
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"G-G" by McKenzie G

February. The first event that immediately comes to mind whenever people thing about February is of course, Valentine’s Day. A day of love, passion, and for some people, it’s just another day. But when I think about February, I don’t think about Valentine’s Day or love or roses. I think about February 8th. February 8th, 2012 to be exact.
That was the day that my great grandma passed away at the age of 92. Her name was Mary, and she was honestly the strongest woman I’ve ever known. She went through a lot during her long life, which included heartache and pain, but also filled with amazing memories with the people she loved the most.
My younger brother and I called her “G-G”, and whenever our parents had to work we would go over to her apartment that she lived in before everything went downhill. My G-G loved to cook, and she loved to cook for us even more. We would always ask for the same thing every time we visited her: chicken strips and a G-G special for dessert. There wasn’t anything really “special” about our G-G specials, it was just a couple scoops of orange sherbet with whipped cream and cherries, but my brother and I refused to eat it anywhere else because it just wasn’t the same.
I don’t think anyone can really prepare themselves for losing someone that they’ve known their entire lives, even if you know it’s going to happen eventually. I knew my great grandma was old, and for the last few weeks of her life I would visit her every day no matter what. But even then, as I watched her slowly make her way toward God, something in me thought she would be okay. I was in denial. Even when I found out she had passed, I didn’t believe it.
It’s been two years and it’s still hard to believe. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about her or wonder what she’s doing up in Heaven where she belongs. But now all I want to do is make her proud. I want her to watch me from above as I graduate this year and go to college in the fall. I want her see me become successful and eventually get married and have a family. Even though she won’t physically be there, I know she’s with me in spirit.
And no matter how much I wish she was here with us now, I know she’s in a better place. Smiling, cooking and sewing.


  1. McKenzie, this narrative was precious!! Your great grandma sounds like an amazing woman. I wish I could have tasted some of her homemade food. My great grandma died when I was in elementary school; I would have loved to have had the chance to spend more time with her the way you did with your grandma.

    -Christina Tapia

  2. Your story was really touching. Its important to remember that we are not immortal. We must cherish those special times with out loved ones because when they pass, we will wish to have those then seemingly unimportant, normal interactions. When one passes, all we have left of them is usually memories. It is important to use this time with them to create great memories and get the most out of life while you have it.
    Alyssa Anderson

  3. I like how personal this story is to you. It takes me in as if i was there experiencing the moment with you. Good use in explaining every detail and imagery. Good Job.

  4. This is so touching, and i'm so sorry for your loss. Having amazing relationships like that are always bittersweet, since everything at least some point in time has to come to an end. Your descriptions and imagery made the story very affinitive and your grandma seems like a very amazing woman. Good job!

  5. This was very touching and very well written. I lost my godfather this january so i know how it is. I feel you when you say its hard to believe. Your G-G sounds like an amazing woman and she lived for a very long time. I wish o could have seen my godfather before he died but he lived in switzerland so i don't get to see him much. But i do remember that he was the one that got me dining my chocolate milk with a spoon. i hope for the best for you and very nice good at writing this.

    -Gabe Sandes

  6. I'm glad you were able to share such a personal story. It was very well written. The way you described your relationship with your great grandmother allowed me to see how close you were and the big impact she had on you. It's great that you want to make her proud and it's nice that you have such happy memories of her as the one you shared.

  7. Your story was very heartwarming. My condolances go out to you. Please remember that your grandma will always be with you.
    -Leia S, period 6

  8. Wow, what a way to start my reading. McKenzie, this story was heartwarming and touching. I also have experienced the pain of losing a grandparent. My grandfather passed away September of 2013. When I first learned of his passing I acted just as you did, in denial. The memories and experiences that are created from the relationship between a grandpa or grandma and his/her grandchildren can never be replaced which make the experience even more heart-wrenching. Great narrative!

