
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Wishful Thinking" by Cristiana C

I wish that I could find a guy...
That looks at me the way Eugene looks at Rapunzel.
That would search the world to find me, like Prince Charming did for Cinderella.
That would give up his throne for me, like Prince Naveen did for Tiana.
That would change for the better for me, like Beast did for Belle.
That would use one of his three wishes just to impress me, like Aladdin did for Jasmine.
That would risk his life just to wake me from a deadly slumber, like Prince Philip did for Aurora.
That would trust a small group of strangers in hopes that he will find me, like the Prince did for Snow White.
That would jump into deep ocean water to save me regardless of his own safety, like Prince Eric did for Ariel.
That would go against everything he believed in because he loved me, like John Rolfe did for Pocahontas.
That would get educated in the same views I had because I asked him to, like Tarzan did for Jane.
That would fight by my side without fear of what others would think, like Shang did for Mulan.
That would give up his immortality for me, like Hercules did for Meg.
That would use his power over the law for my safety, like Phoebus did for Esmerelda.
That would fight off armies just to see me again, like Robin Hood did for Maid Marian.
That would jump on a plane to rescue me so that we wouldn't get separated, like Woody did for Jessie.
That would never forget me, like Simba did for Nala.
That would show me the world I knew through new eyes, like Tramp did for Lady.
That would fall in love with me for me and not for my looks or my voice, like Prince Cornelius did for Thumbelina.
That would let me go so I could be happy, like Peter did for Wendy.
But, unfortunately, my life is not a Disney movie.
So all I do wish is that I could find a guy that would love me unconditionally forever, like the way my dad did for my mom.


  1. I don't just say this because you're one of my best friends, but I admire you so much. Everyday I go to school or just times when I sit alone and think about things, I'm constantly reminded of how great, beautiful, and strong you are. And especially of how great of a person you are. Your big heart shines out on/to everyone. I love how you're not afraid to be yourself and how no matter what situation you're in, you are so so so strong. I also love how you constantly do things and put yourself out there, even if it may sting.

    I think this poem, resembles a lot of the things I said about you. Other people might read this, and get confused...., but that's okay, because I know for sure, that you'll get exactly what I mean and that is all that matters.
    This poem is perfectly and beautifully written. I think one obvious reason, is because it's revolved around Disney. And the second obvious reason, because the poem also mirrors your dad's love for your mom. And can I just say. that the use of repetition was a good choice, because it helped the poem flow faster and nicely.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this piece! It was super creative and thoughtful! I really like how you used the examples from Disney movies! It is really impressive that you've watched so many Disney movies! But my favorite part was the ending, where you said "like the way my dad did for my mom". That is just sooo sweet. I can totally relate to this piece because we just want to find a guy who would love us unconditionally. Overall, nice job!

  3. Cristiana, I really enjoyed this piece. I was definitely impressed by your extensive knowledge of Disney movies!!! My favorite part of the entire piece was the last sentence - the love of your parents far outweighs that of any animated fantasy couple.

    -Christina Tapia

  4. Oh my gosh! This is the cutest, most adorable and tear jerking love letter ever. I am a sucker for Disney movies and have picture myself as the princess/heroine with the handsome prince doing some great heroic dead in my name. The parallel structure you used really helped the piece flow and in the last line where you talked about your mom and dad, my mind naturally associated them being the prince and princess. This is awesome!
    Alyssa Anderson

  5. Okay, Cris, kind of hate you lol.

    The first line made me roll my eyes in my head and think, "Okay, Cris, no way. FAAAAAKE." LOL. But all those Disney references made me all giddy as well. The way you organized it with such parallelism made it easier for me to remember each movie and set of characters.

    But then the tone changed. The context changed. There wasn't repetition anymore. And then that last line hit me like a storm. I actually "aww'ed" out loud after I finished.

    I think that someone as special, intelligent, beautiful (inside AND out), will have someone someday. Maybe right now, though, it's not what's planned in your life. And whoever is lucky to be with you needs to be someone who's worth it and sees just how lucky he is to be with you. He will know he doesn't deserve you.

    And hopefully, he'll love you just like your dad loved your mom. No matter what, though, he is watching over you from Heaven. And I'm sure that whatever guy comes your way will be someone that your dad would approve of.

