
Monday, April 14, 2014

"Spoken Word: Time is Everything, Either Regret or Rejoice " by Funmi S

          People live in a world of ignorance, we live not knowing that time is everything. People start off with beautiful young minds, and as they grow up around teen ages and older, their minds start to mature. The thing is adults think about the past and what they could’ve done to change things or what they could’ve done to better their life. But the mistake we as teens make is the choice of listening to our elders. We have times as though we feel that moms and dads just yell at us to get under our skin or to irk our nerves, and what not. But they yell at you so that you’re not the one on the sides of the streets begging for money, so you’re not the one your child calls a “lousy” parent.  They were children just like you so when they tell you what to or what not to do, don’t you think you should listen? But no cause we’re too caught up in caring about what the heck society says or thinks about us. That we decide to wrap our minds in what they want us to do and not what we should actually be doing. Because we can’t think for ourselves therefore they think for us. And so we get into drugs and alcohol, parties, and what’s unnecessary. Then we grow up thinking: What if I had…. What if I did…. What if I said this and that? Well yeah, what if? What if you had set aside the popularity, the thinking of what your friends want? Because you’re not living for them, you’re living for you. You’re living by the reason of God to put you in this world, and if you’re not living by that reason, then what are you living for? Do something new, change the world, reach out to people, do what’s in your heart’s desire. DO YOU! Because no one can change your life, but you. So instead of having to grow up to regret think about the consequence before you do something that you know might not be right, and change it around and do something worth your time of living. In that way you can grow old and rejoice, and leave knowing you made a change in this world. That’s when you can be satisfied for you and others, being happy and rejoicing. Get it? Rejoice and not regret. Don’t  grow up to have pity for yourself just because you couldn’t think for yourself now, while your still young, while you still have a chance to change you future. That’s the meaning of “YOLO” You Only Live Once. Doing something that no one has ever done. Ladies and gentlemen, life is way to short to waste it. That’s why time is everything, keep that in mind. Rejoice and not regret . J Thank you.


  1. Wow!! You certainly make up for all the wisdom most teens lack. I loved that you addressed that we, as people, are a part of God's creation. We are His children and our identity is found in Him. It is from Him alone that we receive purpose and it is in Him alone that we can exchange "regret" for "rejoicing." Thank you for reminding us all of that truth.
    -Christina Tapia

  2. Wow, Funmi! I really enjoyed reading your Spoken Word. You touched upon a few topics that many people are afraid to discuss in public. I appreciate you for sharing such words of wisdom. I agree with you; life is too short to focus on the past and have regrets. Instead, we do need to live and rejoice in the present. Thank you for being bold enough to write a powerful and inspiring message. Great job! :)

  3. This was great advice for anyone. Everyone should live their life doing something no one else has ever done. Great story

  4. Although brief, you definitely spoke about a very deep truth. I feel really inspired since there is only a certain amount of time available and one's management of it can either yield "regret" or "rejoicing". At times it is necessary to be reminded of such realities about life, so I thank you for this motivational piece and very catchy yet powerful phrase!

  5. Repeating the idea of rejoice and not regret really made this story inspiring and by the end I felt as if this was addressed to me personally and as if it was a call to action just for me. You wrote a clear and concise piece and didn't sugarcoat anything, which I thought was refreshing and allows us, as readers, to see the type of person you truly are and what you value. It was a great idea to write this kind of piece because it was nice to read a piece that isn't a love story or action packed thriller. The support you provided for your argument not only added to your credibility but it also showed that this idea is one you have thought about and are clearly passionate about. Great Job!

  6. This is a great thing that all people should hear for the reason why parents do the things they do and how you should cherish your life! - Anthony Navarrete

  7. Loved this! My story I wrote for this class was similar to this. This has a great moral lesson that everybody should get the chance to read. I agree with you 100% on this. Good job! - Alexis Chiong p6

  8. This story is exactly what needs to be said to teens all over the world. We often think that the world is against us, espically our parents, but in truth everyone is only looking out for you and hoping that you will be successful and live the life you want to. Everything has a time and place, there is no need to rush life and drink underage or party too hard because at the moment, the number one task at hand is school. It may not seem to bring rejoice right this second, but it will most definitely pay off in the future so there is no room for regret.

  9. I enjoyed this piece very much. It had great syntax and diction that can easily persuade readers into seeing the world in the viewpoint that you share. The part of the piece that I really liked was the repetition of numerous questions starting with “what if.” That to me was the moment when I, as a reader began to truly become convinced of your message. The only suggestion I would make would be the few grammatical errors that appear every few times. Keep in mind that when you’re trying to persuade people, you want to avoid mistakes as much as possible and maintain a clear and consistent voice. These very minor mistakes didn’t get in the way of your piece sharing its message, but it would’ve helped to not have any at all. Other than those few errors, this piece was great(:

  10. This story is wonderful, i am a big advocate on having no regrets and staying true to the decisions you make.


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