
Monday, April 14, 2014

"Enjoy the Ride" by Neha Q

If you’re a senior reading this, let me start off by saying that I’m proud of you for not being overcome with “senioritis” and still doing your blog comments, welcome.

As the weather gets hotter and the school year winds down, we all know what that means. Graduation. Summer. College. Seniors wishing for the year to be over and become independent at last. Others holding on to their last few moments of supposedly “the best four years of their life.” Soon enough everything will change. But that’s not always a bad thing. Common exchanges of looks between these people you’ve known for years will be gone. We can’t control time and it’s going by so fast. Yet why do so many people wish these precious moments of their lives away?

On social media, and in actuality, all I see are people complaining. More people focus on the negative than on the positive. We never live in the moment. Even if you aren’t aware of it, everyday you wish parts of your life were over.
Don’t deny that you wished you could get all your homework over with and could just sleep. Sleep, where you can’t do anything but waste significant time in unconsciousness.
We only look forward to fun days and fail to appreciate our lives for what they are. We wish our test in second period were over. We wish it were Friday. We wish we didn’t have to read in SSR. Every Monday we wish the whole week would go by fast. We wish the school year were over already. We focus too much on hoping time goes faster, which ruins our experiences in the moment.

Others don’t wish for moments to end but instead, spend too much time worrying about the future to enjoy the present. Common questions of uncertainty fill their minds…
What if I won’t be as close with my friends anymore after high school?
What If I I’m not successful?
What if I miss my family?
What if I never find someone who I truly love?
What if my marriage ends in a divorce?
What if I’m never happy…?

All we do is analyze our future and waste away the time we have. What I’m trying to say is, live in the moment. Enjoy and cherish everyday of your senior year, as well as your future ahead. As you look at the large countdown poster hung on the side of the B-building, think of how you can make the most of your few days left here. Appreciate what you have and cherish each moment because as you breathe, another person is taking their last breath.

I wish you nothing but happiness and success no matter what the future holds for you.


  1. Neha, this piece was very well written and it made me think a bit. You are absolutely right about many people thinking about the future and always complaining for things to go faster. In all honesty, I am one of them as well. With a hectic schedule and many events happening right now, your piece made me stop and think about how much time I am taking for granted. It is very important to cherish each and everyday of our life, especially our senior year. We do only get to experience life once. You did an amazing job on this piece and thank you for making me realize what is more important right now.

  2. Wow! I honestly enjoyed reading this article so much!! I can completely connect with this entire article!! I constantly panic and get scared, wondering what life in college would be like. I get scared because I'm afraid that I will never see or talk to any of my close friends from high school anymore since we are all going to different colleges! I freak out and panic for college but at the same time I'm excited to graduate. We worked so hard these past 4 years and it is finally time to graduate! After reading this article, I realize that I should live in the moment and to enjoy each day. I completely agree with you that we should not complain and analyze the future and that we should cherish each moment that we have right now! This article was great! It made me think a lot and reflect on my life. It made me realize that I need to stop worrying and to start enjoying every moment of life.

  3. Neha, I LOVED this submission!!!! Just recently, I've realized how I often I fail to appreciate the preciousness of each and every day. I'll be honest, I am looking forward to graduation. But, at the same time, I am going to miss Etiwanda. I am going to miss walking through the halls and seeing the same faces I saw in elementary school. I am going to miss the old, outdated pool. I am going to miss the countless laughs. Sure, high school has been strenuous and trying, but it has also been home to an immeasurable number of memories - memories that I wouldn't trade for anything. Thank you for reminding us all of the importance of those memories.
    -Christina Tapia

  4. Wow, what an inspiring story Neha. This really got me thinking about the final weeks of my senior year and how I am using them. The more I think about it, the more I realize how I should be using my lasts weeks as a senior not worrying about "how good or bad my future will be" but appreciating the accomplishments I have achieved now and the experiences that will never leave my memories. Your philosophy of living in the moment and appreciating what you have really resonated with me. Great Essay!

  5. Very well said, Neha. All of us seniors have worked so hard to reach this final step of our high school career, yet all we do now is worry about our next step in life even when we aren't done here yet. Worrying about the future come natural, but too much worrying would definitely cause more issues to arise. Like what you have said, we should live on what we currently have on our plate and enjoy life the way it is and live everyday on the phrase, "carpe diem."

