
Monday, October 20, 2014

“It’s all your Fault” by Sarah S.

Samantha and Lily were the best of friends and never had they thought this would be their future. Samantha and Lily went to the same high school, Ridgeway in their small little town. When they were seniors Samantha had started to date some guy who everyone knew him as “Flynn the cutie” or “Flynn the most popular guy in school”. Lily and Sam had slowly moved apart because of some fight and Lily wants Sam, her only friend, to be with her always. One day Flynn’s ex – girlfriend, Vanessa, had noticed Sam and Flynn dating. She became jealous of Sam so she spread rumors saying Sam was cheating on Flynn. He had caught on and thought it was true so he spread more rumors too. A couple of days later they, Sam and Flynn, broke up.
Sam started to regain a close friendship with Lily again. Everything was well except for the horrible rumors. Until Lily had poked her head out of the girls restroom in the gym, where Sam had a club meeting, motioning her to come over. Sam got up, said some excuse to go to the restroom, and walked towards Lily. “What’s up?” asked Sam. “I heard rumors being spread about you Sam an-” Sam interrupted, “I know and I really don’t care about any of it!” Lily got choked up as she said, “But those rumors include me too.” Sam said a little bit too loud, “What could they possibly say about you?” “They said you hate me and want to murder me but-”, said Lily bursting into tears. “Why would I ever say that? You know me Lily!! If you are really dumb enough to think I said that then … We shouldn’t be friends! I don’t care what they say anyways!” It got silent as they stood there processing what had happened. Lily then quietly whispered mostly to herself, “Well I care what they say about me.” Something Sam said will always make her regretful for the rest of her life. “I don’t remotely care what you care about if you are dead or alive, you have no clue what I’m going through!!”
Two weeks later Lily was driving on a rainy day and she crossed a bridge over a lake. Her car began to spin out of control and crashed into the side of bridge; splashing in the water.  Lily’s car filled with water and she drowned. Thinking of the last words she heard her best and only friend say and died with it. At the funeral, it was a cold, gloomy day. Sam stayed in the back because she did not want to see her corpse friend. Samantha had listened to everyone: family member, neighbors talk about how much they loved and will miss Lily. Even Flynn and now his new girlfriend Vanessa who spread the rumors about them had the nerve to show up and talk about how sweet she was and how much they “loved” Lily. It was all over and Miss. McIntire, Lily’s mother, had called Sam over and they looked over Lily’s lifeless body. “Hold my hand and put it on Lily. Maybe we can produce enough body heat and we can bring her back to life.” said Miss. McIntire slowly.  Sam stood there for a while but backed away and looked at Lily with tears in her eyes.
Weeks after the funeral, Sam decided to visit Miss. McIntire to see if she was okay since she hasn’t talked to her since the funeral. Sam knocked at the front door and Miss. McIntire swung the door open and let Sam in. Before they did anything Miss. McIntire hugged Sam; it felt good but then Miss. M had whispered something to Sam that she will never forget. “If you never said the horrible, nasty things about Lily, then she never would have commit suicide. It’s all your fault.”                 


  1. I really respect this piece because it attacks something common in our youth today, excellent job on this because it makes you think.

  2. Wow this story was very emotional. The way everything got so extreme was intense. I found myself wanting to read ahead just to know what happens next.
    Josie Starr
    period 2

  3. Wow this is a very emotional story! I was not expecting that kind of ending but it really got to me. I can't imagine what Sam felt like after the mom said that to her. Overall, that was a very well written story.

    Shayan Khan
    Period 6

  4. Very emotional and descriptive ! Great job ! Very mind bending and thinking .! Good job

  5. Great story! I love how you can put a lot of emotion in a short story
    -Chiquitita Annisa

  6. Wow! this can be true because rumors to spread around very fast. As i finished the last sentence my mouth was open in awe i couldn't believe what just happen. Great job.
    by Jesse Jauregui

  7. All I have to say is wow and I like the fact that this is mostly how we live today and things like this happen a lot but Good Job.
    -Kamau O

  8. This was very emotional to read! I loved every bit of it! I loved how you used so much detail and expression towards it in order to create a picture in mind about it as well as something we could all relate to. I think this is an eye opener to a sign of bullying people don't realize or fail to see. I loved reading every bit of this piece regardless if it was sad. Great job!
    -Caitlin Nguyen
    Period 5

  9. This story was sad and I felt bad for the family and friends. But yet it is a story. I think you did an amazing job on this story.
    ~Clarissa Rojas
    Period 2


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