
Monday, October 20, 2014

"Lessons" By Gabriela M

It was the beginning of my senior year. Things were going alright for me at the time. I was exhausted because I felt like I took on to many tasks for my senior ,year. So being able to go out and have fun that night gave me a sense of relief. It was just like any other Friday, having fun after a football game. It was having the music blasted with the people you love to be around in the car with you.Looking at everyone’s faces of joy did not allow to think that anything would happen. It’s weird how you always think that things will go routinely, as usual. We were on our way back home from Denny’s and I was about to be dropped off at home. All I remember, seeing, was a quick flash of seeing a car speeding out of the neighborhood almost crashing into us and my friend swerving into a huge tree and a curb. As soon as it happened the driver said for all of us to get out because liquid was spilling out of the front of his car .There was dents in his car along with pieces of his car on the floor. The guys then, along with a kind man who helped us move it to the side of a street and we then we all got help from the drivers parents. Even though, we all left the scene without damage, it gave me a wakeup call because it could have been worse.You see , I had never been in a car accident before and it hit me because how could an amazing time take such a quick turn. This reminded me of how my economics teacher had said that Friday that at parties you need to watch out with your drinks because with one turn, someone could’ve inserted something dangerous in your drink so throw it away, even if you turned for just a second. It is weird how in a blink of an eye thinks could change. I feel like as teen every time someone told me that things could happen instantly, I never believed them because I just did not think it could happen to me .For the driver, a change in a good senior, a year without a car for senior year. For the kid in the passenger seat, which who was closest to the tree we crashed into could have been severe damage to his physical body. For myself, and the passenger right next to me, scarred by the image of a car crashing so quickly, and we are now cautious about whose cars we get into. Although we did not have it as bad as other people who have gotten into accidents, it got me thinking. The “what if’s” that night kept getting to me. The, if something worse had happened to all of us and we all did not have a senior year. In that moment the guy or girl that ends up on the news their senior year for passing away in a tragedy did not seem so far that night. In that moment I thought of how valuable life really is. I thought about how young my friends and I really were, and how much more time we had in our hands to do things. 
Many times I catch myself living life stressed, unhappy, and maybe even unappreciative of the love and support I do have. The things I take for granted all hit me allowing for me to step back and reflect on the positives that I do have.  I come home to a good family, a beautiful home, and thinking about all my amazing friends really got me to realize to always embrace every moment that you have on this earth and remembering you have so much more to accomplish, it was a reminder to love deeply, and be grateful for the people you care about and the people that care about you because it is never known when someone is taking their last breath.


  1. Hi there! :) I really liked how you described your life on a daily basis, but yet something unexpected occurred. It does show that you cannot take things for granted and should live life to the fullest. Additionally, it shows that you really do not know what you have until it is gone. I am glad that you and your friends were able to survive this experience and it taught me a valuable lesson. Thanks for sharing your experience and great job (:
    Tedman Nguyen
    Period: 1

  2. I really like the details in the story and its gives off a really good lesson for us teens to be thankful for the things we have and to live every moment like its our last.
    - Vymian San

  3. First of all, I had no idea this had happened to you! Thank god you're okay girly! Second, this is definitely a wake up call that we aren't immune to these kinds of things. I see your quoted Mr Anderson and he's right. We need to be cautious because things can change in the blink of an eye. I definitely feel you on the stressed and unhappy part because I too am always stressed. Thank you for sharing this eye opening experience and be safe out there girl!

    Alexis Huizar
    Period 5

  4. First off, Thank God you are okay! This piece also gave me a wake up call, we tend to forget how good we have it and that most of our "problems and worries" are not that bad. I too forget how blessed I am, and loose myself in the common worries such as senior year. I loved how you described your daily routine before the accident. Great piece!
    -Leah Hernandez
    period 4.

  5. This piece was very relatable in a sense that I always tell my friends to be careful. As a driver I understand the responsibility of driving cautiously especially with passengers in the car. It's funny because I remember Mr. Anderson telling our class that too. You never know what can happen in the future and it's important to be responsible and safe. I like how you shared your experience so that others can learn from your lesson too. Glad you and your friends are okay, stay safe.

  6. Reading this piece brought a lot of memories back. I could relate because after the football game I could have been in an accident too. Too often teens get into cars without thinking of the possibilities. I liked how you shared your experience and was able to reach out to others who do not realize these dangers. I'm glad you and your friends are safe, and although it was a bad situation, good does come out of it. People learn and are reminded to be grateful of their life and it's blessings. Thank you for sharing your lesson, great job!

  7. awww, Yaaayy Gabbs I loved it it made me think to myself that your right we do have time the stress is not that much and it is all going to be alright it we let it be I love how you explained such a harmless event like most teens go through so it can relate to many others especially this time of stress.

  8. Reading your story reminded me about how easily our lives and the people in it can be taken fro granted. It left me with a greater desire to appreciate everything that I usually overlook. Good job.

  9. Margaret Moyer
    Per 5
    Gabriela I agree that the situation was a big eye opener. As a senior myself I know how stressful things are and wanting to unwind, though for me it's a sleepy day not doing anything, but still as a young adult we have ti be char full with our choices. the writing it's self was good descriptively describing what happened, my only suggestion would to have broken the large paragraph into two or spaced it out because it made it a little are to follow. Great work over all!


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