
Friday, May 2, 2014

"No More Bullying "By Aryelle E

     I think people should be suspended for bullying someone. I know it doesn’t sound like something everyone would agree with, but bullying needs to stop. Its not right for people to go around bullying someone they don’t know and have no idea what they are going through outside of school. A lot of people have seen people get bullied and don’t try to stop it cause they don’t want to be part of it, or they go and help the person who is bulling that person cause they feel like they want to. But if we all stand up for that person being bullied, then eventually everyone will see that its better to stand up for bulling then to add on to it.
    In our generation, people have been bullied so much that it hurt them so much that they commit suicide at a young age just so it can stop. But that’s not a right thing to do. Those people who have done that had a better future for them, but ended their life cause they couldn’t take it anymore. I find this sad cause some of these people were nice and friendly to everyone, but everyone just wants to pick on the nicest people cause they are easier target for them.
    I have been bullied my whole life. I always wished that someone will eventually come and help me but as I got older, I realized that everyone is afraid to go and help them out. I had those days were I wanted to switch schools or move somewhere else or just be home schooled. But after hearing what they would tell me, I realized that what they say is all made up cause they don’t know what I go through outside of school. I stood up to people who have bullied me and I still do. When I see someone getting bullied that I don’t know, I go and stand up for them. I think we should all stand up for bulling and make a chain reaction to stop bullying.  


  1. I agree with you 110%. My brother used to get bullied when he was younger and it drove me crazy. Back then, I wouldn't hesitate to confront his tormenters. But now that he's in high school, he is too embarrassed to tell me when people give him a hard time. I don't understand why people feel the need to be jerks - it irritates me more than anything. I am sorry that you have had to be on the receiving end of other people's hurtful idiocy.
    -Christina Tapia

  2. I think this was sincere short and sweet, nice job

  3. Overall this post sends a great message to stop bullying. I think it's great idea to punish those who bully, but I don't think suspension would be the most suitable punishment. With that being said, I still love the fact that you used your opportunity to make something your class mates will read, and used to send this message. I'm sorry about people bullying you in the past and present, but I too, like you want to help stop bullying. Great Job.
    Jose Mancillas
    Period 2

  4. I am so glad you were able to overcome your bullies and stand up for those being bullied. I agree with you about bullying and that more people should work together to stop it. This was a very good topic to discuss and I'm glad you were able to share your experience with bullying. Nice job.

  5. These days bullying is cruel and it hurts the feelings of others and it was a waste of time. Buliies are nice and they should be given consequences for the actions. Very good job.

    -Abigail Rich

  6. I absolutely agree. Bully should be 100% intolerable, its unfair, mean, and it hurts so many people. But i'm pretty sure many are trying their best to do anything that would be relevant to stopping bullying. Lots of schools are treating this situation very seriously and by the time we know it, hopefully there will be no such thing as bullying anymore
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2 5/10/14
    8:21 pm

  7. I totally agree with you. This reminds me of a documentary I recently saw called "Bully" and I'm sure you've seen it. As I was watching these kids get bullied while the camera crew followed their every step, I found them to be quite funny and in my eyes seemed like every other kid I've different. Bully is a weird thing and I could tell this has made you a better person. You stand up for others and protect those that are defenseless. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Thank you for sharing your story and I'm sure it will all go away sooner or later.

  8. I agree. I believe that people should suffer the consequences from bullying someone. I never really understood bullying, but only because I was bullied throughout my elementary school year. So, I never understood the concept of to why. I only would ask one question: why me? And no one gave me reliable answers. If I could go back to my elementary school year and hope someone would stand up for me, I would hope. Because when I was bullied, everyone would just watch. Sometimes I think, why would you target an individual who is trying to find themselves, but then stop them because of your harsh words?(or even physical) Well, that was my rant on bullying. I do think everyone should stand up for bullying. This was a great piece. -Leia S. per 6

  9. I agree bullying is an offense that should have some type of consequence that makes the person who did the bullying to think about what they have done and a suspension is something that might work for that. I agree that we all need to stand up to bullying because that is one way that people will stop bullying. Great Job.

