
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Untitled" by Danieh A

One breezy afternoon in the midst of March, Curyeous, Cluuless, Persepchin, and, Insiytful met up for a cup of coffee. 
Everyone greeted each other with tender smiles and warm looks, poured a cup of coffee for one another, and sat in each other’s vicinities. The friends then proceeded to let their minds wander in thought. Words were unnecessary for their communication for they believed in the words of Kahlil Gibran that “Thought is a bird of space, in a cage of words it may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.”  Amidst the comfortable silence, Curyeous interrupted and asked, “If I were to ask each of you for your opinion on the significance of matters; that which matters and that which does not matter; what would you respond?”
Cluuless was the first to respond, “In my opinion, my opinion isn't worthy or valid until I know exactly what I'm talking about. I can't speak in favor of anything unless I wholeheartedly believe in what I'm advocating for. I feel like the majority of the time people’s opinions reflect the ideologies of the environments they’re immersed in or the people they surround themselves by, instead of establishing their opinions after doing their own research themselves. Therefore, I bear no opinion on this matter of the matter of matters in which you speak of.”
Persepchin sat in silence giving herself time to ponder on the question then proceeded saying, “In the perception of an ant, the world is a massive place with a whole bunch of freakishly large giants roaming it. In the perception of a lion, killing another creature bears no guilt to their conscious; the animals they kill are simply a means of feeding themselves and their cubs. That being said, I think it is ignorant and rather arrogant for us human beings (essentially a type of animal) to claim our perception of matters is absolute. I think that no matter what we have learned, what values have been instilled in us, what our faith is, what our opinions are on controversial issues, we must learn to keep an open mind and understand the possibility that the perceptions we have on these matters are incomplete. Like before it was discovered that the Earth was round, people were living by the false “truth” that the Earth came to an end. Always ask questions, and always question the answers you get. In my opinion nothing is set and stone. Therefore, I too bear no opinion on the matter of the matter of matters in which you speak of, because I’m willing to admit that my perception is obscured.”
Finally it was Insiytful’s turn to contribute to the conversation,” Hmm. The matter of matters? Well I think all matters are a matter of matter. The effortless perfection of the swirls of cream in my coffee cup matters, the changing colors of the clouds as the sun rises matters, the giggle the little girl at my job reciprocated after I gave her a silly face matters, the tiny size of a baby's fingers in comparison to mine matters, the sound of my friends snoring after staying up for a project until 4am together on a school night matters, the tears of genuine care and concern in my mother’s face as I unfold my distresses to her matters. The reasons to be in awe of the life that surrounds us are endless, because there is simply so much matter that matters. We are all AMAZING creatures, think of your organs and all the amazing things going on in your own body at this very moment. They matter. Go ahead, revel at how amazing you are, I won't judge you or call you arrogant because it’s true. You matter.” 


  1. I think it was a very great, bright and creative idea to not only use nouns as names, but also to misspell them on purpose (but so cleverly, that we still know what the words are). And I think this, because it helps emphasize each "person's" sophisticated and respective answer (and one question). I really loved the ending, because it definitely and obviously contrasts from the other two responses, but it also relates to and defines everybody in this world. It also shows the great and underlying meaning of being insightful, as well as being clueless or perceptive.
    I really loved this story; it was great and creative. It was eloquent and flowed ABSOLUTELY great. And may I just add, that it was very "Insiytful"?! BUAHAHAHAH. ;)
    Good job Danieh!

  2. SERIOUSLY DANIEH?! AS IF YOU DONT ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH TALENTS. This is by far my favorite piece. <3 you're a GREAT writer. I hope you submitted this onto your college apps! The entire concept is genius, and your incredible word choices revealed to us the wonderful human being that you are. It was funny yet insightful, carefree yet compassionate, and ugh.. I just loved it. Creativity 10/10 fluidity 10/10

    -Sherry Li
    Period 5

  3. Danieh, I absolutely loved this.

    The complexity of the vocabulary, and the content and ideas you expressed kind of made me stop for a few moments and question my life and society around me. It's interesting what perspective can do.

