
Monday, April 14, 2014

"The Color of Love" by Tamsin T

My heart continued to race long after silence fell once more upon my room. Isaac had slipped out of my window hours before, when the screaming turned into throwing and the throwing became a gun. I scratched at my arm idly as I stared at the door. I knew my father wouldn’t return tonight, but still I was unable to avert my eyes. I never truly believed he would understand because I knew how he felt about people of color. But, he’s my father, and I had the utmost faith in him because of that.
The floor by the door creaked and a dark shadow appeared beneath the crack. My body tensed as I squeezed the hem of my shirt. The shadow stood there for so long that I thought I would suffocate. My heart hammered away in my chest as a tear rolled silently down my face. Seconds later, the shadow moved away, allowing me to take a long, shuddering breath. I wondered briefly how much time had passed at that point. I had no recollection of minutes to hours or seconds to days because after my father pulled out his gun, my world stopped and my mind went blank. I bleakly remember Isaac screaming for me to hide and myself begging for my dad to stop, to understand. Everything moved in slow motion after that; my father wildly tearing through my room, Isaac defending himself from flying objects and deafening blows, my mother downstairs, my mother cleaning the dishes, my mother closing the door, my mother doing nothing.
When my breathing had steadied, my body felt numb with sleep and exhaustion. I peeled my eyes away from the door and began fiddling with my cell phone. It could have been five minutes or maybe fifty when it sent vibrations through my arm. I jolted upright and flipped it open to find a single text message from Isaac. Tears stung my eyes and sobs racked my body as I read:
We need to leave… to run away together. I don’t want you living there, not with those people. We’ll buy a small house together or a big house or whatever you want. I can’t live in a world where you’re not smiling everyday, every moment of your life. I love you Kath and I’m so sorry things turned out the way they did.
I knew I would never regret the decision I made that day. Isaac was everything to me and he always had been. I thought of grabbing a bag and filling it with necessities, but I decided it was time to let go completely. I left my entire life behind and never once glanced back. I placed a small note in the center of my pillow so that maybe one day they might understand why I left:
            “Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color.”


  1. I honestly had tears in my eyes by the end of this story...It is so beautiful and relate-able and sad and absolutely lovely. The detail is perfect and the situation is clear and urgent and easy to feel; reading it, I want her to get out and go be happy with him as well. The message is piercing and supported by an intense, heart-wrenching story.

  2. This short story was truly beautiful. Within the span of a few minutes, I experienced sadness, indignation, heartache, anxiety, and joy. I loved the way you allowed the readers to gain access into Kathy's thoughts. My favorite part of the entire submission was the last line - it belongs on a plaque or something! Nice job!
    -Christina Tapia

  3. omg that was so heartfelt i wanted to cry for the girl but it was so cute that the guy wanted to run away with her . Great job i loved reading that.
    _Ariana jimenez

  4. I truly loved this story. It was absolutely beautiful. And that last line is very true and i just love it. That's something i'm always going to keep in mind. Also your piece had so much visual content that i can just picture in my had. Great job!!
    ~Funmi Sule
    Per.2/ 3:14 pm

  5. This was genuinely amazing Tamsin! It talks about a difficult situation, one that I'm sure many unfortunately still have to go through. It's real, and that's what makes your writing so great. The idea that something as simple as color can affect some people so much seems absurd, and that's why I absolutely love your last line. Reading it on its own, it's easy to take it lightly; I mean you're talking about laundry after all. But the story gives it so much more of an impact, and makes for a truly beautiful and powerful piece. Great job. :)

  6. This was such a great piece. The grave detail you used allowed to really envision the characters and the feeling they were experiencing. I loved how descriptive you were and small little things like how the main character left everything behind and didn't take any necessities. And that last line was perfection. It has so much truth and made your ending so powerful. Good job!

  7. This story was pretty brilliant. I like how you didn't put every information that there was,so that people could fill in the blanks for themselves. Like how both of Kath's parents probably adopted her,but they didn't care very much about her. Or her dad could have had a problem in his past life. Maybe that Kath was truly the one misunderstanding all along. But this story made me think. Cool story.
    -Marchi Boggio

  8. Tamsin this was fantastic. The way you were able to cultivate your idea in such a brief story was truly amazing. The way you managed to tie you title into your story, and the last sentence was beautiful. Your last sentence should be the slogan for the war against race, as it is so simplistic and very true. You did an amazing job.
    -Lauren Williams

  9. I love the ending quote. That quote is one that I will keep in memory for a long time! I really enjoyed your story it was intense and captivating. Good job.