  10. I love your story about bullying your right bullying should stop im so with you on that one. It isn't fair that people judge others like that I hate people who do that but it is true we should put a stop to it. But an excellent story I loved it good job explanning I liked it.
    Laura tormos period.2

  11. I agree with you that bullying is a huge problem in society and I think you're very strong to have fought it on your own. Bullying can shatter a person's self confidence and it needs to be stopped.

  12. I am completely on board with your thoughts on bullying. It definitely is something that should be stopped. I also think you're very brave for standing up for what you believe in and enforcing your beliefs by acting them out. It's not something many of us can do, for whatever reasons, so it is always admirable to see someone doing just that. I think the way you expressed your beliefs was also quite effective, as you used relevant details and even related the issue to yourself by adding personal details. Good job!

  13. It's funny how something as horrible as bullying can be ignored for so long. A right of passage so to speak. I agree with you, Arayelle! I think bullying is terrible. However, I don't think it starts with the people stepping up to stop it. It starts with the parents at home who push these children to such emotional extremes that they need to hurt others to feel good about themselves. It makes me sad. With bullying, everyone is a victim. The poor kid being hurt for no reason is a victim. The emotionally unstable bully is a victim too. Even the unsure bystanders, scared to get involved, are victims. If the problem ever escalates they'll always remember that their inaction resulted in something atrocious that could have been prevented. Thank you for writing about this! It is important and sometimes we forget that we are all responsible and we can all make a difference in making the world a better place for everyone to live in.

  14. People could learn from your story because most don't truly understand how much bullying can hurt someone, not just physical, but emotionally as well.

  15. completely agree with you! Bullying is needs more attention and more people should be more aware about bullying. No one deserves to be bullied at home or at a
    school. If we could all work together if there were more people like you who are so passionate about stopping bullying. This piece could be a great start ! Great job !

  16. I loved this!! People need to stop bullying because they don't know how much their words hurt! You did a great job!

  17. First off, I just wanted to say that I am actually a huge advocate to standing up to bullying, so with that being said, I agree with your proposition of taking action to standing up against it. Bullies never fully understand how their words or actions can effect the person they're bullying; it can cause trauma and fear and the person being bullied can become so overwhelmed that they decide to take their life. No person should die because they were bullied and no one helped them. We should all come together and fight against it. Thank you up for bringing this matter to the attention to the public. Bullying is a serious matter that should be stopped.

  18. Im glad you wrote on this piece, people should be aware of bullying and should want to stop the problem. Everyone should step up to be better people.

    --Mckynzie Fort

  19. Your piece was beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I honestly agree that bullying is a serious issue and should be handled immediately. Even though I have not been a victim of bullying, I can say that it is terrible to see others get bullied. Something that I always think about is, what drives the bully to bully on someone? I have heard usually bullies are experiencing problems themselves so they decide to take it out on other people. I think your idea of helping people that are bullied not only helps the victim, but also the bully him/herself. I liked how you mentioned the issue of suicide because I think this is a major issue that many kids and teenagers in society face. I also liked how you incorporated your personal story of bullying, which made the piece very touching. If I can suggest one tip for you, it would be to watch out for run on sentences. You had various great ideas and thoughts, but sometimes some sentences seemed overbearing. Overall great story, I hope from reading your story, many will be encouraged to report bullying issues they encounter!

  20. I completely agree with your stance on bullying. I believe that everyone has been bullied at some point in life. What makes me glad with your piece is the call to action against bullying. Bullying is such a serious issue because it affects physically and mentally. I appreciate your stand against bullying because not enough people are helping out each other nowadays. Your piece is very convincing and persuasive. Keep up the good work!

  21. I agree with you all the way. People do need to stand up for people who are being bullied.

  22. Your story about bulling was nice should what is happening in every day life.
    Devin Jennings

  23. I really enjoyed reading your piece. I totally agree with people putting a stop to bullying. I feel that we don't speak up enough and often times participate in it. I really hope your piece brings attention to the issue and arouses change. You did a wonderful job!