    I kept smiling at the three different characters you listed, especially because of what the names actually resembled.

    Usually I don't read the posts about Pondering the Abstract, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I think I loved the ending most of all. You took a post questioning how humans live in society, and then used it to indirectly inspire and try to enlighten the audience. I smiled and felt warmness in my heart by the end. It's almost the same feeling I get when I'm ready to pull my hair out and someone pulls me in for a hug and just tells me, "it's going to be alright,"

    I had no clue of your writing capabilities. You have so much to offer. Your writing was so enjoyable to read. I can't believe some of the vocabulary you used. I felt slightly uncultured, like my words are at the level of a 5-year-old. Nonetheless, you did a fantastic job on this.

    Oh, and Danieh, you matter too. ( :

  4. Danieh, this piece was amazing!!! I don't even know where to begin; from the cleverness of the characters' names, to the depth of their conversation, to the significance of the story as a whole, I was left breathless. Though subtle and quiet, every point you made was monumental. I found myself repeatedly pausing to reflect while I read. I love how you brought attention to so many truths that we often don't take the time to think about. You rock girl!!

    -Christina Tapia

  5. I totally loved this piece!!! Of course, I love any writing that you do anyways, but this piece was amazing! The name of the characters were funny and the vocabulary instilled in this piece was incredible. I was able to learn quite a few things from this piece. I really liked your last paragraph, in which everything mattered. This taught me to appreciate myself more and everything around me. This piece was worth reading! Good job!

  6. Amazing piece. You had a lot to say about what you had in mind. Your use of vocabulary and use of characters was amazing. It makes sense to the reader and allows the reader to understand what is going on.

  7. This was so funny and cute and REAL at the same time! I loved how you personified everything, and what the characters said went so well with what they were. I totally imagined you reading this to me in your funny voice. ^-^ This piece was so motivational too! Life is so short, so yes, every thing, every moment, every person matters! YOU MATTER! Love ya Danieh!

  8. Danieh, this was amazing!! This piece is so creative and I can tell that you put a lot of thought and time into it. I loved the characters' names and all of the points they made while they were drinking their coffee. Good job Danieh!

  9. This was so mind blowing and breath taking and just a wonderful piece overall ! I loved the names of the characters and how well you were able to make their responses to the question pertain to thier name. It was very well planned and well written. In addition, the message of the story with "Insiytful's" response explaining how everything matters really touched me because many people often forget everything truly does matter no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

  10. Wow, Danieh! Your pondering the abstract piece is very creative! In the beginning of the story I honestly thought the characters were live people! ;) The personification and imagery used throughout the story made it all so relatable to our lives. I enjoyed reading your piece because it is interesting and thought-provoking. Thank you for sharing such a great message to all of us: every human being matters!

  11. I liked the play on words for each character's name. Your piece was thought provoking, and provided a great message at the end.

  12. i think Insiyghtful really put things in perspective since everything matters to something. this was a very creative piece that i enjoyed reading and made me ponder not only things as a whole but things as a very small part as well. thank you.
    - Justin Myers

  13. Danieh this is honestly one of my favorite blog submissions, like this is so creative. I would have never thought to write a story where different personality traits and aspects of a person are personified in a way like this. I really enjoyed the names and how they were changed just enough to be a legitimate name yet remain true to the word they are representing. This was awesome!

  14. Danieh, I love you so much! This was amazing. I loved how you related it to everyone in the end with a message about life. I also liked your use of repetition because it really tied the whole story together. Oh, and the names of the people really helped the story. Great job!

  15. I loved this! The story was amazing and so thoughtful and I loved what you did with the character's names it was so creative. The underlining message really presented itself and the writing was at perfection. Good Job!


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