
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

“Keani” by Dominique R.

            In honor of writing my blog entry on Valentine’s Day, I would like to share about a special person who lives in my heart, always and forever. Her name is Keani Barbadillo. She was one of my best friends and I liked to call her my sister-in-law. Keani was my older brother’s girlfriend. I met Keani about two years ago, one night when my older brother brought her home to meet the family. In that moment, I thought that I was meeting just another one of my brother’s superficial girlfriends. However, the minute Keani introduced herself, smiled, and embraced me; I knew she was someone very special. My family and I fell in love with Keani the moment we met her. On that night Keani told us about herself. She graduated from the University of Hawaii. Keani was half-Hawaiian and half-Mexican. She was gorgeous; she was 5’10”, thin, and had a bright smile. Keani also had this natural beauty about her. She was kind, she was sweet, and she had a heart that made you feel loved and special. Keani appreciated everything that she had; she was true to herself and always found the good in others.
Conversation flowed naturally, effortlessly as my younger sisters and I began to talk to her. My younger sister, Angelique shared that she loves the Hunger Games series and really wants to go to the midnight premiere of the movie. Our older brother, Rene’ said, “We’ll see, sis” but his girlfriend, Keani immediately exclaimed, “Yes, let’s go see it! It’s a date, girl!” And surely enough, the next time I saw Keani was on Thursday, March 22 when she and Rene’ went and watched the midnight screening of the Hunger Games film with Angelique and me. We had a blast that night. I have enjoyed every minute spent with Keani. One of my fondest memories with Keani was when Keani, Rene’, my younger sisters, and I went to the Etiwanda Boys Varsity CIF Basketball home game. We were all rocking our “No Shnacks” shirts, eating candy and snacks, and enjoying the Eagle-Victory game. We had so much fun that night.
Keani adored and loved my older brother, Rene’ to pieces. Rene’ plays professional basketball in Mexico. So at the end of last summer, he returned to Mexico to begin playing basketball for the season. Keani missed Rene’ terribly, and also missed seeing my sisters and me since Rene’ was away from home. Even though Rene’ was not home, Keani came over to my house to visit my family and me. When she came over, we decided to get out of the house and go to Target. Target adventures with Keani are the best. We walked around, talked, snacked on popcorn, and drank ICEEs. I felt like I was just hanging out and chilling with my big sister on a great Saturday afternoon.
Keani truly became part of my family and we became part of hers. Keani comes from a huge family full of love and joy. After meeting Keani’s family, I saw where she gets her kind, bubbly, and outgoing personality.  Keani would go to church with Rene’ and the rest of my family some Sunday mornings. She would join us and go out to eat dinner with my family on the weekends. Keani would also join us by hanging out on family movie nights. That is when I just knew Keani would be my sister-in-law. She loved to spend time with my family, whether it was by watching a movie, going to church, eating dinner, or going on a Target adventure.  She fit into the Rougeau family perfectly and effortlessly. 

I admired Keani tremendously. Keani was determined, she was a fighter, and she was a giver. Keani battled and overcame Leukemia when she was only 19 years old. Leukemia is cancer of the white blood cells. Unfortunately, my beloved Keani had to battle against leukemia again when she was 24. Along with Rene’ and my family, I would visit Keani at the City of Hope hospital almost every weekend. Every time Keani had to go through chemotherapy, her strength and optimism was put to the test. She would always try to distract herself from the pain and negativity by focusing on others. My family and I would pray with Keani and write her encouraging bible verses every time we visited her. Keani took each day as a gift; she learned to live in the moment, to live each day to the fullest and enjoy everything and everyone that she loved.
On July 25, 2013 everything changed. My dearest Keani passed away and is now with Jesus and all the angels in heaven. I miss my beloved Keani very much, everyday. She leaves behind wonderful memories of so much joy and laughter. Keani was beautiful, she was radiant, and to know her was to love her. She was the perfect combination of elegance, sincerity, and grace. I think about Keani every day. Within the year and a half that I knew Keani, she taught me the true meaning of faith. She taught me how to have hope and never give up, even in the worst of times. She taught me that courage is about overcoming our fears.