    You have years to find him, sweetie. It'll happen when it's meant to happen. And I pray that it's someone that He thinks is good enough for you. You deserve it.

    It's okay, dear. You'll have your Prince Charming some day (: (Or maybe someone who would put your feelings before his, like Kristoff did for Elsa). Lol. I had to. IDK if you saw 'Frozen' yet, but, that could add to your list (;

    Good job, Cris. This post was so concise but had so much meaning behind it, considering that I know a little more about you rather than just this piece. Beautifully written. Fantastic! (:

  6. I can't express how sweet that was. Your piece is so relatable because who wouldn't want a guy from those wonderful heartwarming Disney movies. I really enjoyed the last line because that's reality and the fact that your parents served as such a great example is so lovely. You made their relationship seem way better than any Disney characters'. This was so creative and unique. Terrific job!

  7. Awww I really loved this piece. I can relate to this in every single way possible. Every girl wants a guy who would go the extra step for her. I loved this piece of writing because it has so much meaning behind it. It's one of the best writings i've read on this blog. Great work! -Alexis Chiong period 6

  8. This has got to be the best entry so far ! This was great ! So many people wish they could have someone to love them like they do in Disney movies, but your parents seem to have the best relationship of all. Having someone to love you unconditionally has to be everyone's greatest wish. This piece was so good because I'm sure a lot of us knew who these characters were and can picture each movie. Great Job.

  9. Off the bat, I have to say that that was an impressive use of similes. Being able to compare all of these Disney Movies and actually have it make sense was a remarkable use of language and syntax. Some of the Disney characters I had not remembered but immediately when I read how they were used I understood the comparison. The entire piece was enjoyable to read a I liked the way you ended the piece with "So all I do wish is that I could find a guy that would love me unconditionally forever, like the way my dad did for my mom," because it created a sense that in reality Disney endings do not necessarily come true but one can still have an everlasting relationship.

  10. Nice piece, I think every girl can relate to this. Also, great use of syntax
    -Sabrina Rondero

  11. This a great story. I loved how you used Disney movies in comparison and how you pointed what each prince/guy did for the princesses/girls.
    -Alyssa Rackley period 2

  12. Cristiana, even though I am not the mushy gushy type, this might be one of the best blog entries yet because it was so different. You used repetition and simile consistently and it really got your point across well. Good job.

  13. Eenah,

    I'm not just saying this cos your my cousin ;P...but ABSOLUTELY ONE MY FAVORITE ENTRIES! At first, I was like.."she would!" but
    once I got into it, I realized that there's more to it than just your love for disney movies. Every girl has that dream to have that "knight in shining armor", but really, that's not reality. Like our socratic seminar, its not the "right conditions" that make us fall in love, its that one perfect person for you who'll love you unconditionally for who you are. Ahh! This is a simple piece, yet its impact is beyond words..and I know every girl can agree with me! Not to mention, the ending got to's the best love story of them all, the love that one can witness and relate with..and that got me to tears! Using repetition in each line made it even more dramatic, and you just waited for that twist in the end that would truly make the story, and your mom's and dad's story definitely did. Ahh! I'm so emotional right now!

  14. Oh my gosh this was the sweetest thing that I have ever read in my life! My heart was overflowing with this same hope by the end and it gave me the same feelings I get after watching one of these movies. The piece totally hit home for me, growing up with all of these movies and growing up singing "Some Day My Prince Will Come" all came back to me when I read this and by the end it really makes you feel good. The piece as a whole was phenomenal, great job!
    Rachael Rubalcava

  15. this was so awesome ! i absolutely was able to understand the peice through all the details you used

    -abigail rich

  16. If only everyones life was like a Disney movie. But that was amazing!!!! That explained almost every teenage girls dream. But really very very good job!
    -Alexandra Urena

  17. This was so cute! I loved your use of repetition because it had a great effect on me as a reader. After I read a line I looked forward to reading the next one and guess which Disney character it was. Your piece brought back childhood memories of all the Disney movies I used to watch. I literally awed at the last line! Great job!