  9. Your story is very personal and that allows us readers to connect with it. I have also experienced something similar and I just think this story is very heartwarming.
    -Sabrina Rondero

  10. This story was very touching. I could relate to it vey easily from people that have past away in my family . She'll always be watching over you.
    -Alyssa Rackley

  11. This piece was wonderful and I was able to relate my close relationship with my grandmother who passed this last year and your close relationship with yours. Truly touching it brought tears to my eyes, the small details that you remember turn out to be the most precious when you think back on them and you really showed so much of your love and admiration through it. Wonderful job!
    Rachael Rubalcava

  12. McKenzie, this was such a touching piece! I can very much relate to your situation because my great grandrmother also passed away, but it was about four years ago. By the detailed description you gave about your great grandmother, I can tell that she must have been such a remarkable and sweet woman. I can also tell that you definitely learned a lot from her. It is really hard to accept the death of our loved ones at times, but it is good to know that they will always be with us in spirit! Your story was amazing!

  13. I liked this story McKenzie, it was very touching, and I could easily relate to this for my family. She will always be looking out for you. Great Job!
    Period: 2
    -Justin Hoffman

  14. this was a very good piece i loved how i was able to connect and understand the piece. Very good job.

    -abigail rich

  15. this was really sad story to me but i was touched by the emphasis you used in this story.
    /jakob cadena

  16. McKenzie, this was so beautiful. I remember when you told us about your grandma during your scarlet letter confession last year, and I'm so happy that you can see through the hurt and celebrate your great-grandma's life. I KNOW that she is proud of the strong person that you have become!

  17. I absolutely adore this story,because I could see how this could be painful to write,and even think about. I love how although your grandmother isn't here anymore, you still think about her spiritually still with you, and when you remember her all you think is good things about her. I love your story, by all the details i could feel your pain. Great job at writing this piece.

    Jose Mancillas

  18. I feel sorry for you but I know you keep her very close to your heart. It makes me wonder of how everything is going to be once my grandparents pass away. I've thought about this topic a couple of times and it makes me pretty sad. I could relate and I'm sure many can because we were always taking to our grandma when our parents were working. I had great memories and I could still remember like it was yesterday. Very touching story and it's always great hearing someone who had a strong bond with their grandparents.

  19. This was beautiful. As I read, I could feel the love you have for your great grandmother. The passing of a loved one is always hard, but they all make us stronger. Everyone that reads your piece can see that you have been strengthened by this experience. We all appreciate you sharing such dear memories with us.

  20. This was such a cute reflection. Im sorry for all that you went through, I can definitely relate. My family and I lost my grandma a few years back and its the hardest thing watching someone you love so much go. However, im so glad to hear that she passed at such an old age because that means that she was able to enjoy you and your family to her fullest capacity. I love that you were very detailed in showing how irreplaceable she was to you and in a way I feel like this month can remind you of love but specifically the love you had and that you always will have for your great grams (: Great job!!
    -Lucia Gonzalez

  21. This reflection was so touching. Loss is never easy to deal with, especially when you love someone so much as you have shared regarding your great grandmother, but I liked the way you recognized that what you could do is to apply yourself to whatever you want to make her proud. The motivation she gave you is amazing. Also I loved how personal this story was with all the details you took the time to share.

  22. I really like this story, it was very touching. I could connect to his story so it made it easier for me to understand. Great Job.

  23. Thank you for sharing such a powerful story with us McKenzie. I know what it's like to lose someone you love, and I really appreciate you writing about this event in your life.
    -Jack McDonald 4th period

  24. This is a very touching piece, McKenzie... Time is valuable, and it becomes more precious when you're spending it with the people you care for. People pass when their time comes, and it breaks the hearts of those who cares for them. However, for those of us who are still here, life goes on, and we push forward to make those who over-watches us from above happy and proud.

    -Hsing Chang

  25. This seriously brought tears to my eyes because I know exactly what you went through as it makes me flashback to when we were inseparable sophomore year, when it happened. You're such a strong person and I know your great grandma would be proud of the amazing girl you've become. I love how you chose to share something with everyone that means so much to you. Thanks for reminding me that each moment of our life is precious and we should never take anything for granted. I love you Mckenzie<3

  26. This piece was very touching and real. It was very easy to know how much you loved your grandma and how much you miss her, and those emotions and that love are what make this amazing, on top of your good writing. The little sherbet anecdote was the cutest thing, and you are lucky to have spent the time she had with her, because she sounds like a lovely woman. I thoroughly enjoyed your piece, great job!

