
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"You are my Crazy" by Taylor R

Today marks the day he’s been gone for two years, unfortunately, it is also Valentine’s Day. I walk outside, to go to work and in the words of Hunter Hayes, “it seems like everybody’s got somebody but me.” There are heart-shaped balloons everywhere, the smell of roses with each step I take.
            “This is going to be a long day,” I say to myself.
            As I walk into the firm, I see bouquets of roses, my co-workers flushed because they know that they’re thought of. Oh my heck it is going to be a rough day.
            “Hey Marie!”
            “Hey Steven.”
            “It looks like someone’s been thinking about you; there’s a beautiful bouquet of lilies on your desk.”
            My head snaps to said desk, and boy was Steven right. They were gorgeous, they are also my favorite flowers and not many people know that. I go to sit and down and admire the beauty and look for a card, but once I find it, all it reads is, “I’ll see you tonight.” No name, no nothing. As anyone could imagine, I begin to have a mini heart attack; obviously, someone has been stalking me.
            As the day drags on, my eyes seem to always drift to the lilies and my mind to the mysterious note. I mean, I guess I’ve lived a pretty good life. I graduated from Harvard, work at a law firm, have a beautiful home, a family who supports my every decision, but most importantly, I have fallen deeply, madly in love with a boy. Man, if my stalker decides to really kill me today, that’s going to put a halt to my future plans.
            With my day finally coming an end, with not many interruptions from lovers delivering flowers, chocolate, balloons, or a mixture of all three. I walk home with my bouquet in my hands, wishing to take off my dreadful heels, change into my pajamas, watch Netflix, and eat a tub of cookie dough ice cream. My mouth waters at the thought, but my fantasies are suddenly taken away from me when I see rose petals leading to my door.
            I’m going to die. I slowly walk to my door and push it open. The house is covered in candles and rose petals, and standing in the middle of my living room is my love.
            Standing tall and proud, with the most beautiful smile on his lips, with his uniform still on, I see my man, and like any cliché movie, I run to him. It’s been two full years without being able to touch him, heck even smell him and that’s when he speaks. I hear his voice clearly, for the first time in two years, not through Skype, or through an email, or through a written letter, which I love so much.
            “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
            “Happy Valentine’s Day, Lieutenant Sinclair.”
            My soldier’s home.


  1. This is really funny and touching. I know having a soldier in your family is hard. my sisters boyfriend is a reserved and we all love him so much but we fear the day he has to leave and not coming back. I wish to be in the military when I'm older so just reading this and trying to see if this can happen to me makes me just want to be older already. This was very well written and had some humor i it witch a liked and it was overall fun to read.
    -Gabe Sandes

  2. This is such a cute story. I enjoyed the humor about the main character thinking she was going to die and her opinion of Valentine's Day. I liked how you expressed the main character's thoughts and how you made the whole story flow. The ending couldn't have been more perfect. Great job.

  3. A perfect love story ! lol This was really cute. Adding the part where she thought it was a stalker was funny also. I'm sure every girl would love to come home to her man like that. I also like how you added the description of Valentines day and stuff that you seen. Good Job girl

  4. Ah, Tay-Tay, this story is freaking adorable!!! I love how I saw little aspects of you throughout it - the lilies, the expressions ("oh my heck"), the love of country music, and the humor. Only you could manage to make a potential stalker comical. The last three lines of the piece made my heart melt; I think you should consider submitting them to Hallmark for future Valentine's Day cards.

    -Christina Tapia

  5. This was a very refreshing take on a Valentine's Day romance story. Usually these stories are sort of depressing, but you kept the mood light and silly throughout. Even better, the ending brought it home with a heartfelt reunion between the two. Those last three lines were adorable. I liked the main character a lot, she was funny, smart, and pretty down-to-earth. I'm glad she got her happy ending! Wonderful job!

  6. I'm a sucker for cute love stories and this one made me so giddy inside, and I just can't help but smile! I like how there was a sense of dramatic irony used because we knew that it was most likely a lover, but then the character was thinking it was a stalker. Personally, I thought that irony made this piece even more effective cos it made me want to read it till the end so the character can finally get to the "happy ending" that I truly love! Great job TAY! You did an awesome job!

  7. awww that was soo cute! i love how you put comic relief in yur story aha it made me smile because I'm sure at least one point in the story someone could relate

  8. Wow!! that was really so good! I was really impressed. im a hopeless romantic and that was soo amazing. really, really good story line. I loved how she imeadiatly thought someone was stalking her instead of thinking it was her army love.
    - Alexandra Urena

  9. This piece literally like oozes with bits and pieces of your personality, the voice in my head reading this was yours LOL
    Super cute and extremely well written. I was drawn in and eager to find out what happens instantly. Good job TayTaaaay!
    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  10. I laughed at the stalker bit - good use of comedic effect - "that really puts a halt in my plans." I really loved the rose petals that led to the room and the fact that she thought it was a bad person. This was romantic and I thought it was really cute! Your story really gives me the "mushy-gooey" feelings from a cute story. I enjoyed the use of imagery used throughout the piece, too - with the Netflix and the reunion between the main character and Lieutenant Sinclair; I can see them spinning in a cirle. Cute story; good job!