    -Hsing Chang

  6. Wow, Neha! This is absolutely amazing. I don't think I could have said it any better; you're completely right about how all of us seem to have that negativity in ourselves, even if we don't recognize it sometimes. "Senioritis" is definitely hitting a lot of us hard, and it's becoming an obstacle in embracing each moment of this wonderful journey called "life." Thank you for reminding us about how precious life is, for it truly is a wonderful lesson to learn.

    P.S. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but was "We wish our test in second period were over." a reference to 2nd period AP Biology? Nonetheless, it gave me a nice chuckle. ^_^

  7. Neha this probably describes how every senior is feeling right now. Those same questions have gone through each of our heads and they are pretty serious questions. I think we all need to enjoy these last few weeks and soak it all up before we start paying taxes and making real decisions haha

  8. Well written and straight to the point. I think the excitement for the future is what cause us to think of the next step and forget about what already have now.

    -Erin Napoleon

  9. Oh my goodness Neha, your post really allowed me to really reflect on how we, as human beings, persist to think about the future and yearn for the present moment to be over. Your use of logos definitely allowed me to take your advice because it is completely valid. Thank you so much.
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  10. Why can't people think more like this? You're absolutely isn't going to be any better after high school if nobody tries making it better now. Living in the moment is important and so does knowing what your next step might be. People stress or become relief about ending high school or social problems when life is much more. I seem like I'm ranting or something but I really liked this post and your insight. Good job!

  11. Why can't people think more like this? You're absolutely isn't going to be any better after high school if nobody tries making it better now. Living in the moment is important and so does knowing what your next step might be. People stress or become relief about ending high school or social problems when life is much more. I seem like I'm ranting or something but I really liked this post and your insight. Good job!

  12. Really inspiring story Neha. Great job. It made me realize a lot more about school and life. I think everyone who is currently a senior should read this but i honestly think you should have submitted this more towards the beginning of the semester but its fine now. I think it gives relief in a sense. Good job!

  13. This blog entry was just down right both amazing and also inspiring! It was incredibly optimistic, and i loved " Living in the moment" type of vibe and theme from it. I like that I can really connect with this entry, not only because I understand you point of view and what you are talking about, but also because I've been there and done that. I have always been that person that thinks too much about the future and not enough about the present. Great job of making an excellent and easily to connect to entry.

    Jose Mancilllas
    Period 2

  14. Neha! Your blog post really captures your sweet, genuine personality! I absolutely love how you encourage us to live in the moment. People should honestly stop focusing on the negatives. The thought of us graduating soon did not really hit me until I saw the poster hanging from the B-Building. Good job in incorporating it in your blog. The second to last sentence really touched me. “Appreciate what you have and cherish each moment because as you breathe, another person is taking their last breath.” Great job, Neha and congrats on your acceptance to UCLA! :D
    - Tia Basa

  15. Wow, Neha! Everything you said in this piece is so true. I know that I needed to read your blog entry because so often, I am hoping that Friday comes soon when its only Monday! ;) We all need to enjoy every moment of every day, because life is precious. Thank you for sharing such a positive and encouraging message. Perfect timing, with graduation around the corner! Great job!

  16. I couldn't agree more with your blog piece. Everyday I pass by that countdown on the B-building I get a little sad knowing that my high school years are coming to an end quickly. I can even still remember my first day of freshman year and even freshman orientation! I admit I do freak out and become stressed about my future ahead of me and college, that I forget to make my last days in high school last.I will definitely try to make these last few days of school count and follow your philosophy.

  17. Wow Neha, this piece is so beautifully written! I totally agree with everything you discussed, especially with enjoying the time we have left here since before we know it, it will be May 21st and we'll be graduating. This piece is so inspiring and so well written and I hope everyone reads it and is able to take something away from it. Amazing job! :)

  18. It's really funny that you chose this as your topic, cause you're absolutely right. Everyday I wish it were already graduation and then I feel bad cause that's time I will never get back. It's time that is precious and, though I'm tired of homework and studying, I should try to enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks for reminding me:) this was really convincing and I'll try and enjoy these weeks, despite the stress to come.