  27. AWWW! I love hearing about your G.G. You always describe her as an amazing human being, which are hard to find these days, and an awesome grandma! Just by you describing her in this little blog, I KNOW she is a beautiful person inside and out :) I love ya girl and I'm so sorry for your loss, but know she is watching over you each and everyday!

  28. Your piece was honestly so beautiful! First off, your great grandmother seemed like an amazing woman. I loved how throughout your piece you mentioned the anecdote about the food she made for you and your little brother. It made me think of my grandmother and what she cooks for me. One of my favorite parts was when you mentioned how you were in denial when she was slowly making her way toward God. It seriously almost had me in tears. Overall, great job! I know your great grandma is definitely looking down from heaven, very proud.

  29. I loved this reflection McKenzie; specifically because it was a piece that included a heartfelt use of pathos and admiration for your "G-G." The point where you said "I don’t think anyone can really prepare themselves for losing someone that they’ve known their entire lives" was what interested me that much more because it is true. Your grandma must be extensively proud of her brilliant granddaughter.
    -Hennessy Verduzco

  30. A majority of people have dealt with the pain of losing a loved one, so your reflection was extremely easy to relate to. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us. Your great-grandmother sounded like an amazing woman. I never had the privilege of knowing my great grandparents, and I think it's amazing that not only did you know yours, you had a strong loving relationship with them. I'm sorry for your loss but it's always comforting to know that our loved ones are in place much greater than earth. Great writing!

  31. Your story was truly heart warming. Through your descriptions of your Grandmother I could I feel the strong connection you guys shared. While reading it, it made me think of how much I should appreciate my Grandma and how little time we do have here. Your story inspired me to not take the little things for granted such as ice cream scoops. I really enjoyed it. Great job.

  32. I loved how personal your story was. It was very relatable, because everyone has known the pain of loosing a loved one. The emotion behind your words were heart felt and really connected to the audience. Great job

    -Marcopolo Anzora

  33. This story is so cute! I can truly relate to it because all of your little details and stories remind me of my own great grandma who passed away a few years ago. I love how personal this story is and I can feel your emotion in every word you wrote. Your use of imagery and details is great! Great job McKenzie! :)

  34. McKenzie, this was beautiful, heartfelt, and extremely personal.
    Your grandmother sounds like such a wonderful woman, and your reflection allows for anyone to acknowledge the fact that you had a close relationship with her. She was special to you, and the time spent with her must have made her even more special.
    Your last sentence made me pause and feel for this piece, "Smiling, cooking, and sewing."
    Thank you for sharing this with us, McKenzie. I truly enjoyed reading this from the start of the piece, with it's mentioning of the month of February, to the wonderful story that unfolded as the piece progressed.
    Great strong writing.

    -Seohyun "Joy" Jeon

  35. Wow, the blogs this week the past two blogs I read were sad. I can relate to you. I lost my great grandfather around the same time you lost your grandmother. Come to think of it, he was 91. Losing them is hard, but in the end we know they are almost better off and not suffering, and I believe you did a great job of capturing that in this piece.

  36. I like that you put in the little details to make it on a more personal level. Great work!
    -Noah Valdez

  37. This story was one that hit home. My Grandpa is going through a difficult time and reading this just makes you think about every memory that you have with your loved ones. Every minute we have with not only our grandparents but all of those around us is one we will never get back and sometimes it is a good thing to sit back and cherish the ones we love and hold most dear. your story was so heart warming and emotional, and I loved it. Good Job.

  38. your grandmother seemed like a great woman. i thought it was a great sory and i thought it was well written. good job

  39. This was so touching to me because my grandmother has also passed away. Grandmothers are such a big influence in our life and reading your piece made me think about how life used to be with her around. I am extremely grateful that you shared such personal details of your relationship with her, with us, because it added to the emotion of the piece.
    -Percy Starks

  40. Even though i personally didn't know my own great grandmother this story makes me wish I could of. Your great grandmother sounds like a wonderful person and i give my condolences to you and your family.