    -Erin Napoleon

  10. I was literally biting on my nails as I continued to read; with the suspense leading up to her Kath's father with the gun basically left me with no nails at all. I loved your story Tamsin! It created such a great plot. The use of intense imagery to captivate Kath's feelings and fear allowed me to feel mutual and relate to her. I admire you for creating it around a controversial issue that still goes around today. The quote you embedded to conclude your story was the cherry on top. Lovely :)
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  11. Tasmin this story sent chills down my spine! I absolutely loved the style of fragmented writing you used to give the story a sense of confusion. The final line struck a chord with me. Wonderful job! -Emily Wilt per. 1

  12. This is a true love story. It doesnt matter what color or race you are love is love and follow your heart.
    Ashleigh Perez

  13. I loved your story! I liked that through "Kath"'s narration you were able to show her growth as a character from being an extremely vulnerable and frightened young girl to becoming a love-driven young woman who realized that just because her parents were prejudiced didn't mean she had to be. I also really liked how you ended your story because even though the message on the note was not what was expected it stated perfectly what she felt. Great Job!!
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  14. This is sweet. I really like how you depict Kath's point of view through the repetition/parallelism of the details that flutter through her mind during this brief lapse of time. The last line, in a way, reflects this entire blog you've written -- it's concise and simple, yet so expertly written and meaningful. Nice job!

  15. The last line of your piece is beautiful and it definately impacted me. Your use of imagery was wonderful as well and I could perfectly visualize the situation Kath was in. I wish your piece was a book because it seems like a beautiful love story that also holds a higher meaning as it also attempts to break down the barriers of racism.

  16. Wow Tamsin, I really enjoyed how you were able to bring about so much emotion within me while I read the story, and how I really felt like I was right there in it. It is really amazing how you fit so much detail into a few lines and several hundred words, great job!!!
    - Percy Starks

  17. Truly touching piece, though i'm usually not one to like anything to do with love, this was really well done and handled both love and the emotions that come with it without becoming cliched or sappy. Good Job.
    -Arturo Ayala

  18. I truly enjoyed your short story and the message it conveys is very powerful.
    -Sabrina Rondero

  19. Gosh Tamsin I love you so much! This story was great and I loved the imagery you had in it. The last line seriously gave me goosebumps because its the most true thing i have ever read. Good job!

  20. It's amazing how you were able to make such a big impact with such a short story. What's sad is that even now, so many years after the civil rights movement, people are still racist and our society still remains as stereotypical as it was before. The last line was my absolute favorite, and I think it really makes a simple and logical statement.

  21. Christofer guerreroApril 28, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    I really enjoyed this story because of the way it stands out. Within the few moments it takes to read, you can truly see the beauty in it.

  22. That was an extremely well written and captivating story. Like, oh my god I was actually looking forward to what was going to happen next in the story. Great job Tamsin loved the story.

  23. Tamsin, this was amazing. I guess I live in my own little bubble in which I think that there is no more racism in the world, but once I take a good look around, I realize that it is still there. I guess I just don't understand it. Logically, people are people, no matter their race, ethnicity, religion, etc. and they should all be treated the same. They shouldn't be separated because they are born differently or have different beliefs. this was a great article that brought up a topic that is still around today.

  24. wow! this truly is really good, it is unique from all the stories a definitely stands out above the rest; it really is amazing and out of the box, which is very good, i loved the last line too.

  25. This was really good, I felt like I was thrusted in the middle of a story that had so many things going on, things that weren't said, but enough said that I wasn't asking to many questions.

  26. i loved it ! it touched my heart alot very good job

    -abigail rich

  27. I could imagine the intensity Kath has gotten through, and the last line caught me off guard because I couldn't understand the story until that last line. Your message about racism, If I'm not mistaken, shows how everyone should have an equal chance to be accepted not just by their skin. Nice Story, I enjoyed it.

