
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"The Happiest Place On Earth" by Jacell P

The happiest place on earth is a quote known by many. This is the place is a place where one is to be happy with every visit. The place where there is much to see and do and to never get bored. This place as everyone knows is Disneyland. But is this place really the happiest place on Earth? As I see the happiness in everyone around me, every now and then I see people that are not having a good time. Isn’t this a place where everyone is supposed to be happy as this place is to be called “the happiest place on Earth” as I asked myself? Where people should be enjoying their time and enjoying what is going on around them. The things that happen around Disneyland should bring happiness in you too right? Well that isn’t just the place for happiness for everyone. Seeing kids and also adults with sad expressions on their face when they are there. Where kids cry or are sad that they don’t get what they want. You see that a lot of sad kids as you walk around Disneyland. But you may ask why do adults also have a sad expression when they are here. That is also a question that I asked myself also. You don’t see a lot of these people around in Disneyland but every now and then I find them. While everyone is having a good time I seem to spot the ones that look sad. This brings a moment in my life where I once asked a girl why she was sad. As me and my friends were enjoying a day at the happiest place on earth and our day was coming close to an end I spot a girl that looked like she wasn’t having the best time of her life there. I asked myself whether or not to talk to her because by first impression she didn’t seem like someone who should be sad. I asked my friends if I should do it or not and they told me to so and their answer was that I should do it. I then asked her what was wrong then she had told me something that I won’t ever forget and it also made a big impact on me. She had told me that she had gone alone to Disneyland to get away from all of the bad things that impacted her in her life. So many things happen to her all at in a week that by the end of that week she had enough so she thought that coming to the happiest place on earth would make her feel better, but it in fact made it worse. She came here to get her mind off of things and to also to see the happiness in other people that she didn’t have. This had impacted me the most when she had told me that. This then reminded me that she was like me and that I had did the same also. I then asked her if she would hang out with me and my friends so she then could get her mind off of things. The day sadly did come to an end, and as the day ended I can see that she wasn’t the same as to when she had come to Disneyland in the first place. She had told me thank you and that I made her day much better. As the day ended we said our goodbyes to that day. After that day we contact each as much as possible and hang out at what is to be said “The happiest place on earth.” To this day I think to myself “are there people also there like us who come to Disneyland who are not happy?” Are there people that don’t enjoy coming to the Disneyland? This question always comes up to me and a random girl that I met at Disneyland named Kaitlynn who to this day enjoy our time at the “happiest place on earth.”


  1. It appears to be true that there is not a single place where everyone is happy. One thing may make me happy, but to another person it may bring up bad memories or make them feel isolated. In reality, many people may feel this sense of isolation. All it takes is for one person, like yourself, to make a connection to make a person feel a part of the group and be "happy".

  2. Wow, this story warmed my heart. I love the fact that you took the time to reach out to the girl at Disneyland. Most people wouldn't have even noticed that she was upset, much less questioned her about it. The sad truth is, there is unhappiness everywhere we look - even at Disneyland. As much as we try to deceive ourselves, distractions and amusement parks can't mend internalized pain. But, the compassion of another individual can definitely make a difference.
    -Christina Tapia

  3. Everything in life seems to be temporary, and happiness is one of them. According to that, this means that one cannot be happy continuously. However, to live a "happy life," one can strive to be happy more often! What you have done that day was very nice of you, and you have given Kaitlynn a period of happiness to add on to make her life a happy one. Good job!

    -Hsing Chang

  4. I really liked how you added your own personal experience to the story. I think you did a really amazing job and could tell this was well thought out.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this article. Great Job.

  6. This is like everyone's dreams come true ^-^ Thanks for sharing this with us and proving to us that fairy tales can happen! (Ironic because this was at Disneyland hehe)

  7. To define a place where everyone can be happy is inevitable but if more people, such as the speaker, acted in a way where they can positively impact a person such as Kaitlynn it is definitely possible. I love this piece, great work Jacell.
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  8. This was so cute. You took the time to reach out to someone that was feeling just like you and ended up impacting not only her life but your very own. I think its great that through this experience you gained a friend and found the true meaning of "The Happiest Place on Earth".

  9. Aw how cute! You're so tumblr.
    On a serious note, it truly warmed my heart to see that there's people in the world who are willing to reach out to strangers and make their day. If only everyone had a heart like yours, I am sure there would be a lot more happy faces!
    Good job on writing a good story, and on being a role model. :)

  10. Throughout reading this story, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “Wow, we think so much alike.” Maybe that’s why you’re my uncle, ha! But at the same time, I was thinking how many other people out there think exactly like this. For a long time, people usually think they’re alone in things. For me, it’s usually feeling alone in my thoughts and mentality for a lot of this; this, however, did cheer me up a bit because it showed me that I’m not alone. And funny thing is, it showed that you weren’t alone either. The fact that you wrote this based on your own experience made the whole sha-bang more personal and serious, which is always a good quality in things! Though I do applaud you on the purpose and occasion of writing the story, I did notice a couple grammatical errors, but no worries! It didn’t take away any of the story’s effect. All in all, you did a wonderful job!

  11. Before I start, I must say that I very much enjoyed your use of rhetoric. It allows the reader to start to enter the world of the abstract and question things in a more satirizing or pondering manner. I personally have never thought about Disneyland and the irony its nickname holds (probably because I only remember happy times there as well). I applaud you for questioning such a popular ideal/mantra.

    Putting aside all english constructive criticism, I loved that you decided to write about "the Happiest Place on Earth." No place is the happiest. You choose whether or not you're happy, and the "happiest place" is wherever you want it to be. We all grow up with this idea that Disneyland is the "happiest place on earth" because it's where we (as in most Californians) made fond childhood memories. But now that we're older, we're faced with reality...hard. Visiting Disneyland doesn't necessarily mean the trip will be a problem-solver and make you happy right away. That's up to you.

    But it's great to know there are people out there, (such as yourself), that can take someone else's sadness and turn it into joy. And who knows, maybe Disneyland wasn't the happiest place for either of you. But maybe you made some of your happiest moments there with Kaitlynn.

  12. Its hard to say where everyone should be happy but its always good to try and make others happy which is something I value in this story, the way that you reached out to the girl and potentially changed her day is something i always try to do when i go witnessing , it makes me feel good as well

    --McKynzie Fort

  13. That was very sweet, I'm glad that you made her day special. It's an interesting world, Disneyland is. No matter how many times you go, there is always something new and interesting every time. The concept of a single place being the "happiest" has always made me wonder as well. But maybe, events like the one you experienced is why Disneyland is such a place. There are so many people and so many memories to be made. When you grow older you'll always remember that day and as will she because encounters like that are magical.
    I loved your use of rhetoric to question those big facts of life. It made me think about where I feel like i've always been "happy". Really great piece, I enjoyed it thoroughly!

  14. If anyone where to write about Disneyland I knew it would be you Jacell! I think many do overlook the fact that some unhappy things may happen at Disneyland, but then again that’s life and it happens everywhere! I loved how you chose the time out of your trip to talk to this girl and help her out. I’m sure you made it the happiest place on earth for her. ☺


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