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