  19. It's really funny that you chose this as your topic, cause you're absolutely right. Everyday I wish it were already graduation and then I feel bad cause that's time I will never get back. It's time that is precious and, though I'm tired of homework and studying, I should try to enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks for reminding me:) this was really convincing and I'll try and enjoy these weeks, despite the stress to come.

  20. I agree Neha we should really think about what is still going on in the present before we start thinking about the future. If we mess up now then there will be no future to make. Worrying too much about the future and thinking too far ahead will lead to problems now in life. So we should clean our plate before we fill it up again. Great Job.

  21. Gosh, Neha this is a really beautiful piece. It's weird because most of us can't wait for graduation and summer to come and we mostly only speak of everything we can think of that is negative. We complain about our last days here when we shouldn't; we are taking them for granted. I like how you juxtapose the hours when we do nothing ("Sleep, where you can’t do anything but waste significant time in unconsciousness.") to how we behave and think at school. At this moment we should be happily nostalgic and determined to finish this year in a worthwhile manner; we shouldn't act like a burnt out flame on a short matchstick because the most difficult and greatest time of our young lives is fast approaching.

  22. I have to say that this was one of the most relevant blog entries that I have read through out this entire year. I really loved the advice at the end where you encouraged us to live in the now and cherish every day of this important time in our young lives. Thank you for writing this piece and I wish you nothing but happiness and success as well.
    - Percy Starks

  23. I don't know why I can't help but laugh; either it's because of the fact that I was with you when you wrote this.. or also because of the fact that you tried to not make this sad, but in actuality it's pretty sad. But it's only sad because it's reality. Most of us try to think and only focus on the present, and some others train themselves to only have the present as their focal point... but the truth is, thinking and worrying outside of the present zone is inevitable. And it really sucks. I agree to living in the moment, but at the same time.. what's really on my mind right now is that because the whole situation is inevitable, we should rather be happy with where we are. It's safe to worry; I mean it's in our instinct, it's innate, but we should be happy with where we are. Things could be worse for all we know.
    Gosh, it really sucks to say that your blog has me thinking the opposite. And it's really because one, you're my best friend, and in about 4-5 months, we won't be the dynamic duo anymore. But at the same time, that applies to a lot of people in my life. And it applies to other people as well. But I do love the moral of your blog; it really gets people thinking. Especially the repetition of the "What if" questions. It really leaves an echo in your head, yeesh. Good job nonetheless my love! :)

  24. I like how you stretched the message of enjoying senior year to enjoying life in general.
    -Sabrina Rondero

  25. Neha, I love you so much more after reading this because you always have to look at the bright side of situations. It made me think a little because I'm pretty guilty about wanting it all to end already, but I also don't want it to end because these really are the best years of our lives. We're still young and really have no worries. Good job Neha! :)

  26. I really appreciated your piece. Lately I've been so focused on graduating and leaving California that I don't even realize the moments I create around me. You caused me to look at life from a different perspective. I now will pay more attention to the little things around me and enjoy them while I can. Thank you. Great job.

  27. I literally have tears in my eyes. It's so crazy to think that time has gone by so fast and remembering how many times I have told myself "I just want to graduate" or "This day just needs to end." I look back now and wish that I would have enjoyed my ride a little bit more, but i am so excited to see what the future holds for me. Beautiful job, Neha!
    Taylor Robles

  28. i looved your topic and all the details awesome job.
    -Abigail Rich

  29. Aw, Neha! I love this submission!
    I have to say that this piece definitely shows your lovely and loving personality.
    "I wish you nothing but happiness and success no matter what the future holds for you."
    You're so great, Neha. <333

    It's crazy because time is truly underestimated, disregarded, wasted, unappreciated, etc.
    It's almost sad. You've really brought to my attention that I should start being more positive towards my perspective of life.
    Positivity never hurt anyone, and so is living in the moment.

    Constantly thinking about the future and worrying about all the wrong things that may happen in life is just a door opening for stress to come your way. Little things in life should be appreciated, time should be spent being cherished and creating good solid memories.