  11. Taylor, this was so beautiful and romantic! I loved the your little humorous comments about the potential stalker, and her planned-out Valentine's day alone before she sees her love ^-^ The ending was so adorable and heartwarming!

  12. Taylor that was beautiful! Loved how you made the serious funny, but ended with a heart touching scene. Loved it.

  13. This is adorable Taylor! I always love these stories, especially the ones involving soldier reunions. I always cry! I really loved Marie's character, especially when she thought it was a stalker! You did an amazing job!

  14. How cute! I love your story! I liked that you included Valentines Day into your piece in honor of this being due on that day haha. I also loved the ending I liked that you revealed that "her man" was a lieutenant because it was so unexpected and it made the ending come together perfectly. Great Job!
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  15. Absolutely cute! It is very hard to have someone away or knowing that they may not ever come back. Great job in putting the detail with how she felt. This is something that mostly everyone can enjoy. Good Job.

  16. This is soo cute! Your way of writing the beginning of the story made me drawn to it instantly. The fact that you choose to write about a soldier coming home to his wife or girlfriend on Valentine's makes this so touching. I love how you added a bit of comic relief and suspense into your piece with her thinking it may be a stalker! Great job Taylor! You're an amazing writer. :)

  17. This is a really adorable story! Marie's personality is so lovable. I love how you balanced out her crazy stalker beliefs with comedy. The story ended perfectly with the reunion her and her "stalker". Good Job!

  18. This was honestly so cute it just makes me happy! You and I both know I am complete sucker for a love story so this one definitely got to me. From her hearing the Hunter Hayes song, to her wanting to eat cookie dough ice cream, to her dreading valentines day because she was going to spend it alone, I found countless ways to relate to Marie throughout the piece and I think that just made your piece funnier, because it was easy to picture myself in her place, and even cuter because she doesn’t have to go home to ice cream after all. You did a really great job describing her as she waited to go home, and as she walked into her house because even though it was short, you were able to build up anticipation and I found myself just wanting her to find a way to figure out who the heck sent her flowers and push the door wide open and tell me who was inside her house (I was so relieved there wasn’t a weird twist and it turned out to be Steven or something!!). This was funny and easy to follow and I could picture her whole day in my head. I loved it! Great Job!!

  19. Only one other guy has had the bravery to comment on this story. Haha I can understand why. It is really hard for a guy to understand and be able to communicate his emotions effectively. Even so, this doesn't mean that we don't have them. And that is made clear in this story. The Lieutenant is portrayed as a character who grew from a boy into a high ranking official. This is who the character fell in love with and she is now happy to see him as a man; her man.

    I liked how the character was so sure that it was a stalker who sent the flowers and that she was going to die, but she still walked towards the door and entered her house. Kinda ironic and helps to emphasize how disconsolate the Harvard grad was.

  20. Awwww this story makes me so happy! I love stories of soldiers coming home (that's why I wrote one too ;p)!! This story truly made my heart melt and it didn't have a predictable ending like many stories do. To be honest I thought he was dead when the story started but your little hints and clues led me to soon realize that he wasn't! I love the imagery in this story and it truly allowed me to feel what the character was feeling. Great Job!

  21. I hate myself because I am such a sucker for these military homecoming stories!! Your piece was so romantic and adorable to say the least. Yet you still found a way to add a touch of quirkiness and comedy to the story. Loved how the character believed that she was being stalked just like a typical woman would, jumping to the worst conclusions. Through your diction, us readers could all feel the immense amount of love that went about in the story. Great Job!

  22. Taylor! This story should be a book. You should make that happen! At first, I could have sworn that her lover had died, but I loved the twist you added at the end. I appreciate you paying homage to all of the individuals who have a significant other serving the country, because they're not so lucky and can't see them all the time like we are so fortunate to. Overall great piece! (:

  23. Ever since we were 12, you've always been a hopeless romantic. I totally should've expected this hahahah. Tay, this sort of reminds me of the two years you have to wait for.. lol I pictured everything so well. This reminds me of the teenage love books we used to get in the summer and obsess over. Your details were so "detailed", i definitely pictured myself in stupid heels and watching netflix and pigging on ice cream and then when you mentioned the roses to the door and a solider, i died too. It was also very amusing because it was written the way you talk so I just imagined this whole story in your voice. I loved this taylor, good job. :)

  24. This was the cutest in the entire world! Im smiling so hard! It was a twist because I definitely thought he died! It was also funny with her thought of having a stalker and that she was going to die! very good job!


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