  18. This is definitely one of my fav entries. The last three lines seriously made my heart melt. Your shift from the fantasy to reality wasn't dream-crushing and heartbreaking like I would expect it to be, but it left me hopeful and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside! I loved it, great job Crustiana!
    -Danieh AbuAlrub

  19. I really loved this piece Cristiana! It was so simple, but it is actually a pretty good wake up call for those who have ridiculous expectations. By those I am including myself, because I've definitely been watching movies like "where is my Prince Eric?". Someone to love you no matter what is truly all you need, and I couldn't have said it better myself. Great Job!

  20. Okay, I'm offically having those warm mushy gooey feelings you get from reading something good. THIS was amazing. I loved the fact that you used Disney romances for comparisons; I loved the parallel syntax used throughout the whole piece - with the use of "that" and "like [blank] did for [blank] - and the abrupt shift in tone. That uplifting shift at the end with your parents made me squeal, too. All in all, it was really great and I love it! It makes me hopeful that everyone can achieve a love like this! Fantastic piece!

  21. I love you so much... I loved your excellent use of anaphora in the repetition of the first few words of the sentences. ;) This piece embodies every aspect of every girl's dream, and you should probably work for Disney if nurse doesn't work out haha. The last sentence was the most heart-wrenching, and was a beautiful tribute to your dad. You are honestly the bestest friend ever Cristiana, and you deserve the very best in the freaking world. You're gonna find that love one day, that "kind of love that you fight for" (gosh can you watch Endless Love already so I can quote that movie more during My Useless Movie Quoting Advice Sessions ^-^) but for the meantime, you have us, our fabulous posse to love you and be there for you. <3

  22. Christiana, this was a really great piece especially the last two lines of your piece. I loved it and I loved the way that you shared how true love is attainable using the example of your parents. I thought it was really sweet and the way that you mentioned all the love stories in the Disney movies brought me back to my younger years and helped me relate better to everything that you were saying. Beautiful :) and that's all I can ask for too haha

  23. Wow this was really nice. This is in the list of my top entries. Just great. The way you showed everything and the comparison of Disney characters was just great.

  24. Cristiana! This blog post gave me FEELS! Your similes were beyond amazing. A Disney fanatic would truly enjoy this. I feel like having a Disney movie marathon now. I think it was pretty clever of you writing a piece like this in February (Valentine's Day). This piece was really creative and I really can't get over it. The last line truly touched my heart. The fact that you wish to have love that would last forever, like your mom and dad's really is heartwarming. Good job!

    - Tia Basa

  25. I love this so much. This is every girls dream, the way you got straight to the point in each story was great. Very creative, Nice Job.

  26. Your piece was charming and well worded. It captured my attention from the get go, especially with your descriptions of familiar Disney movies. I loved the twist at the end of the poem, where you admit to only wanting a love as strong as your parents because of the fairytale endings that the movies portray that are not always attainable. Overall, great job!

  27. This piece caught my eye with its unique parallel structure format in the middle. Is this considered to be a poem? Anyways, it amazes me how you've gotten the essence of the love stories from all these Disney movies and successfully put it in a format in a way that made sense! Very creative. Great job!

    -Hsing Chang

  28. Oh My Goodness!! Let me just start off by saying that the smile on my face right now is so big I probably look like a crazy person because this made me so happy!!! I think using allusions to Disney was absolutely perfect because it makes your piece so relatable. I mean who doesn't want a love story fit for a Disney princess?! Aside from how cute this piece was, and the fact that I agree with you 100%, your piece was really well organized and written clearly so I knew exactly what you were talking about from the very beginning! I really liked the way you ended this piece too because it wasn't the ending I was expecting but I think it was perfect. It painted a happy picture like the rest of your piece allowing you to keep that happy, hopeful tone going, and at the same time made your piece realistic because, unfortunately, you're right. Life is not a Disney movie. Really great job!

  29. I absolutely loved this! Even though I consider this to be a bit cheesy, it was tastefully done. And the way you ended it was a unexpected, but completely accurate. Life isn't a fairy tale. Although I'm sure there is a Prince out there for every girl. Your use of parallelism really helped emphasize the entire idea and wrap it up nicely. Good job!

