
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Six" by Kayla W.

I wish i was six again so I could live back in Pennsylvania. I moved from PA when i was in 7th grade and i really miss my home. Also, I wish i was six again because I went to DisneyWorld for the first time and I remember meeting all my favorite princesses and going on roller coasters and not to have to worry about anything. Another reason I wish I was six again is because it was when i first went to Hershey Park in Hershey, Pa. It was really cool. I got to make candy, and the rides were really fun, it was also fun because i got to spend time with my older cousins. Basically i wish i was six again because of all the adventures that took place during that year.

Scout~ I wish i was six again because that was when everything didn't spiral out of control. When times were hard but not as hard as now. When Tom Robinson was still alive. When Bob Ewell wasn't murdered. When everything was… "normal."


  1. Wow when you were six your life seemed really fun. I'm sure living in Pennsylvania was really cool. I can understand why you miss being six and even though you've grown older at least you have those great memories too look back on. I liked the quote you put at the end of your story; it made your piece more interesting than it already was. Good job.

  2. This narrative was utterly adorable. I felt as if I were receiving a glimpse into your childhood and the various memories which made it special. Your inclusion of the "To Kill a Mocking Bird" quote at the end was really neat. Well done!!

    -Christina Tapia

  3. I really love this piece because it makes me imagine being there in PA. I love amusement parks and especially if i get to hang out with family there. I love how you tied in TKAM at the end. Great job.

  4. Wow you seemed to have a lot of fun when you were younger. Childhoods are great things to remember and Pennsylvania seems like a cool place to grow up in. I also like how you put that "To Kill A Mocking Bird" quote in there too.

  5. Kayla is one of my closest friends and i never new any of this so it is really cool to no this

  6. I thought that ending was from To Kill A Mockingbird! I liked how you described your childhood; it sounds like a good one! I like how you added the sentence "when I didn't have to worry about anything" because that's certainly what I think about as I grow older - how I'm going to do this or do that - and this piece makes me nostalgic for when I didn't have to... I really like this piece; you did a good job describing your life when you were six and I liked that reference to TKAM - it's a really good book. Good job!

  7. I enjoyed reading your personal reflection, Kayla! I wish I could go back into the past when I was six years old, too! Those truly were the days, when life was simple and care-free. I understood why you chose to write about special events that occurred in your life at age six at the very end when you tied your personal story with Scout's from "To Kill A Mockingbird". Very creative! Thank you for sharing such special memories of your childhood at age six with us! :)

  8. I love the quote from Scout and how you can relate to that. also that you put imagery in it so when we read it we can see what you did as your childhood. good job(:

  9. Don't we all wish we were six. I know i do. Those were the times were you just lay back and chill and just watch Spongebob Lol. Nowadays its just getting harder and there's more things to worry about so yeah i can definitely relate with you. Its always nice to look back in the days so i definitely enjoy your piece. :)

    Funmi sule

  10. The quote matched good with your story made me think about when I was six
    Devin Jennings P.2

  11. The vivid detail you used to describe your memories from PA made it seem like they were from much more recent than the year you were six and that really showed me how much those memories mean to you and how much fun you really had in PA at that age. I really liked how relatable this story was as well because I think, for one reason or another, everyone would like to go back to being six again! This story was not only clearly written, which made it easy to agree with your argument for returning to the age of six, but was also well organized. It was a good idea to put Scout's quote at the end of your piece because it kept the focus on your reasons and what you were trying to convey to the reader. Your love for adventure and especially those that you had when you were six really came through in this piece. Good Job!

  12. You really had fun when you were six I would want to be six to if I had as much fun as you. It sucks though that you had to move :( well good job
    ~Aaliyah Santiago

  13. I as a reader can clearly understand that being at the age of six was a time when you were able to live free of worries and full of fun. It’s likely that your audience feels that same way as you do. I’ve never been to Hershey Park. As soon as you mentioned that you made candy at the park, it definitely caught my attention. Knowing that you were young at this time, it shows me that you enjoyed this time in you life. Kids are lovers of anything sweet. I’m sure if I were to go to Hershey Park at that age, then I’d also love it there, especially the candy (Guilty!) Anyways, great reflection(: The quote from To Kill a Mockingbird was a great touch.

  14. Don't we all wish we can go back in time to re-experience the fun and carefree days? The days without stress and work, but full of happiness? Nowadays, everything is so stressful, as there is hardly anytime for relaxation and fun. This piece reminds me of those good days in the past, especially the years during elementary school, where everyday was like a play day. Thank you for writing this piece to remind me of the happy memories I've had when I was little. Good job!

    -Hsing Chang

  15. Sounds like you had a very fun experience. nice story really neat. i like it!


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