  1. Wow, Keani truly sounds like a gem. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been to lose someone so close to you. But, I think it's awesome that you celebrate the fact that she is now with Jesus. This entry was an encouragement to me. Thank you for being willing to share this experience.

    -Christina Tapia

  2. This is such a touching story. I really was able to grasp how important and great a person Keani was. I am sorry that you had to experience that loss but I'm glad that you wrote about it. I enjoyed how you shared what you learned from her in such an optimistic way which, allowed me to be taught a lesson as well.

  3. this story really got me. Keani sounds like a remarkable person. It's interesting and awesome how you celebrate the fact that shes with Jesus and the angels above. It actually encouraged me that some things in life you have to move on and look at the bright side. Great piece of writing! -Alexis Chiong period 6

  4. This was so beautiful. When I first started reading I thought it was going to be about how she became apart of your family and your brother married her. I never expected a death. It's crazy how you can become so close to someone in such a short amount of time and they leave a lasting impact of your life. She seemed like the perfect sister. I'm sorry for your loss.

  5. this was a great story. it teaches you a lot about life and try to make the best out of it no matter how hard the situation is. Keani sounds like and strong brave person.

  6. This story was great. It teaches you about life and to try to make the best out of it no matter how hard the situation is. Keani sounds like a very strong, brave girl.
    - Alyssa Rackley

  7. Dominique, this was such a beautiful piece!! It made me kind of emotional. I am glad that you found inspiration from Keani to never give up and push forward no matter how tough situations can be. I can see that she made you an even stronger person. I really liked how your piece flowed, in which each paragraph made a smooth transition to the next. The detailed description you gave of Keani gave me an impression that she was a very kind-hearted and sweet person. You wrote such a beautiful and touching piece!

  8. This was a great story Dominique, it teaches me about life, and what to get the best out of it. Great Job!
    Period: 2
    -Justin Hoffman

  9. This was really entertaining Dominique. I enjoyed how the piece flowed from the beginning of the story to the middle and the end. It also shows how we as people should always persevere and never give up.

  10. This story showed me to appreciate our everyday lives and live it to the fullest.
    -Noah Valdez

  11. What a touching story; Keani sounds like such a radiant and beautiful person and I'm glad you shared a story like this! It's amazing how much one person can alter the lives of others. I really liked this anecdote that you shared! It inspires me to be better! It was beautifully written; good job!

  12. Dominique, thank you for sharing such an important aspect of your life with us. Your piece was beautifully written, and just through reading this, I fell in love with Keani as well! Your words did her amazing personality and strong will justice!

  13. Dominique, I wish I was next to you right now so that I could give you a giant hug. This article brought not only tears to my eyes, but a smile to my face as well. I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through that, but also know that it is a blessing. This trial has made you stronger as a person and has fortified your faith in God. Because of this experience you can now empathize with those in similar situations and can help strengthen them and lift them up. I also know that you will be able to see Keani again. She must have been a wonderful, beautiful young woman. I'm guessing that words really can't grasp how much of an amazing person she was, but the few word your did describe her with allowed the audience a small glimpse of this, and that small glimpse was amazing. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and for sharing such a personal and heart touching experience.

  14. Your story was absolutely beautiful. I could feel the love you had for Keani throughout your entire reflection and you demonstrated how much of an amazing person she truly was. I'm sorry for your loss but you are right in the fact that she is I heaven and no longer having to battle cancer. She also seems to have blessed your family greatly even to this day. I loved your reflection.

  15. Dominique! This blog of yours touched my heart. Keani sounded like such a beautiful, intelligent and sincere young woman and I am so sorry that you have lost someone so close to you. I am glad that you have written about her and I am sure that she is watching over you from the heavens. (: The target adventures and movie nights must have been amazing! I truly enjoyed your written piece.

    - Tia Basa

  16. Dominique, your story was touching and simply wonderful, despite it being about such a sad topic. The events that you described contained great uses of imagery and were relatable to the reader. It is obvious how much of an impact Keani made in you and your families lives and I am glad that you were able to capture her spirit and embrace her memory in this piece.