    Beautiful piece, Neha! <3

    - Seohyun "Joy" Jeon

  30. Neha, this is probably the best blog submission I've read all year! This piece was so deep and it really made me reevaluate my perspective because I am definitely one of those people counting down the days. However you made me realize that I really need to cherish these last moments with all my friends since most of them I won't be able see everyday next year. Thank you for the realization and all the kind words! Amazing Job! :) And I wish you luck at UCLA <3
    Bailey Lynch

  31. Seriously Neha?! I don't know whether to cry or smile at how great this piece and the message it sends is. This is honestly one of the most relatable pieces I have read on the blog and as I read all the examples you gave I felt myself mentally saying, "that's me" to almost every one. The way that you put school in to a completely different perspective is amazing and really got me to thinking about the fact that we really have less than 20 days left before everything changes. The worries you wrote about are ones I think we all have and so to read that worrying is just wasting our time and keeping us from enjoying the moment made this piece get to me even more. This definitely makes me want to take the next 17 days and make the best of them! Amazing Job!

  32. This piece is honestly kind of depressing, only because it is reality. I always look forward to the next, not enjoying the moment as much as i should, because "I wish it was the weekend" or something along those lines as well. In these next few short, short weeks, everyone needs to enjoy all the companionship with the friends they have, because who knows if they will see them anytime soon after that? Beautifully and eloquently written.

  33. All these questions have ran through my mind multiple times. This piece really stresses we really do need to live in the moment and enjoy and appreciate what we have now and not necessarily focus heavily on what's in the future. Good job very well written.
    -Cody Molla period 5

  34. Neha this really spoke to everything on my mind right now. And I truly think you’re right, we spend far too much time wishing ahead for more exciting things to come and trying to figure out what the future holds for us instead of appreciating the different events we experience daily. Your submission is really convincing and this line I think really highlights the point you are trying to make
    “Appreciate what you have and cherish each moment because as you breathe, another person is taking their last breath.”
    It was a really good submission!

  35. This post was amazing, but it's not like I expected anything less from you, Neha! You touched down on a very serious matter, but you did it in a way that was clear cut and to the point. I'll admit, I'm completely guilty of being one of those people who stresses so much over the future, that I let my anxiety take me away from the present. I honestly had one of those days today, so reading your blog was something that I really needed. And with 16 days left of school, I'm going to enjoy each and every day for what it is. LOVE THIS NEHA! LOVE YOU! great job!

  36. This makes me a little sad but encouraged at the same time. I agree with everything you said and although I still can't believe that we will be graduating in only a few weeks, I hope I can follow your advice and really live in the moment. Great job!
    Alexandra Aguilar
    period 1

  37. I love how this post put exactly how I'm feeling into words. It's so true that everyday I wish that graduation was here already but then I realize that I'm wishing away time, time that I won't get back. And all of the questions you wrote, I have to say I'm guilty of being one of those people who is constantly asking these questions. I stress over the future, when I should just live in the now. This was a great reflection that I feel so many people relate to. Great job!

  38. Wow what a great piece to put things in perspective. Most of us are worrying so much of whats going to happen after high school, and you make a great point of how we should be enjoying the time we have left. Thank you for writing this at the perfect time and I hope you are successful in life as well.

  39. Neha you did a wonderful job on this piece even though i am not a senior i feel the same way and i always want everyday to go by faster but reading this piece has changed my perspective great job (:
    -Aaliyah Santiago

  40. All these problems of life... sounds like a typical day in the head of Eva and Neha daily at 2AM! ;) I'm glad that I don't really have to worry about a lot of these problems because I have you next year teehee... We shall cherish every moment of growing up, together! Like we always have :)

  41. Really thoughtful. I stopped thinking this way and gave in to the common thought of wasting the time we have now by only analyzing the future. This was really eye opening for me and it helped a little with the stress. I don't think I really have anything more to add that the other comments have not said. Overall, this was pretty inspiring and giving me motivation to actually study for AP test!

  42. Graduation doesn't seem too far away from our fellow senior's grasp, living our last days of our careless freedom in high school. To me, High School is like a safety net, we've taken it for granted and it had become our haven from our upcoming responsibilities as graduates. I agree with with her concept of our last days of EHS, we don't have much time left, why not make the best of them.