  24. I totally agree with you! Bullying is a very sensitive topic and I really liked that you werent afraid to beat around the bush and that you were straight to the point in sharing your opinion about it. This greatly shows how strong you have become and how you have been able to surpass all those negative criticisms people say and turn them into something that encourages you to stop it. Im glad that youre not afraid to stand up for those who expirience being bullied because your actions do cause a chain reaction and could potentially save a life! Great Job!!

  25. I think this piece is a great idea because, you're right, there are so many people who do horrible things to themselves because others bully them. I think that it was a great idea to add in that you have had personal experience with bullying because it really took your piece to the next level and boosted the credibility of your piece. The second paragraph, where you highlighted how bullying is truly senseless was a great addition as well, because it only helped you to prove your point and helped you gain the readers' support. I admire your passion and your willingness to stand up and work to stop bullying. That being said, your piece was well organized and concise which made your passion come across clearly and kept readers interested in hearing your opinion. Great Job.

  26. This is a perfect example of my feelings towards bullies and bullying in general. You did a really good job of conveying people's feelings on bullying while staying sincere to yourself. I like how in each paragraph you addressed a different part of your feelings towards bullying. You did a really good job with this piece. Thank you for sharing your feelings on this topic! Great job!

  27. I agree 100% bullying isn't a cool thing. This conveys my feelings really well about bullying and i think that its really cool that you stand up for people that are getting bullied i think more people should do that. Great piece (:
    ~Aaliyah S.

  28. Bullying is definitely wrong and I agree with you completely on how it has led to the deaths of many brilliant minds. When you first addressed the issue with people not taking action when seeing another individual getting bullied, that quickly connected with a video I saw a while back on a social psychological phenomenon called the bystander effect. The experiment that led to identifying this phenomenon essentially showed that people are less likely to take action when a large amount of other people aren't taking action. However, if one person does take action, it doesn't take too long for another individual to come join the cause and help out. Keep on doing what you're doing and stand up for others, you may have just saved someone's life and would prompt others to join in against bullying. Nicely done! I applaud you for standing up against bullies and having the thought of helping others. Again, well done!

    -Hsing Chang

  29. I really liked this and completely agree! Bullying is such a bad thing and shouldn't be happening at all! bullying can lead to serious things and i think some people don't realize that! i really liked how you said that you will stand up for anyone who is being bullied and i think everyone should too!
    -Melissa Delgado

  30. Bullying is a tough topic to discuss. Unfortunately, bullying is one of those things were it is uncomfortable to talk about with anyone because everyone does it. No one wants to be judged for hypocrisy by their friends and be a loner or look pathetic standing up for a kid you have never made contact with. As hard as it may sound all high school students must pull together and stop teasing one another so there can be a better environment at school.

  31. I like this piece because this is a really common issue that people deal with all of the time. This should really stop. Not only does it affect emotionally but physically also. I also have been bullied and no one likes the way it feels and also that people should not support or bully themselves.

  32. It's good that you believe so strongly in something. I can feel your passion throughout your writing through your use of strong diction.
    I completely agree with you; bullying is never o.k. I was bullied as a freshman as well and although it was a dark time for me, I feel as though I really grew as a person.
    I love how you feel the need to help those who need it the most. You're a very inspiring person. Keep writing and keep trying to change the world!

  33. Deep and personal! thanks for sharing! I agree with every sentence! People should really stop bullying!

    Josie Starr
    period 2

  34. wooh..... that is amazing...i literally stopped my music to give this story all myattention. Thank You for writing this story because bullying is a deep subject and its big . Some people are afraid to address this issue to our peers and i give you a million thumbs up for breaking out of your shell and sharing this story. Continue supporting those who need help and let them know there not in this alone.
    -Deja Hardrick
    Period 2

  35. This was very nice. People are bullied every day and we don’t even notice and if we do notice we don’t do anything to stop them.

    -Mia Tolliver

  36. I agree! People need to stop bullying. If someone is being bullied, stand up!
    - Chiquitita Annisa

  37. Very good!!! people do need to stand up and help people fight all these people who bully. Its time they stop because they don't know who we are they just judge on bow we appear and that is not right


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