  17. Dominique, your story was touching and simply wonderful, despite it being about such a sad topic. The events that you described contained great uses of imagery and were relatable to the reader. It is obvious how much of an impact Keani made in you and your families lives and I am glad that you were able to capture her spirit and embrace her memory in this piece.

  18. Dominique I am so glad that you shared this story with us. It was incredibly brave, and i enjoyed hearing about how special Keani was to you and your family. Thank you again.

    -Jack McDonald 4th period

  19. Awww Dominique I'm tearing up a bit. Thank you for sharing Keani's beautiful memory with all of us. I especially enjoyed all the little details about her personality, which made me feel like I knew her myself.
    -Emily Wilt per 1

  20. Awww Dominique I'm tearing up a bit. Thank you for sharing Keani's beautiful memory with all of us. I especially enjoyed all the little details about her personality, which made me feel like I knew her myself.
    -Emily Wilt per 1

    1. This was fantastic Dom; thank you for sharing it with us. Keani seemed like she was a beautiful person inside and out and I am so sorry for your loss. Amazing job.

  21. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing to us what Keani means to you! It was beautifully described and I wish I could have met her before she passed! (I can relate with you, my brother's girlfriend is like a sister to me :) )

  22. I could almost feel the impending punch-in-the-gut from the start, and yet I didn't want it to be true, even when I got to the end. You really made me feel as if I knew this wonderful person, and as if I personally lost something very special when the story was over. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Wow this story was touching so good its almost as if I knew her personally. Such as strong young girl !!! Very good with the details and imagery !

    -Erin Napoleon

  24. Dom, this was a fantastic story. I'm really sorry that such a wonderful person had to pass away, but I know she had just as much fun with your family as you all did with her. Your piece was well written and I'm very sorry that I didn't get to meet her.
    -Lauren Williams

  25. Just by reading this I can picture your signature big smile :) this piece was so sweet yet so heartbreaking. I'm sorry for your loss, but I can't help but smile for Keani knowing that she lived a life that brought so much joy to others like yourself. Thank you for writing a warm and fuzzy piece that also reminds us of how important each and everyday is. GOOD JOB DOM:)
    -Sherry Li
    Period 5

  26. This was a great blog entry. I really enjoyed reading this. It almost brought me to tears at the end. That is saying a lot, considering I try to be a macho man all the time. I really enjoyed all the descriptions. I felt like I was with the two of you.

  27. great story, im sorry for your loss butt it was very touching and great.

  28. This was an amazing story, and I am so glad that you shared such a personal sentiment for us all to read. Even though it is an extremely sad story the fact that she was able to teach you to be strong and overcome your fears is something that every reader should take in and acknowledge.
    -Percy Starks

  29. Keani seems like the type of person who just radiated beauty and joy. Your description and anecdotes truly painted a beautiful picture of her. Thank you so much for sharing, it was bittersweet, but nonetheless all the more heartwarming.
    -Katherine Celume

  30. I seriously had to stop myself from tearing up. This piece couldn't have been more perfect for this month. By the end of the piece I could just picture her and I felt like I already knew her, which made the ending so much harder to deal with. What hit me the most was that the you are able to remember all the good times and be grateful for the time that she was here; there aren't many people who can accept a death and look on the bright side.

  31. Dominique, this reflection was beautifully and effortlessly written. From what you wrote, Keani sounds like she was truly an amazing person. Each word drew me more and more into the wonderful description of this young woman. It was bittersweet reading this, as I know firsthand what it feels like to lose someone to a battle that they've been forced into. Thank you for sharing the story of woman who seems like she was a pleasure and a blessing to know.

  32. I could feel how much you cared about her throughout the entire piece. I admire how you focused on the positive influence she had on your life while she was alive as opposed to focusing on the grieving aspect of it. This was definitely more celebrating her life more than t was mourning her passing. -Araybia Brown

  33. Wow this was an excellent piece, I enjoyed it very much and can totally relate to this, keep your head up, I know she watches over you.

    -McKynzie Fort p.1

  34. Dominique, she lives in my heart too. I'm her nina. And, I miss her so much every day -- it hurts! Love you, Auntie DeeDee (aka Keani's Nina) P.S. we also love Rene!


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