
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

" The Ultimate Realization" by Alyssa S

Anxiety passed through my body like I had never felt before. Sweat was dripping out of the palm of my hands. The thought of being this close to him had been unimaginable to me until now. As he ran his fingers through my hair and began to tell me how much he loved me, I trembled with excitement. All my childhood fantasies had come true as I laid in his arms and escaped into a world of complete serenity.

I woke up that morning extremely disappointed. Disappointed that everything that supposedly happened the prior day had been a figment of my imagination. It was all just a dream. But it all seemed so real, I could almost still feel his big, yet gentle hands stroking the ends of my hair. Dreading the day ahead, I trudged to school feeling completely broken. These unfavorable feelings suddenly subsided when I saw the only people who I knew could put the smile back on my face walk towards me.

“Maria, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just tired.”

“Oh, don’t even try lying to us. We know that look on your face isn’t just due to your lack of sleep,” claimed Julie, one of Maria’s best friends.

“Do I even have to say it?”

“Oh,” They all mumbled cohesively.

“Well, all of us are always here for you,” Julie reassured me.

The bell rang and we could no longer continue our conversation. The origin of life was now our biggest priority. I attempted to focus but my subconscious fantasies came over me. And then it hit me. Why was I obsessing so much over one person? Why did I allow one person to control my happiness? My friends are the true people who in my life who are always there for me, no matter what. They are better than any boy because they will be alongside me forever.


  1. I really like the overall message of this piece! I totally agree with the message because our friends will always be there for us no matter what happens. We should not get upset because of one guy. I also like how in the story, Maria's friends can tell that Maria is upset. That is what true friends do. They know when their friends are upset and they will always be there for them, trying to cheer them up. I can relate to this piece because whenever I'm upset, I know I have my friends to confide in. I can always count on my friends. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this piece! Good job!

  2. This story was a nice break from the gushy love stories that fill the pages of today's books and magazines. It seems that almost everywhere we look - television, movies, commercials - we are told that our ultimate happiness can only be found in a romantic relationship. But the fact is, this simply isn't true. There is more to life than guys. Thanks for reminding us all of that.

    -Christina Tapia

  3. I agree with you that it is important to keep a clear perspective on your life while in high school. Boys are simply boys; sports are just a game; a test grade is just one in a million that you have received throughout all your years of school. It is easy to get lost in all the chaos that goes on around us, but it is even easier to get trapped in our own thoughts. I know that when I think about something for too long I create all these possible scenarios that may happen, but most of the time they are totally unrealistic. It is good to have friends and family to talk with. They help keep you grounded.
    Alyssa Anderson

  4. well I'm a guy so i kinda get this but like with girls. This is so true because true friends ain't never going to let you down. just like the comments above this one this is a good change from all the lovey dovey writings and how we forget that sometimes its better just to be with friends and just chill then to be all hung up on a girl. They call crushes, crushes because when you find up that they don't l;ike you back you get crushed. well keep up the good written
    -Gabe Sandes

  5. i can totaly relate to her. but that was really very good. it realy describes what people can really relate to. well maybe not all people, high schoolers atleast. but that was very relatable, and very good. i dont know how many times ive had that happen to me. very good job.
    -Alexandra Urena

  6. I really like the reality check at the end. Its easy to get consumed with things like this and hold them up to have so much significance when in reality they're irrelevant for what's best of us. This was great because it highlighted a reality / mindset that a lot of people have, good job!
    -Danieh Abu Alrub

  7. Maria, I mean Alyssa ^-^ This was a very suspenseful piece, with great imagery. ;) Just remember that Maria's best friends will always be there for Maria, and that Maria is a fabulous, gorgeous, out-of-this-world person that was just made with too much Awesomeness and hyper-hydrolysis that don't need no man!! "The origin of life.".... Mrs. Arora would be quite proud of Maria for putting her Biology interests in priority. ^-^ I love you mija!

  8. I enjoyed reading your piece of writing, mostly because it relates to most of us, as young, inexperienced teenagers. I've always believed that as a high school student, education should be a priority. However, as humans, it can sometimes be difficult to stick to that. This is a true portrayal of the realities of high school love and crushes. Your use of dialogue helped portray the main character's feeling, as the secrecy of the situation between the friends emphasized the disappointment.

  9. As i started reading this I couldn't help but think it would be another ideal romantic story. But it turned into something completely different and that's why i love it so much! Your dialogue made the story so relatable and I feel the same exact way as Maria. I mean, who needs a man when you have such amazing friends, like you!<3 But i mean you never know, maybe Maria's fantasy will come true one day ;)

  10. I like the vivid description of the main character's fantasy, and how she seems to be a hopeless romantic. You precisely explained how friendship is an essential facet of everyday life.

  11. This reflection was such a great representation of Woman Empowerment. I love Maria's realization of not needing a boy to represent her happiness. You go Maria!
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  12. Your piece was so relatable! I loved the message about appreciating friends because we sometimes take them for granted! I liked how you started off with what seemed like a love story then you had a plot twist in the end to show it was all a dream. Your use of imagery and dialogue brought the story to life. Good job!

  13. Your story represents what many girls may be going through especially throughout high school when girls are looking for their high school sweethearts. I love how Maria didn't get caught up in all the hype and actually had a wakeup call and realized that boys come and go but friendship can last forever. Great Job! -Haley Brown

  14. I thought this was great! I loved how you showed that friendship can overcome being sad about something. I also liked the use of imagery you had.

  15. I really liked the message at the end of the story and how it proves women can be strong without a man. Knowing who is most important in your life will definitely help maintain positive relationships. Nice job!
    -Alexandra Aguilar

  16. Boy drama! The thing we all love to hate! In our world, most teens care more about dating and their social life than learning physics and economics. They are so caught up in who is with who or the next big fight on campus that they're too busy to see the larger things in life. Learning stays with you forever. Friends stay with you at your worst. But boys? Sometimes they don't do anything but complicate your life, and not even in a good way. So, yeah. I agree with you Alyssa!! It's wonderful to find a significant other but, when out into perspective, friends and education are the ones getting you through life, not one of the many boyfriends you'll probably have:) girl power! Lol

  17. I understand how that feels at times, it's like feeling empty, filled with dissatisfaction and frustration, although it's a girl for me. The message that happiness doesn't only reside in one person makes that person wiser, there are definitely others out there that can substitute for one's happiness. Great story by the way, reflects upon most teenagers.

  18. I think what makes this so great is that it is so relatable. I think every girl can say they've dreamed about that one guy finally talking to us or going on a date with us even if they might not always know our name. To make things worse, sometimes we have to get over someone that we never actually dated in the first place just because we had so many expectations. It's great that your working on getting your priorities straight, because that's something we're going to face for a long time.

  19. When I first started reading it, I was enthralled by how open you were about your personal life. Then I realized that you were not talking about yourself, but rather telling a tale. So I must admit that I sat here for a few minutes feeling a little awkward with myself. Nevertheless, I love that you chose to compose this piece about friendship! You reassured me, as well as the other readers, that it's not all about the search for affection, but rather the love that we will never receive from any boy/girl. Friendship is power! Great job Alyssa!


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