
Monday, October 20, 2014

"I Should Have Said: 'Baby, don’t hurt me.' " by Ambriell H

Amelie whimsically asked, “What is love?”

 I replied:

“Love is not a promise; it’s a privilege. Pastors preach, “Love is patient,” and, “Love is kind.” But, Love is quick and Love is rude. Love is sloppy. Love is pretentious. Love is envious. Love is the most disgusting thing ever created and that is why I crave it. I need to hear those 3, simple words “Love,” “I,” and “You” in a particular order or my cold heart will stay an unmoving stone. I need to feel lips pressed against mine that are rough and yearning. I need to touch cloying, clammy hands or I will cut my own off. Love is neither sex nor drugs, but it is worse. Love leaves you breathless. Love kicks you to the depths of Hell itself. Love strips you of everything, even though you had nothing.

Love is NOT a promise; it’s a privilege. Love is beastly at it’s best and alluring at its worst. A popular commodity among the struggling and virtuous alike. Love is not a metaphor. Love is not a theme. Love is more than a word, but valued at less than a penny. Love reeks of contradiction. Love is hot. Love is freezing. Love is not what you decide it to be, but what it wants to be. Love has personality. Love can be vain. Love can be modest. Love can be undeserving. Love can be premature. Love can be someone. Love could be you. Love could be her. Love could be your husband. Love could be her mistress. Love could be his murderer. Love could be an action. Love is a phone call. Love is a gentle kiss on the forehead. Love is vigorous sex. Love is a bat of those brown, doe eyes. Love is dancing the waltz too close for comfort. Love is touching your next door neighbor’s son. Love is screaming, “STOP!” Love is prescribed as predictable by every author you could meet. Yet, Love is anything but.

Love is a privilege; it is not a promise.”

After my soliloquy, I noticed a fair amount of tears in my lover’s eyes as she said, “Baby, I was just trying to sing that Haddaway song, but, God, I love you.” I smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. I am so incredulously in love with her, so I sang back, “ Baby, don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more,” she hummed the melody after I was done and kissed my cheek. I am so lucky.


  1. I really loved the ideas of love in this writing, because you are right, love is never promised.The fact that there is just so many types of love, like you mentioned really got me thinking about ways a person can express their love for someone.It really shocked me at the end when the speaker was her lover. I loved it.

  2. You have great choice in wording. I love how you put so much description into this. This writing piece was truly interesting to read.
    Jobelle Dauz
    Period 2

  3. Ambriell, once again another great story. I really enjoyed your use of contradictory descriptions showing the good and the bad side of a complex emotion like love. It is too often that people oversimplify love, or simply consider it to be a cliched theme in media or a plot device for authors to use to make their stores more palatable. In addition, you managed to end your story with a heartwarming and humorous exchange about singing the Haddaway song and wrapping the story up on a cheerful note while still conveying the complexity of emotion. Well done!

  4. Ambriell you are such a great writer! I really loved how you described the different ways people show love for one another. I also enjoyed how you included the bad and good side of love. The way you described the multiple ways people express love for each other was beautiful great work!

    Alexis Huizar
    period 5

  5. Wow Ambriell, you never fail to impress me with your writing. I love the descriptions that you chose to talk about for the subject matter of love. One of my favorite lines from your blog submission is "Love is more than a word, but valued at less than a penny." It is true that love has been a word that has been thrown around without it having any real, in depth meaning. However, your writing describes how love should not be misused and how love shouldn't be taken for granted, since it is truly a privilege, not a promise. I enjoyed the variety of word choices you utilized throughout this piece. Keep writing! :)
    Simran Bajwa
    Period 1

  6. This left me speechless. You never fail to impress me your writing is absolutely phenomenal! I cant get enough of this piece. I love all the ways love is interpreted. I really admire this piece and cant wait to read more from you!
    -Leah Hernandez
    period 4.

  7. I really enjoyed reading your story , I like how you described love in many different ways. It was very touching. Good job.

  8. The Idea of love can be any and everything so i like how you used it to be represented by many things , Its true love is just unexplainable but yet we all feel obligated to it.

  9. Merosa Uiagalelei
    Period 5
    This piece was beyond impressive. Your diction was intriguing and left me wanting more after reading each sentence. The reality of the piece was amazing, you brought to light unique perspectives of love. The description of love was so in depth, I am glad I was able to read this piece. This piece was astounding and personally admirable, you are truly gifted and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!

  10. I love this with a serious passion. You described love in almost all the ways it could have been described. This is honeslty one of the best pieces I've read. Maybe because I can relate to it... I don't know but good job!

    I am absolutely speechless, in your diction and repetition, I can see the different expressions per sentence- feel the emotion, hear the different volume levels and tones as he conveys his profound notions of such a simple, but so complex, word as love. Not only does it expose the romantic and idealized perception of love, it gives the brash, harsh, and crude notes that love can embody. The hurt, the distaste, love can be convinced as the distant romance of a stalker and his prey. I LOVE this, it was not personified through rose-colored glass, but dug deep to the recesses of it bare and true meaning. I can confidently state this was, by far, my favorite piece so far.

  12. OH MY BAJEEZUS... You never cease to amaze me AmBAEll ... I actually remember reading this way before you posted this on the blog posts and that makes me feel quite special. But anyways, this piece was drop dead beautiful, not only because you are so passionate with your pieces, but there is an element of personal response that you reach out to readers who can relate. All my life i have always thought love differently than what you think, but now it all makes sense and it has now given me the message that people should not toss the world love around like a dodge ball hoping to knock someone out as soon as you grasp it your very own hand. Job well done Ambriell, I am impressed AGAIN, oh gosh stay perfect Ambriell!
    Much love,
    Jaena Lauren Fabia
    PERIOD 4


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