  30. this is one of my favorite things i've read EVER! You have such a beautiful way with words and I admire you so much. This was so much fun to read as it ties in so many of my favorite Disney movies. :) I can also really relate to this as I think many of us look up to the love our parents share with each other. I think all of us search for that unconditional love. Great Job<3

  31. Your extensive knowledge of Disney movies ties this piece together very well. Your writing also shows how much you admired your father, and how he was such an important figure in your life. Good job Cristiana!

  32. This is the cutest thing I have ever read! I honestly wish all of these attributes could be found in every guy for every girl, I mean we girls need MEN :) but Cristiana, I love the anaphora used and love that it alludes to Disney movies, because we all love them! And I'm so glad you ended it with a real life situation :)

  33. Aww. That is too sweet and girl i wish so too. I honestly really like this piece. Its so creative and unique. I'm pretty sure that's basically what any type of girl would want from the guys. I also love how you know all the Disney Characters or if not at least most of them. Nice piece :))

    Funmi Sule
    Per. 2

  34. This piece was honestly the cutest, most amazing thing ever! I loved your incorporation of the Disney characters, it made me want to watch all the movies again! It was very creative how you used syntax and repetition to build up until the last sentence. It kept me wanting to read on and on. The last sentence was honestly the "bam" of your piece. It had me like "awwwwwwww" I really loved your piece! Love is definitely not a fairy tale, but I know an amazing girl like you will find your prince charming one day! Great Job!

  35. Oh my Christiana. I am left in complete admiration and passion for your reflection. The fact that you alluded love to a variety of Disney movies where love was presented uniquely and differently in each one then drawing it back to your own reality was heartwarming. I would frame this upon my headboard and recite it every night. Lovely work!
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  36. Wow. Just, wow. Christiana, this piece is amazing and totally relatable. I can't tell you how many times I've watched a Disney movie and wished I could find myself a guy like that; someone who loves unconditionally. Your use of parallelism, repetition, and allusion made it all the more fantastic. Thank you for writing this.

  37. Wow your piece was so amazing. I LOVE Disney movies and every time I watch them I always wish I could have the life of a princesses or share the same experiences. It was so unique how you alluded to all the princesses experiences and then contrasted them with reality. I absolutely enjoyed your piece and it couldn't have been worded any better. I could read it over and over. Excellent job.

  38. Cristiana, this was fantastic, i did not know that there were that many romances throughout all of the disney movies! You will find someone, be patient :) This piece had a great effect created by the repetition and similes which helped you keep your list going. Based off of this list, i am presuming that your parents have a wonderful relationship.

    -Alan Medina
    Period 1

  39. Even though I am not usually one for love stories, or stories that punch you in the feels, but this one gave me a real sucker-punch. The parallelism from every line gives the poem... story... thingamadookie a flow and makes it feel good. I love all the allusions to Disney, and I'm not sure if its weird that i recognize them all! I know one day you will find that happiness you seek.

  40. I greatly enjoyed your piece. the diction and syntax that you used throughout was amazing and made me love it even more. It was extremely creative and especially loved your references to Disney movies.

    -Marcopolo Anzora

  41. Tis is too cute, I love how you used all of the romance stories in Disney to create such a wonderful little personal reflection, You did a really great job.
    -Lauren WIlliams

  42. Absolutely love that you alluded to disney movies to portray the meaning of love. Disney stories have always captured my attention because they have the extraordinary and amazing love stories that leave you wishing and hoping that one day that might happen to you. Great job! -Haley Brown

  43. Wow, I thought this was great! I love how you pretty much mentioned every Disney movie, like taking me back in time to my childhood. I also liked how you ended it off with something personal. I love you Christiana!

    I teared up at the last line.
    This piece honestly... *sigh* <3
    It shows how we've grown up blinded by love portrayed by fairy tales, which are based off of fiction. So "fake," am I right?
    What we should grow up to believe in love that is based off of reality. A true love, like how much your father loved your mother.
    The shift in tone from a lighthearted preference for a sweet and innocent perception of an ideal significant other to a more dramatic and meaningful desire for a significant other who can actually be there and love you in reality (unlike the reference to the Disney characters who are fictional) added a climax and added a bigger "boom" effect when the final sentence was read.
    Cris, you're such a strong individual and awesome.
    Loved this piece.