  41. Touching story which many can relate to, losing a close family member is never easy and moving on while still keeping them close to your heart is even harder. Glad you shared this story with us, it means a lot.
    - Arturo Ayala

  42. Usually I only read the short works of fiction on here and I almost didn't read this. Honestly, I was half way through wondering why I hadn't left yet. But I know why I finished this. Right now my grandma is in the hospital. We didn't have the best relationship or anything. Probably nothing like you and your "G-G." But I still love her a lot. It pains me so much to visit her in the hospital constantly, watching her decay mentally and physically. Everyday I wonder if today will be the day that she is no longer with us. That the machines stop beeping and it no longer hurts for her to breathe. There's this painful anticipation associated with this feeling of loss and sorrow that I felt in your story. I connected. That's why I finished reading, because I understand what you went through and I'm sorry because it's not a nice feeling.

  43. My grandma is my best friend, so I would probably go into denial too. This passage just made me treasure the time that I still have with her. Also, you are most definitely making her proud! It's probably easy for her to spot you from up there, because your the kind of person that stands out from the rest. Thank you for sharing your grandma G-G with us.

  44. Thanks for sharing this story Mackenzie. I have both of my grandmas and have experienced the same feelings you wrote about. It just isn't the same when someone you grew up with and were so comfortable with is gone out of your life forever. Keep her legacy alive, cherish the memories, and make her proud.
    -Matt Kendrick

  45. Thanks for sharing this story. I have lost both of my grandmas and have felt the same feelings that you wrote about. Losing someone you grew up with completely changes your life and view of the world.
    Keep her legacy alive, cherish the memories, and make her proud as I'm sure you will.
    - Matt Kendrick

  46. This was absolutely precious McKenzie! It truly touched me as it did for everyone else. I understand the connection that you had with your great grandmother and I think that it was relatable for everyone when we come to think about someone special who we have lost. I personally know where you are coming from and I enjoyed that you shared the good times that you had with her. It was lovely.

  47. The fact that it's been two years and had not become just a "past", you really love your grandmother until to this day. While reading this, I remembered some memories of my grandmother also and made me realize it's almost her birthday. A human's mind is complex, to remember those great times together until the very last day. Memories, all we have to do now is continue forward.

    I enjoyed your story, it was really heartwarming and relatable.

  48. Wow McKenzie, I'm so glad that you shared this story with us. I'm sure GG was a wonderful woman and I'm so glad that she's up in heaven looking down on you and your brother. I commend you for being able to share such a personal story with us. You used wonderful narrative voice and descriptive language, she is alive in your story. Great job and stay strong! You'll be reunited with her someday! (:

  49. This is very touching Mckenzie. I like how you don't care about Valentines Day. A lot of people can connect to this because we all have lost a loved one, so you're not alone. Good job Mckenzie and you're grandma would be proud! :)

  50. Mckenzie! This made me kind of tear up because your line on how you said that no one can really prepare themselves for losing something they've known their entire lives really touched me the most. It is so true, even if you knew it was gonna happen. It's kind of drives me mad to able to find a way to accept it, so I really admire the fact that you could. Your piece was short but touching and hit me harder than anything i've ever read here. Good job. I felt like you let me into an important event in your life. I can't wait for you to have special moments in your life so your grandma can witness them too:)

  51. Mckenzie! This made me kind of tear up because your line on how you said that no one can really prepare themselves for losing something they've known their entire lives really touched me the most. It is so true, even if you knew it was gonna happen. It's kind of drives me mad to able to find a way to accept it, so I really admire the fact that you could. Your piece was short but touching and hit me harder than anything i've ever read here. Good job. I felt like you let me into an important event in your life. I can't wait for you to have special moments in your life so your grandma can witness them too:)

  52. This was such a beautiful eulogy. Thank you for sharing this with us; it's always hard when events like this affect our lives so much. We know that it's coming and we always anticipate it, but it will never prepare us for death and bereavement. I like the contrast you made between the day of love and your own personal day of mourning. It made the impact that much greater. Thanks and great job.


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