  43. "as you breath another person is taking their last breath" <--favorite line.
    this was such a wonderful piece Neha! You're optimism is inspiring and definitely a reminded I needed to hear. Great job:)

    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  44. Neha, this is an excellent piece especially when us seniors are so close to graduation :)
    I think that your advice is on point as so many thoughts may be racing through our heads regarding the future. Honestly, just breathing and enjoying the moment is the key to creating a more positive view of the future. Nice job :)

  45. I see where your coming from and it such a good way to think I really like what you had to say I can relate its senior year and Ive been the " is it friday yet?" type all the time this piece really opens up the eyes of the common complaining student, good job !
    Alan Medina
    period 1

  46. I was holding back tears when reading this blog. It's a bittersweet realization that there's only 16 days of school, 16 days with the people you've been seeing for the past 4 years, 16 days to enjoy the last days of the "best time of your life". Neha, I absolutely cherish this blog because not only does it sum up how i feel right now but I think it sums up how this journey of high school has impacted me and who I am. I will definitely forever remember this blog submission! I love you Neha! You did an AMAZING always!

  47. Oh dear Neha loove. As if I didn't already love you enough.

    As I read this I kept finding similar elements that I found in my own personal reflection. But what I love the most is how you took this mentality of every senior and forced the audience to think outside of the box.

    I myself am guilty of having those moments where I felt like I was slipping into "senioritis", especially this week. But I just spoke with my dad about the upcoming events of my last senior days (for chambers and other awards events), and I'm just realizing now that time is flying by so fast. It feels so slow but I can't even believe how fast it's going at. I myself have written about how sad it is to know I'm leaving and I'm so scared about it all. I'm terrified, actually.

    Yet I want to thank you for reminding me that time should never be wasted. The way you ended this note was definitely a shock and inversion of expectation for me, but sometimes the harsh reality is a good wake-up call. I'm typing this comment as an act of almost-procrastination on top of having to write an essay about my reflection on life up to this point that I'm reaching graduation. Not to mention, "AP hell and finals" week.

    But with only 16 days left, I will push through, and your post is motivating me to do so.

    Great submission!

  48. OMG this piece was definitely a reality check! I absolutely loved it! It was beautiful how you implicated the importance of cherishing these last moments of high school and "living in the moment". Your incorporation of rhetorical questioning and the example of social media really supported your message, making it very persuasive. It's crazy to think we have such little time left until we graduate, and most of us find our self wishing for this time to vanish. Overall, great job!

  49. This is so true! In fact since I'm doing homework anymore, I've started to think about this topic. I've come to the conclusion that this is one of the reasons why we don't do our homework anymore. We think that by not doing it we'll feel like we're at school for longer. It's a coping mechanism. In addition, a lot of the questions that you posed are what make us leave things to the last second. For example, we don't SIR to our university until the very last minute. We're scared will make the wrong decision. But in a sense, i've been following your advice. And I think that I'm making the most of these less than 20 days left.


  50. This is a very true post in my opinion and I really enjoyed reading it. Everyone doesn't want what they have at the moment and when that moment passes, everyone wishes they could go back. I loved your reoccuring theme of living in the moment because I also feel as though people lack that kind of mentality. Great insight, I really loved reading your piece!

  51. You're right Neha, we people wish time would go faster way to often, when in reality it will be the moments we miss the most. This really hit me because now i dont want time to go by fast! Good job Neha! :)

  52. Wow this post really wakes us seniors up. I for one am guilty for wishing time would go faster without considering how lucky I am to actually have this time. Now that I've read this I've realized that I should cherish every waking moment 'til the end. I like how you incorporated your life into your point in how we wish we don't have any more surprise bio tests and how we always wish the week ends fast. It helps students relate and realize how these wishes actually leaves us complaining in life rather than enjoying it. Really good piece Neha!

  53. I think this is the best piece I have ever read on the blog. Honestly this made me look at senior year so much differently and just lifer so much differently. This really woke me up and made me realize all we have left as seniors like prom has happened already and homecoming and backwards all we have left is graduation and grad night and our finals and AP exams then we move on with our life's even if we are going to college or not. This piece motivated me to not be negative anymore and worry about the future and just wanting this year to be over because we should be having the best experience of our life's because senior year only comes once. Thank you for making me realize that I need to take very last day of high school for granted! Great job honestly best piece I have read on the blog. :)


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)