
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Love at First Sight" by Aaliyah S.

Many people say that they fall in love at first sight, but can that really be true. I don’t think there is such thing as love at first sight considering love is a very strong word. Throwing it out there about someone you barely know can’t possibly be correct. It takes time to love someone you can’t just fall in love in one second. The definition of love is to have a passionate affection for someone and how can you have that with someone you just met. To love someone you must know them well and love their perks and imperfections to like them through thick and thin and to care about the person. When you first meet someone all you see are their looks and you don’t know their personality. Thus I believe in attraction at first sight not love. But you never know, some people look perfect on the outside but on the inside they are self-obsessed, rude, overly emotional, etc.. you don’t know that, and you are saying that you fell in love with that person. Now a days the word love gets thrown around like its nothing everyone says it but half the people don’t mean it. To love someone I think you should get to know the person and figure out together if you are meant to be. What if you thought you fell in love with someone at first sight and they did not love you back? You may think you love someone but to them you probably look like a puppy dog wanting attention. Wouldn’t this be a mind opener to love at first sight is not real. You shouldn’t let it come to that point because you will probably be very sad. I know some people highly agree with love at first sight because of ‘personal experience’ but honestly a lot of the relationships that were supposedly love at first sight don’t work out in the end. The relationships that usually do work out are the ‘just friends’ ones because they take the time to get to know each other very well before they commit to a relationship. Also usually at first sight they don’t even think about getting together and becoming a couple or being in love, they do just want to be friends. Love at first sight is like a fairy tale it is imaginary and not realistic. 
 For example in Romeo and Juliet they supposedly fell in love at first sight but look what happened to them they killed themselves because they believed that they were so in love. The only good outcome of the story is that the two families eventually stop fighting but people do get killed because of their ‘love’. Things take some time to develop and love is one of those things that doesn’t just happen. If you are ever in that situation think about it for a second and instead of rushing to conclusions get to know that person better. Eventually maybe that will work out for you but it may take time but waiting is better than getting your heart broken. Like I said love is a strong word so use it when you actually mean it.


  1. I get it we all have our opinions. I can agree with you on some of the things you said and why people shouldn't be rushing. But I know for a fact that there are some people that experienced love at first sight. I actually believe in love at first sight and I also believe it's something that happens only once in your life and it's something you find out much later on in life, not right away. Overall I respect your opinion.

  2. This was an interesting submission. I feel you brought up a lot of valid points. Love is more than just an emotion and it can rarely be developed in an instant. My favorite part of the entire piece was your reference to "attraction at first sight." Love isn't lust and I am glad someone else recognizes this.

    -Christina Tapia

  3. Your entry was very well written. I enjoyed reading this piece because I enjoyed hearing your reasons why. I can agree on these, too!
    -Leia S. period 6

  4. i agree with you. I like how you really expressed your opinions by facts overall good job keep up the good work!

  5. Wow, Aaliyah this is a great piece on pondering the abstract idea of "love at first sight"! I thought you presented really strong arguments to support your view on love at first sight. I definitely agree with your opinion. Also, I admire your passion for true love. Thank you for sharing and teaching us all a great lesson. Awesome job! :)

  6. i agree with you. it is true people cant always fall in love at first sight. but I love how your emotions poured out in it. excellent description I loved it good job sister!!!
    P.2 laura tormos

  7. I agree with you. people should slow down when they use the word love and not just throw it around and your right. people should get to know the person they "love" better cause looks don't mean that they are nice or friendly. they might be rude or as people say "a crazy person". I also liked the example you used. that is a really good example on how "love at first sight" is just imaginary and made up. good job (:

  8. it is so true about love at first sight it never is really true. Love is a strong word it does take time to say that to someone you just met. but I love how you explained it gave great examples. I enjoyed reading what you said I agree on everything you say good job sister.
    ~Laura Tormos P.2

  9. I completely and absolutely agree with because of what you said is all true, like how love is such a strong word and the word to describe this should be attraction at first sight, not love at first sight

  10. Aaliyah! I totally agree with your blog post! Love at first sight is not real and I love how you went into detail supporting your belief. It is true that the word "love" gets thrown around and it is pretty sad. Someone should actually get to know a person before they say they are in love. Relationships usually don't work out because the two people getting into it don't know each other very well. Your Romeo and Juliet example made your post even better! Good Job!

    - Tia Basa

  11. I love your unique viewpoint on love. It's true that sometimes love at first sight doesn't always work out, and I'm glad you know that for future encounters. You're a really great writer! Im so proud of you Aaliyah! Great job. :)

  12. I agree with you. Good job on supporting your statement.

  13. You wrote such an opinionated piece with great eloquence. I could sense how strongly you believed in this point, which is always a good thing when you want to convince the reader and provide evidence for your reasoning.

    I would say the only thing missing was minor punctuation errors, but other than that, you demonstrated a pretty concise message with great support. Good job! (:

  14. This piece was well constructed. Your points were convincing to me as a reader. You brought up points that seem logical for all readers. Majority of the time, your voice was kept professional; however, there was one statement that made me giggle. The comparison of one’s appearance to a “puppy dog wanting attention” did not come off professional. When it comes to pondering the abstract pieces, you want to remain as professional as possible. You can bring in some jokes when necessary; however, this statement did not do you justice. I’m not implying that your piece was flawed. In fact, your piece was very effective. I am positive that any reader finished your piece feeling persuaded by your points. Great work(:

  15. I found your viewpoint on love very interesting and I completely agree with it. Sometimes people are so in love with the idea of being in love that they rush things. The examples you used to support you view were good. I thought it was hilarious when you compared someone looking for love where there is none to be found to a dog looking for attention. Added some nice humor to the piece. Good job.
    - Oscar Salazar

  16. well, you have some pretty strong opinions there. I like how you're not afraid to freely express how you feel about the current situation regarding youth today. I could really feel your emotions through the piece and it was even slightly convincing. Great job! I appreciate your strong voice.


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