  28. This story was great. it shows that everybody should be treated equally and braveness from just walking out the door.
    Alyssa R
    period 2

  29. From the very beginning your story caught my attention and had me at the edge of my seat. Starting the story where you did created so much tension, especially when the gun was mentioned. As I read on, the tension faded into sadness as I read what Kath's situation was only for it to come back again when the shadow appeared at her door. I felt as though I was holding my breath with her as the figure stood in front of her room. It was heartbreaking to read how she describes her mother doing nothing. Your use of detail really allowed me to understand how tired and defeated she felt, both when her father found Isaac and after, as she sat in her room. Reading Isaac's text was a nice change in the story and brought a smile to my face. When I read what the note said, and that she decided to leave with him I was happy and relieved to know she was going to take control of her future and follow her heart. This story is great because it is not only entertaining, it is also empowering in that it sends the message that we can all get ourselves of situations we sometimes feel trapped in. Great Job!

  30. This story is so beautiful. There is so much going on and I can just feel the intensity of Kath's situation. Love conquers all and I hope Kath and Isaac get their own happy ending. You are such an amazing writer!

  31. Tamsin. Tam oh tam wow that just wow oh my heart. My heart HURTS. That was so GOOD WOW. The empathy, the emotions, the imagery, the tempo of the story and the MESSAGE wow oh man. Oh man. Fantastic. I want more oh gosh

  32. Tamsin, you have a wonderful way of describing the body's reaction to an emotional event. I love this, and I thank you very much for writing this piece.
    -Jack McDonald

  33. WOW, this was great Tam!! I want to read more, please write a book! The way you were able to let us understand Kath's emotions throughout this horrible situation was so amazing. I felt connected to Kath and understood her in every way. The final quote was also so empowering and so true ! Amazing job.

  34. This was really good Tamsin, sounds like you pulled it out of the book! and the end quote, no way coud I have come up with something as powerful to say in the end
    Alan Medina
    period 1.

  35. Oh gosh! This story was very intense and the ambiguity within the text carried the story all the way through. This touched upon a serious subject of not only parental approving of dating but the wedges that others can put between people in love. I loved the way in which you delivered the story, excellent job Tamsin.

  36. I was shocked and impressed by the intensity of your story. The subject matter was also very strong and impactful. Great job in your use of diction and detail by the way. How you described what the character felt was amazing. Overall you did an amazing job

    - Marcopolo Anzora

  37. This was beautiful! Oh my gosh! I love the amount of feelings that you conveyed with a limited amount of words. I was in the edge of my seat as I read this; if this was a full blown book, I would buy it because I'm curious to see what happens to them - I liked how you kind of left it for the reader to just read it. I really liked the quote at the end as well! Great job!

  38. Tamsin, your use of imagery in this piece was miraculous.
    It drove me to visualize everything that was happening around Kath.
    I felt so many feelings whilst reading this, and once the last sentence was read, of Kath's note, I stood up out of my chair.
    Such strong writing, Tamsin, with a powerful message delivered in a simplistic manner.
    This piece makes you think, why is there still discrimination in the world?
    Is it because of how one is raised? Or because it's just in human nature?
    Makes me sad. :c
    - Seohyun "Joy" Jeon

  39. I liked this story. The way u portrayed the conflict in the house was pretty powerful. What was even more powerful was the letter in the end. It was simple, but so much meaning is placed into those words. Nice job. - Oscar Salazar

  40. This was amazing, you are definitely talented at writing. I won't be surprised when I come across a book written by you in Barnes and Nobles or something one day and I'll be like hey I went to highschool with her! Important message, great story, amazing job:)

    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  41. Wow that was a powerful story Tamsin. The imagery and intense conflict you employed in this piece really made my heart race as I read every line.

  42. I am nearly left speechless by your story. The message that is portrayed contains such force, that it almost slaps you in the face. Your piece was beautifully written. I especially liked how you used parallelism to help emphasize the degree of the character’s situation. I enjoyed reading your story. Great job!

  43. OMG I love this! I love how different this is! I had chills, I felt such a stream of emotions, first I was confused, "WHO'S ISAAC. COLOR? WHAT?" and then the gun, "Omg a gun?" and then the anticipation, "What's he gonna do", then the mom doing nothing, "Wow" and then the text message, "YAS" and then the note on the pillow "You go girl" and then I read the laundry quote over and over just because I loved it so much and I liked to hear it out loud. This flash fiction post was great, I truly loved the meaning of it, the plot, the details, your diction, everything about it. I felt like I was there watching it all happen. Your topic was cool too, just because it's real, this stuff still happens today, which is a sad thing, and your story showed that in a powerful way. Goodjob Tamsin!


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