    Zac Efron and Juliet loves you, bb Romeo. <3
    -Seohyun "Joy" Jeon

  45. This was a very sweet piece. I loved the use of Disney characters to describe the concept of love. I also liked the repetition in syntax of the story.

    -Alexandra Aguilar

  46. i thought the peice was good. i loved the structure of the poem and i thought it was awesome. i thought the repetition gave the story a good flow

  47. This was great. Excellent use of parallel structure; it really drove the meaning behind this piece home. Also I never realized how many Disney movies there were before reading this lol

  48. The fact that you consider your dad to be comparable to a prince was really nice. I really liked that ending. It was cheesy, but extremely touching. I love Disney. All the examples of the different Disney love stories and the concluding sentence about your dad and mom tying them together was really touching. I liked it a lot. - Oscar Salazar

  49. I couldn't help but say "Awwh" to myself by the end of this. The parallelism made the shift all the more obvious and effective, especially when you reverted back the similar pattern in your last sentence. I recognized all of references! A definite "feel-good" piece!
    -Katherine Celume

  50. i liked your piece, i also liked how you based it all on disney characters of almos all of the disney movies. it was very touching, i'm sure every girl proabably feels the same way if they want a man in their life. Sometimes they will come to you and you'll know when, you can feel it. and sometimes you'll just have to wait but just know that same day your prince charming will come and he wont be from a disney movie. but otherwise good job!
    - Natalie Anguiano

  51. Your writing technique gave this piece a sense of hope until the last lines where the tone shifts. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece and was amazed at your knowledge of Disney movies. I am sure you will find your fairy tale. It sounds cliche but love comes out of the blue, at times you'll never imagine. Some of it will be good and others bad but no matter what always keep your head up and never give up on finding your knight in shining armor.
    - Matt Kendrick

  52. This submission is really captivating and relates to many who share the same yearning for a perfect love story like those in Disney movies. Alluding to Disney rather than other examples is a great idea because the reference is understood by most of our generation, thus helping us grasp a better understanding of the message of the piece. In addition, the use of parallel structure throughout and repetition of "That would" brings a good flow to the piece and foreshadows a expectations-vs-reality twist in the end. I really liked the twist in the end because it shows how even though ideal love may appear to be unrivaled, love like those displayed by your parents is enough to make one happy.

  53. EXTREMELY FANGIRLING OVER THIS! Every sentence made me smile like a kid at a candy store (especially the part about Peter Pan and Wendy because Peter Pan is my favorite), but the last line seriously took the cake. I could not contain my girlish squeals. The love that your Dad has for your Mom outweighs the love of all of the Disney Princes combined, beautiful (I'm crying a little bit... okay a lot). The parallelism made the poem very easy to read as well as the all too familiar Disney references. Amazing job! And don't worry, you'll definitely find a guy who's even better than the prince charming in every girl's fairytale.

  54. I smiled and kinda got depressed because at the end lol, it's true, life would never be a Disney movie. I love this cause it was so different. It hit that personal love life that i've never got to see and the yearning you feel for a prince charming, aladdin or all the rest of the characters you mentioned. I like the way you used the characters as examples to really represent what you meant. It was creative and clever. I really hope you find your fairy tale someday, every girl deserves to at least be treated like a princess one day. :)

  55. This is so cute, I love how you used the disney characters as an allusion, your writing was so creative, keep it up!! -Mckynzie Fort p.1

  56. That was so incredibly cute! Especially the ending; when you referenced your mother and father. It's true, life and love are not a Disney movie, but strong, true, real love does exist and it's that sort of love that your parents have that gives us hope. The parallel structure of your story made my reminisce on my childhood of Disney movies. It made me very happy. Really great job, best one yet!

  57. This was a pretty great piece. Disney princesses and fairytales are usually the greatest references to allude to. Everyone knows that these stories are fake and rarely, if ever, occur in real life; however, it does. They live vicariously through your parents as you state that their love is much like the characters' in fantasy. Thanks for writing this. It is lovely.


Remember, make your comment positive, supportive, and specific to the piece you're commenting on. No anonymous comments! :)